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Testosterone Propionate – The Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Get Huge ● July 12, 2022
Testosterone propionate is a popular androgens was 몭rst used in Germany in 1937, it was the 몭rst commercially available testosterone. In 1960’s they began to use testosterone cypionate and testosterone enanthate. Test Prop is one of the leading products in HRT (hormone replacement therapy) for treatment of low level testosterone which can e몭ects physical, emotional, and mental health in men and women.
Testosterone Propionate is widely used by athletes and bodybuilders for physical performance enhancement. Athletes also use it to increase strength and achieve lean body mass and for the cutting phase. Testosterone Propionate can be used for mass building and increase fat loss and muscle repair. To enhance muscle mass and density, it is recommended to combine proper dieting and regular body exercising when testosterone propionate is administered.
The best bene몭ts of Testosterone Propionate are typically the same as cycling any other Testosterone only without holding any water retention.
You can experience about 25lbs of lean muscle gain combined with some fat loss
Strength will also go up in the 몭rst few weeks, then
The main di몭erence with Propionate is that results occur fast, compared to Test Enanthate or Cypionate taking more time to kick in. However the results in the end will be the same no matter what Testosterone you are using just pick at a di몭erent time.
Testosterone Propionate Cycle Testosterone Propionate comes in a bottle of 10ml dosed at 1ml/100mg or 1ml/50mg .
Beginner Cycle 50mg to 100mg every other day, for 8 weeks.
Intermediate Cycle 200 mg / 150mg every other day, for 8 weeks.
Advanced Cycle 300 mg – 200mg every other day, for 8-10 weeks.
For any cycle with Testosterone Propionate always use Nolvadex 10-20mg a day.
Buy Testosterone Propionate
$95.00 $130.00 Testosterone Propionate 100mg/10ml – Centrino Lab
Trenbolone is an anabolic steroid that a몭ects muscle mass Get Huge ● July 8, 2022
Trenbolone is an anabolic steroid that a몭ects muscle mass, With quite big e몭ectiveness, it is popular among many bodybuilders, powerlifters and athletes. Trenbolone should only be use by man, women shouldn’t use Trenbolone as it lead to loss of femininity. If a women use Trenbolone she will notice changes in her voice it’s going to decrease and the body will change its core and undergoes virilization process.
Without doubt Trenbolone is at the top of the list of anabolic injectables available on the market.
Trenbolone will assist in making androgenic and more strength in the body. In order to enhance the strength provided by this steroid, it’ll result in binding the adrenergic receptors very strongly, it might help with building muscle mass as well.
It is a very powerful supplement that is estimated to have 몭ve times more powerful e몭ects when compared to regular testosterone. It can also help with losing fat in the long run.
Trenbolone could be highly e몭ective in preventing cortisol levels from going in the wrong direction. The usage of this supplement might as well increase your body’s ability to retain the levels of Nitrogen that could further result in quick growth and thickness of the muscles.
A large number of bodybuilders usually pair Trenbolone with other additional supplements such as Boldenone or Dianabol and they implement it orally or inject into speci몭c areas of their body with the assistance of needles.
$125.00 $140.00
$100.00 $140.00 Trenbolone Acetate 75mg – Centrino Lab
$110.00 $180.00 Masteron 100mg/ml (Dromostanolone Propionate 100) – Centrino Lab
Mass Protocol
Trenbolone A 100mg /10ml – Radjay Healthcare
Trenbolone ente; Sustsanon; Deca; Dbol tabs; Nolvadex.
Cutting Protocol Trenbolone Acetate; Boldenone; Testosterone Propionate; Nolvadex.
Losing Belly Fat Get Huge ● July 1, 2022
Tips on how to lose belly fat forever.
1. Keep it simple
To lose belly fat you need to improve many things, but let’s start with the 몭rst one is focusing and improving them one by one so we can move to the next thing and so on.
2. Lower sugar
So the 몭rst place to start is getting your nutrition on point and eliminating sugars, drinks, soda and juice. They increase belly fat. So stopping these drinks will 몭x sugar level fast. Try to replace them with water. It will cut down sugars and then you will be ready to move on to the next step. If you need something sweet you can have an apple, watermelon or blueberry.
3. Eat Mediterranean Diet
There is a lot of wisdom in eating a Mediterranean diet that will help the brain, heart and lower cholesterol and will reduce belly fat . The food that is included in that diet is olive oil, nuts and seeds, fat 몭sh and avocado .
4. Apple Cider Vinegar
Many swear by ACV Diet while in animal studies shows promising results in humans the results are even much better. ACV shows slow down in emptying of your stomach and control and prevent spike in blood sugar. The best is to use it at night before bed.
5. Move Around and Try Not Sitting Long
Move around, 몭dget!
Here’s something else most people probably don’t know: Fidgeting is good for you. It’s considered a non exercise physical activity, and it’s an important way to burn energy. You get more health bene몭ts if, in addition to exercising, you are a more 몭dgety, more active person the rest of the day. This means gesturing while you’re talking, tapping your foot, just moving around.
6. And try not to sit too much
If you have to sit most of the day because of your work, try to 몭nd some ways to move:
Take small breaks throughout the day to walk around Use your lunch break to take a longer walk Take the stairs instead of the elevator Do stretching exercises at your workplace Just do your best to move around as much as you can
7. Get some sleep A recent study of 70,000 individuals showed that those getting less than 몭ve hours of sleep were more likely to gain 30 or more pounds.
8. Products to help burn fat
$60.00 $140.00 Clenbuterol 40 mg/60 tab – Balkan Pharmaceuticals
$60.00 $68.00 Tiromel 100tabs – Abdi
1. Clenbuterol – will help to increase the metabolic rate and will promote weight loss. Clenbuterol can also help preserve lean muscle mass and retain strength. It is popular for people who want to burn fat and lose weight and for bodybuilders on cutting cycles. 2. Cytomel-T3 – it will stimulate body cells to create energy by burning fat and carbs
and body fat. Therefore the more T3 you have in your body the more that attaches to your cells receptors and the faster you will be burning fat.
How to get bigger muscle Get Huge ● June 28, 2022
Every man that starts to workout in the gym has a goal to have a bigger muscle and he thinks to himself how do i do that? Here are 10 best ways to help you to achieve your goals.
1. More Food
More calories with gym workout will lead to muscle mass, muscle growth from the right kind of food.
2. More Protein
Protein food builds muscle. You need 1-2 grams of protein per lean pound of body. Every meal needs to have 25-40 grams protein.
3. Keep The Carbs
If you are looking to get bigger muscle you will need the carbs for hormone balancing ,energy and to maximize your muscle gaining. Carbs are also super important after the workout.
4. Sleep / Rest
Try to stick to 7-9 hours of sleep, most of Growth Hormone release comes from sleeping. Getting bigger muscles is not just about what you do it’s about your rest and recovery.
5. Be consistent
Training once a week at the gym will not get you bigger. You need at least 4 times a week 6090 minutes each time to train hard and you will see gains fast.
6. Be intense
I see so many guys and girls at the gym on social media ,texting ,joking that’s all good but not in the gym. Focus on your workout that’s what the gym is for. Keep rest between sets of shorts.
7. Consult a Trainer
Trainer is a guy who can guide you with a good body parts program search for an educated trainer and let him show you the moves once you know you can continue by yourself.
8. stay injury free
It sucks to have an injury, it will slow your progress. Keep from being strict and you build
It sucks to have an injury, it will slow your progress. Keep from being strict and you build more muscle mass faster and reduce the chance of getting hurt.
9. Train your lower body
Training lower body (legs) with moves like Squats and deadlifts stimulate Testosterone and will increase lower body mass. These two moves alone will add muscle everywhere.
10. Relax
When you stress your body releases cortisol stress hormone that stops muscle building and promotes muscle breakdown. Try to relax, breathe easy, practice mental exercises and keep stress at minimum.
Centrino Lab Get Huge, Uncategorized ● June 25, 2022
Centrino Lab Centrino Lab is a great quality underground laboratory with high quality products. In order not to get scammed alway buy them at www.gethuge1.com this way you know you never purchase fake products and its approved sources.
Customer Reviews * Customer Service
Great communication Alex answered within 24 hrs,shipping all so fast with tracking the number of great products by the way I bought Test E 10ml.
* my overall experience
Centrino has quality product,fast shipping
* Additional Comments
If you are skeptical like I was three or four years ago when I started ordering Don’t be !!! There is a safe bet all the way around.
Great Testosterone Cyp and rids stu몭 at highly competitive prices. look no farther if you want the best.
$95.00 $130.00
$105.00 $150.00 Nandrolone Decanoate 200mg – Centrino Lab
Testosterone Propionate 100mg/10ml – Centrino Lab
-$50.00 -$50.00
$100.00 $150.00
$100.00 $150.00
Testviron 250 – Centrino Lab
Primobolan (Methenodone Enanthate) 100mg 10ml – Centrino Lab
$105.00 $160.00 Tren 100 (Trenbolone Acetate + Trenbolone Enanthate) 100mg – Centrino Lab
$255.00 $299.00 Anavar Oxandrolone 60 tabs – Centrino Lab
What you should know about Boldenone Get Huge ● June 22, 2022
What you should know about Boldenone Boldenone or as it is also known as EQ or Equipoise is anabolic androgenic is used mainly in veterinary medicine on horses also used by humans by injection to make muscle mass grow.
What is it used for In bodybuilding Boldenone is used in the cutting phase before a show or when getting ready to compete to lower body fat and increase fat loss. The activity of Boldenone is mostly anabolic and low androgenic. That’s why it needs to be stacked with Testosterone Cypionate or Ente if you like to add amss or with Testosterone Prop if you like to lose fat ,we get to that later in cycle protocols. Many bodybuilders like to compare it to Deca Durabolin but in my opinion Boldenone is much safer with less water retention ,less aromatisation to estrogen and high prolactin as in using deca.
with less water retention ,less aromatisation to estrogen and high prolactin as in using deca. Eq tends to stimulate the appetite more than any other PD. Boldenone half life is 14 days with slower release i would still take an injection once or twice a week.
How much to use and Administer Beginner dosages are 300-500mg and followed by 500mg-700mg advanced athletes males. Females 몭nd it suitable because of lower androgens and use 50-70mg a week.
How and Where to buy Equipoise Boldenone can only be found on Black market steroids its non Pharmaceutical grade so can be found by high quality underground labs if interested in buying it EQ is available in 10ml 200mg price range $100-$150.
$95.00 $120.00
$90.00 $150.00
Boldenone Undecylenate 200mg
Boldenone Acetate 200mg – Centrino Lab
$100.00 $130.00 Boldenone 200mg/10ml – Centrino Lab
USES IN CYCLES Cutting cycle
Boldenone – 1.5cc twice week Testosterone Propionate – 1cc every other day Clenbuterol – 2 tabs a day Proviron – 1 tab a day
Mass Cycle
Boldenone – 1.5cc twice week Testosterone Cypionate – 2cc twice a week Trenbolone Ente – 2cc a week Nolvadex – 1 tab at night time
PCT: The Best Way To bring back your Hormones Get Huge ● June 16, 2022
When you use Anabolics (PEDs) or you are thinking about using a cycle you would be needing to learn about post cycle therapy (PCT). you need to know how to recover and balance your hormones after a cycle. I am going to explain and teach you the protocol.
What Is PCT? Pct is always done after you are 몭nished with your cycle of Anabolics no matter if it is Mass cycle or Cutting Cycle or any Protocol. When you cycle you get many bene몭ts of muscle growth, fast recovery after workouts, better protein synthesis,and many others. But the downside is suppressing your natural Testosterone levels. When you are on a cycle your body has lots of Testosterone supply and it stops the natural production. And when the cycle is over your body will have a hard time to function reagulary. That’s when you need the PCT to give your body the jump start to bring things back to normal. You should start your PCT the following week of the cycle you just ended. If you wait too long you end up losing gains ,decreased muscle mass ,increased fat mass and mood swings. That is why it should be obvious to always do a PCT.
PCT Protocol
PCT Protocol Week 1-6
Pregnyl – 1000 iu twice a week Clomid – 1 tablets 50mg a day Nolvadex – 1 tablet at night time
How Should I Eat on PCT You should eat healthy, and balanced meals to help give your body the correct nutrition it needs to recover from the last cycle.
What Side E몭ects Will I Have from PCT ? Yes you might experience low labido ,fatigue ,brain fog ,and less strength at the gym .but it all should disappear by the end of the 6 week.
Your Testosterone should bounce back in the 몭rst month of PCT.
How long should I wait to start a cycle after PCT ? I would always suggest customers to get blood work after PCT if all looks good and everything back to normal, i would not waste time and start my next cycle.
Blood work is a must. All levels are back to normal, if some of your lab results are still high I would do a detox for 4 weeks, get another blood work and if all is looking good, then you can think about the next cycle.
The Bene몭ts of Growth Hormones Get Huge ● June 10, 2022
Why do adults need GH ? As we age man and woman we have decreased in the HGH hormone which will cause these symptoms.
Muscle mass Loss of hair Loss Libido Weakness Loss of strength Depression
What are the Bene몭ts of HGH Treatment ? Anti Aging – slow aging Muscle Mass Loss of body fat Better sleep Skin Tightening Correction of ED
Correction of ED Better Hair
How does HGH come HGH comes in many forms from pens to ampules and bottles . There are many companies on the market. You should always look for the one with 191 amino acids. Hgh does not come in piles or drops; these products are not real HGH.
Dosage Man – 4iu a day before breakfast inject subcutaneously. Woman – 2iu a day before breakfast inject subcutaneously.
The best protocol is to use 5 days on 2 days o몭. This way you give your receptores time to rest.
What can I accept from a 3 months use of HGH? First the gains you make from the HGH cycle for at least 3 months is permanent you will not lose it after you discontinue the cycle. your overall feeling will be better, more energy, less body fat, more lean muscle, better sleeping, skin will look younger and tighter, your mood will be better .
What can happen if I take too much HGH. Taking too much HGH (10-14iu a day) can cause
Swelling of legs and arms increased Insulin resistance Joint pain
Use it smartly and you will enjoy the bene몭ts of HGH, the Youth Hormone .
Can I mix HGH with Testosterone ?
Yes HGH works much better with any Androgens. Testosterone is a great idea. if you doing a 3 months cycle of HGH i would do
1st Month Man – 4iu a day HGH Testosterone Propionate – 2cc a week Woman – 2iu a day Anavar tablets 10mg – 1 tab a day.
2nd Month Man – 4iu a day HGH Testosterone Cypionate – 2cc a week Woman – 2iu a day Winstrol tablets 10mg – 1 tab a day.
3rd Month Man – 4iu a day HGH Testosterone Entente – 2cc a week Woman – 2iu a day Clenbuterol – tablets 20mcg – 1 tab a day.
Anadrol (Oxymetholone) 50mg Tablets Get Huge ● June 7, 2022
One of the most popular oral anabolics ever, many call him king of mass building. Made for the treatment of anemia and weight gain. Many users claim to add 25pounds with a short cycle. Some even like to use it in the last weeks before the competition to add muscle fullness, many claims to have extreme muscle pump in the gym it will increase vascularity and red blood cells. You get super strong on Anadrol and no joints pain, in my opinion A50 is best mass builder but must be combine with Nolvadex or even better Arimidex to prevent aromatization to estrogen.
Usually the cycle with Anadrol 50mg is 6 weeks at 50mg – 100mg.
$210.00 Androver (Oxymetholone) 100 tabs – Vermodje
Mass Cycle Protocol combine Anadrol
Anadrol – 50mg a day Testosterone Enete 200 mg – 2cc a week Boldenone 200 mg – 2cc a week Arimidex – 1 tablet every 2 days.
Super mass & strength Cycle
Anadrol 50mg – 2 tablets a day ( one morning one evening ) Trenbolone Ente – 2 cc a week Testosterone Cypionate – 2cc a week Boldeone – 2cc a week Arimidex – 1 tablet every other day
How to Gain Muscle Mass in 12 Weeks Get Huge ● June 4, 2022
If you are a hard gainer and you’ve been trying to gain weight and muscle with no success then you will bene몭t from my protocol. I will take you step by step and teach you how I eat my
meals and what my workout is for mass building.
Step 1 Most guys who try to get bigger always think they are eating a lot but they are really not because they are guessing the daily calories intake . For me, food was as important as working out.
What I mean by that: Eating at the same time of the day is always important. I know my muscles are waiting for the food to grow. I try to space my meals for every 3 hours up to 6-7 meals a day. Yes, I know it’s hard if you do it day after day. Always try to have your food ready for the day. This way when time comes you just need to heat it and eat. if you want to gain weight you need to be organised and invest time in it.
My food will be mainly: eggs, oatmeal, yams, red meat, chicken, protein powders, Turkey, rice, bread, pasta, vegetable, fruit, Dairy, nuts, olive oil.
Step 2 Working out Protocol
When i train to build mass, i train each body part once a week
Day 1 – Shoulders, Traps Day 2 – Back Day 3 – o몭 Day 4 – Arms
Day 5 – Legs
I do 8-12 reps on each exercise, I try to rest 60-90 seconds, I keep the weight heavy. Start o몭 each workout with warmup and build the weight up, then move basic heavy compound exercises these will build a big strength and mass. I change the basic compound once a month so my body won’t get used to them and then the e몭ect will be less and so will be my growing process.
For getting better results you need
Consistency – not missing workouts !! Overload – try to get stronger no easy way to gain muscle mass. Patience – you might see a huge change in 12 weeks but getter bigger takes time ,you will make progress every month to reach your goal.
Step 3 Mass building Cycle
1. week 1-4
Danabol 10mg – 2 tabs a day; Deca – 300mg 2cc a week; Testosterone Cypionate 200 mg – 2cc a week; Nolvadex – 1 tab at night time.
2. week 5-8
Anapolon – 50mg – 1 tab a day; Proviron 25mg 40 – 1 tab a day; Sustagen: 300mg – 2cc a week; Trenbolone Enanthate: 250mg – 2cc a week.
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Testosterone Propionate – The Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Trenbolone is an anabolic steroid that a몭ects muscle mass Losing Belly Fat How to get bigger muscle Centrino Lab
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