How to Teach a Dog to Rollover Follow These Tips For Successful Dog Training. Understanding ways and ideas to train your dog, is the best way to get started. Don't rush into something you have no idea about. Dogs prefer consistency and so will you. Take some time and read the article below on dog training tips. You may find some helpful ideas for your new endeavor. Be consistent when you're training your dog. Your dog doesn't understand what your praises mean. Pick one form of praise to use such as: "Good Girl" or "Well Done" and use the same phrase every single time. This will teach your dog that you are praising him or her, and when your dog hears the chosen phrase, he or she will understand it is a compliment. When you're training your dog it is critical that you never abuse your dog. Abusing your dog in form of punishment will just lead to your dog fearing you. A simple "no" is much more effective. You really have to be consistent, and patient. For effective dog training, any correction or praise should happen when you catch the dog in the act of the behavior you are trying to reinforce or eliminate. By doing this, your dog will connect his behavior to your reaction. If you reprimand a dog after an unwanted action, he will be confused. Training a dog can be frustrating, however if a person uses a different language than is normally heard by the dog while teaching it commands, it can be quite effective. Have you heard about the police dogs who were trained using the Irish language? If not, you should check it out! The dog can then easily differentiate between people talking normally and when it is being given a command by someone who wants it to do something. When you are training your dog, it's important to realize that learning for dogs needs to be continuous, as it would be with humans. Don't stop working with your dog once they master the commands you teach them. Make them work towards new skills, and this will in turn perfect the initial skills they learn. Dogs in the big city need specialized training to handle the circumstances the city brings up. Consider socializing your dog to a large gathering in small doses before a move to the city. Walking your dog on a leash by large, calm gatherings and rewarding them heartily will help your dog make positive associations with lots of people. Make sure your dog is used to being handled, including its mouth and feet. Dogs need their teeth brushed regularly, and once they are used to the routine it is much less of a struggle. It is also easier for the vet to examine them when needed. Toenails should be trimmed every month or so, and the process is less traumatic for dogs accustomed to having their feet handled. Unfortunately, this article is now coming to an end, but your ideas and education on dog training doesn't have to. Set some time aside before you continue training your pooch and educate yourself further on how to be successful at dog training. Advice is always useful when you feel like you can relate to someone else.
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