3 minute read

On Going On A Summer Cleanse or Detox with Body-Peace Coach, Nina Manolson


Nina helps women end the food & body war so they can FINALLY experience Body-Peace.

The process is about relearning how to be in an authentic, respectful & caring relationship with your food and body.

In this issue, Nina brings light to a topic that almost EVERYONE thinks about as the warmer weather approaches: Summer Cleansing and Detoxing..

As we move into warmer weather that we start seeing the messages to join a…


The underlying message is that your body as it is right now, is "not acceptable" for public viewing and needs to be improved. “Improved” in our culture most often means, made smaller.

So the selling proposition of all the detoxes and such are “If you just eat this ‘right’ way, you’ll be thin and happy and your summer will be fantastic.” It’s so alluring, isn’t it?

or DETOX with body-peace coach expert, nina manolson

Perhaps you’ve been on a diet or cleanse before and know how it goes...

There’s the:

Enthusiastic-phase of having a plan.

Industrious-phase of executing the plan.

The shopping and prep.

Lastly, comes the Elation-phase, the high of feeling like you’re really taking care of yourself.

Unfortunately, right on the heels of the elation is the frustration-phase and failure-phase.

You might know these two phases all too well. It’s that feeling of not being able to stick to a restrictive diet and being disappointed in yourself. And then comes the shame-phase.




It creeps up with talk of bikini bodies

It shows up with moms hiding behind kids in the vacation pics

It stays invisible but deeply felt in the resistance of “I don’t want go to the beach or that pool party, with everyone in their bathing suits.”

Body-shame gets louder in the summer

It’s that feeling that your body should be different than it is.

That it should look like that image of perfection in your head.

For me it was… no stretch marks no belly no hair no jiggle

Which basically meant…

no me no pleasure no freedom no body ease

But there’s an antidote to Summer Shame

It’s not a new you It’s not a new body It’s not the last 5-10-15 lbs

It’s summer feeling Naming your body-image wounding and shame

It’s summer healing Choosing to heal instead of looking for the next way to fix yourself

It’s summer outrage Speaking out against the rules and limitations you put on your body

It’s summer compassion Creating gentleness and connection with your body

It’s letting the warm air, the gentle breeze, the water’s edge soften the conversation you have with yourself.

Make space to breathe fully, flow, and live in your body with ease.

It’s this shame-phase that keeps us from the beach, keeps us from accepting the invitation to the pool party. Summer Body-Shame keeps us from feeling comfortable in sleeveless shirts and bathing suits, but most importantly, Summer Body-Shame keeps us from feeling comfortable in our OWN body.

So, if you’re tempted by the cleanses, reboots and quick starters start by exploring these 3 questions

before you jump in..

Question #1: "How have past cleanse, detoxes, diets worked out for you…after 3-6 months?"

The reality is 95% of people who go on diets gain their weight back and more within 2-5 years. Restrictive eating is not a sustainable approach.

Question #2: "What’s the outcome you’re looking for from your detox?"

If your answer is “I want to lose weight” ask yourself: “If I lost weight, I would feel….” It’s those deeper answers we are looking for.

Are you looking to feel more confident? Less selfconscious? More at home in your body? Let’s look for what you are really going after, the diet is a placeholder for a deeper desire.

Question #3: "What would be a more effective way (that doesn’t have a 95% failure rate) to move towards your deeper goal?"

If you want to feel more at ease in your body or more confident in a swimsuit, then it’s time to do the powerful inner work of creating an authentic, caring, supportive, nourishing and respectful relationship with your body. Stepping into the latest “jumpstart” program will only jumpstart the diet cycle.

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