3 minute read
Meet Mari Cartagenova, Medium + Animal Communicator
Welovethatyoucanconnecttoanimalswhoarehere andhavepassedonaswell,canyoushareoneofyour favoriteanimalreadings?
Areti Bratsis
MariisoneamazingMediumandwe couldn'twaitforyoutogetinspired throughherstory!
"I got involved in Mediumship because as I like to say “I was born this way” . I have memories even as a little child of talking with Angels and Spirit. I would talk to the plants, connect to the animals and for me this always felt natural and normal. It wasn't until later when I got older that realized this wasn't something that everybody was doing. That's when I started to hide my gift and not really talk about it. Ifsomeoneisinterestedinareadingbutneverdone onebefore,whatareTWOsuggestionsyouhavefor themtobestprepandorthingstoconsiderifthey areonthefenceaboutareading?
"As I got older, I kept getting nudges from Spirit that I really needed to pursue this work. They say if you're in the right place all the doors open and that's how it's been for my mediumship practice. Not to say that it hasn't been a lot of work, because there's always work when you are developing a skill, but as I got involved more and more into the spiritual realm everything felt right and just seemed to fall into place." "I love working with animals it's one of my favorite types of readings. I have so many different stories of amazing connections to the animals but one of them that stands out is the story of a little dog named Phil that had passed away. I've done a few readings for this dog’s mom and in one of the readings she was asking me if Phil was going to be able to help her pick out a new puppy that she was thinking of getting.
Now usually it’s very common that the passed pet helps to lead you to your new pet. However my client was very interested in having Phil also pick out the new name of her new dog! As I tuned into the energy of Phil, I saw Spirit write the word “Olive” in my energetic field. I told the pet parent the name I was getting was Olive. She started to break down and cry. She told me that had been thinking of some names and had written one on a sticky note that she had put underneath the keyboard of her computer. When she pulled that sticky note out and turned it over the name that was on the sticky note was Olive. That was a confirmation from her dog and the spirit world that was to be the name of her new pet."
"First, what I would suggest about getting a reading is number one rely on your intuition. If you are being led to feeling like you need a reading, don't second-guess yourself. That is usually your spirit letting you know that you need some type of guidance.
"Second, if you decide that you want to connect to a loved one that has crossed over (a mediumship reading), what I recommend my clients to do is to spend some time in the week before putting out energy and trying to connect energetically to the loved one that you would like to hear from during the reading."
Areti Bratsis "As mediums we can't guarantee what Spirits come through- it’s not like 1-800-Dial-A-Spirit, but usually whoever comes through is who you need to hear from the most. "
"Currently I offer sessions for Mediumship which is connecting to lost loved ones and Animal Communication, which is connecting to animals that are here or have crossed over. One of my unique specialties I offer is helping to find lost pets with the help of Spirit. I also offer, Intuitive and or Psychic sessions which focus more on questions about an individual's life, relationship job etc.
I also can provide Past Life readings and readings about your Souls Purpose. I am also trained in Reiki so I can also offer distance healings as well. "
"I'm very excited about what's coming next. I am in the process of starting a new show on my YouTube channel called "Spirit Chat" with my friend Winter Brook Ryan. We will talk about all things Metaphysical and also do some readings for audience members. I've also been approached by a number of producers about working on television series and I'm excited about what the future will hold for these opportunities!!"