Excerpt from Modern Farm Building: Being Suggestions for the Most Approved Ways of Designing the Cow Barn, Dairy, Horse Barn, Hay Barn, Sheepcote, Piggery, Manure Pit, Chicken House, Root Cellar, Ice House, and Other Buildings of the Farm Group, on Practical, Sanitary and Artistic LinesHe wishes to acknowledge here his indebtedness to many friends who have helped him in his work: to Mr. S. L. Stewart, for his assistance on the method of milking; indeed the chap ter on Administration is virtually a description of the man ner in which milk is made at the Brookside Farm; to Mr. James A. Reburn, for many suggestions with regard to the detail of the cow barn; to Mr. Harlo J. Fiske, manager of Skylands Farm, Sterlington, N. Y., for much that is comprised in the chapter on the Chicken House; to the author's friend, Mr. A. Foxton Ferguson, who has proved that friendship many times over by reading through his manuscript and giv ing to it the benefit of his literary skill; and last, but by no