Blog Your Passion.

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blog. your. passion. Twelve successful lessons learned from a blogger who didn’t know squat.

melinda lewis

00. intro: how to use this e-book When I first began the journey of blogging, I wasn’t completely clueless. I conducted a couple of Google searches, read plenty of “how to blog”; “never do that” articles, and became overwhelmed and simultaneously enthralled at the staggering e-vastness of the ever-expanding blog universe. But more importantly I kept reading. After days and late night hours of web surfing, and blog over analysis, I eventually decided to jump on the “what do I have to lose?” bandwagon of what at the time seemed like a naturally harmless and fun thing to do. I equally loved writing and communicating, and didn’t mind wasting countless hours clicking and wandering through the Internet superhighway so the scenario that played out in my mind was full of win. I simply convinced myself that I had little to lose. Ignorance is surely bliss; for little did I know that once I started blogging, I’d be regularly burning the midnight oil, feeling waves of insecurity about my writing, becoming the proud owner of the “Johnny come lately” blog blues, and waking up to nightmares of the never ending 24/7 content feed. There’s no denying that the creation of a blog induces waves of adrenaline and injects us with brand new and shiny excitement. It’s the feeling of having something to call your own and the dreamy possibilities that come with it: leaving your crummy job, working in your comfy pajamas, setting your own hours, earning money to burn, landing a sweetheart book deal, or perhaps even starring in your own Twitter reality show. With blogging, you’ve got a pretty powerful medium. But then the cool reality sets in that it takes more than posting a picture and adding some snarky words to live out those dreamy possibilities, and that it takes more effort than most bloggers care to admit in becoming the master of your online domain. Which lead me to write the book that I wish was out there before I got knee deep into the sink or swim blog world. So here it is: a guidebook that reveals the hidden truths behind the phenomenon of blogging and imparts wisdom that I’ve gained from choosing one of the most unconventional writing paths known to man. There are no rudimentary definitions or technical jargon of what blogging is in this book. Instead, the focus of “blog passion” is more in tune with the psychological and intuitive side of lessons learned on what it means to write for a living in an unorthodox way. This e-book won’t promise to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge or the water underneath it, but it will share with you the absolute and timeless truth of what it means to successfully blog in a remarkable way.

Melinda Lewis

contents 01

Myth Busting



Passion. Yes, Passion.



Know Thy End



Blog Design: Make it Yours



Don't Be An Echo



Content: King & Queen



Your Audience: Friend and Foe



Link Love: Sheroes & Heroes



The Paper Chase



Toot Your Horn



Blogger Blahs: Highs and Lows



Life Away from the Screen






Common Mistakes



Closing Thoughts


01. MYTH BUSTING To say that there’s a highly narrow and distorted view of the social networking medium known, as blogging is quite an understatement. Perhaps it’s the undying myth and widely held belief that working from home is an all day fun pass to Great Adventures filled with stuffed animal prizes and melt in your mouth cotton candy. And while you’re reading this you might as well admit to yourself that you really loathe your day job and that you secretly hope that blogging is the easy street potion you’ve waited for your entire life. After all, you’ve read the blogs that read like pop-up books and wind up toys leaving you scratching your head in mind-numbing bewilderment that people can actually be paid a millionaire’s ransom for kindergarten level copy & paste skills. Surely blogging can be done with shut eyelids.

So where do you sign up? The raw truth is that ALL blogging begins as free, underpaid work and that the most popular and heavily trafficked blogs were at the right place at right time when the unheard of word blog meant to some a secret planet behind Uranus. Early bloggers were smart enough to capitalize off of what was then at the time an unheard of business model. Many of the blogs we’ve come to know and love today were started in an age before Facebook and the handy dandy microblogging tool of Twitter, and they’ve built and maintained completely loyal fan followings simply because they were pioneers within their fields. They were also the first to capitalize off astronomical mounds of traffic in what was then an under crowded blogosphere. And while this may feel a bit unfair, all hope is not lost for newbie’s. Ways to earn a living through blogging are still very possible but it requires an unconventional learning curve beyond what was taught in the year 2000. Building web traffic is not easy; and neither is capturing an audience—but both are an integral part of running a successful blog. Is it any wonder that there are hoards of online scammers blowing fairy dust and promising to make you a blogging zillionaire overnight for $299.95 + shipping & handling? Unconventional Tip: You can’t do things the way they were done 10 years ago. In today’s climate, you’ve got to think outside the square for blogger success. There is no fast track elevator to blog building; you’ve got to take the stairs. Blog Wisdom: Every successful blogger known to man started from donut hole. While there are bloggers who have experienced television and book deals and claims of millionaire status those bloggers are the rare exception to the rule. Whether a blog was started an hour ago or 7 years ago, blog success is driven by passion.


Twelve successful lessons learned from a blogger who didn’t know squat. Have you ever wondered how your favorite bloggers earn a living and become known for what they do? Have you ever considered quitting your day job to blog? Have you started countless blogs only to serially abandon them? First thing’s first: Stop reading outdated conventional wisdom. BLOG YOUR PASSION is the difference between owning your blog and renting one. You’ve read the entry-level articles and posts on blogging that take you on a curiously addictive trip around redundancy but in BLOG YOUR PASSION the timeless blog secrets, tips, links, and ideas are shared, and the blogger myths are dispelled. Whether you want to start a new career, own your own business, or establishing your own voice after reading BYP you will be better equipped in the art of authentic blogging. Don’t wait. The time is now to live your passion.

About the author Melinda Lewis is a lifestyle writer, passionate blogger, and founder of the lifestyle company Get Togetha LLC. Get Togetha was founded to help people love home through the power of décor, design and lifestyle, and since its web launch Get Togetha has become the go-to website for décor inspiration. A graduate of New York University, she is the first African America woman to successfully publish an e-book on the blogger lifestyle. She lives in Harlem, New York with the hubster Regg.

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