9 minute read
Wednesday, September 2
Singing the Word to the Nations: A Season of Unexpected Opportunity for Global Missions
Todd Nettleton 1
We know that the coronavirus pandemic has brought many challenges for those engaging in world missions— lockdowns, travel cancellations, economic uncertainty. But we have also heard that it is opening new doors for the gospel. What are some of the unexpected opportunities that have emerged?
The pandemic has certainly changed many plans this year, but it hasn’t changed God’s plan to gather members of every tribe, tongue, and nation around His throne! Here are three examples of how Christians in closed countries have found opportunities amid the upheaval: In China, where facial-recognition cameras are everywhere, one church quickly recognized that masks used to reduce disease transmission also limited the ability of surveillance cameras to identify faces. With everyone wearing masks, they decided they could be even bolder in witnessing for Christ.
In Iran, Christians checked in on their older neighbors, offering to shop for them or provide other help. They also took the opportunity to pray for them in the name of Jesus.
• In the Middle East, front-line workers had to close down all of their in-person outreach and discipleship work. But at the same time, their online and social media interactions with curious
Muslims skyrocketed. They soon found that they were ministering to many more people during the pandemic than they had been before it began.
How can believers everywhere speak boldly of Christ during this pandemic? Can you recommend specific ways we can use social media and other tools wisely for evangelism?
I would suggest two things. First, learn to see opportunities—even, and maybe especially, if things aren’t going as planned or as you thought they would go. Christians in Iran found opportunities to minister amid the pandemic. Let’s get creative and follow their example.
The second thing I’d advise is to remind yourself often of the foundation of our faith. It isn’t based on income, health, or anything else in this temporal world. Remind yourself of these things: God is still on His throne! God loves me! My citizenship and ultimate home are in heaven.
Can you tell us about a few countries or people groups that you would urge us to pray for right now?
You can always find the latest prayer needs for persecuted Christians atiCommitToPray.com, but let me share three areas where our spiritual family members need your prayers:
CHINA: A wave of persecution is sweeping across China at a level we haven’t seen in many years. Pray for our brothers and sisters there.
ERITREA: More than 600 Christians are in prison right now in a country many of us might have trouble finding on a map. Some of those imprisoned are pastors who have been detained more than 15 years. Pray for the prisoners, their families and all Christians in Eritrea.
• INDIA: The government of Prime Minister
Narendra Modi is driven by a militant Hindunationalist philosophy that wants every Indian to be Hindu. Our Christian brothers and sisters are not welcome in their own country. In a twomonth span last summer, five Indian Christians were martyred for their faith in Christ. Pray for
Christians in India! 4
Why does what we sing—as believers, families and churches—matter for our global witness?
I think it matters both for us and for those watching and hearing us.
First, our singing reminds us of eternal truths. When we sing “On Christ the solid rock I stand,” we’re reminded that no earthly force—pandemic, politics, paychecks or anything else—can defeat God’s purposes on this earth and in our lives.
The second reason it matters is that others are listening and watching. The fact that we can sing God’s praises in the face of the chaos around us is a powerful witness to the truth of the gospel and the goodness of the Savior we serve.
Tell us what congregational singing is like for believers in countries that are hostile to the gospel. What is singing like among persecuted churches? And what lessons can we learn about singing from our brothers and sisters facing such challenges?
Different countries have different levels of restriction. Our brothers and sisters in Nigeria can usually meet openly. Their joyful singing, clapping. and dancing is a contagious witness for Christ in their communities, especially since their churches are sometimes targeted for attack.
Secret believers in North Korea can only dream about singing Jesus’ name at the top of their lungs. In their closed nation, neighbors are required to spy on each other, and a “large” (and very dangerous) gathering of believers might include only four people, often from within the same family.
These brothers and sisters offer us an important lesson: It is a holy privilege to gather with other believers and sing God’s praises. Every time we have that opportunity, I hope our faces light up with joy at being part of such a large, diverse, wonderful, and musical family!
Todd Nettleton is host of The Voice of the Martyrs Radio, heard weekly on more than 1,000 radio stations and by thousands of podcast listeners. During 22 years of service with The Voice of the Martyrs, Todd has conducted face-to-face interviews with hundreds of Christians who endured persecution. His book When Faith Is Forbidden: 40 Days on the Frontlines with Persecuted Christians will be published in March 2021 by Moody Publishers.

Wednesday, September 2
SCHEDULE All times CT, all sessions stay available on-demand after broadcast.
9:15pm Wednesday Breakout Sessions Released
A selection of breakout sessions will become available to view on-demand at 9am CT. Enjoy watching these seminars on your own time throughout the day; they will remain available to registrants for the rest of the year as well. Visit the Breakout Schedule for more information.
Exclusive—Engaging Scripture as an Artist (Hosted by Thomas Nelson)
Learn how to use the gifted artist's eye to engage more fully in the Bible's events and truths. Artists help us to see, feel, experience and know in deep and meaningful ways. Those are critical skills for a life-giving, intimate relationship with God. This session will focus on giving participants experience in using the visual arts and imagination to provide space to encounter the voice and presence of God in Scripture.
Exclusive—The Call to Spiritual Fitness: Training for Godliness in Scripture (Hosted by WordGo)
According to Paul, there’s a type of fitness that impacts both this life and the life to come; it's called "godliness training" (1 Tim 4). Join Simon, Kristyn, and John as they discuss the importance of reading and sharing Scripture for Godliness training—or spiritual fitness—which literally means training to put God, your creator and the Sustainer of the universe, first in each and every area of life.
Exclusive—A Bible for Every Believer: A Concert with Keith and Kristyn Getty (Hosted by Voice of the Martyrs)
This is a special online concert called A Bible for Every Believer with Keith and Kristyn Getty, which benefits Bible distribution through The Voice of the Martyrs! As you join in this unique worship event, you will have the opportunity to donate to put Bibles into the hands of Christians living in hostile and restricted nations who are persecuted for doing the very things we are doing in this concert—worshiping God, reading the Bible and sharing our faith in Christ.
Live Q&A with Keith and Kristyn Getty
Join the Gettys and other special guests for a live discussion to chat about the previous day's sessions and answer questions from viewers around the world.
Plenary Session: The Word for the World: Singing, Suffering, and Witness in the 21 st Century
The Word of God must be central in our witness to the world, because what the world needs is Jesus Christ. Tonight's session aims to help us gain a global perspective and Great Commission mindset as we consider how singing the Word and suffering for the Word intersect in our evangelism and missions. This plenary session features 4 parts—follow along in the schedule (all times after 6pm are approximate).
Opening Singing
Singing led by Keith and Kristyn Getty from the Grand Ole Opry
Part 1: The Word and a Global Vision
Interview with Michael Oh: "What Does it Mean to Be a Global Christian in the 21 st Century?"
Part 2: The Word and Courage
Singing led by Keith and Kristyn Getty | Message by Michael Ramsden: The Word and Our Witness: How Scripture Gives Us Boundless Courage | Prayer led by George Ayoub | Interview and Classical Performance with Masaaki Suzuki and Bach Collegium Japan
Part 3: The Word and Suffering
Scripture Reading of Psalm 42 by Ruth Philip | Singing led by Steven Curtis Chapman | Message by John Piper: "Singing, Suffering, and Scripture" | Virtual Choir "Hallelujah Chorus"
Part 4: Sing Global Vision
Message by Keith Getty: "Sing Global Vision" | Singing led by Keith and Kristyn Getty
Live Q&A with Keith and Kristyn Getty
Stay tuned after the plenary session for a live Q&A with Keith and Kristyn reflecting on all the Lord has done among us during Sing! Global 2020.
Praying the Word for the Nations with David Platt
An evening of prayer for the nations hosted by David Platt with international guests leading in scripture reading and prayer and singing led by Keith and Kristyn Getty.

BREAKOUT SESSIONS Breakout sessions will become available to view on-demand at 9am CT.
A9 Tim Keller An Interview on the Psalms, Singing the Word, and Discipleship in the 21 st Century (Previously Recorded)
A10 Robert Duncan Scripture Arranged for Worship: Singing the Book of Common Prayer
A11 Isaac Adams United We Sing: Why Racial Diversity Matters for God's Choir
A12 Panel Discussion Singing the Word Around the World: A Global Panel on the State of Congregational Hymnody
A13 Foley Beach and Robert Duncan Liturgy, The Prayerbook, Evensong, and Singing the Word: A Conversation READ, PRAY, AND PREACH THE WORD: SCRIPTURE IN THE LOCAL CHURCH
B7 Sherif Fahim The Centrality of God in the Bible
B9 Kristie Anyabwile
Dieudonné Tamfu Psalm 119: His Testimonies, My Heritage
Why the Doctrine of Inspiration Matters
B10 Richard Chin Preaching the Word of the Cross
C4 Panel Discussion Singing the Word with Children in Choirs, Children's Ministries, and More
D4 David Platt Singing the Word to the Nations
D5 Mack Stiles Reading the Word in Cross-Cultural Contexts
D6 Rico Tice Christianity Explored: Reading the Word with Unbelievers
E9 Travis Cottrell Singing and Arranging Vocals for Congregational Worship
E10 Dan Forrest Sing the Scriptures…With Your Choir!
E11 Silas Farley Ballet as a Living Sacrifice: Choreographing Sacred Music as Witness and Renewal TECHNOLOGY SERVING THE WORD: SCRIPTURE AND YOUR A/V MINISTRY
F4 Panel Discussion and Q&A A Panel and Q&A on Technology in Church during the Pandemic and Beyond

Producing Preachers.