26 minute read
Tuesday, September 1
Building Congregations that Sing the Word through the Pandemic and Beyond
Tommy Bailey, Carlos Garcia, and Christian Lwanda
We asked three leaders in different contexts about congregational singing in this unusual season.
1How might churches that are unable to gather continue to foster a rich singing culture?
Tommy Bailey (The Village Chapel, Nashville, TN):
When we sing during our online worship services, we have been careful to choose songs that most of our congregation knows well and to arrange these songs in an appropriate key for singing at home. We’ve also been active on social media, posting a weekly hymn with historical info about the music and lyric. Also, family worship has seen a renewal and recovery during this season and I would encourage church leaders to provide resources that would fan into flame this critical ministry to local families within your church.
Carlos Garcia (Iglesia Bautista Ozama, Santo
Domingo, Dominican Republic): Along with broadcasting Sunday services, our church has implemented a program where we “visit” members from a distance, greeting them and cheering from the street. We sing and pray for them outside. This has been a great testimony to nearby neighbors!
Christian Lwanda (Emmanuel Baptist Church,
Nairobi, Kenya): Church members can encourage one another by sending songs to each other. For parts of Africa where it is not always possible to send things electronically, the church's leadership can still encourage singing by physically writing to members with song suggestions, and dropping them off by post, bicycle, or hand.
2In this season of uncertainty across the globe, what sorts of songs are best suited to help the people of God cling to the promises of his Word? Can you give a couple of examples of hymns that have been particularly meaningful for your church?
Christian: Songs that focus on the sovereignty of God, the compassion of God, our hope in Christ, the temporary but real nature of suffering, and the trustworthiness of the Word are very helpful in such uncertain times—including “He Will Hold Me Fast,” “Stricken Smitten and Afflicted,” “Enda Nasi (Walk With Us),” “Baba Yetu (Our Father),” “Umetukuka (God be Glorified),” and “Vumilia Roho Yangu (Persevere, My Soul).”
Tommy: Singing songs that are familiar to our congregation has helped remind us of the faithfulness of God during a season of shifting sands. One hymn that has been particularly meaningful to us has been “My Heart Is Filled With Thankfulness.”
Carlos: One song that has particularly encouraged us is “Christ Our Hope in Life and Death.”
3What technologies and tools have you found useful to equip your people to sing even if the congregation is scattered or has had to meet in smaller groups?
Carlos: Our small groups have come together by Zoom during this time, many of them using videos of our church's praise to sing at their meetings.
Tommy: We have found that social media is the easiest path to distributing the content of worship services to households. However, we’ve found that the level of engagement increases exponentially by using tools like Church Online Platform or Facebook Watch Party. Even though the congregation is not physically gathered in the same place, there is a grace in being able to participate in a worship service at the same time.
4Can you provide a word of encouragement to pastors, music leaders, choir directors, or church musicians who may feel weary right now?
Christian: God knows you. He loves you. He is still in charge of everything, and he has not forgotten you. For the leader whose members are dying of COVID or leaving town, please know that your struggling church is not God's negative appraisal of your work. It is his church and he will care for her in every season, even when we do not understand his ways.
Carlos: Your service to God has eternal significance. Stay the course and make sure to rest regularly. Trust God and His promises. Nothing can stop the church, not a disease, not a pandemic, not even the gates of Hades will not overpower it (Matt 16:18)!
5Has the COVID-19 situation prompted you to reconsider anything about your music ministry? Are there any changes you plan to implement when life is “back to normal?”
Christian: COVID-19 has helped me see the need to write and teach the church songs that talk about our hope in suffering. Lord willing, I intend to write more Swahili songs for our congregation, so that they can sing the great truths of the faith in their heart language.
6What are you most looking forward to about singing together as a church again some day?
Tommy: Hearing our church sing in harmony. Singing in parts is such a wonderful gift from the Lord and I can’t wait for the day when we get to do it again!
Christian: I am hoping to record the congregation singing, and to encourage them by letting them hear themselves. This will remind us of where God is taking us in Christ: home!
Tommy Bailey is an Associate Pastor and Director of Worship at The Village Chapel in Nashville, TN. Tommy has served on multiple church leadership teams throughout the US and has a passion for serving the global church pastorally through congregational singing, songwriting and Bible teaching.
Carlos Garcia is Director of the Music Academy of Ozama Baptist Church in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Carlos is part of the national team of Art Education, responsible for the Dominican art curriculum for public schools. He co-hosts the radio show "More Than Music," a program for musicians, worship leaders, pastors, and the general public.
Christian Lwanda serves as a Pastoral Assistant at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Nairobi, Kenya. Born and raised in Kenya, Christian has worked as a pastor in worship and youth ministry in several churches in Kenya and South Africa.

Tuesday, September 1
SCHEDULE All times CT, all sessions stay available on-demand after broadcast.
9:15pm Tuesday Breakout Sessions Released
A selection of breakout sessions will become available to view on-demand at 9am CT. Enjoy watching these seminars on your own time throughout the day; they will remain available to registrants for the rest of the year as well. Visit the Breakout Schedule for more information.
Special Live Breakout Session with Keith Getty—The International Hymn Writing Collective: An Introduction
Tune in at 12pm CT for a live breakout session with Keith Getty on hymn writing. This special seminar begins The Getty Music International Hymn Writing Collective, a fall 2020 program geared at equipping the next generation of hymn writers. This session will remain available on-demand after the live broadcast.
Exclusive: Virtual Meal with Midwestern
We want to give you a taste of Midwestern Seminary and Spurgeon College. Sign up for a Virtual Meal with Midwestern today and learn what it would look like to come study For the Church and For the Kingdom. You will have the opportunity to have a Zoom call with the director of our Worship Ministry program, Dr. Matthew Swain, and you'll receive a $15 DoorDash gift card on the back end to get a free meal from your favorite restaurant. Sign up atmbts.edu/sing.
Live Q&A with Keith Getty and the Getty Hymn Writing Team
Join Keith Getty, Matt Boswell, Matt Papa, Jordan Kauflin, and Matt Merker for a live discussion about the conference so far, hymn writing, and singing the Word.
Plenary Session: Singing the Scripture in the Sunday Service
By his Word, God gives life, health, and strength to his people, the church. The Word must be at the center of the local church's life and corporate worship. Tonight's session will focus on the Word in our Lord's Day gatherings, with a special emphasis on the new challenges to ministry during the pandemic. This plenary session features 4 parts—follow along in the schedule (all times after 6pm are approximate).
Opening Singing
Singing led by the Getty Hymn Writing Team (Matt Papa, Matt Boswell, Jordan Kauflin, and Matt Merker) from the Grand Ole Opry
Part 1: Pastoral Care and Hope during COVID
Interview with Paul David Tripp on Pastoral Care and Hope during COVID | Singing led by the Getty Hymn Writing Team
Part 2: How to Build Online Services during COVID
Panel Discussion with Tommy Bailey, Greg Thomas, Jonas Madureira, and Bob Kauflin
Part 3: The International Hymn Writing Collective
Live Discussion with the Getty Hymn Writing Team
Part 4: The Sunday Service
Message by Ligon Duncan: "Read the Word: Hearing from God As His People" | Scripture Reading of 2 John by Lydia Song | Message and Prayer by Conrad Mbewe: Pray the Word: Speaking to God As His People" | Singing led by the Getty Hymn Writing Team | Message by John MacArthur: "Preach the Word: Declaring the Whole Counsel of God" | Interview and Classical Performance from Joanne Lunn | Message by H. B. Charles, Jr.: "Sing the Word: Addressing One Another in Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs"
Live Interview with Andrew Peterson, followed by 20 th Anniversary Concert of Behold the Lamb of God
Stay tuned after the plenary session for a live interview with Andrew Peterson followed by a special 20 th anniversary concert of Andrew Peterson's Behold the Lamb of God.

BREAKOUT SESSIONS Breakout sessions will become available to view on-demand at 9am CT.
A5 J. I. Packer An Interview on Knowing God, Liturgy, and Singing the Word
(Previously Recorded)
A7 Mark Dever and Matt Merker
Bob Kauflin and Joe Pace The Pastor and the Musician: A Conversation about Planning the Sunday Service and More Singing the Word and Musical Style: A Conversation about Expanding Your Culture
A8 Panel Discussion Singing the Word in Smaller Attendance Churches through the Pandemic and Beyond
B4 Julius Kim Singing the Song of the Scriptures: Christ-Centered Preaching
B5 Trillia Newbell and K. A. Ellis How Prayer Unites Us: The Unifying Power of Praying the Word in the Local Church
B6 Tim Challies Excellence in the Public Reading of Scripture
C3 Joel Beeke How to Help Children Sing and Know the Word
D2 John Lennox with Michael Ramsden Defending the Word: An Interview
D3 Os Guinness "Let My People Go": Exodus and the Once and Future Key to Freedom
E6 David Kim Life, Faith, and Musicianship: A Talk and Recital with David Kim
E7 Zach White Playing Guitar with a Congregational Focus
E8 Michael Card with Keith and Kristyn Getty A Conversation about the Word and Creativity
F2 Kent Morris Using Technology to Thrive into the Future
F3 Kent Morris and Jeff Barnett How to Maximize Live Streaming for Worship
Thank You to Our Partners!
Getty Music would like to extend a special thanks to all of our official partners:
Getty Music would like to extend our deepest thanks to this year’s partner in the Sing! Global conference, Christian Healthcare Ministries (CHM). Their partnership allows us to extend the reach of the conference far beyond what we had ever imagined, and their support of the Sing! movement has helped countless churches and families grow deeper in their singing and worship.

They recognize the strong relationship between spiritual and physical health, and are helping SING! conference-goers worship God through by joining together to help fellow believers with their medical costs. Christian Healthcare Ministries (CHM) is a biblical, compassionate and faithful solution to healthcare costs. Their framework, based on the early church of Acts 2 and 4 and Galatians 6:2, helps families and ministries wisely steward resources. This healthcare option allows Christians to spend more time toward pursuing God’s calling and growing the Church. CHM is a community of believers supporting each other not only financially, but also spiritually through prayer and words of encouragement. By joining the hundreds of thousands of Christians across the country carrying each other’s burdens in the area of medical bills, members are participating in corporate worship even in the area of healthcare costs. CHM is a federally certified exemption under the Affordable Care Act, a Better Business Bureau Accredited Charity and the only health costsharing ministry heard on The Dave Ramsey show. Its members have shared over $5 billion dollars in each other’s medical bills. We would highly encourage you to learn more about this wonderful organization by visiting chministries.org/getty.
The Voice of the Martyrs is a nonprofit, interdenominational Christian missions organization dedicated to serving our persecuted family worldwide through practical and spiritual assistance and leading other members of the body of Christ into fellowship with them. VOM was founded in 1967 by Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, who was imprisoned for 14 years in Communist Romania for his faith in Christ; his wife, Sabina, was imprisoned for three years. In 1965 they were ransomed out of Romania, and soon thereafter they established the global network of missions of which VOM is a part. The Wurmbrands based these missions on Hebrews 13:3, which instructs us to “Remember the prisoners as if chained with them—those who are mistreated—since you yourselves are in the body also.

The purpose of Crossway has been, from its founding as a not-forprofit ministry in 1938, to publish gospel-centered, Bible-centered content that will honor our Savior and serve his Church. We seek to help people understand the massive implications of the gospel and the truth of God’s Word, for all of life, for all eternity, and for the glory of God.

Sweetwater is the #1 online provider of music instruments and technology to the worship community. Our team of dedicated Sales Engineers help you find just the right products for your ministry and your budget. The Master's University and Seminary: educating for eternal influence. Preparing men and women to honor Christ in any sphere. Training the next generation of expository preachers and faithful pastors.
NRBTV is a different kind of Christian television network for people who think deeply about their faith and live differently as a result. On NRBTV you will find biblically-trusted, relevant, and practical programs to equip you for life.

PraiseCharts has become one of the leading sheet music resources for worship leaders all over the world. Our team is passionate about writing charts well, in a way that reflects the intent of the original recording. From lyrics and editable chord charts, to lead sheets, choir sheets, rhythm charts, and full orchestrations, PraiseCharts has the goods to pull your team together on the same page. All of the great worship songs are at your fingertips, ready to download and play.

“Paul’s Wall” 10X10 Nihonga—layers of hand made pigment, graphite, chalk and distressed gold leaf on marble dust gessoed birch cradle.
Kim Thomas
Introduction to “Paul’s Wall"
The Apostle Paul knew what it was like to be separated from those he loved. Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon are typically identified as the Prison Epistles, written when Paul was imprisoned and isolated from the believers loved deeply. This work of art depicts the wall he might have had in his cell, and the window he gazed through to see the sun and moon. I imagined him scratching and scrawling the names of those he so loved onto the walls as he prayed for them. The window is in distressed gold leaf, harkening to his time of suffering as a time of being refined, as Peter the Apostle described. As we experience a time of separation and isolation, it is good to be inspired by Paul’s faithful use of his time, and take the opportunity to pray for one another. In Romans 16, he sends greetings to over 25 people by name. He closes that chapter with a familiar benediction… “Now to him who is able to strengthen you … the only wise God, be glory forevermore, through Jesus Christ! Amen.” While we would prefer to gather in person for the SING! Conference this year, circumstance and preferring one another in love call for us to gather virtually. We may be separated, but we are still united in Christ. We may be isolated, but we are never alone. We are scattered, yet still connected. That said, perhaps the Lord will put names on our hearts and lead us to pray fervently for one another. Just like Paul.
Father, we echo these words of Paul from Philippians: “I thank my God in my every remembrance of you, always giving mention of you in my prayers.” As we are apart in this season, we remember one another with a similar fondness, with gratitude, joy, and with confidence that our times are in your hands. Help us to rest in your sovereignty, and the promise of your presence among us. Give us strength to make new ways and new paths, particularly when we are discouraged or overwhelmed. When our patience runs thin, with so much change, so much unknown, give us the focus to use our time well. Not so much for productivity, but to be wise stewards, feasting on your grace, and ceasing from our anxious busy-ness. You have been our light, provision, hope and refuge. Help us remember your faithfulness, and learn to trust you again, and again, and again. For those who are sick, we pray your generous mercy. For those who are in financial distress, we pray for your ample provision. For the medical professionals who give so selflessly for others, renew their strength. For the frustration and anger we may feel, remind us that you are in control of every minute and we can lay our burdens down. When we are afraid, help us trust in you. For those we love, surround them with your grace and peace. We know you to be the God of all ages. You hold our future in your hands. In our vulnerability and uncertainty, remind us that we belong to you. Remind us to rest in your love and to be your people. For the glory of God and for the good of our neighbors, we pray these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Kim Thomas
Kim Thomas is a painter, author, and Curate at The Village Chapel, Nashville, TN where she leads the congregational prayer each Sunday. She paints in acrylic, Nihonga, and encaustic. Her representational work is characterized by subtle tones and a meditative quality. Her abstract pieces maintain an organic palette and compose silent narratives.
Find Kim online atkimthomasart.com and on Instagram:@kimthomasart
Christ Our Hope in Life and Death:Behind the Song

2020 has been a year unlike any other. The pandemic has reminded us that life is fragile. There is so much about the future we do not know. Yet, we do know that all of us will face death. Unless Jesus returns first, it is the one certainty we can count on.
The historic creeds and catechisms of the church are honest about this reality. The Heidelberg Catechism of 1563 begins, "What is your only comfort in life and in death?" The answer is profound:
"That I am not my own, but belong—body and soul, in life and in death—to my faithful Savior, Jesus Christ. He has fully paid for all my sins with his precious blood, and has set me free from the tyranny of the devil. He also watches over me in such a way that not a hair can fall from my head without the will of my Father in heaven; in fact, all things must work together for my salvation. Because I belong to him Christ, by his Holy Spirit, assures me of eternal life and makes me wholeheartedly willing and ready from now on to live for him."
These are truths we must sing.
That is why, in the providence of God, I am excited that I have been able to teach my four daughters a new song this year. It is a song that is honest about death, and that’s why I think it is a song that can remind us of our unshakeable hope. This song took over two years to complete. A couple friends and fellow songwriters, Jordan Kauflin and Matt Merker, brought me an idea for a hymn of hope. Little did we know that the other two writers on our team, Matt Boswell and Matt Papa, were trying to write a song based on the first article of the Heidelberg Catechism, quoted above. We brought the two ideas together, and around the piano at our home in Northern Ireland, a new song was born: “Christ Our Hope in Life and Death.”

Christianity that ignores the reality of death is utterly inauthentic. We need songs that are honest about the grave, for we have real hope to offer our troubled world. Though many believers may be singing at home, unable to gather with their churches as usual, we can still sing with confidence, because we know the One who conquered the grave by his resurrection. We need not approach death crippled by fear. As this song reminds us, we can sing “Hallelujah”—because Christ himself is our hope in life and death.
Sing! Global 2020
Welcome to the Sing! 2020 virtual exhibit hall! With dozens of exhibitors and a wealth of resources, the Sing! Global virtual exhibit hall is your opportunity to see what’s out there and make valuable connections with hand-picked ministry partners and organizations that will help resource, equip, and guide you on the journey ahead. Special offers, exclusive content, and discounts are available from many of our exhibitors, and we would highly encourage you to take the time to browse at your own pace. This vibrant and exciting space is an important component of the virtual conference experience, so be sure to put the exhibit hall breaks into your schedule and learn how our partners can serve you.

Additional Partners and Exhibitors
Did you know only 2.5% of Scotland’s population would call themselves Evangelical Christians? And in the poorest communities, the schemes, it’s even bleaker. 20schemes is bringing the light of the gospel to Scotland’s schemes through church planting and revitalisation.

From bedrooms to boardrooms, houses of worship to iconic festivals, Allen & Heath has set the tone of audio technology for over 50 years. We’re proud that the A&H mixing console range is used and loved by gigging bands, rental companies, installers, churches, broadcasters and studios across the globe.

Bethlehem College & Seminary exists to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peoples through Jesus Christ by equipping men and women to treasure Christ above all things, to grow in wisdom and knowledge over a lifetime, and to glorify God in every sphere of life
We believe pro audio is about building incredible experiences. So when it comes to the Church, that means we're here to help you build up your people, your worship, and your mission. From portable to permanent and everywhere in between, this is what Bose Church audio solutions are all about—our mission supporting your vision. Cedarville University attracts more than 4,000 undergraduate, graduate, and online students to over 150 programs of study. Cedarville is recognized nationally as a Baptist college with authentic community, rigorous and Christ-centered academic programs, strong graduation and retention rates, intentional focus on the Gospel, accredited professional and health science majors, and leading student satisfaction ratings. Find out more at cedarville.edu.
Christianity Explored provides materials, training and coaching through the local church to help everyday Christians accomplish three things: 1) fall in love with the Gospel for themselves, 2) learn how to share their faith using a relational, scripture-based method, and 3) mobilize their local church to reach their community with the good news of Jesus. To learn more, visit
Against The Tide is a new documentary motion picture that features John Lennox and Kevin Sorbo. Produced by Pensmore Films, Against The Tide will be in theaters nationwide on November 19 th , 2020. Visit AgainstTheTide. Movie to sign up for updates today.
Compassion is a child-advocacy ministry pairing compassionate people with children living in extreme poverty to release the children from spiritual, economic, social, and physical poverty.
CROSS is a conference for 18-25 yearolds. Join David Platt, Trip Lee, John Piper, and others this winter for CROSS20. We gather to consider the most loving cause in the universe: making the name of Jesus known in every corner of the world.

Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives, and Desiring God is on a mission to change that. Everything we create and distribute exists to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ.
Family Radio is a national radio network dedicated to proclaiming the truth of the Word of God through music and teaching, so people can find hope in Jesus Christ! Hymns for today and bright hope for tomorrow® on Family Radio!

Your trusted source for Bible studies, books, and Bibles.
Loop Community provides worship leaders with quality and affordable tracks, hardware and software for worship. We make complicated things simple so that you can focus on leading worship.
Midwestern Seminary exists For the Church by biblically educating God-called men & women to be and make disciples of Jesus Christ. Spurgeon College exists for the Kingdom by rooting students in the truth while readying them for the world. At every degree level, our Worship Ministry program exists to make musician-theologians who will make significant contributions and have incredible gospel impact on corporate worship practices across the globe.
PraiseAndHarmony.TV is the world’s first video streaming resource for four-part harmony education. With our videos, you and your whole church can dive into new worship favorites and established classics. Every song has a congregational video version (300+ singers) and a training video (four voices only), and many of our albums include 5 video training guides, one for each individual voice part (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass), and one with all voice parts combined. You’ll also find lessons in voice care and sight-singing, music theory, small group studies, as well as scriptures, sermons, children’s content, Christian comedy, cooking shows, countdowns and videos for use in church services, and so much more.

Radical is an international ministry that serves the church for the cause of Christ— to glorify God by making disciples and multiplying churches among all nations.
The mission of Reformed Theological Seminary is to serve the church by preparing its leaders, through a program of graduate theological education, based upon the authority of the inerrant Word of God, and committed to the Reformed Faith. With eight campuses and an online program, the seminary offers degrees in ministry, biblical and theological studies, and counseling."
RefToons exists to preserve the legacy of theologians of the past by producing humorous and thought-provoking comic strips that bring clarity to various biblical teachings through visual storytelling.
Operation Christmas Child is a ministry program of Samaritan's Purse that has delivered gift-filled shoeboxes to over 178 million children in 160 countries and territories. Every child who receives a shoebox gift hears the gift of salvation in Jesus Christ and each year over 4 million shoebox recipients also participate in our discipleship program called The Greatest Journey. Through this 12-lesson Bible-based course, children come to know Jesus, learn to follow and obey him, share their faith, and pray for friends and family members—which often results in further evangelism, discipleship, and the multiplication of new churches in their communities.

Strategic Renewal exists to help churches experience revitalization through a renewed commitment to prayer. We equip church leaders for more Biblical and spiritual leadership through coaching, events, and free resources.
TMAI is committed to fulfilling the Great Commission by training indigenous church leaders to be approved pastor-teachers, able to equip their churches to make biblically sound disciples. We partner with individuals, churches, and organizations in supporting 17 training centers to equip over 2,000 students worldwide.
Thomas Nelson is one of the oldest and largest Bible publishers in the world, with over 200 years dedicated to preserving the authority and accuracy of God's Word. The legacy continues with heirloom Premier Collection Bibles, the breakthrough NET translation, Scripture engagement-oriented Bibles and resources such as The Abide Bible, and classic study Bibles from gifted Bible teachers, including John MacArthur, Max Lucado, Charles Stanley, Jack Hayford, Warren Wiersbe, and more.

The ministry of Truth78 is oriented around the vision that the next generations know, honor, and treasure God, setting their hope in Christ alone, so that they will live as faithful disciples for the glory of God. Truth78 pursues that vision by inspiring and equipping the church and the home for the comprehensive discipleship of the next generations. TYNDALE MOMENTUM publishes conversation-starting books that dig into real life issues with a Christian perspective. Big idea books. Books that speak directly to your specific needs and circumstances. Books that explore compelling personal stories and incredible life transformation. Intelligent and thought-provoking, Tyndale Momentum publishes the books we want—and need—to read.
Starting group Bible study doesn’t have to be difficult! WordGo, a free digital resource by Bible Study Fellowship, is designed to help your online or in-person small group get into the Word and stay in it together. WordGo provides simple tools, resources, and training for any church small group or individual wanting to gather friends and family around God’s Word. With Scripture readings, reflection questions, notes, and audio teaching, WordGo delivers everything you’ll need to your phone daily; it’s group Bible study made simple.
WORLD Watch is a video current events program that builds biblical discernment, news literacy, and critical thinking. Students can learn what's going on all over the world. Parents and teachers can rely on timely, age-appropriate content that engages everyone.
Published by Zondervan Bibles, the NIV Study Bible is the Bible millions have come to trust for nearly four decades. Now completely revised and updated, it provides readers with just the right amount of study helps exactly where readers need them.

Zondervan Academic, a division of Zondervan and HarperCollins Christian Publishing, has provided scholarly works for teachers and students of the Word since 1931.

orever,olord, yourwordis firmly fixed in the heavens. your faithfulness endures to all generations; you have established the earth, and it stands fast. by your appointment they stand this day, for all things are your servants.

PSALM 119:89-91