Yummy 51:The Great Outdoors

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Wanja Kariuki, proprietor of Joosmoo, dedicated vegan and health and wellness enthusiast explains the importance of reading labels and being careful of what you put in your body. joosmoo_ke


mental dregs drew me back to animal products my body had moved on and my mind needed to as well. It did. My convictions led me to embrace a philosophy that is a founding principle of our whole ingredients, no additives, food & drink company – JooSmoo. {Somalabl} is a wordplay on the Kenyan slang phrase soma label which means read the label. It’s a call to examine the content of ingredients in what we are consuming. This one gesture helped me develop countless healthy and balanced habits which have guided me in creating JooSmoo products that espouse conscious eating. Simplicity in process and content has been a key offshoot principle in the {somalabl} lifestyle and a popular product borne from this is our chia pudding variations. It is an easy to prepare, sweet yet nutrient dense treat whose ingredients include whole, unprocessed foods. Our most popular one is the coconut chia pudding with homemade granola and mango mousse layers. It’s crunchy, sweet and filling! Find the recipe for my mango mouse below. I was once intimidated being a conscious eater since I assumed I needed to be instantaneously disciplined and knowledgeable about everything I ate. Although a valid concern, it isn’t insurmountable. My resolve to avoid certain foods I once thought irresistible was strengthened in two parts. First, scrutinizing food labels led me to read up on different foods and their effects on my body which informed my food choices. Secondly, eating whole foods – free of additives and artificial sugars, greatly shifted my food preferences and I developed an almost automatic aversion to unhealthy foods. Ultimately, I experimented with whole foods I enjoyed and found ways to re-create tastes and textures I once heavily indulged in. Applying the {somalabl} philosophy is a practical gateway to provoke your thinking on minding the foods you eat and evaluate the benefits they offer you. One label at a time. RECIPE Mango Mousse


our years after I began my ‘food woke’ journey, I gradually transformed my eating habits. I transitioned from a livelihood of refined sugars interposed with occasional (sigh), ok regular, fried chicken and bread. My eating changed to vegetables, whole grains and legumes which reduced my cravings for artificial sweets and animal products. I became mostly vegan but

sporadically savoured a buttery croissant or popped a mouthful of cheese cubes from grocery store samples. One adverse reaction to meat, which I hadn’t had in three years, made me realize how deeply rooted my veganism had become. In a moment of weakness, I wolfed down fried gizzards. Three hours later, huge red hives erupted all over my body and I was ill for two days. I realized despite whatever

INGREDIENTS • 4 strawberries (sliced) • 2 soaked dates • 1 medium sized mango DIRECTIONS 1. For dates: soak them overnight in a cup of water. 2. Blend strawberries, dates and mango. 3. Set aside to use as topping for the pudding. Find the coconut chia pudding recipe on www.yummy.co.ke

Yummy. Food. Drink. Life


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