Yummy Vol 8 - Proudly Kenyan

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Vol 8 June 2015




Dining in the dark comes to Nairobi and lights it up

Nyama choma and other favorites in the Kenyan diet

Exploring culinary gems around Nairobi’s CBD




VIPI KENYA? In honour of Madaraka Day on June 1st, we have decided to dedicate this month’s issue to all things Kenyan! Having gained independence over 50 years ago, we’ve truly blossomed as a nation. It’s no surprise that the editorial team was bursting with locally-grown tales of food and drink upon selecting our theme.


e often take a lot of our local produce for granted, failing to celebrate the fresh authentic Kenyan flavours that we have on offer. With this in mind, our resident foodie, Susan Wong, ditched fine dining this month in exchange for a little culinary adventure around our CBD’s hidden gems. Tucking into several cheap and cheerful local dishes, Susan proves that flavor is king on her never-ending pursuit of great food.

Our main feature paints a colourful picture of our most celebrated dishes from various regions, including Tilapia and Swahili influenced coastal staples. We also delve into our thriving tea industry and the cultural influences on our infamous chai drinking habits. And if that isn’t Kenyan enough for you, our very own Chef Amanda puts a gourmet twist on some local classics, serving up a gorgeous locally inspired meal of matoke gnocchi and beef stew. Finally, this wouldn’t be an

authentic Kenyan Issue without addressing our thirst! In the land where we brew some of the finest beers, host the craziest parties and are completely incapable of having ‘a polite one,’ we bring you the perfect red wines to enjoy with nyama choma. We treat you to a couple of cheeky DIY sundowners and top it all off with a hilarious account of the frustrations of trying to order somewhat decent wine in our local pubs (lord knows we’ve all been there). It’s our hope that this month you

will feel a deep sense of pride in our vibrant heritage and be moved to look closer to home for culinary inspiration. We have plenty to celebrate so read on and let that warm, fuzzy feeling of pride and nostalgia take over! Karibu!

Michelle Slater EatOut Kenya





















24 THAT’S SO KENYAN From Nyama Choma to Githeri and Pilau, we highlight the most prominent foods around the country.


Give these new additions in town a try when you next make a reservation. Check out the tastiest news in the local food scene this June. Despite her best intentions, Charity Keita tries going back to her culinary roots with little success. Susan Wong spends a day exploring Nairobi’s CBD and discovers some hidden culinary gems. Turns out that Kenyan musician Eric Wainaina is very particular about his food and coffee! You will no longer have to wonder how tea makes its way from the farm to your cup. Much to Annabel Onyango’s dismay, local Kenyan pubs just don’t seem to serve quality wine! So just how do you spot a place that will serve you dodgy wine? Jackson Biko sobers up and talks about why it may be time to have an intervention for a friend. Amy Selbach gives tips on how to make the superfood that is Kale a staple in your diet.

If you’re looking to spice up your Kenyan dishes, Amanda Gicharu tells you how. Stewed beef and matoke gnocchi, anyone?

YUMMY Vol. 08 · June 2015 · PUBLISHED BY EATOUT, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. MANAGING DIRECTOR Mikul Shah GM Hiyabel Tewoldemedhin YUMMY TEAM Michelle Slater, Wendy Watta, Liz Maelane, Jean Wandimi, Fred Mwithiga, Anne Kisang IT Kelvin Jayanoris SALES & OPERATIONS Gilbert Chege, Daniel Muthiani, Devna Vadgama, Seina Naimasiah, Wahid Osman, Yoga David GRAPHIC DESIGN Karan Khalsa CONTRIBUTORS Katy Fentress, Jackson Biko, Amanda Gicharu, Charity Keita, Annabel Onyango, Amy Selbach, Susan Wong SALES INQUIRIES Call Yummy, 0711 22 22 22 EMAIL info@yummy.co.ke

GET CONNECTED: /eatoutkenya






DEAR YUMMY Stand the chance to win a lunch for two at the hottest new restaurants in town - Sankara’s Graze Steakhouse. All you need to do is let us know what you think of Yummy and how we can improve the magazine. Simply drop us an email to editor@eatout.co.ke or tweet us @eatoutkenya

We get a lot of emails pouring in each week. Here is this month’s favourite: I was recently in Nairobi and picked up a free copy of Yummy. I now download each month’s issue to my iPad. Could we see more features outside Nairobi especially the Coast. Can’t wait for a Yummy for Uganda as well? Now that would be interesting. -ANGIE K. MUGIZI, KAMPALA. Hi Angie, Thank you for your feedback and be sure to keep reading. We are now available to download on Joomag & Issuu. A good place to look to get your foodie fix outside Nairobi is on our blog, yummy.co.ke. We will keep putting updates up! EatOut will also be expanding its reach to more countries very soon and we are just as excited as you are by the new and endless possibilities. WENDY WATTA (Editor)





Dining in the dark now comes to Africa for the first time with Nairobi being the inaugural host! Locally-named ‘Gizani’, which means ‘in the dark’ in swahili, the dining in the dark concept has been popularized the world over by the international restaurant chain, ‘Dans le Noir’, which originated in Paris in 2004. The first ever local event took place


on May 15th at Tribe Hotel with diners being aided by visually impaired waitstaff. Training of staff was done by Fabrice Roszczka, founder of the international ‘Dans Le Noir’ franchise. Gizani was founded by Yaniv Gelnik and Abdul Kamara - who him-

self has been visually impaired since 2008. The aim is to increase awareness of the other senses, particularly taste, as well as to encourage diners to switch off from daily distractions and focus on what’s important: connecting with the food and people

around you. Now in full swing, Gizani invites you to step into this intriguing sensory experience and you can start by getting a ticket on eatout.co.ke/events/gizani.

Happy Diners: Gizani seeks to introduce a positive and dynamic notion of blindness that could lead to inclusion and empowerment. It will be a totally exhilarating experience that may have you laughing at yourself, connecting more intimately with those around you and surprise you in ways you never thought possible.

Surprise Menu: You will probably give up trying to use cutlery the first time, and that’s okay. Diners are not actually told what’s on the menu beforehand (but they will confirm if you have any allergies) and relying on your other senses to guess what’s on your plate is part of the intrigue.

Entering Gizani: With everyone placing their left hand on the shoulder of the person in front, diners are then guided into the pitch black room by the well trained visually impaired staff who seat you at your table and ensure that you are calm as you adjust to this new state.



ARABIAN NIGHTS Tambourin: Kempinski’s latest rooftop delight. Always wanted to savour Arabian meals or had a thing for Aladdin and his flying magic carpet? If so, Tambourin at Villa Rosa Kempinski will be your latest regular spot. The restaurant that is opening soon features a lounge area with

Majilis-style cabanas where you can enjoy your shish kebab, and a main dining area where you can indulge in their authentically flavored Levant cuisine. The best of Arabia awaits you.

RED HOT The Rouge Deck: Let’s paint the town red! Everything about The Rouge Deck, the newest pool lounge in the city, is cool. The lounge is immersed in a red swimming pool that is unique to the dusitD2 hotel. The red-leafed tree at the bar gives off a classy feel and completes the contemporary theme. With incredible sundowners every Friday, Saturday and Sunday along with champagne, shisha and heavenly cocktails, you will fall in love with this place!

TASTY PASTRY The Arbor: Why heading to James Gichuru will be your new routine. Nothing beats having coffee and a freshly baked pastry in a tranquil garden setting away from the noise of the city. No rush, just you and your mug. The Arbor, located on 904 James Gichuru Road

promises you all that and more. You can either settle down for your lunch or do a little shopping at their marketplace. Whichever you choose, The Arbor is sure to become a new favourite.



MADARAKA CRUISE Tamarind Dhow’s special cruise will have you falling in love with the ocean!


If you’ve always wanted to ride the gentle waves of the Indian Ocean whilst indulging in fresh seafood and your favourite glass of wine, you’re in for a treat. The Tamarind Dhow has a special Madaraka Day cruise that you and your family will thoroughly enjoy. Their special family lunch will take place from 31st May to 1st June from 1pm to 3pm. Adults will be charged Kshs 2,800 while kids go at half price.

A little bit of art and some cookies equals great family fun! Building on the success of Wine and Canvas, Confetti Co. presents Cookies & Canvas - the painting class for those with a sweet tooth! Munch on delectable treats while letting your inner artist create a masterpiece. This painting experience is perfect for parents and children aged 5 to 10! Their talented

artists will take you through a stepby-step instruction method that does not require a stroke of painting experience. Best part: you take your artwork home with you as a sweet memory of the afternoon. Tickets will cost Kshs 3000. For more info, visit www.eatout.co.ke/events

GIN AND JAZZ Why Ocean Basket makes for an excellent Wednesday night plan. You know what goes well with your seafood? Jazz. Anything goes well with jazz! Every Wednesday night, from 8.30pm to 11.30pm, Ocean Basket will host a special Jazz Night with live music by Edward Parseen and the Different Faces Band. Settle down after a hearty meal with a glass of Tanqueray at Kshs 550 with your mates, and let the jazz and gin wash your worries away.




CHIVALRY ISN’T LOST In a bid to pay tribute to men that recognize the value of true craftsmanship, and don’t mind expressing their success through luxurious items exclusively made for them, Chivas Regal commissioned John Kaveke to create bespoke jackets for eight leading Kenyan entrepreneurs from different professional backgrounds. Guests were also taken through a tasting of the Chivas 12, 18 and 25 at the launch at Caramel Lounge.





The food scene in Kenya is growing and with EatOut being at the centre of it all, it only made sense that we would invite food and lifestyle bloggers to join us for a night of Dawas and various all-you can-eat cuts of grilled meat in the true style of Carnivore Restaurant. The evening led to intelligent conversations about Nairobi and food, with ideas being exchanged, recipes swapped, favourite restaurants listed and fun being had!

Jayson Mbogo, Joy Kendi, Francisca Wawira, Wamboi Kay, Sandy Thethy, Wendy Watta, Seina Naimasiah, Jean Wandimi and Robert Otieno




KIKUYU NIGHT! Despite her best intentions, Charity Keita discovers that it is more difficult than she thought to stay true to her culinary roots.


he truth is, I couldn’t face doing an entirely Kenyan meal. Despite how excited I was at the prospect of giving my piece the title “Kikuyu Night!” there was no way I was actually going to do an authentic Kikuyu meal, given the lack of spice and other fun condiments that populate this segment of our national plate. So me being me, I decided to cheat because, as should now be obvious, I was born to cheat (in the kitchen that is - what did you think I meant?). For a while I toyed with the idea of making both Mukimo, deliciously creamy mashed potatoes with pumpkin leaves, corn and maize, and Githeri, the other Kikuyu national dish which consists of boiled beans and maize. A friend of mine is prone

to joking that for all the variety in vegetables that come out of the fertile Central Kenyan lands, our imaginations are so limited that we could only come up with two dishes in which we stick all said veggies, without any real consideration to highlighting their individual qualities. Either way, when I pitched the idea to Luan, he rolled his eyes and pleaded with me to just make Mukimo because, he says, all the beans in Githeri give him gas. When I told my friends at dinner the other night that I was planning on cooking a Kikuyu heritage meal, they got very excited and told me that I should do the whole goat slaughtering ritual. Luan did not share their enthusiasm though, because if we were to follow tradition it would basically have

meant he had to do the whole thing himself. I did however briefly consider making mutura— Kikuyu blood sausage— but again, being a woman means I’m technically not allowed to do this. Also, when it boils right down to it, the idea of milking an intestine of its faecal content and then filling it up with blood just feels like a bit too much work for me at the moment. Maybe at the next family get-together I’ll be able to convince one of the more foodie elders in the clan to rustle up some proper traditional mutura, but for the time being, best stick to less icky preparations. In the end when Kikuyu night was finally upon us, we decided that I would make mukimo with a Swahiliinspired mchicha (amaranth leaves) side, while Luan would make lamb

The idea of milking an intestine of its faecal content and then filling it up with blood just feels like a bit too much work

chops with caramelised onions and feta cheese. Sure, the last part really isn’t Kenyan by any stretch of the imagination, but I guessed (quite rightly as it turned out) that the saltiness of the feta cheese would balance out very well with the sweetness of coconut and peanutinfused greens. I’m still determined to make a good Githeri at some point though. There is a little local restaurant called Double Portion that sits on Chiromo Road between Muthithi Road and the highway. They put carrots and onions and all sorts of other veggies in it and truth be told I think it’s quite delicious. I’ll just have to wait until Luan is away so I don’t have to share a bed with him and his gas.


HIDDEN GEMS Susan Wong embarks on an all-toofamiliar culinary journey about Nairobi’s CBD and takes us through small restaurants that, for all they lack in ambience, make up for in pleasantly delicious and authentic Kenyan food.

For years, the Central Business District of Nairobi, or more intimately known as “Town,” has been the dark center of Kenya’s capital and the genesis of the term “Nairobbery.” The high foot traffic, narrow laneways and little police presence creates a haven for opportunists and petty thieves. Town may be the last place you’d expect to find good culinary gems, but trust me, aside from the usual well-guarded hotel institutions and popular restaurants such as Trattoria and Ronalo’s, there are others and they’re definitely worth the trip. Foot traffic is crucial for restaurants and bars, and undoubtedly, Town definitely has that going for it. In fact, some of the most successful restaurants are those serving the same meals, on the same plastic plates, served by the same people and at the same prices as they did more than 15 years ago when they first opened. BREAKFAST If you’ve been following my culinary journey for the last few years, it should be no surprise that KK Restaurant on the ground floor of Bruce House, Standard Street, receives the first mention. It is not


where you want to lounge and linger; rather, it’s a place where you just want to get what you’ve come for and go. In this case, Kienyeji Chicken Soup. I love chicken, my favourite being free-range birds – known as kienyeji in Kenya – because they simply taste better. What do I love more than chicken? Slowlysimmered chicken soup. The Kienyeji Chicken Soup, a staple on KK’s breakfast menu is cheaper than your City Council parking fee. It arrives in a plastic bowl that’s scratched and has clearly seen better days, with a large quarter piece of chicken bobbing in the steaming milky stock with colourful vegetables floating about. A white or brown chapati that’s warm in the center and crisp around the edges or toast accompanies the soup. All the finger-licking, chapati-dipping and tongue-wagging from fresh green chilies that goes into indulging in a Kienyeji Chicken Soup – I love it all. It is so brilliantly rustic, and yet leaves me swooning every time. I miss this soup when I wake up in unfamiliar beds at beautiful hotels in Europe. I long for this soup when I rub the sleepiness out of my eyes at home. I’m unsettled at my desk until I’ve had my daily breakfast serving


I miss this soup when I wake up in unfamiliar beds at beautiful hotels in Europe.

– it’s true, ask my colleagues. I think of Kienyeji Chicken Soup fondly, no matter where I am in the world. LUNCH “Roooosieeee.” “Roooosie… matumbo na chapo.””ROOOSIIEEE stew na ugali.” Until I started dining at Petma Restaurant on Kaunda Street, located on the ground floor of Traveler’s Building, I’ve never heard the name Rosie called out so many times in my life. Meet Rosie: The chef of Petma on Kaunda Street (there are three locations in Town), and probably Nairobi’s most famous Rosie. The 30-something chef stoically serves up some of Town’s tastiest Kenyan classics at incredible fast-food speeds despite the chaos that surrounds her. Burnt orange paint, exposed air ventilation ducts, French bistrostyled tables without the marble or the charm, music blaring from the ceiling speakers, two large televisions dedicated to Nat Geo and a local news channel, and waitresses calling out their orders to Rosie with their squeaky voices– the heaving atmosphere of Petma during lunch service is not for everyone.

My usual is Matumbo (tripe) with Mbuzi (goat) soup – make sure you ask for it otherwise you’ll get a reddish gravy that tastes like Royco and food colouring - but what keeps me coming back is the vegetables! Sukuma Wiki perfectly sautéed until tender but still dense and crisp with every bite, and its lush deep shade of green preserved. Don’t you hate it when vegetables are overcooked to a tasteless pulp? In fact, the only vegetable that should be overcooked, which Petma does so well, is Managu (solanum). A word of advice; to get a seat, make sure you head to Petma right before the lunch rush begins to ensure you’ll be served the best or “top layer.” If you’re in a bad mood or have a headache, the controlled chaos will probably make it worse, so go another day. DINNER If you find yourself still in Town after the last two culinary gems, head to Kaldis Coffee House on Kimathi Street for some of the best steak around. The first step to cooking any great cut of meat is to first buy a great piece of meat and at Kaldis, they do, considering I still thoroughly enjoyed my tasty Sirloin even when

it was severely undercooked and on another occasion, overdone. They still need to work on their understanding of doneness. That being said, the little bit of charring and the chef’s plentiful seasoning adds a delicious crust that keeps the meat juicy and tender at the center, making this one of the most delicious and affordable steaks in Town. I would stay away from the curries as they taste of uncooked spices, leaving a grainy texture in your mouth. Most of the drinks, except for the iced teas, are incredibly sugary. In some cases, specifically the mocktails, you’ll even see a layer of settled brown sugar at the bottom of your tall plastic glass.The rest of Kaldis’ menu reads like most other cafés, but they offer larger portions for a cheaper price. The décor experiments in earthy and dark themes. Tall ceilings welcome diners and service is usually fast and charming. DINING IN TOWN In my perfect world, Town on a weekend would be transformed into an urban haven where pedestrians and cyclists share the street with a vibrant farmers market - highlighting

the best in arts and crafts - and the air filled with aromas of titillating street foods and delicious restaurant offerings. All of this in front of a backdrop of some of Kenya’s most historic buildings. Town is the last frontier for Nairobi’s culinary scene. Though many business owners are abandoning Town in favour of new glitzy buildings in up-and-coming urban neighbourhoods, some recognize the opportunity in reinvesting in tired restaurants. Restaurant owners in Town have made significant changes in the last few years through modernizing menus and building brand-new interiors, whilst maintaining consistency in their prices and offerings. People may still think this part of Nairobi is the “dark” side where nothing is ever going to be good, but the resilience of these restaurant owners proves otherwise. On your next trip to Town, you won’t find any culinary hidden gems, but rather, you’ll find a few diamonds in the rough.






Grab these yummy items at a Dormans branch near you to whip this tasty treat up at home. You’ll need: 1 x Dormans brownie (Kshs 220 each) 2 x Dormans chocolate chip cookies (Kshs 160 each) ½ cup chopped strawberries Ice cream Mint leaves Stemmed glass



ric Wainaina is a popular Kenyan musician, caring husband, father and lover of good food. His notable releases include Kenya Only, Nchi Ya Kitu Kidogo and Selina. The way he takes his coffee reveals that he is bold and unafraid to experiment with new flavours both in the kitchen and in his music. How do you take your morning coffee? I like a good strong Dormans brew. I take that with toast, scrambled eggs and if I’m feeling good, some bacon.

What’s your creative process like? I sit on the porch with a guitar and try come up with a melody and lyrics. Sometimes one comes before the other. There is a lot of rewriting.

the day starting with an espresso in the morning, but not necessarily after meals. I generally stay away from it after late night dinners. Where did you learn how to cook?

What’s your favourite pastry? I don’t treat myself to pastries as much as I should but I sure like a good Danish. What’s your ideal way to take coffee after a meal?

From my mum. She always stressed that she didn’t want us to end up marrying someone just because we didn’t know how to make a cup of coffee! By the time I could see over the sink, I was doing dishes. By the time I could see over the stove, I was cooking.

I drink a lot of coffee throughout

Drop by your nearest Dormans Coffee Shop at Junction • Village Market • AirKenya Like us on Facebook @DormansCoffeeShops

How To Do It: Crush chocolate chip cookies and brownies. Layer bottom of the glass with brownies and flatten with spoon. Add ice cream to make second layer and flatten. Follow with layer of crushed chocolate chip cookies. Follow with ice cream again. Top off with a final layer of crushed cookies, brownies and chopped strawberries. Garnish with mint and enjoy!

THAT’S SO KENYAN Different communities in Kenya have their own native food and drinks for which they are known - stereotypically or otherwise. Let’s journey through different regions of this country and explore the six major cuisines that will always come up in conversation regarding what Kenyans eat. Nyama choma Nyama choma (roasted meat) has got to be the unofficial Kenyan national dish. In Nairobi, the scenario you’re likely to encounter is roasted goat, beef or Molo lamb coupled with a cold Tusker - preferably swigged straight from the bottle - a side of kachumbari, sukuma wiki, ugali and copious amounts of salt, with a European League football match playing at either some dingy or fine establishment. Really though, any social gathering is an excuse to start up a grill as nothing has captured the hearts of Kenyans quite like the charred taste of a freshly slaughtered grass-grazed goat, slowly roasted


over an open charcoal fire. When in Kenya, for the authentic Nyama choma experience, the meat has to be well done. In fact, unless you’re in luck, it will probably be so tough that you’ll pretty much feel the fibres of a goat that spent much of its days bleeting and running wildly about the plains of Narok. Mursik I once chatted up a reknowned YouTube food guru who, for all the bizarre food he’d eaten in Asia, matter-of-factly told me that the strangest thing he’d ever had was actually Mursik. This popular drink among the Kalenjin is pretty much

just sour milk. Sounds harmless, right? It’s actually made by pouring cow urine into a gourd and leaving it for a few days to season and cleanse it- though this step is optional. The insides of this gourd are then smeared with charcoal and ash from specific trees. Traditionally, blood could be added to the milk while it was fresh or after fermentation. The milk is then boiled and allowed to cool, after which it is poured into the gourd and stored in a cool, dry place to ferment for at least one week. The gourd is finally shaken to give the milk a smooth consistency. The resulting drink has a sharp taste that’s almost bitter in some cases, and is delicious served with ugali.



Just don’t ask them to pronounce the word ‘fish’ 26.




The Luo have long been stereotyped to love their fish - particularly Tilapia and Nile Perch (Just don’t ask them to pronounce the word ‘fish’!) This perhaps stems from the fact that fish in Kenya comes mostly from Lake Victoria, along which the tribe resides. In fact, should you ever find yourself in Kisumu, be sure to head to the Lwang’ni chain of shanty hotels along the shores of the lake where you’ll find fish about the size of your arm, and so fresh it’s like it jumped right out of the water into the frying pan. Generally, the Luo way of making fish is deep-fried or stewed with kachumbari, sukuma wiki (or a variety of indigenous vegetables) and ugali. In Nairobi, the go-to place for fish made in the authentic Luo style is Mama Oliech Restaurant that resonates fondly given the reference to the Kenyan star footballer of the same name.

Another Kenyan stereotype: all Luhya people love chicken. I am told there are more Luhya songs dedicated to the love for eating chicken than to a man’s love for a woman. I am in no position to confirm or deny that. You’ve probably seen those memes for how everyone else in the world eats chicken and how the Luhya do it, leaving nothing but gnashed bones. They have traditional sports like cock fighting and should you head into Vihiga, you’ll see chicken unabashedly stuffed behind bicycles and on top of matatus. Traditionally, there are even specific parts like the gizzard that should only be eaten by certain members of the household. The common way to serve it is stewed with sukuma wiki or indigenous vegetables and ugali. Oh, and preferably after a cup of hot tea!



The Kikuyu penchant for traditionally just boiling their food without as much as adding spices is legendary. Githeri is a simple meal made of boiled maize and beans, and it’s origin can be traced to Central Kenya. It has since found its way to Meru, Embu and the rest of the country, albeit with different names. This popularity has perhaps been fueled by public Kenyan boarding schools most of which have it on their menu. You probably ate it out of necessity then and after your time was done, couldn’t stand it anymore. There are, however, various ways to spice it up and increase its nutritional value by, for instance, adding peanuts and making it into a stew with the addition of potatoes, carrots etc. It can also be used to make Mukimo, another authentically-Kikuyu dish by adding potatoes, bananas, greens and mashing up the mixture.

The closer you get to the Kenyan coast, the more exotic the cuisine becomes due to the influence of merchant traders. Swahili cuisine is therefore largely influenced by India and a bit by the East. For instance, Chapati is from India but has become such a staple that it’s like a little sun just radiating its goodness to this country. Swahili food is spicy, full of flavour and a testament to the fact that there are more than a thousand ways to cook rice. Pilau, very popular in Kenyan households albeit in varying degrees of semblance to the original swahili dish, can be traced to the Middle East. It is made of rice cooked in heavily seasoned broth and to which meat or potatoes may be added. Wali, rice cooked in coconut milk, is another gem from the coast, as well as Biryani in all its variations.


KARIBU CHAI! Kenya is the third largest producer of tea in the world, a position it doesn’t intend to give up any time soon.


A proper Englishman likes his tea served from a pre-heated teapot, preferably in delicate porcelain cups and saucers with a little cloud of milk. The Moroccans prefer to consume this hot beverage in pretty little glasses crammed full of mint leaves, sweetened to the point that the onset of diabetes seems all but inevitable. In the United States of America, people are more prone to drinking coffee and generally prefer their tea iced. The Chinese drink many different types of green, unfermented tea and in traditional Japanese society, there are strict rituals that surround this important moment of the day. The Tibetans like their brew mixed with salt and yak butter, ostensibly to keep them fortified for the freezing Himalayan temperatures, and where possible


the Indians, the world’s largest tea consuming nation, brew their tea with milk and no water, a selection of ‘Masala” spices and serve it out of disposable earthenware cups. In Kenya, tea cultivation and consumption was initially introduced by the British before being transformed into a popular national staple. Kenyan brewing techniques are closer to the Indian ones than those of their former colonial administrators and involve boiling the tea, water and milk together to form a strong, invigorating brew. Tea may also be consumed without milk and is known as Strungi, a play off the term “Strong Tea”. In decreasing order, China, India, Kenya, Sri Lanka and Turkey are together responsible for producing roughly 75% of the world’s tea.

“When it comes to tea there are few climates around the world that can compare to ours” smiles Moses Changwony, Group Managing Director at Kenya’s Sasini Tea and Coffee production company. By his accounts, Kenya’s domestic consumption alone stands at 27 million kg each year. Despite growing on rather sizeable bushes, it is only the tips of the Camelia sinensis plants that get collected. “Here in Kenya, all of our tea harvesting is done by hand” says Changwony. When machines are used, he explains, they pick the tougher stalks lower down on the bush and the leaves inevitably get scorched. The best quality tea derives from the light green leaves that sprout at the top of the tea plant.

Once collected, tea leaves must first undergo a process of withering: they are placed in cool, airy rooms and wilted, so that excess water is removed. After withering comes rolling, which ensures that all the remaining juices are squeezed out, often by hand, to ensure maximum taste. The next step is oxidation, a process that naturally starts during rolling but which is speeded up when the leaves are spread out on large boards where they are alternatively sprinkled with water and slightly warmed, in order to ferment and develop their complex individual sets of flavours. Oxidation is only relevant to black teas and is avoided with green teas in order to preserve their antioxidant properties. The final step is of course, drying, after which the tea is ready for auction.

About 0.5% of the tea Sasini produces is destined for the local market. The bulk of its produce is transported to Mombasa where it is sold at auction. Before the sale, expert cuppers, tea sommeliers if you will, will drink cup after cup, assessing each batch for aroma, body and pungency through a series of different tests. Changwony underlines that the quantity of tea produced for the local market is undoubtedly increasing. Speciality strains like the increasinglypopular purple tea, grown in Kenya, but exclusively for international consumption, are on the rise, but how long it will take for them to appear on the shelves of our supermarkets remains to be seen.

Speciality strains like the increasingly popular purple tea are on the rise 29.



Amanda Gicharu-Kemoli Co-founder, Amanda’s Kitchen Amanda is a marketer turned chef and nutritionist with a passion for giving traditional Kenyan recipes a healthy twist, while infusing them with global flavours.

FIRE-ROASTED MAIZE WITH KACHUMBARI Maize is a staple in the Kenyan diet and is enjoyed across the country in various forms. Walking through the streets of almost any Kenyan city or town, you will come across a street vendor selling roasted maize to hungry passersby. Added to kachumbari (a Kenyan fresh tomato and onion salad), the sweetness of the maize, acidity of the onion and tang of the tomato make a vibrant and delicious dish.

Makes 3 servings

INGREDIENTS 3 ears of fresh green maize or sweet corn, husks removed 4 ripe tomatoes, peeled, seeded and diced 1/2 cup red onions, finely chopped 1 tablespoon fresh coriander, finely chopped 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice 2 small green chillies, deseeded and finely chopped, optional Drizzle of olive oil Freshly ground black pepper Salt

Submerge the green maize or sweet corn cobs in a pot of boiling water. Simmer for 15 minutes. Drain water and allow cobs to cool until they can be handled.

Season with olive oil, salt and pepper. Place the maize over a cooker’s open flame and cook for about 1 to 2 minutes on all sides or until the kernels are charred to your liking.

Remove and cool. Cut the kernels off the cob. Combine the corn, tomatoes, onions, coriander, lemon juice and chillies (if using). Mix well. Season with salt and pepper.




STEWED BEEF AND MATOKE GNOCCHI Matoke (plantains) are green cooking bananas popular in the South Western and Eastern regions of Kenya. Transformed into pasta, it can be enjoyed with a hearty beef stew.

Makes 4 servings

INGREDIENTS Matoke Gnocchi

1 beef stock cube 1 tablespoon tomato puree

500g white potatoes, peeled and cubed

2 cloves garlic, minced

500g matoke, peeled, cubed

1 medium onion, sliced

2 eggs

2 small carrots, sliced

1 teaspoon salt

2 small courgettes, sliced

1 teaspoon black pepper

2 tablespoons fresh coriander,

200g plain flour

finely chopped 1 or 2 bay leaves

Stewed Beef

1/2 teaspoon ground allspice 1/2 teaspoon black pepper

450g beef, cubed

1/4 teaspoon paprika

2 tablespoons vegetable oil

1 teaspoon sugar

1 cup water

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce

1 tablespoon cornflour

Boil matoke and potatoes separately then in a large bowl, combine equal amounts of both and mash well. Add eggs, salt, pepper and mix well, then add flour and knead until smooth and elastic. Coat the dough lightly with flour then wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Dust a clean surface with flour, unwrap dough and shape into a long wide rectangle then cut into 8 – 10 pieces of about 4 inches long. Roll each piece by gently pushing with fingers. Using a non-serrated knife, cut dough ropes into 1 inch pieces. To prevent sticking, keep pieces separate and place gnocchi on a flat surface in a cool area. Toss them with extra flour while waiting to be cooked.

In a medium pan, heat 1 tablespoon of oil. Add meat and cook until evenly browned, then remove and set aside. In the same pan, add 1 tablespoon of oil then sauté onions and garlic for 2 minutes on low-medium heat. Add salt, sugar, pepper, paprika, allspice, Worcestershire sauce, beef stock cube, tomato puree and bay leaves. Mix well and simmer for 2 minutes. Add browned meat and water. Cover and simmer for 40 minutes. Remove bay leaves. Add carrots and courgettes. Cover and cook for 20 minutes longer. To thicken gravy, remove 2 tablespoons of hot liquid and in a separate bowl, combine with ⅓ cup water and cornflour, mix until smooth then return mixture to pot. Stir and cook for 2 - 3 minutes or until bubbly. Cover and turn off heat.

Place the gnocchi in a pot of boiling water in 3 batches. As soon as a batch starts to rise to the surface, take it out. Once all 3 batches are cooked, add fresh coriander to the stewed beef and serve on a bed of matoke gnocchi.




SAFFRON AND CASHEW NUT KASHATA Much like a Bounty bar without the chocolate, Kashata is a popular sweet from the Kenyan coast. Falling somewhere between cookie and candy, this dessert is usually made with desiccated coconut or peanut, or both. With no oven required, Kashata is quick and easy to make. This Swahili dish is traditionally served with strong black coffee.

Makes 12 – 15 balls

INGREDIENTS 250g fine desiccated coconut 100g fine desiccated coconut, for coating 395g can of sweet condensed milk 1 tablespoon whole milk 1 teaspoon vanilla essence 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon or cardamom 1 teaspoon ground cashew nut A few strands of saffron

Soak the saffron in a tablespoon of whole milk and let it sit for about 10 minutes to infuse.

In a large pot, mix the desiccated coconut, saffron-infused milk, sweet condensed milk, vanilla essence, cinnamon or cardamom and cashew nut. Cook over low heat while stirring every half a minute for about 5 minutes. Then allow to cool.

Spoon a tablespoon of the sticky mixture into the palm of your hand and shape into small ball. Repeat the process until you have used up all the mixture. One by one roll the balls in the desiccated coconut to form an even coating.



THAT AWKWARD MOMENT The older Annabel Onyango gets, the more she demands of her drinking experience. Much to her dismay, however, local Kenyan pubs just don’t seem to serve quality wine!


iving in Kenya, we all know that awkward moment when the waiter arrives with one of those stubby wine glasses with the too-yellow liquid inside, purported to be the white wine you just ordered: the house white, apparently. From the look of things, it was extracted from a box belonging to a very cheap brand and stashed behind the bar for many months until the contents became slightly rancid. That’s that awkward moment when you realize that you’re at a (very) local bar. I know, I know...what did I expect for the Ksh 250 per glass listed in the plastic-covered menu? A


glass of extra chilled Pavillion Blanc from the Boschendal Estate, served in a long stem glass? I’ve always wondered why quality wine is so undervalued at local pubs. Beer and whisky obviously win out as the local man’s poison of choice, but isn’t there a discerning customer every now and then that requires the neighborhood joint to serve a wine that you can actually enjoy? Going by the laws of supply and demand, do some people actually like their glass of cheap boxed wine so much that they order another? The older I get, the more I demand of my drinking experience. That first

beverage you order when you walk into an establishment really does set the tone for your entire experience at that place. When the drinks just don’t taste or look right, it ruins everything! The taste of that crisp liquid in a clear dewy glass ignites the kind of inner joy you will (alas!) never find at a local Kenyan bar. How to spot a bar that will serve you dodgy wine: 1) There is a carwash in the parking lot. 2) The overpowering scent of nyama choma fills the air.

3) There is no one to seat you, to each his own. 4) The first thing the staff do when you sit down is wipe down the table. 5) The menus are plastic. 6) The waiter calls wine “sweet wine” instead of just “wine”. (There is no wine list, obviously). 7) When you complain that the wine is off, the waiter offers you beer. Annabel Onyango is an awardwinning Fashion Stylist in Africa. She’s also a tv personality, social influencer, and taste-maker. Style is her do and end all.



In Kenya, one doesn’t even need an excuse to eat Nyama Choma. What you need for those rich cuts of red meat, however, is just the right glass of red wine; especially something bold and high in tannins like Cabernet Sauvignon or Petite Sirah. Here are some great pairing suggestions: LIKE RED WINE AND RED MEAT FETZER CRIMSON One of California’s better known wineries, Fetzer has been at it since 1968. This particular blend is smooth with raspberry and plum notes, sociable, well-blended and slightly non-traditional. With a jam-like fruit flavour that flirts with sweetness, it would be appealing to even red wine beginners. It balances the best of Syrah, Zinfandel, Cabernet Sauvignon and Petite Sirah into a pronounced oak profile with toasty aromatic components. Serve with grilled beef or lamb. Available from Viva Global (www.viva.global) FETZER VALLEY OAKS CABERNET SAUVIGNON On the nose, you will find enticing aromas of black cherry, blackberry, cassis and vanilla with evident spice from the oak, and a hint of herbs. Tasting delivers a multi-layered wine

with the texture of ripe blackberry, mocha, toffee and vanilla. Medium tannin and acidity levels provide balance to this medium bodied Cabernet. It is quite the hearty companion to steak, chops and ribs. Available at viva global (www.viva.global) ORTAS CHATEAUNEUF-DU-PAPE In its vinification, this french wine appellation is aged in a foudre for 12-14 months to about a third of the volume while the other part is stored in vats. The resulting wine has notes of red fruits, liquorice and spices. It also shows silky and elegant tannins and is gutsy enough to stand up to steak and game. Available from Le Decanter (www.facebook.com/LeDecanter)

DARLING CELLARS RESERVE BLACK GRANITE SHIRAZ This wine has a deep almost opaque garnet colour with a bouquet of spice, dark plums and bramble berries. These flavours follow on the palate and combined with a fine tannin profile and integrated oaking, give the wine great length. In fact, it has enough depth and grip to the oak framing the bramble berries such that it doesn’t fall into the trap of being flabby or confected. Available from MIA Wines (www.miainternational.co.ke) THE WOLFTRAP SYRAH MOURVEDRE VIOGNIER The name is a tribute to the pioneers who in the early days of the Cape, erected a wolf trap at Boekenhoutskloof. No evidence of wolves was ever found and so the South African wine was created as

a reminder of the legends of days past. There are ripe blackberries and spicy pepper flavours from the Syrah driving this blend, and it has a good density with lingering flavours and a hint of oak. Soft, supple tannins makes for early, easy drinking. Available from MIA Wines (www.miainternational.co.ke) ARGENTO MALBEC MENDOZA This dry, medium bodied Argentinian wine made from grapes grown in the foothills of the Andes has tasting notes of fresh raspberry, cherry, sweet plum and chocolate aromas from oak ageing, with hints of violets. It has softer tannins compared to some of its red counterparts and hence goes well with lean cuts of meat or even on its own. Available from The Wine Shop (facebook.com/thewineshopkenya)



KEN-YA DRINK IT? With market stalls bursting with tropical goodness, we figured we’d go fruity this month! These three refreshing cocktails are easy to make and oh-so-good, so why not make a party of it? Pineapple Passion Mojito

Boozy Watermelon Lemonade


A tropical take on a cocktail classic!

2 parts delicious, 1 part cheeky! Try this light refreshing summer cooler.

It doesn’t get more tropical than this!

· 1 pineapple, peeled, cored and chopped into chunks · 50ml pineapple juice · 2 teaspoons sugar (optional) · 10 fresh mint leaves · 2 limes/lemons, sliced · 150ml light rum · 4 passion fruit, seeds and pulp removed · Soda water · Ice, lemon slices and fresh mint to serve 1. Blend the pineapple, juice and sugar together until you have a smooth puree 2. Combine the pineapple puree, rum, mint and lemon/lime and passion fruit in a large jug then muddle together. 3. Pour a little pineapple mixture in the bottom of glasses, add ice then top with soda water. Add fresh mint and a few slices of lemon and you’re good to go!


· ½ watermelon, seeds removed, cut into chunks · ¼ cucumber, cut into chunks · 1 cup fresh lemon juice, plus an additional lemon, sliced, for garnish · ¼ cup packed mint leaves, plus more mint for garnish · 2½ cups white rum or vodka · ¼ cup agave syrup or simple syrup 1. Pop the watermelon chunks, cucumber, and mint in a blender, add the lemon juice, and puree until the mixture is smooth. 2. Strain the mixture into a pitcher to remove the pulp and leaves. 3. Mix in your alcohol of choice and slowly mix the syrup in until everything is well-combined. 4. Add the lemon slices and ice. Garnish each glass with a sprig of mint. Serve!

· 2 whole limes · 2 tablespoons coarse sugar (decorator’s sugar) · 2 mangoes, cut into chunks · 1 ½ cup tequila · 1 ½ cup triple sec · ¼ cup sugar 1. Peel lime zest and allow the zest dry out for ten minutes . Pour the coarse sugar over the zest and toss it around with your fingers. Et voilà, lime sugar! 2. Throw the mango chunks, tequila, triple sec, and sugar in the blender. Squeeze the juice of the limes in and top with ice. Blend until totally smooth. 3. To serve, cut a small wedge from one of the juiced limes and rub the lime all over the rim of the glass to moisten. Dip the rim of the glasses in the lime sugar to give it a gorgeous, crystal rim. 4. Pour the margaritas in and serve immediately!




Those who slide into the bottle, with only their heads above the drink, at the brink of destruction

FRIEND IN NEED Jackson Biko, is a lover of whisky and people watching. He likes to walk the shadows of the city at dusk, picking conversations of a people spurred by the night and by their drink.


ou see it unfold slowly, like coming rain. It starts with that need to constantly have a pint. When you call him he will be in a bar. Daily. Even Mondays. Then come the episodes in the bar; the fights or aggression, the reluctance to walk away and leave when time has come to go home, the blackouts in the club. There is that point when work starts to suffer because they are indoors nursing a hangover. This comes with missed appointments. Warning letters. Then those phonecalls that ask for money. Soft loans that will be paid by end month but never quite get settled. The physical manifestations start showing: their faces sink in at the cheeks, the dry lips, the clothes that begin to hang on the body’s shoulders like

a scarecrow. General sloppiness. Untucked shirt tails. Missed belt loops. One. Two. Ill fitting pants. Red eyes. Sloppy talk. Booze breath. Then one day you will be riding in their car and they ask you to pop the glove compartment and casually ask you to retrieve a bottle of whisky in there. “Dude,” you will say, “you can’t drink at this time of the day, man, and certainly not when you are driving!” They will call you a wanker and grab the bottle from your hand and take a swig straight from the bloody bottle. Then you will know there is a problem. We all love our whisky and a little debauchery. We all work hard to afford the fine drink. But not all of us will know when to draw the line in the bar, when to say “this is enough”, “I can only handle this much”, “I

should only take this much.” There are some of us who get dependent. Those who slide into the bottle, with only their heads above the drink, at the brink of destruction. And we have to say something, we have to intervene. We can’t drink and make merry and then step aside when a pal is becoming a drunk. It wouldn’t be cool. It’s not right. It’s hard, of course. It’s hard to sit him down and tell him, “Boss, you have a problem with alcohol,” because he will ask you if you are Jesus. He will feel persecuted. But you have to have that conversation with him or her. You have to point it out, because you will be saving him from the bottle. Save a friend today. Have that conversation.




Amy Selbach is the owner of Taut Body Studio www.tautbody.com. She is a holistic health-coach, personal trainer and Pilates instructor and creator of the Taut Body program that has helped hundreds of her clients lose weight and change their health completely. She also leads life-design and business-design incubator workshops email amy@tautbody.com.

Sukuma Wiki, known as kale across the globe, graces the plates of many Kenyans daily. It is an exceptional dietary choice and integral part of Kenyan culture and cuisine. Here are five ways to make this superfood a staple in your diet. Sukuma Wiki is evidenced to have been grown as far back as 2000 years ago with the ancient Greeks. Kenya’s arable land and the plant’s sturdy nature makes it easy to grow here. Long before it was trendy in the west, Kenyans were well ahead of the curve fueling their bodies with this superfood, which means to “push the week” or “stretch the week.” The Swahili name could not be more spot on. Although very few people probably know the nutritional make-up of this superfood, it’s true that its nutritional content of certain vitamins exceeds daily recommended values by far. A cup will get you more than the


daily recommended dose of vitamin A, C and K. It also provides a great source of easily absorbable calcium, and has minerals like copper, potassium, iron, manganese and phosphorus. The antioxidants and phytonutrients in sukuma wiki prevent disease and ageing. It is very low in calories but has 3 grams of protein and 2.6 grams of fiber per one cup serving. Kale contains an antioxidant known as alpha-lipoic acid, which has been shown to lower glucose levels, increase insulin sensitivity and prevent oxidative stress-induced changes. Now that we have enough incentive to keep eating it, here are ways to incorporate it into your diet:

Sauté: The Kenyan way of sautéing with tomatoes and onions is delicious, but there are countless other ways to cook with sukuma wiki. You can sauté with olive oil and a bit of parmesan cheese and pine nuts for a more Italian variation, or stir fry it with other meats and veggies. Because of its sturdy constitution, it holds up well to sautéing. Green juice: If you are short on time, blend it into a drink! I always advise to drink your greens if you don’t love salads. Combine with green apple, ginger, cucumber, mint, ice and water and get all the veggies you need for the entire day in a glass.

Kale chips: Season with olive oil and your favourite flavours and bake on low heat for 30 minutes. Raw kale salads: This is a great picnic salad because it doesn’t get soggy. Kale holds up well with dressing. It is great balanced with dried fruits and nuts like cranberries and slivered almonds. Another option is sweet corn, black beans and cherry tomatoes for a more latin alternative. Soups and curries: Sukuma wiki is wonderful added to soups and curries. Be sure to add it in at the very end to maintain the nutritional integrity. Cooking for too long will destroy vitamins and some minerals.


everyday 11a–11p




Yummy Card: 10% Discount The Bamboo restaurant is a fine dining restaurant offering fusion cuisine. You can enjoy a combination of Chinese, Thai and Japanese cuisine, set in an elegant sophisticated atmosphere.

About Thyme

Big Square

Eldama Ravine Road Continental $$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount, 50% Discount on Yummy Tuesdays About Thyme offers a well-prepared menu and beautifully presented dishes from around the world. Enjoy an intimate dining experience in a leafy, secluded area of Westlands.

The Oval Mall Burger, Fast Food $$ Visit Big Square’s new branch at The Oval, Westlands and enjoy juicy burgers, creamy milkshakes and a fun kiddie corner. Let’s make a square-mess.

Artcaffe The Oval Mall Café $$$ Artcaffe Oval showcases a distinctly chic style through their creative décor elements, including the largest balcony space among the Artcaffe outlets. The ArtBakery serves freshly baked homemade breads, pastries, cakes and desserts.

Artisan Sankara Hotel, Woodvale Groove International $$$$ Artisan’s global cuisine evokes craftsmanship. From the pleasant outdoor terrace to the private dining room, Artisan is designed to reflect a relaxed yet sophisticated atmosphere. Dress code is smart casual.

Bamboo Zen Garden, Lower Kabete Rd Pan Asian $$$


to the whole family. Their menu has something for everyone from roasted rotisserie chicken to children’s meals.

Colosseum Coffee Bar & Restaurant

Cake Ville Amani Plaza, High Ridge Bakery & Patisserie $$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount They offer freshly baked cakes, pies and pastries using the finest ingredients. They are conveniently located in Westlands, where they serve up inspired new creations every week.

Chicken Inn Oil Libya Service Station Fast Food $$ The design and layout of Chicken Inn is inviting and colorful, appealing

Golden Spur

West End Towers, Waiyaki Way Italian $$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount Their stylish contemporary designed restaurant makes for a perfect meeting point with friends or family. Colosseum’s authentic Italian cuisine is prepared with the freshest ingredients. Enjoy their extensive alcoholic beverage selection.

Southern Sun Hotel, Parklands Rd Cuisine: Steak House Price Range: $$$ A South African chain that offers delicious specialty steaks, burgers and a wide range of exciting salads. This classic family restaurant also has an activity area for children.

Furusato Ring Road Parklands Japanese $$$ Furusato specializes in authentic Japanese cuisine and friendly service that will make your dining experience unforgettable. Now with 6 Teppanyaki tables and a Sushi Bar.

Zen Garden, Lower Kabete Rd Multi Cuisine $$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount Overlooking the beautiful Zen Garden, Jade is a beautiful venue, situated in the heart of Spring Valley. The food quality and high level of service, attracts customers to this area.

Fogo Gaucho

Lime Light

Cake City Crossroad Junction Bakery & Juice Bar $$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount Using traditional recipes to make delicious treats that feel home baked, Cake City will be there to deliver carefully created cakes and pasteries.

They offer authentic flame grilled chicken Lemon&Herb, Mild, Hot or Extra Hot as per the preference of the customer. Many of their patrons have termed it unmatched.

Viking House, Waiyaki Way Brazilian, Steak House $$$ Yummy Card: 5% Discount Fogo Gaucho Churrascaria will serve you more than a dozen cuts of meat and 20 different salads prepared and supervised by Brazilian cuisine experts in an elegant South Brazilian ambience.

Galitos Oil Libya Service Station Fast Food $$

Jade Coffee and Tea House

Hotel Royal Orchid Azure Multi-Cuisine $$$ This is the main restaurant that offers buffet set-up and seats both inside and outside set on the large veranda overlooking the swimming pool giving a relaxed atmosphere.

Mama’s Patisserie ABC Place, Waiyaki Way Café, Bakery & Patisserie $$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount, 50% Discount on Yummy Tuesdays Mama’s Patisserie offers some of the

Book online at www.eatout.co.ke or call our reservations hotline on 0711 222 222


RESTAURANTS best cakes and pastries, as well as a lovely menu you can enjoy in a relaxed environment at the ABC Place. Their recipes from France will have you coming back for more.

Mediterraneo 9 West Plaza, Ring Road Italian $$$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount Mediterraneo brings you an unforgettable experience of true Italian dining. Its warm colors will take you back to the streets of Florence. They serve great seafood, pasta and vintage wines.

Munch N Madurai Ngara Rd, Parklands South Indian $$$ Munch N Madurai offer the best South Indian cuisine in a peaceful, relaxed atmosphere. Their extensive menu will cover both vegetarians and non vegetarians at affordable prices.

Ocean Basket The Oval, Ring Road Seafood, Sushi $$$ At Ocean Basket you’ll find people who share a love for delicious seafood served hot. You can expect quality seafood, a cool relaxed atmosphere and great value.

Pizza Inn Oil Libya, Waiyaki Way Fast Food $$ Pizza Inn continues to deliver some of the best pizza made using the freshest ingredients. Enjoy their contemporary design as you indudlge in your pizza.

Rendezvous La Maison Royale, 9 Mogotio Road Continental $$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount They offer an exhuberant environment that incoporates french aroma in its essence. Their wide array of


delectable dishes will satisfy your food cravings

Sarabi Pool and Supper Club Sankara Hotel, Woodvale Grove International $$$ Enjoy sweeping views over the Nairobi skyline in an exclusive ambiance. Dress code is smart casual and note, the age limit after 6pm is 25 years and above.

Saravana Bhavan 2nd Flr, Victoria Plaza, Parklands Rd Indian Vegetarian $$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount The world’s largest vegetarian chain now has a branch in Nairobi! Swing by for tasty, organic, purely vegetarian South Indian cuisine!

Secret Garden 14 Riverside Drive Cafe $$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount Conveniently located in the new office blocks at 14 Riverside Drive, they strive to keep their food simple, fresh and natural. Secret Garden is one of Nairobi’s must-try healthy restaurants.

Seven Seafood & Grill ABC Place, Waiyaki Way Seafood $$$ Seven Seafood & Grill offers a sumptuous selection of the finest Indian Ocean seafood. Indulge in one of Seven’s decadent desserts to complete Nairobi’s most unique dining experience.

Shangrila Diamond Plaza New Wing Chinese, Indian $$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount, 50% Discount on Yummy Tuesdays Experience delicious Indian & Chinese Cuisine prepared by Shangrila’s highly experienced chefs. Their

tastefully decorated interior offers a warm atmosphere for any meal. Home deliveries and catering for your special events also available.

Snack Attack Sarit Centre Fast Food $$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount Snack Attack Kenya at Sarit Centre is a quick serve restaurant franchise from the UAE and the first restaurant in Nairobi to bring you “Loaded Chips”, made using Snack Attack’s own unique recipe.

SOI dusitD2 Hotel, 14 Riverside Drive Thai $$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount SOI brings world-renowned Thai street food with a modern twist to your plate. SOI also features a communal table and an enclosed space with its own terrace for more privacy.

SOKO dusitD2 Hotel, 14 Riverside Drive International $$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount Soko offers a private dining roundel and a sublime terrace perfect for an upscale business lunch, a get together or a romantic dinner completed with an international and eclectic menu.

Yummy Card: 10% Discount Serving Continental cuisine and having introduced a Lebanese menu, this restaurant is based in the hub of Westlands. Simply enjoy your coffee or meal in their serene garden or enjoy dining in their authentic Lebanese dining room.

Tiger Trail Hotel Royal Orchid Azure Indian $$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount This is a fine dining restaurant that serves Fine Indian Cuisine from a delicate balance of succulent food, authentic ambiance and personalized service from our experienced staff.

Vista Hotel Emerald Multi-Cuisine $$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount, 50% Discount on Yummy Tuesdays Enjoy Indian, Chinese and Italian specialties in a serene setting with a great view of Nairobi from the 6th floor of the Hotel Emerald making any evening out unforgettable.


Taste of China VIP Plaza, Westlands Road Chinese $$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount Taste of China is a modern bar and restaurant serving indo Chinese food. The dining room has a tranquil color scheme with ambient lighting. They have an extensive alcohol menu.

Temiras Coffee Garden General Mathenge Drive Continental, Italian $$

Café Brasserie The Village Market, Gigiri Cafe $$ An elegant and simple style gives Artcaffe’s Café Brassiere at the Village Market a distinct class. It is the main bakery for all their cafes and serves an extensive menu throughout the day.

Big Square UN Avenue, Gigiri Burger, Fast Food $$ The Big Square Gigiri branch is

Book online at www.eatout.co.ke or call our reservations hotline on 0711 222 222


RESTAURANTS located at the Kenol petrol station on the corner of UN avenue and Limuru Road. This is the perfect spot to eat, work and chill.

Dormans The Village Market, Gigiri Cafe $$ Dormans Coffee Shops has unveiled a new-look branch at the Village Market’s 1st Floor, New Wing. Aside from their favourite cup of coffee, the new venue boasts a new menu including a wide selection of salads, sandwiches, pastries, cakes and cookies.

Habesha United Nations Crescent, Gigiri Ethiopian $$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount Reknowned for its authenticity in Ethiopian cuisine, Habesha offers a wide array of traditional, hearty Ethiopian cuisine served in a rustic and homely atmosphere.

Jiko Tribe Hotel, Gigiri International, Formal Dining $$$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount Jiko is glamourous yet sophisticated whilst maintaining the warmth and personality of Kenya. Its contemporary international cuisine focuses on carefully grown fresh ingredients and specially sourced international imports.

La Dolce Vita Muthaiga Shopping Ctr, Limuru Rd Italian $$$ Nairobi’s La Dolce Vita Restaurant has a bright interior filled with artwork, creating a stylish but unpretentious space for lunch or dinner.

Indulge in the specialties of great seafood, pasta and vintage wines.

Prime Cuts Butchery & Bistro Village Market, Limuru Rd, Gigiri International $$$ The Prime Cuts Bistro offers a wide variety of delicious dishes, including their Famous Philly, toasties, burgers & sandwiches. They also offer delicious steaks, seafood, meat platters.

Seven Grill & Lounge The Village Market, Gigiri Steak House $$$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount, 50% Discount on Yummy Tuesdays Seven Grill is considered to be Nairobi’s premier seafood destination, offering a sumptuous selection of the finest Indian Ocean seafood as well as a delicious array of Kenya’s finest beef.

Suite 101 Tribe Hotel, Gigiri Bakery & Patisserie, Ice Cream & Desserts $$$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount Get all your custom cakes, novelty cakes, freshly baked pastries, gourmet chocolates and Italian homemade gelatos, all at Suite 101.

Tamambo The Village Market, Gigiri Continental $$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount, 50% Discount on Yummy Tuesdays Tamambo Bar and Grill has a casual trendy atmosphere ideal for coffees, lunch and dinner. Their exciting menu offers a delicious selection of light salads as well as appetizing gourmet dishes.

Mediterraneo United Nation Ave, Gigiri Italian $$$$ Mediterraneo brings you an unforgettable experience of true Italian dining. Set in its warm colours,



Adega Lavington Curve Mall Portuguese $$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount, 50% Discount on Yummy Tuesdays An upmarket Portuguese restaurant that caters for a variety of tastes and styles, Adega offers a warm unpretentious ambience and gorgeous balcony view of the Lavington suburb.

Artcaffe The Junction Mall, Ngong Rd Café $$ The ArtCaffe is a bright, lightfilled café famous for its roasted coffees,hearty dishes and mouth watering deserts. The café has a unique character, and is the ideal spot for postshopping coffee and cake, breakfasts and leisurely lunches

The Arbor House 904, James Gichuru Rd Café $$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount The Arbor is an eco-friendly garden cafe with an eclectic selection of food and also a marketplace in a tranquil garden setting in the heart of Nairobi.

Big Square The Junction Mall, Ngong Rd Burger, Fast food $$ Located at the Junction Mall, here you are guaranteed to enjoy the ambiance as you eat your favorite fries, the famous square burger, crunchy onion rings and juicy ribs marinated in Big Square’s secret sauce.

Brew Bistro Piedmont Plaza, Ngong Rd Bistro $$$ Yummy Card: 5% Discount, free beer sample & tour The Brew Bistro offers an unparalleled dining adventure. The fine dining section is complimented by

a centralised open kitchen which serves Pan-Global cuisine, incorporating a fusion of French, European, Asian and classic Kenyan flavours.

Cheka 101 Manyani East Road - Off James Gichuru, Japanese $$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount Cheka Japanese Izakaya provides authentic Japanese meals including sushi, noodles, a variety of seafood specials and imported sake from Japan

Habesha Argwings Khodek Rd, Hurlingham Ethiopian $$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount Renown for its authentic Ethiopian cuisine, Habesha has continued to win hearts around Nairobi and is set in a warm homely atmosphere.

La Salumeria Valley Arcade, Off Gitanga Rd Italian $$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount La Salumeria offers only the finest Italian cuisine in a tranquil and peaceful ambiance. Their warm service and hearty meals will certainly create a memorable experience.

Le Palanka 909 James Gichuru Road, Lavington African, Fusion $$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount Inspired by the fabulous Angolan antelope, Palanka Negra, this venue is just as unique and rare as the animal serving fine African cuisine.

Mambo Italia Lavington Curve Mall, Lavington Italian $$$ Mambo Italia is a casual Italian restaurant and café specializing in gourmet pizzas, pasta, salads and more

Book online at www.eatout.co.ke or call our reservations hotline on 0711 222 222



MEZZE on the deck BEST WESTERN PREMIER Middle East & Mediterranean $$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount For traditional Arabic hospitality, and a breathtaking view of the Ngong Hills, Mezze on the deck is ‘the’ place to dine in Nairobi. Located on the rooftop, the restaurant serves a wide variety of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern dishes as well as an exotic array of sheesha flavors.

Pampa Churrascaria Thompson Estate, Kingara Rd Brazilian, Steak House $$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount Pampa is a haven for meat lovers and vegetarians alike; it encompasses an authentic Brazilian rotisserie steak house and buffet salad bar.

PABLO’S BEST WESTERN PREMIER International $$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount, 50% Discount on Yummy Tuesdays Pablo’s is a contemporary styled dining area, with both indoor and outdoor seating. The menu encompasses a wide variety of international cuisine, from authentic Asian dishes to Italian pastas and pizzas. You’re sure to be spoilt for choice!

Phoenician The Junction Mall, Ngong Rd, Japanese, Lebanese $$$$ The Phoenician is a fabulous restaurant which serves sushi, Lebanese and Teppanyaki courses, in an al fresco atmosphere at the Junction. The Phoenician has a delightful ambience and good service.

Sierra Brasserie Hurlingham, Yaya Centre Continental $$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount Sierra Brasserie is a modern interpretation


of a classical French brasserie serving simple yet elegant food using the best ingredients available.

Slims Kedong house, Ralph Bunche Rd, Hurlingham Continental $$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount Voted Nairobi’s “Best Sun-Downer,” Slims takes pride in delivering fresh creations. Boasting six-foot high French café windows, Slims offers a sunken bar and floor-to-ceiling mahogany paneling.

The Wine Shop 671 Piedmont Plaza, Ngong Rd International $$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount, 50% Discount on Yummy Tuesdays on selected bottles The Wine Shop encourages you to explore your palate and experiment either by the glass or bottle. They also offer up a selection of delicious complimentary dishes.

Tokyo Kolloh Road, Lavington Japanese, Korean $$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount Tokyo Restaurant is a Japanese/ Korean restaurant that has over 10 years of experience serving top class food in Nairobi with a fine selection of Sushi and other typical Japanese dishes.


Artcaffe Karen Crossroads Shopping Centre Café, Continental $$$ Offers a tranquil setting for work and play, boasting a two-level restau-

rant space including the famous Art Bakery, a coffee bar, cocktail bar and outdoor seating

Big Square Karen Square, Ngong Rd Burger, Fast Food $$ Big Square Karen offers some of the best burgers and ribs that your teeth can sink in to. Features play area for children that has iPads and latest gaming consoles.

Carnivore Carnivore Rd, Langata African, Barbeque, Kenyan $$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount Considered as ‘Africa’s Greatest Eating Experience’ Canivore will serve exotic meats roasted over charcoal and carved at your table all in an attractive tropical garden

Creative Kitchen Wilson Airport (Off Langata Road) Continental $$ Creative Kitchen offers an a la carte lunch menu that caters to all palates. Family friendly with a playground for the children, they feature a live band that plays once monthly.

J’s Fresh Bar & Kitchen Across St. Christopher’s Secondary School, Ngong Rd Gastropub $$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount One of the newest restaurants in the area, J’s freshly prepared delights are uniquely served on wooden boards. The environment is just right to enjoy a few drinks and great music with friends.

Que Pasa Karen Shopping Centre, Karen Continental $$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount, 50% Discount on Yummy Tuesdays Built to create a stylish yet simple

space, Que Pasa provides the perfect location to enjoy a meal, drink or to lounge and relax. Enjoy fresh woodfired pizzas.

Simba Saloon Carnivore Rd, Langata African, Barbeque $$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount A vibrant informal restaurant which fuses a childrens playground and a lively nightclub. You are welcome to for their fine cuisine or a themed night out with your friends.

Snack Attack Adams Arcade Fast Food $$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount Snack Attack Kenya is your go to source for “Loaded Chips”. Come indulge in their tasty menu which offers extensive and rich meals at an affordable price

Talisman 320 Ngong Road African, Pan-Asian, European $$$$ Talisman serves up a delightful fusion of European, Pan-Asian and African creations by Chef of the Year winner, Marcus Mitchell. Live music and art exhibitions are available at the Veranda

Tamambo Karen Blixen 336 Karen Road Continental $$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount Relax in the cozy and redecorated indoor restaurant with adjacent outdoor garden, remodeled with a variety of functions areas set in one the largest and oldest formal gardens in Kenya.

Tamarind Nairobi Karen Blixen, Karen Seafood

Book online at www.eatout.co.ke or call our reservations hotline on 0711 222 222


RESTAURANTS $$$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount Tamarind Nairobi offers some of the city’s leading seafood in an ambience of elegance. Enjoy a drink in their bar or a well-prepared meal as a live band entertains you.

breakfast and lunch are served in the Moroccan-styled Café Maghreb, which also features a table d’hôte dinner menu and 24-hour brasserie service. Café Maghreb also offers a specialty coffee area.


Baraka Crowne Plaza Hotel, Kenya Rd, UpperHill Continental $$$$ Baraka is an All-day restaurant situated on a terrace overlooking the hotel’s main pool. They serve full English buffet breakfasts, contemporary buffet lunches, and an Al a Carte or set Menu Dinner.

Bhandini InterContinental Hotel, CBD Indian $$$$ Bhandini transports you to Northern India in first-class style with fine cuisine and a sophisticated setting. The Chef works his culinary magic in a glass-enclosed kitchen so you can see what goes into the dishes.

Big Five Ole Sereni Hotel, Mombasa Rd Multi Cuisine $$$$ Prepared to savor and relish over the finest of five cuisines of the world as you watch their award winning chefs prepare each order in front of your eyes with a bonus of the best view of Nairobi National Park.

Cafe Maghreb Nairobi Serena Hotel, Kenyatta Ave, CBD Seafood, Cafe $$$$ An internationally-themed buffet


Sarova Panafric, Valley Rd International $$$ Come dine at an award winning restaurant that overlooks well manicured gardens and prepare your senses for an unmatched culinary journey. Their personalized service will ensure a great experience.

Lord Delamere’s Terrace Fairmont Norfolk, Harry Thuku Rd, CBD International $$$ One of Kenya’s most fabled locations, this cosmopolitan, open-air Café offers simple, classic cuisine from continental to Italian to Asian— and signature cocktails.

Makuti Bar & Grill InterContinental Hotel, CBD International $$$ The restaurant is popular among businessmen and other prominent personalities who frequent it for lunch and meetings. Situated by the pool, this is also ideal for families on the weekend.

Mandhari Nairobi Serena Hotel, Kenyatta Ave, CBD Formal Dining $$$$ Mandhari Restaurant, overlooks the pool and offers an exclusive finedining experience. Renowned for the excellence of its seasonally inspired menu and extensive wine cellars.

Mukutan Garden

Sikia Fine Dining

Fairview Hotel, Bishop’s Rd, UpperHill Cafe $$$ The Mukutan Garden Café overlooks the most beautiful water feature in East Africa and is known for its, coffees and light meals such as gourmet sandwiches, pizzas and quesadillas.

Crowne Plaza Hotel, Kenya Rd, UpperHill Formal Dining $$$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount The Sikia Fine Dining room is perfect for lunchtime catch-ups or mid-week dinners with friends and family. The modern menu is delightful and the dining room is comfortably elegant.

Pampa Churrascaria 1st Floor, Panari Sky Centre, Mombasa Rd Brazilian, Steak House $$$ Yummy Card: 10% Discount Pampa is a haven for meat lovers and vegetarians alike; it encompasses an authentic Brazilian rotisserie steak house and buffet salad bar.

Tatu Fairmont Norfolk, Harry Thuku Rd Formal Dining $$$ A contemporary grill featuring a variety of coastal seafood and the finest Kenyan produce. Tatu also features a patio, ideal for cocktails and private dinner parties.

Pango Brasserie

Thai Chi

Fairview Hotel, Bishop’s Rd, UpperHill Formal Dining $$$$ With its underground wine cellar, romantic ambience, quality service, classy food presentation and excellent taste, Pango is in a class of its own.

The Sarova Stanley, Kimathi St, CBD Thai $$$$ One of the city’s most elegant dining establishments, The Thai Chi Restaurant at The Sarova Stanley, boasts the finest in authentic Thai cuisine. The Thai Chi is a small piece of Thailand in Nairobi.

Black Gold Cafe

Thorn Tree Cafe

The Panari Hotel, Mombasa Rd Cafe Price Range: $$$ The Black Gold Cafe is known for its well roasted coffees, teas, light meals, smoothies and desserts. The location of the café overlooking Mombasa Road has the atmosphere of a game lodge as it faces the National Park.

The Sarova Stanley, Kimathi St, CBD Continental $$$$ The Thorn Tree Cafe is a legendary open-air, bistro style pavement cafe and is most famous for its message board located at the centre of the restaurant. The cafe is the perfect meeting place for friends.

Steers Muindi Mbingu St, CBD Fast food $$ Being the flame grilled burger specialists, Steers remains the market leader by offering the widest range of burgers using a unique flame grilled process. They also give the best value for money, offering the consumer more quality.

Get your restaurant listed for only Ksh 4000. Email sales@eatout.co.ke


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