A Rhizo‐Poiesis: Children’s Play(ing) of Games MARG SELLERS RMIT University (Australia)
What follows is my rhizopoiesis, a conjoining of Trueit’s (2006) Play which is more than play and my ideas, nomadically‐rhizomatically generating a further disruption of ideas about play as presented in the early childhood literature. My reading‐writing‐thinking can be perceived, both abstractly and with/in the actual, as a “vertical dimension of intensities” (Foucault, 1977, cited in Hand, 1988, p. xliv). To disrupt a conventional interpretation of Trueit’s article, I transpose selections of her rather lyrical text into a poietic format, as a way of opening (her) ideas to a rhizomatic understanding of children’s play. Centering the text disturbs any regression into a linearly focussed reading. By virtue of what I have included and what I have left out, the re‐presentation inevitably reflects my subjective partiality of my understandings of her text, and associated limitations—“Are we not subject to our own limited “understandings” as we impose our interpretations on others?” (Smitherman Pratt, 2006, p. 91). Another (re)reading on another day and I might change what is/not included—“understanding is always changing, in flux, continually being renewed” (p. 93). This (re)reading/writing is processual; I have no idea before doing it what I might find, what might be revealed, what understandings might emerge. Similar to Richardson (1997), I feel the urge to step aside from the dreary writing of ordinary academic prose; to enact “a threshold occasion: a moment of ecstasis when something moves away from its standing as one thing to become another.”1 I thus play with the idea of playing with Trueit’s text to see what happens, what spaces of possibilities might open.
1 See also, Threadgold (1997).
Complicity: An International Journal of Complexity and Education Volume 6 (2009), Number 2 • pp. 91‐103 •