Biosphere, Homosphere, and Robosphere: what has that to do with Business? Humberto Maturana Romesin and Pille Bunnell
This paper is based on a presentation made by Humberto Maturana at the Society for Organizational Learning Member's Meeting, Amherst MA in June, 1998. It is not a transcript, rather it is a re-creation by Pille Bunnell, reorganized with changes, deletions, and additions intended to make it more coherent as a written document. The first person voice of Dr. Maturana is retained, but any misrepresentation of what he intended is the responsibility of Dr. Bunnell.
Introduction I think that most of the fundaments about how we can work together in business setting are already understood by many business people. For example the transformation of Shell Oil over the last five years is grounded in an understanding of the social ground of working together, even where this is not made explicit. I am not a business person, so I shall not tell you about business. What I shall do is to reflect on the biological background on which the concern for what we do in business rests. This meeting began with a presentation of beautiful slides, and we enjoyed them. Isn't this remarkable! We enjoy beauty. How come we humans enjoy beauty? What is beauty that we enjoy it? Why, or what, or how is it that we have a sense of wellbeing when looking at beautiful images? And what were these images that we found beautiful? Trees, leaves, waterfalls, sunsets -- nature, beautiful nature. We find beauty in nature everywhere; in the desert, the forest, or the mountains -- any natural place. However, if we go to an eroded area we do not find beauty. What is the difference? In some sense a desert and an eroded area are similar as neither of them contains many living beings. I