a part of the Extreme Events in Human Society initiative at IIASA, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (Laxenburg, Austria).
unlikely but it potentially has significant societal impacts. However, due to the range of possible Xevents and their transmission via global links, the effects of some Xevent touch upon Finland quite frequently. We argue that Xevents should be one of the central concerns of
Leena Ilmola, IIASA
A specific extreme event (Xevent) is
decision makers in all sectors.
infeasible, but some protection is nearly cost-free and comes as a by-product. Contingency planning should be conWe propose that Finland be turned to a model for an anticipatory society, which constantly prepares for contingencies of
Louis Pasteur said that Chance favors only the prepared mind. We wholeheartedly agree. And we encourage preparing sooner rather than later.
For further information and additional material, please visit Xevents.fi.
Markku Wilenius, Turku Univ.
various kinds.
Casti – Ilmola – Rouvinen – Wilenius
sidered as a part of good governance.
Petri Rouvinen, ETLA
A completely Xevent-free society is
Extreme Events
established towards the end of 2009 as
John Casti, IIASA
the Game Changers project, which was
Extreme Events
Extreme Events
This book serves as the final report of
John Casti Leena Ilmola Petri Rouvinen Markku Wilenius