Foucault, Education, the Self and Modernity

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Journal of Philosophy of Education, Vol. 30, No. 3, 1996

Foucault, Education, the Self and Modernity KENNETH WAIN Michel Foucault is often criticised in English-speaking circles for being interested only in power as domination, and of being uninterested in freedom and social reform. This paper shows, however, that Foucault’s overarching concern was with the constitution of the self under conditions of modernity. It emphasises the significance of his interest in the Classical project of Self-care’, and of his countermodernist educational programme in which the skills of self-governance and the ethical (non-dominating) governance of others, as well as the practice of freedom through sercreation, are the key ingredients.

THE MASKED PHILOSOPHER Commentaries about Michel Foucault are apt to begin with the ambiguity of his thought and personality, an ambiguity that he actively, and indeed playfully, encouraged and delighted in during his lifetime. As one commentator has put it, ‘as he moves from one topic to another.. , his purposes and methods seem to change. So there may not be a single “Foucault”’ to cope with (Hoy, 1986, p. 2). Much, in particular, is made of and deduced from his frequent refusal to be pinned down to specific political or intellectual positions or creeds; one particular passage, from his last interview with Rabinow (1984, pp. 383-384), is a favourite quotation in this respect: I think I have in fact been situated in most of the squares on the political chessboard, one after another and sometimes simultaneously:an anarchist, leftist, ostentatious or disguised marxist, nihilist, explicit or secret anti-marxist, technocrat in the service of Gaullism, new liberal etc. An American professor complained that a cryptomarxist like me was invited to the USA, and I was denounced by the press in Eastern Europe for being an accomplice of the dissidents. None of these descriptions is important by itself; taken together, on the other hand, they mean something. And I must admit that I rather like what they mean.

Foucault is the writer who sought his own personal anonymity, ‘who writes in order to have no face’ (The Archaeology of Knowledge, 1991, p. 17), the ‘masked philosopher’. Not surprisingly, then, he has been assessed and positioned by his commentators and critics in very different and contrasting ways. In an obituary column in Le Monde just after he died in June 1984 Paul Veyne declared his work ‘the most important intellectual event of our century’ (quoted in Merquior, 1985, p. 1l), while J. G. Merquior assessed him as Published by Blackwell Publishers, 108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1JF and 238 Main Street, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA.

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