Human Civilization - Defining Complexity

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8 Human Civilization I: Defining Complexity

Conceptual Outline ❚ 8.1 ❚

Our ultimate objective is to consider the relationship of a human being to human civilization, where human civilization is considered as a complex system. We use this problem to motivate our study of the definition of complexity.

❚ 8.2 ❚

The mathematical definition of the complexity of character strings follows from information theory. This theory is generalized by algorithmic complexity to allow all possible algorithms that can compress the strings. The complexity of a string is defined as the length of the shortest binary input to a universal Turing machine, such that the output is the string.

❚ 8.3 ❚

The use of mappings from strings onto system states allows us to apply the concepts of algorithmic complexity to physical systems. However, the complexity of describing a microstate of the system is not really what we mean by system complexity. We define and study the complexity profile, which is the complexity of a system observed with a certain precision in space and time.

❚ 8.4 ❚

We estimate the complexity of various systems, focusing on the complexity of a human being. Our final estimate is based upon a combination of the length of descriptions in human language, genetic information in DNA, and component counting.



8.1.1 Human civilization as a complex system The subject of this and the next chapter is human civilization—the collection of all human beings on earth. Our long-term objective is to understand whether and how we can treat human civilization as a complex system and,more particularly, as a complex organism. In biology, collections of interacting biological organisms acting together are called superorganisms. At times, we will adopt this convention and refer to civilization as the human superorganism. Much of what we discuss is in early stages of development and is designed to promote further research. 699

# 29412 Cust: AddisonWesley Au: Bar-Yam Title: Dynamics Complex Systems

Pg. No. 699

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