Research, Reflections and Innovations in Integrating ICT in Education
Improving creative thinking abilities using a generic collaborative creativity support system Florian Forster Technische Universität München, Department of Computer Science, Boltzmannstraße 3, 85748 Garching, Germany In this paper, we report on our experiences with a generic collaborative creativity support system with the focus on how users accept the system and how it influences their creative thinking abilities. The key idea behind the creativity support system was to facilitate creative thinking of groups by providing them a toolset of different creativity techniques under one single user-interface. A field study indicated that this effectively lowered the barrier for the team to try various creativity techniques for their problems, which in term had a positive impact on their creative thinking ("thinking-out-of-the-box"). Besides, we present some interesting results gained from a questionnaire after the study that point out other characteristics of the system that positively influenced the user's experience in the creative thinking process. Keywords: creativity, creative thinking, creativity techniques, brainstorming, IdeaStream.
1. Introduction „Creativity is the key to education in its fullest sense and to the solution of mankind’s most serious problems“ (J. P. Guilford, 1967) Creativity is the ability to find ideas that are are both novel and useful [1]. For many centuries creativity was considered a magical ability only specially gifted people were capable of. Creativity was tightly coupled with the concept of ingenuity, and therefore in particular ascribed to exceptional personalities and inventors like Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton or Albert Einstein. Not before the 1950s, creativity was considered a dedicated field of research, separated from related topics like intelligence research |2]. Rhodes proposed to classify the research activities in the field into four dimensions, which became known as the 4P of creativity research: the creative person (who is creative?), the creative product (what is creative?), the creative process (which activities lead to creative products) and the creative press or environment (where does creativity happen?) [3|. An important finding of this systematic approach to creativity research is that creativity and intelligence are – even though being both cognitive processes – fundamentally different abilities. While a minimal degree of intelligence is needed to be creative, an increased IQ value does not correlate well with a person’s creative performances. Intelligence can be measured quite reliably and validly with standardized IQ tests, which is not the case for creativity. Even though different approaches to measure creativity were proposed (e.g. the Torrance test), the significance of creativity tests is heavily disputed [4]. In addition, the reliability of creativity tests is weak, having people score different values on different days. Creativity seems to be a much less stable attribute than intelligence, which in turn raises the question how to influence the creative performance.
2. Creativity techniques A lot of creativity techniques have been proposed to foster creativity of individuals and groups [5]: famous examples are Brainstorming and –writing, Mindmapping, Morphological Analysis or the Six-Thinking-Hats. These techniques define certain rules, activities or constraints for the problem solving process, promising to be more effective than less structured approaches. As an example, the brainstorming technique proposes the following rules of conduct for the group meeting [6]: •Criticism is forbidden. •Quantity goes before quality. •Combine and expand existing ideas. •“Wild” or unusual ideas are desired