intersections online Volume 10, Number 1 (Winter 2009)
Erin Bestrom, “Moving Beyond Borders: The Creation of Nomadic Space Through Travel,� intersections 10, no. 1 (2009): 199-217.
International travel provides a unique opportunity for self-exploration and the development of cultural awareness and multidimensional perspectives. The process of removing oneself from familiar surroundings and venturing into foreign and strange lands produces a space where the traveler may consider new philosophical ideas and develop new ways of seeing the world. I explore in detail the process of international travel and use travel narrative as a foundation for a discussion of difference, identity and the development of nomadic thought. Nomadic thought is a concept used to describe ideas and identities that exist outside established frameworks or hierarchical categorizations, and are in a state of perpetual fluctuation. I argue that international travel provides an inherent opportunity for selfreflection and transformation which can produce a space where nomadic thought and dialogue may occur. I conclude that nomadic thought is a critical component of international dialogue and conflict resolution, and should be a core component of international education programs.
Š 2009 intersections, Erin Bestrom. This article may not be reposted, reprinted, or included in any print or online publication, website, or blog, without the expressed written consent of intersections and the author