Students' Lived Experiences as Text in Teaching the Sociological Imagination

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STUDENTS’ LIVED EXPERIENCES AS TEXT IN TEACHING THE SOCIOLOGICAL IMAGINATION* Although we may claim our students are developing a sociological imagination, it is quite another to realize this in our teaching and our students’ performances. Through a professional move from teaching in Chicago to Maine, I was led to rethink how I teach the sociological imagination. I argue that if we are to teach the sociological imagination, we must consider our students’ contextual backgrounds more carefully and use student’s lived experiences as “text” from which they exercise and develop their sociological imaginations. I illustrate this approach with an assignment designed to use students' experiences from rural and small towns in Maine. The assignment challenges them to use their sociological perspective to look at the relationship between “private troubles” and “public issues,” and to demonstrate using a sociological imagination to reflect on their biographies.

KATRINA C. HOOP Saint Joseph’s College of Maine WHEN THE ASA TASK FORCE on the Undergraduate Major released its report in 2004, it came as no surprise that they would ground their thinking about the undergraduate major as a liberal learning experience. As they argue, the undergraduate major is about “opening the mind.” Our students should learn to critically question the customary and their own assumptions about the social world in which they live. They claim that if “[students’] ongoing learning is based on the template of understanding the importance of social structure and culture—the sociological perspective—then we will have succeeded in providing an education worth having and in producing citizens and workers who will be of continuing value to their communities and employers” (ASA 2004). *The author would like to thank Dr. Ned Laff and the anonymous reviewers for their comments and guidance in working on this manuscript. Please address all correspondence to the author at the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice, Saint Joseph’s College of Maine, Standish, ME 04084; e-mail: Editor’s note: The reviewers were, in alphabetical order, Margaret Crowdes, Kevin Delaney, and Katherine Rowell.

This parallels the general claims made about the nature of the liberal learning experience, and this should be expected. The Task Force worked jointly with the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U). AAC&U has argued continuously that a liberal learning experience is grounded in challenging students to look critically at their assumptions, to subject ideas and claims to critical examination, and to empathize with and welcome the diversity of ideas and cultures that characterize our communities locally, regionally, and globally. AAC&U (2007) characterizes the liberal learning experience as how our students “understand the foundations of knowledge and inquiry about nature, culture and society; that . . . [they] . . . master core skills of perception, analysis, and expression; that . . . [they] . . . cultivate a respect for truth; that . . . [they] . . . recognize the importance of historical and cultural context; and that . . . [they] . . . explore connections among formal learning, citizenship, and service to our communities.” The Task Force’s claims appear to tailor AAC&U’s more general claims about the liberal learning experience contextually within the framing of the undergraduate

Teaching Sociology, Vol. 37, 2009 (January:47-60)


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