International Journal of Early Years Education Vol. 15, No. 2, June 2007, pp. 141–159
Teachers’ and parents’ conceptions of children’s curiosity and exploration Amy Chak* Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong Dr 00000June AmyChak 2007 International 10.1080/09669760701288690 CIEY_A_228773.sgm 0966-9760 Original Taylor 22007 15 and & Article Francis (print)/1469-8463 Francis Journal of Early (online) Years Education
Although curiosity is a characteristic often observed in young children, it has not received much academic interest in recent years. Among its many dimensions, the epistemic nature of curiosity, or the quest for knowledge, deserves attention. To explore the potential application of ‘epistemic curiosity’, it is important to understand how lay conceptions complement theoretical conceptualizations. As people who are significant in organizing children’s environment, how teachers and parents view curiosity is essential to how they will respond to the manifestation of this characteristic in children. A questionnaire was developed to examine teachers’ and parents’ conception of children’s curiosity and exploratory behavior and whether they value this characteristic. The participants of this study were preschool teachers and parents with a preschool-age child. The findings indicated that the participants have a positive view toward curiosity and exploration and that teachers are more willing than parents to encourage this characteristic in young children. A factor analysis indicated that teachers’ and parents’ conceptualization of curiosity is multi-dimensional, showing some similarities with theoretical conceptualization.
Introduction The research described in this paper was designed to explore the relationship between parents’ and practitioners’ lay theories of the role of curiosity in children’s development and education compared with theoretical accounts in the research literature. It is argued that this type of study can shed new light on our conceptual understanding of curiosity and offer insights as to whether or not parents and educators see encouraging curiosity in young children as a legitimate educational goal. Curiosity is often described as a natural and notable characteristic of young children, yet it has not received much attention in the fields of child development and pedagogy. In everyday situations, teachers and parents are probably ambivalent about signs of curious behavior, manifested through endless questions by preschool*Department of Early Childhood Education, Hong Kong Institute of Education, 10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong. Email: ISSN 0966-9760 (print)/ISSN 1469-8463 (online)/07/020141–19 © 2007 Taylor & Francis DOI: 10.1080/09669760701288690