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THE ACTION TURN Toward a Transformational Social science
Reason, P., & Torbert, W. R. (2001). Toward a Transformational Science: a further look at the scientific merits of action research. Concepts and Transformations, 6(1), 1-37. Peter Reason Center for Action Research in Professional Practice University of Bath Bath BA2 7AY, United Kingdom William R. Torbert Carroll School of Management Boston College Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
The Action Turn Toward a Transformational Social Science
Abstract This article offers an epistemological basis for action research, in order to increase the validity, the practical significance, and the transformational potential of social science. The article starts by outlining some of the paradigmatic issues which underlie action research, and argues for a "turn to action" which will complement the linguistic turn in the social sciences. Four key dimensions of an action science are discussed: the primacy of the practical, the centrality of participation, the requirement for experiential grounding, and the importance of normative, analogical theory. Three broad strategies for action research are suggested: first-person research/practice addresses the ability of a person to foster an inquiring approach to his or her own life; second-person research/practice engages a face-to-face group in collaborative inquiry; third person research/practice asks how we can establish inquiring communities which reach beyond the immediate group to engage with whole organizations, communities and countries. The article argues that a transformational science needs to integrate first- second- and third-person voices in ways that increase the
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02/11/2006 08:54