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Pantry Items
Organic Teriyaki Sauce
CATEGORY: Pantry Items
PRODUCT: Organic Teriyaki Sauce

For the gluten averse, traditional soy sauce is a no-no as one of its ingredients is actually wheat. And the salty condiment isn’t just found in a packet with your takeout sushi, but also in fried rice, chow mein, stews and countless other dishes. San-J Tamari sauces, however, are brewed with 100% soybeans and certified gluten free, kosher and vegan.
The Teriyaki flavour is the perfect complement to almost any Asian-inspired recipe. Balancing the rich taste of Tamari with a mild sweetness and a hint of plum juice, ginger and garlic, use a few splashes to provide some instant zing to a stir-fry or even a hamburger or sandwich.
Or, as the labelling suggest, it makes an excellent marinade. Before sautéing, steaming or barbecuing, pour into a bowl over meat or seafood and let sit for at least 30 minutes to allow proper absorption. Then cook as desired. A healthier alternative to other off-the-shelf varieties, there’s no MSG and almost half the sodium of conventional soy sauces.
To create this unique gluten-free product, the San-J brewing process is a bit different than the usual as well. First, soybeans are soaked in water and put in large cylindrical steam cookers. They’re then placed in temperature and humidity controlled chambers, followed by salt and water tanks for fermentation over four to six months resulting in “moromi”. Wrapped between layers of cloth, the moromi is pressed, pasteurized, filtered and finally bottled.
If you’d like ideas on how to incorporate Teriyaki sauce into future meals, many recipes are conveniently listed at san-j.com/recipes. You can even upload your own discoveries on how to use the sauce on the site. There’s also a full listing of the brand’s offerings that included Tamari-flavoured soups and brown rice crackers. ◆