Themes Vol. 2 No. 1 / 2010

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01 / 2010

GfK Association

GfK Marketing Intelligence Review

{CONTENTS} Editorial / / / Doing well while doing good. Linking a social cause to product promotions: Why it Works and How to Make it More Effective > Ty Henderson and Neeraj Arora / / / All customers are equal, but some are more equal. Should Firms Prioritize Their Customers? > Christian Homburg, Dirk Totzek and Mathias Droll / / / Do you want to be my “friend”? Monetary Value of Word-of-Mouth Marketing in Online Communities > Michael Trusov, Randolph E. Bucklin and Koen Pauwels / / / Getting marketing back into the boardroom: The Influence of the Marketing Department in Companies Today > Peter C. Verhoef and Peter S.H. Leeflang / / / My customers are better than yours! On Reporting Customer Equity > Thorsten Wiesel, Bernd Skiera and Julian Villanueva / / / MIR talks to Pieter Nota, Executive Board Member, Beiersdorf, AG > Interview by Hermann Diller / / / Vol. 2 / No. 1 / 2010

GfK Association

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