CODE_n13 Catalog

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p r e s e n ts

5 _foreword by ulrich dietz 7 _about code_n _essays 11 accelerating the pace of innovation by frank pörschmann 12 supporting sustainable growth by gerhard müller _finalists 16 bettervest bettervest gmbh 17 carbon control carbon control 18 carzapp carzapp gmbh 19 blacksquared gmbh

20 colibri innovative mobility automobile gmbh 21 connected lighting solution green wave reality 22 gmbh 23 dmfusion luxoft 24 e-cloud venios gmbh 25 ecochain ecochain technologies bv 26 econitor econitor gmbh 27 ecotastic ecotastic germany

28 ecow mobility green transport sàrl 29 elf organic transit, inc. 30 flinc flinc ag 31 get neutral get-neutral gmbh 32 greenclouds greenclouds 33 greenergetic greenergetic gmbh 34 greenpocket energy expert engine tm greenpocket gmbh 35 greenqloud greenqloud 36 futurewatt gmbh 37 homee codeatelier 38 infosan optimale 39 kiwigrid kiwigrid gmbh 40 lightdim lightbee, s.l. 41 milk the sun milk the sun gmbh 42 mitpack­g selando gbr 43 modern wall modern wall 44 odenergy opendomo services sl 45 opara opara

46 otect bluerise bv 47 panstamp panstamp 48 picowatt® tenrehte technologies, inc. 49 plugsurfing plugsurfing gmbh 50 rockethome rockethome gmbh 51 skybus skybus, s.l. 52 smart home 360° wattiocorp, s.l.u. 53 social energy behavioral networks intelen 54 solar battery prosol invest deutschland gmbh 55 solarbrush solarbrush 56 solarkiosk solarkiosk gmbh 57 sonnenserver st.a.r.-systems gmbh 58 spindrift energy spindrift energy 59 sunnycrowd sunnycrowd 60 sure! sustainable reference 61 tado° tado° gmbh 62 thegreenage thegreenage 63 ultracapacitor yunasko ltd.

64 volocopter e-volo gmbh 65 wadi helioz gmbh _jury 68 anto­n ella battaglini 69 ­julian von ­b lücher 69 ulrich dietz 70 murat günak 70 carsten knop 71 jens-uwe sauer 71 elizabeth varley _artist 75 vincent tavenne _partners 79 initiator gft technologies 80 strategic partners deutsche messe ernst & young 82 event partners 83 media partners 84 community partners 85 sponsors 87 _acknowledgements by ulrich dietz 88 _imprint


foreword Innovation demands courage and endurance: After that initial moment of inspiration come a few first, cautious steps. This is then generally followed by a series of actions: weighing up options, dealing with moments of doubt, diligently working and finding ways to overcome setbacks. Having come this far, a viable concept ­gradually emerges with all the potential of surviving in the marketplace. But despite the many assumptions in theory, the best ideas often stand little chance of making it without a place to showcase their potential and attract public attention – and, of course, secure that essential financial support. CODE_n is the platform people need to feature innovative, lateral thinking. It is the place where three important elements come together: young, shrewd entrepreneurs with enterprising spirit; successful and well-established companies with a wealth of experience; enthusiastic investors with the capital to get things off the ground. We started CODE_n in 2011 to provide new answers to pressing questions related to IT and digital living. Take last year’s contest winners: The young entrepreneurs behind Intelligent Apps have made great headway in the last few months with their mobile app, myTaxi. They now employ more than 100 people – double the number of twelve months ago. What’s particularly

remarkable is that Intelligent Apps is one of the few G ­ erman startup companies that has managed to establish itself in the US. This is owed in large part to the visibility the company achieved through CODE_n. Our initiative has truly evolved into a lively community of digital pioneers, blazing a trail for future digital trends. This year, we dedicate this important event to a hot topic; one of global relevance and a driver for innovation: the transition to alternative energy sources. We are witnessing a tremendous movement of new startups in the fields of energy efficiency, renewable energy, smart grids and electro-­ mobility. Young companies in particular have come to recognize the potential of these markets and have begun developing fresh business ideas – concepts that tap into IT solutions to promote intelligent and sustainable energy use. That’s good reason for us to make this topic the theme of this year’s CODE_n Contest. We were truly impressed by the sheer number of world-class applications for “Smart Solutions for Global Challenges.” We are delighted to present another 50 ­e xciting and ambitious international companies in the CODE_n area of this year’s CeBIT. These are ideas from people who have the courage to think several steps ahead. And this is precisely what gives them an edge over large corporations: Too


many people are plagued by doubt and smother ingenuity before it even has a chance to grow; the ­innovation hurdles inside companies are too high. Staying on the ball means learning from these more agile startups and keeping the lines of communication open. It’s the only way to explore new avenues and recognize previously unthought thoughts. If both sides work together, they can benefit from one another and create a springboard to successfully establish new business solutions for the market. CODE_n gets people talking. The place for this dialog? Hall 16 at this year’s CeBIT exhibition, which will be transformed into a global “shop window” showcasing new ideas for the transition toward alternative energies. We will create the ideal platform for young thinkers to exchange insights and network with people experienced in making things happen. For one week, a 4,000 square meter stage is set for 50 promising startups to meet thousands of intrigued visitors, numerous investors, politicians, and representatives from long-established companies. We are also looking forward to an extensive conference program covering topics related to the global energy transition and innovation development – not to mention the CODE_n award ceremony, planned for March 7, at 6:00 p.m., which will be followed by

a lively party. It’s a program of events bound to create a truly unique atmosphere of pioneering spirit and inspiration. We are particularly pleased to welcome the ­artist Vincent Tavenne on board. He has truly captured and underscored this sentiment through his creative interpretation of Hall 16. Known for his visionary installations, he dismantles acquired conventions and takes a radical approach to reproduce that temporary atmosphere experienced at a trade show. Developing a business idea is much like creating an artistic masterpiece. Visit CODE_n in Hall 16 and be inspired by the phenomenal works of art! Sincerely, Ulrich Dietz

ulrich dietz founder and ceo, gft technologies


about code_ n CODE_n is an international initiative for digital ­pioneers, innovators and groundbreaking startups. Initiated in 2011 by GFT Technologies AG, the goal of this network is to support outstanding business talents and their exceptional business ideas, provide them with a platform for dialog, and therefore stimulate and accelerate innovation in the field. CODE_n stands for “Code of the New”, the DNA of innovation.

@c e bit The 50 most promising finalists of the CODE_n13 Contest have been selected and will present their business concepts at the CeBIT exhibition. Hall 16, a hot spot for young entrepreneurs from around Europe, will provide plenty of space to showcase their innovations. The hall was s­ pecially designed for this year’s contest by French artist, V ­ incent Tavenne, who gave the backdrop its unique flair.

global innovation contest In 2013, CODE_n will bestow the CODE_n Award for the second time; this year, under the motto “Smart Solutions for Global Challenges.” Avantgarde IT applicants were asked to contribute their business ideas for sustainable energy supply and usage.

code_n 13 awards The renowned CODE_n jury will select one ­winner for each category from the 50 finalists. Both winners will receive prize money of €15,000.

the contest is divided into two categories: _category 1 “startup” registered company, 0-3 years old _category 2 “emerging company” registered company, 3-7 years old

timeline _28 aug 2012 _30 nov 2012 _18 dec 2012 _5 mar 2013 _7 mar 2013

Launch of contest Close of registration: 250 applicants from 35 countries Selection of finalists: 50 participants from 13 countries Start of CeBIT CODE_n Award Show: announcement of contest winners


accelerating the pace of innovation From its very beginning, CeBIT – the digital economy’s most important international event – has been a platform for innovation. No other setting provides the international IT and communications technology industries with as much inspiration as CeBIT in Hanover. Innovation is an integral part of CeBIT’s DNA. Especially in recent years, CeBIT has emphasized not only technical innovation but also innovative digital business models. The key question, particularly for established companies, is how to ­accelerate the pace of innovation in the international market in order to secure and expand competitive edge. CODE_n, which was initiated by Ulrich Dietz, gave a resounding answer to this question at CeBIT 2012. The 50 young companies that exhibited in Hall 16 cast a spell over visitors and the international media with their creativity and ingenuity. CODE_n essentially turns the classic trade show model upside down because sponsors invite startups from all over the world to exhibit. And it’s not the startups who bear the costs; instead, it’s the sponsors – the people who are interested in fresh ideas and innovative business models. At

CeBIT 2012, CODE_n proved that this approach works because CeBIT is now 50 success stories richer. As organizer of the world’s largest event for the digital economy, we at Deutsche Messe are very proud that CODE_n is returning to CeBIT in 2013. This time around, the focus is on an issue that the entire business community must face: the t­ ransition to alternative energy sources. This challenge will only be overcome with imagination and motivation, and the CODE_n exhibit in Hall 16 is where young companies and digital pioneers will showcase their solutions. We are all looking forward to it!

frank pörschmann head of c e bit, deutsche messe


supporting sustainable growth In the past decades, sustainability has become an issue of growing concern across all sectors of the economy and social life. Economic growth depends on innovation and how effectively we use the resources of our planet. As a trusted advisor to innovative business models the global organization of Ernst & Young is proud to support the CODE_n initiative, this year being dedicated to ITbased alternative energy solutions. Sustainability is not only a central value of our company but also a source of business activities such as our Climate Change and S ­ ustainability Services, supporting companies in optimizing their business models according to criteria of sustainability. Thus, partnering the CODE_n at CeBIT is a logical step for Ernst & Young, this year taking place under the motto “The transition to alternative energies based on innovations in IT”. The event gives companies and startups of any size the opportunity to get into contact with potential business partners and investors. We look forward to being presented with ideas, having the potential to change the world by u ­ sing innovative and groundbreaking technologies and business models that, for example, create conver-

gence of various industries through ­technology. Our and our planet’s future depends on smart solutions that enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of economy as well as quality of life. New ideas of future-minded entrepreneurs can definitely contribute to achieve these goals by developing solutions that help to protect the climate and save the earth for future generations.

gerhard müller partner and leader technology gsa ernst & young

_c o m pa n y bet terv e st g mbh i.g r . w w w. b e t t e r v e s t. d e

_address schweizer str. 28 6 0 5 9 4 f r a n k f u r t, g e r m a n y +4 9 6 9 1 7 5 3 6 9 5 9 m a i l @ b e t t e r v e s t.d e

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2012

_founders i n g o b i r k e n f e l d, m a r i ly n h e i b pat r i c k m i j n a l s , t o r s t e n s c h r e i b e r evgenij terehov


bettervest is the first equity-based crowdfunding platform for energy efficiency projects which lets the “crowd” participate in savings made by r­educing energy consumption. Equity-based crowdfunding is a financial mechanism that pools small investments (in this case starting at €50) from a large group of citizens in exchange for financial returns. The money is collected in an escrow account until the funding goal has been reached

and the energy efficiency project can be realized. The overall savings are calculated by comparing the resulting improved energy costs with the original costs. A defined percentage of the savings is distributed to the crowd until the investment, plus a previously agreed profit, has been paid back.

The CARBON CONTROL mark verifies a company’s positive actions to control and reduce its carbon emissions. The CARBON CONTROL mark is an independent stamp of approval that assures consumers that the companies awarded the mark are carefully their

carbon emissions and are committed to reducing them. CARBON CONTROL brings consumers and companies together in an effective campaign to combat climate change and its destructive effects on our planet.

_c o m pa n y carbon control w w w.c a r b o n c o n t r o l .c o m

carbon control

_address d o c k l a n d s i n n o vat i o n pa r k 1 2 8 - 1 3 0 e a s t wa l l r o a d, i r e l a n d + 3 5 3 8 76 74 3 0 0 7 t e a m @ c a r b o n c o n t r o l .c o m

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2012

_founders d a r r a g h k i r by s h a n e o ’s u l l i va n


_c o m pa n y car zapp gmbh w w w.c a r z a p p. n e t

_address w i t t e l s b ac h e r s t r a s s e 1 8 1 0 70 7 b e r l i n, g e r m a n y +4 9 1 76 1 0 1 8 1 3 9 9 oliver@car z app

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2012

_founders o l i v e r l端 n s t e d t s a h i l s a c h d e va


carzapp carzapp is an online marketplace which enables private individuals to share cars. Owners of cars can rent out their vehicles to others and reduce the cost of ownership. Meanwhile, they maintain full control over: who drives their car, at what times and for how much money. The renters, on the other hand, can look forward to a full range of models right in their vicinity. Both parties can enjoy full peace of mind because of the carzapp insurance, which is automatically included in the rental.

Additionally, carzapp has developed an innovative hardware solution, the ZappKit, which further enhances convenience though keyless access to cars via smartphones. It also provides protection against theft through an integrated active alarm system. of the world. And for each saved gram of carbon emissions, we reward our users with Changers Credits, which they can exchange on our Social Energy Marketplace for sustainable products and services from our partners.

_c o m pa n y b l a c k s q ua r e d g m b h w w w.c h a n g e r s .c o m

Changers makes eco-friendly behavior measurable and personally rewarding. The intelligent and mobile lifestyle solar-charger enables everybody to produce and consume their own renewable energy. The device (winner of a 2012 IF Design Award, 2012 Green Good Design Award, and nominated for the 2013 German Design Award) measures the exact amount of generated energy and carbon emission savings and – connected to a computer – uploads this data to our community, There, you can see and compare your achievements with your friends and the rest

_address bleibtreustr asse 53 1062 3 berlin, germany +4 9 3 0 5 2 1 3 9 2 9 1 0 f e e d b a c k @ c h a n g e r s .c o m

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2012

_founders daniel a schiffer markus schul z


_c o m pa n y i n n o vat i v e m o b i l i t y au t o m o b i l e g m b h w w w.i n n o vat i v e- m o b i l i t y.c o m

_address wildenbruchstr asse 15 0 7 74 5 j e n a , g e r m a n y +4 9 3 6 4 1 6 7 5 2 7 7 i n f o @ i n n o vat i v e- m o b i l i t y.c o m

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2011

_founders juliane beyer t h o m a s d e lo s s a n t o s johannes hufnagl


colibri We are an innovative young company developing a smart electric micro car, the Colibri. We serve as the project’s organizational hub, coordinating the activities of several experienced industry partners. Each of them is a specialist in their field, contributing to the Colibri being a unique and advanced vehicle. The patented, novel frame and seating concept will make it the first of its class to successfully pass the Euro-NCAP crash test. It

offers a range of 110 km, acceleration from 0 to 100 km / h in 9.9 seconds, a top speed of 120 km / h and a charging time of just two hours via a household socket. Unlike comparable vehicles, it is completely weatherproof and offers an enclosed trunk.

GreenWave Reality is a global innovator in the smart home services market, which includes e 足 nergy management, connected lighting, and home monitoring services. The GreenWave R 足 eality solution delivers a breakthrough consumer experience, making it easy to conserve energy, save money and enhance lifestyles. The smart home monitoring and control

platform is highly secure and scalable, allowing leading utilities and service providers to confidently provide these capabilities to a large number of customers.

_c o m pa n y g r e e n wav e r e a l i t y w w w.g r e e n wav e r e a l i t y.c o m

connected lighting solution

_address b r eg n e r o e d v e j 9 6 3 4 6 0 b i r k e r o e d, d e n m a r k +4 5 6 9 1 3 2 3 3 3 e u @ g r e e n wav e r e a l i t y.c o m

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2008

_founder peter wilmar christensen


_c o m pa n y gmbh w w w. d e i n b u s . d e

_address lu d w i g s t r . 1 8 2 a 6 3067 offenbach am main, germany +4 9 6 9 1 7 5 3 7 3 2 0 5

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2009

_founders christian janisch alex ander kuhr i n g o m ay r - k n o c h

23 In Germany, scheduled long-distance transportation was limited to trains and airplanes until 2012. While studying at Zeppelin University, Alex, Chris and Ingo questioned this status quo and discovered something: the bus, the most energy-efficient way for a group of people to get from point A to B, was limited to protect the national rail. To bypass this 1933 law, they developed the concept of buspooling via the online platform This demand-driven solution was not classified as a scheduled service and hence not prohibited by German law at the time. Since the law has been

revised on January 1st 2013, offering bus travel as a private company is no longer prohibited and has by now developed into one of the leading bus companies offering daily, scheduled services between a growing number of cities in Germany.

Luxoft Ukraine, founded in 2007, is a provider of outsourcing services in the field of advanced application and software engineering for global and regional enterprises. Luxoft builds partnerships with its clients, such as Boeing, IBM, Deutsche Bank, UBS, Harman, Avaya, Alstom, Sabre, based on a culture of engineering excellence, innovation, and extensive domain expertise.

DMFusion, Luxoft’s demand management automation platform, enables small and medium-sized utility companies and smart grid solution vendors to meet the challenges of non-technical distribution losses and unbilled revenue, resulting in substantial improvements in grid management.

_c o m pa n y l u xo f t w w w. lu xo f t.c o m  /   e n e r g y


_address r a d i s h c h e va s t r . 1 0  /  1 4 0 3 6 8 0 k i e v, u k r a i n e +3 8 0 4 4 2 3 8 8 1 0 8 k i e v@ lu xo f t.c o m

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2007

_founders sergey bakulin dmitry v ilchinsk y


_c o m pa n y venios gmbh w w w.v e n i o s .d e

_address hohenheimer str. 9 7 0 1 8 4 s t u t t g a r t, g e r m a n y +4 9 7 1 1 4 6 0 5 3 7 3 0 info@v

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2012

_founders jonas danzeisen c h r i s t i a n kรถ h l e r


e-cloud Venios is developing an IT platform for analyzing, monitoring, forecasting and controlling the conditions of power grid infrastructure, especially in the low voltage range. Since the current power infrastructure has not been designed to cover discontinuous feed-in from the low voltage range, the increasing integration of renewable energy often leads to overall instability of the power grid. Our key objective is to provide network operators and

stakeholders with information that facilitates efficient planning for grid extension measures and enables control of intelligent grid components, e.g., variable transformer substations or storage.

EcoChain has developed a new and innovative method for calculating Life Cycle Analyses (LCAs). Our online solution calculates the environmental footprint of a company. By allocating the company’s environmental footprint to processes and products, and by linking environmental input from their suppliers to the products, companies can make LCA calculations for their entire product portfolio in a very (cost) efficient way. Inviting the supply chain to use the same system creates transparency in the supply chain. The EcoChain system links sustainable supplier data regarding specif-

ic products to customers without revealing core data, recipes, or supplier details. With EcoChain, companies can finally benefit from their sustainable efforts.

_c o m pa n y ecochain technologies bv w w w. e c o c h a i n .c o m


_address museumplein 1 1071 dj amsterdam, netherl ands +3 1 2 0 3 0 3 5 7 7 7 i n f o @ e c o c h a i n .c o m

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2011

_founders d r . j o c h e m f. m o s b o u d e w i j n o.c . m o s


_c o m pa n y econitor gmbh w w w. e c o n i t o r . d e

_address jungstr. 3 10247 berlin, germany +4 9 3 0 6 4 4 9 1 2 2 0 c e b i t@ e c o n i t o r .c o m

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2009

_founders chr is toph jugel thom a s w endzinsk i


econitor Econitor enables households and small companies to analyze energy consumption, costs and emissions. The Web-based software works for any energy type and with any metering technology, independently from the user’s energy provider or tariff. Besides manual data entry (online, email, mobile phone), Econitor offers APIs to integrate digital meters or other connected devices. Econitor builds an “Eco Information Hub in the ­ Internet of Things” that allows users to combine

multiple data feeds to increase transparency and gain understandable insights. Energy monitoring made easy! Econitor runs its platform on white label software for B2B partners like energy consultants, renewable energy companies, cities or communal energy agencies.

Let’s face it: we all think in one way or another about the environment, but often fail at implementing our environmentally conscious behavior. It is more convenient to go by car than bike when it is wet, cold and windy outside. Also, who is really going to rinse out that reusable coffee mug every single morning, pack and transport it all the way to the coffee shop, when one can choose a simple paper cup to go?

That’s why we are introducing ecotastic: The users of our smartphone app gather points for eco-friendly actions and can redeem these points for gift coupons from our various business partners. By partnering with us, businesses increase their market visibility and attract new customers while taking on social responsibility.

_c o m pa n y e c o ta s t i c g e r m a n y w w w. e c o ta s t i c .d e


_address mansfelderstr. 27 10709 berlin, germany +4 9 1 7 5 9 4 0 9 9 9 4 i n f o @ e c o ta s t i c . d e

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2013

_founders a n n a y u k i ko b i c k e n b a c h r alf gehrer fa b i a n l i n d e n b e r g


_c o m pa n y green tr ansport sàrl w w w. e c o w.c h

_address rte des acacias 45b 12 2 7 les ac acias, swit zerl and +4 1 2 2 5 5 7 1 9 9 1 i n f o @ e c o w.c h

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2011

_founder bernard garcia


ecow mobility Ecow Mobility aims to counteract current ­travel problems such as traffic congestion in cities, ­lim­ited parking spaces and environmental damage.

- Monthly updates of your carbon emission savings - Enhanced comfort and clean vehicles - A glimpse of nature in the city

The first “Chauffeur” service in Geneva - A unique and innovative eco-friendly concept - A fleet of hybrid and fully electric vehicles - A selection of the finest, most experienced, discreet and supportive chauffeurs, specially trained for eco-driving - Transparent and attractive fares - Better tracking of your travel costs

With Ecow Mobility, you have the tools to signif­ icantly reduce your carbon footprint and enjoy professional chauffeuring services, without having to pay extra.

Organic Transit is a green transportation company founded in 2012 by Rob Cotter in Durham, NC, USA. Organic Transit is proud to debut the ELF: a fun and efficient personal electric vehicle powered by you and the sun. The ELF is a solar / pedal hybrid suitable for commuting, deliveries, and other local transportation needs. This three-wheeled electric

assist velomobile fills the niche between a bicycle and a car and offers advantages over both. The ELF features an innovative mobile app that allows ­users to track calorie consumption, carbon mitigation, and battery life while navigating bike-friendly routes.

_c o m pa n y o r g a n i c t r a n s i t, i n c . w w w.o r g a n i c t r a n s i t.c o m


_address e . c h a p e l h i l l s t. 3 0 9 durham, nc, usa +1 919 75 7 1850 c o m m e n t@ o r g a n i c t r a n s i t.c o m

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2012

_founder rob cot ter


_c o m pa n y flinc ag w w w. f l i n c .o r g

_address am herrschaftsweiher 11 6 7 0 7 1 lu d w i g s h a f e n , g e r m a n y +4 9 6 1 5 1 3 9 2 1 2 3 6 i n f o @ f l i n c .o r g

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2011

_founders kl aus dibbern michael hĂźbl benjamin kirschner alex ander kuhn


flinc flinc is the first real-time ridesharing network which is integrated into GPS navigation. Use your desktop, smartphone or navigation device and flinc automatically matches you in real t­ime with members from your trusted social mobility network to share rides. Wherever you are, from anywhere to anyplace – even on short and everyday routes. For flincers, a smartphone turns into a real alternative to the privately owned vehicle. Post

a regular ride, if you want to carpool to work or university. Pre-planned or in real-time, flinc suggests the best drivers and passengers anywhere along your route. With more than 400,000 rides available per month, flincers can save hundreds of euros a year and enjoy meeting great people.

get neutral The overall business is based on three megatrends: sustainability, mobile commerce, and big data. Get-neutral was founded in 2011, and is looking for financing partners.

_c o m pa n y g e t- n e u t r a l g m b h w w w.g e t- n e u t r a l .c o m

Problem: Private consumption causes almost half of worldwide greenhouse gas emissions, and consumers are increasingly questioning whether their buying habits are sustainable. Solution: Get-neutral helps consumers choose more sustainable products via their smartphones and rewards them while they are shopping. Get-neutral runs Germany’s largest mobile and online platform for sustainable consumption.

_address burgstr. 7 3 7 2 76 4 r e u t l i n g e n , g e r m a n y +4 9 1 5 1 4 0 74 0 0 0 0 c o n ta c t@ g e t- n e u t r a l .c o m

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2011

_founders p r o f. d r . c h r i s t o p h b i n d e r thomas lenz, jens obermeier h o lg e r r u p p, d r . p h i l i p p s c h e i b


_c o m pa n y greenclouds w w w.g r e e n c lo u d s o n l i n e .c o m

_address a e r t va n n e s s t r a at 4 5 3 01 2 c a rot ter da m, ne ther l a nds +3 1 1 0 4 76 7 0 8 8 i n f o @ g r e e n c lo u d s o n l i n e .c o m

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2009

_founders m i c h e l ko r p e r s h o e k p e t e r zo n n e v e l d


greenclouds IT capacity planning and usage of datacenters are currently highly inefficient and generate 2% of global carbon emissions. Furthermore, only 5 - 15% of the existing global IT capacity is actually used. In addition to this inefficiency, companies cannot afford to go offline anymore and, therefore, there is an increasing demand for IT capacity. Greenclouds has built a technology platform that aggregates idle resources within the ICT industry and makes this excess IT capacity available to IT service companies and organizations, online and on demand.

By using excess IT capacity, the Greenclouds platform creates a triple-win situation: It establishes a source of revenue for the ICT industry, increases yields while generating cost and energy savings for cloud members, and, last but not least, it contributes to the health of our planet in this green age.

greenergetic gent sales channels. With our cost structure, we open a new market segment for very small-scale photovoltaic home systems (<5Wp), which were previously not profitable.

_c o m pa n y greenergetic gmbh w w w.g r e e n e r g e t i c .d e

Greenergetic is the first integrated online portal that enables homeowners to plan and purchase their residential photovoltaic system. The planning wizard guides the user through every step of the process with a detailed description of the information needed. The innovation lies in the complete and fully integrated back end, streamlining all processes including revision, procurement, installation, financing, and claims management, combined with intelli-

_address meisenstr. 96 3 3 6 0 7 b i e l e f e l d, g e r m a n y +4 9 2 2 1 9 9 9 9 8 4 8 0 c .h o d g s o n @ g r e e n e r g e t i c .d e

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2013

_founders michèl dichter k ai malkwitz f lo r i a n m e y e r - d e l p h o peter pick


_c o m pa n y greenpocket gmbh w w w.g r e e n p o c k e t.d e

_address s ch a n zens tr. 6 -20 5 1 0 6 3 c o lo g n e , g e r m a n y +4 9 2 2 1 3 5 5 0 9 5 0 i n f o @ g r e e n p o c k e t. d e

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2009

_founders dr. thomas goette alex ander hintermeier


greenpocket energy expert engine tm GreenPocket is a leading specialist for smart meter and smart home software that empowers people all over the world to use energy in the most comfortable and responsible way possible. Based on a flexible, modular and scalable high-performance platform, GreenPocket’s software applications transform complex energy data into a wide range

of consumer-oriented benefits for energy control and home automation. Working with leading European utilities providers, the company has quickly become an important player in the global smart energy market. Founded in 2009, GreenPocket is a privately held company headquartered in ­Cologne, Germany.

GreenQloud was founded in 2010 to make cloud computing easy, cost effective and most importantly, to reduce the increasing amount of carbon emissions generated by the IT industry. We saw a great opportunity in utilizing Iceland’s abundant 100% renewable energy and naturally cool climate to greatly reduce the IT industry’s carbon emissions. GreenQloud’s public computing cloud offers scalable, high-performance servers and on-demand storage with industry-compatible APIs and an easy-to-use management interface. We offer the

only public computing cloud that is 100% powered by renewable energy, and our prices are among the lowest available. Our mission is to help the IT industry lower costs and limit its environmental impact.

_c o m pa n y greenqloud w w w.g r e e n q lo u d.c o m


_address garðastr æti 37 1 0 1 r e y k j av i k , i c e l a n d +3 5 4 4 1 5 0 2 0 0 i n f o @ g r e e n q lo u d.c o m

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2010

_founders eiríkur hr afnsson t r yg g v i l á r u s s o n


_c o m pa n y f u t u r e wat t g m b h w w w. f u t u r e wat t. d e

_address am zirkus 3 10117 berlin, germany +4 9 3 0 9 5 6 2 1 8 5 0 e n e r g y@ f u t u r e wat t. d e

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2012

_founders k r is tofer fichtner p h i l i p p a . pa u s d e r f lo r i a n t e t z l a f f

37 FutureWatt was launched with the objective of providing heat and electricity at prices below utility rates. The company designs and 足finances customized distributed energy solutions. We enable our customers to become prosumers by helping them to reduce costs and carbon emissions and tap into new energy-足 related revenue models. 足FutureWatt launched h 足 to provide a Web-based service to millions of homeowners and landlords. is the first marketplace and solution provider for heating in Germany. Users customize and compare solutions, consisting of a heating system, services, financing and fuel sourcing. The platform aggregates all components, calculates savings and provides a full-service model.

Our vision is to provide intelligent solutions that contribute to the realization of customers’ creative ideas. The first product, Homee, will become the next generation of smart homes. Homee is a personal assistant that lives with you, supports you in saving energy and increases home comfort.

Homee is cost-effective, which means that it can compete in price terms with proprietary application solutions. Homee users, however, will benefit from the advantages of a high-quality home controlling system.

_c o m pa n y c o d e at e l i e r w w w.c o d e at e l i e r .c o m


_address im brĂźhl 3 7 1 5 76 b u r g s t e t t e n , g e r m a n y +4 9 1 6 0 9 7 0 4 0 9 3 0 h e l lo @ c o d e at e l i e r .c o m

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2012

_founders markus gr af tobi a s gr a f jochen schĂśllig wa l d e m a r w u n d e r


_c o m pa n y optimale w w w.o p t i m a l e .c o m .b r w w w. i n f o s a n .c o m . b r

_address c a i x a p o s ta l 2 2 2 9 c e p 7 9 0 0 8 9 7 0, c a m p o g r a n d e , m s , b r a z i l +55 67 30 43 2903 / +55 67 8158 5802 c o n tat o @ o p t i m a l e .c o m . b r

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2012

_founder p e t e r b at i s ta c h e u n g


infosan INFOSAN is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) that converts raw environmental data from sensors in the field into comprehensive information, which is computed through complex algorithms. Its engine module allows for forecasting, optimization and data mining, which means key performance indicators can be represented on a web application (dashboard), a smartphone and / or tablet where real-time alerts and reports can be generated. INFOSAN also offers acquisition and transmission hardware (OLOGGER) which is low cost, reli-

able, robust, and fully integrated in the platform. ­INFOSAN is certainly contributing to a more sustainable and intelligent world, guaranteeing the preservation of natural resources and improving the quality of life for future generations.

kiwigrid energy, and to adjust energy demand to key drivers. As a result, it becomes possible to forecast the usage levels of regenerative producers, making it more economically attractive to utility companies and plant operators.

_c o m pa n y kiwigrid gmbh w w. k i w i g r i d.c o m

Kiwigrid develops and runs a hardware and software platform for the management of distrib­ uted, regenerative energy producers – one of the most important and relevant players in the energy transformation. The Kiwigrid platform connects producers (CHP, wind, solar energy) with smart high-volume consumers (air conditioners, heat pumps) as well as storage systems, eMobility and the grid. Establishing a network makes it possible for plant operators and utility companies to supervise, store and operate with distributed, regenerated

_address kleiststr asse 10c 01129 dresden, germany +4 9 3 5 1 8 8 8 8 6 8 1 5 i n f o @ k i w i g r i d.c o m

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2011

_founders d r . c a r s t e n b e t h e r , j ö r g e i c h h o r n e c k a r d h i l l i g e r , j o s c h a kö l l n e r m at t h i a s p o p e l l a


_c o m pa n y lightbee, s.l. w w w. l i g h t b e e . e s

_address pa r q u e c i e n t í f i c o t e c n o ló g i c o e d i f i c i o p o l i va l e n t e i i , ta f i r a 8 3 5 0 1 7 l a s pa l m a s d e g c , s pa i n +3 4 9 2 8 4 5 9 9 0 9 info@lig htbee.e s

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2012

_founders g lo r i a e i s m a n , p e d r o d av i d g o n z á l e z r a fa e l p é r e z , j o s e r a b a d á n julio rufo


lightdim LED technology has erupted on the lighting market, offering substantial energy savings for sustainable urban environments. But this integration has not been entirely successful yet, with problems related to overheating in LED bulbs, costs, durability and luminous flux regulation. Lightbee is a new company with a solid background in Visible Light Communications technology (VLC). It has now developed Lightdim, a small device for installation in LED lights that optimizes the function of LED bulbs, overhauling the technology and thus offering better durability and complete control. The device

also helps with the configuration of smart grids by means of beam signals and lighting d ­ evices. This involves human-machine interaction as well as machine to machine communication (M2M).

Milk the Sun, launched in March 2012, is an international online marketplace that allows buyers and sellers in the photovoltaic industry to find new business partners easily and efficiently. This B2B Web platform brings together rooftop and open space owners, roof agents, project developers, operators of existing installations, and investors. Users are able to search, browse and connect with other PV market participants. The innovation of

Milk the Sun lies in replacing the long and costly chains of brokers and agents in the photovoltaic market. It provides a platform to facilitate the selling of project rights as well as existing solar installations.

_c o m pa n y milk the sun gmbh w w w. m i l k t h e s u n .c o m  /   e n g

milk the sun

_address chaus sees tr a s se 29 10115 berlin, germany +4 9 3 0 4 6 9 9 9 0 3 3 0 i n f o @ m i l k t h e s u n .c o m

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2012

_founders a n d r é å s lu n d felix kr ause dirk petschick p h i l i p p s e h e r r -t h o s s


_c o m pa n y selando gbr w w w. m i t pa c kg e l eg e n h e i t. d e

_address schuppstr asse 47 6 5191 wiesbaden, germany +4 9 1 7 9 7 9 3 5 9 0 8 i n f o @ m i t pa c kg e l eg e n h e i t. d e

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2011

_founders a r m a n d o a i ta serena messer d r . l a r s s c h at i lo w


mitpack­g is the first online ­p latform where people with a need for shipping meet others with available stowage space. Every mobile person with a vehicle can become a haulier and earn some money by picking up items. The target groups are people with needs for shipping of convenience goods, e.g. ebay self-collectors, students, tradesmen. Thus, creates “­Social Transport.” In particular, it is more personal, more convenient and cheaper compared to existing commercial suppliers. Simultaneously: These transport

collaborations reduce carbon emissions, helping protect the environment. creates transparency in the private transport market for the first time. It is available in German-speaking countries in Europe already – and will soon enter the USA and Asia.

Modern Wall is a firm structure made of several ecological and recyclable materials. It forms intelligent walls, wall partitions, wall coatings or roof coatings. Composition: Plaster / Design / Green Polymers: PVC or PTC and polyester Modern Wall is an original product in terms of its composition. What’s new about Modern Wall? Integration of an air-conditioning system in the wall (in research phase). Integration of decora-

tive lighting incorporated in the wall (completed). Lightweight yet rigid structure on account of the polyester and the connection between components. Complete control of new decorative and ecological light, the built-in air conditioning and house through the use of a cell phone.

_c o m pa n y m o d e r n wa l l w w w. fa c e b o o k .c o m  /  # ! / m o d e r n .wa l l? f r e f = t s

modern wall

_address b p n o. 1 2 a i n s m a r a 2 5 1 4 0 c o n s ta n t i n e , a lg e r i a +213 792 5353 93 m o u at s k h a l e d @ g m a i l .c o m

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2013

_founders z a k a r i a fa n ta z i mansour madaci k h a l e d m o u at s


_c o m pa n y opendomo services sl w w w.o p e n d o m o.c o m

_address c /  g e n e r a l va l l é s , 1 lo c a l 2 . v i l a f r a n c a d e l p e n e d è s , 0 8 7 2 0 b a r c e lo n a , s pa i n +3 4 9 3 8 9 0 6 9 5 9 i n f o @ o p e n d o m o.c o m

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2012

_founders d a n i e l l e r c h h o s ta lo t o r i o l pa l e n z u e l a r o s é s i s i d r e c ata l á n r a m o s , j o f r e d í a z fa l c ó n elisabet cuenc a quesada


odenergy ODEnergyHome is a platform that not only allows you to check your electricity consumption in real time (in kWh, euros and carbon emitted), but can also identify the main electricity consumers in your home – without the need for additional sensors or devices. You want to know how much it costs to turn on the electric boiler? We can help you find out. The alarm manager notifies you if you’ve gone to work and left the iron on. But the best part is that it’s okay because you can use your cell phone to turn it off from wherever you are.

And for your business, we offer an extended solution: ODEnergyPro, which allows for centralized management of various electricity points. The outcome of an Open Source project, we help technology reach everyone.

opara tivity by reducing costs and preventing losses. At the end of the chain, customers can learn about the fruit they are purchasing right from the supermarket shelf using a smartphone.

_c o m pa n y o pa r a w w w.o pa r a . i o

Opara is an online platform designed to increase real-time control and traceability in fruit production. We deliver insightful business analytics to growers in order to help them boost their produc-

_address rua esmer aldino bandeir a 375, 10 4, gr aรงas cep 52011-090, recife, pernambuco, br a zil +55 81 99 36 59 91 founders@opar

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2010

_founders felipe gabardo g u s tav o m o n t e i r o


_c o m pa n y bluerise bv w w w. b lu e r i s e . n l

_address molengr a affsingel 12 2 6 2 9 j d d e l f t, n e t h e r l a n d s +3 1 6 5 1 3 8 3 9 6 7 i n f o @ b lu e r i s e . n l

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2009

_founders d i eg o a c e v e d o r e m i b lo k k e r pa u l d i n n i s s e n berend jan kleute


otect Covering seventy percent of our globe, the oceans are by far the largest solar collectors on earth and can provide a vast amount of clean and renewable energy, day and night. Bluerise is specialized in the development and implementation of Ocean Thermal Energy systems. We provide innovative technology and services allowing the most efficient and optimal use of available ocean resources. Our free, online “OTEC pre-assessment� service will enable the community to perform an initial investigation into the Ocean Thermal potential in any geographical area. The service uses bathym-

etry and ocean temperature data in combination with local user-supplied information such as energy prices and load requirements. This front-end information, in combination with back-end retrieval of real data, enables the embedded modules to pre-assess the validity of OTEC in the selected area.

The purpose of panStamp is to bust the myth about the complexity of wireless M2M systems. Low-power radio telemetry has typically been reserved for hardware engineers, but panStamp makes the development and integration ­processes straightforward for professionals and enthusiasts with no previous experience in the hardware ­industry. panStamp is an open wireless automation platform which forms a complete ecosystem of wireless nodes and IP controllers. This solution mainly consists of panStamps, low-power wireless mod-

ules which are programmable from the Arduino IDE, plus a set of software tools, gateways and controllers. panStamp is being used in many different applications, including building automation, automatic irrigation, energy metering and air quality monitoring.

_c o m pa n y pa n s ta m p w w w. pa n s ta m p.c o m


_address c e n t r o “d i eg o h i d a lg o ” d e e m p r e s a s d e i n n o va c i ó n ,c t r a . pa r a j e l a n ava 0 6 2 3 0 lo s s a n t o s d e m a i m o n a , s pa i n +3 4 9 2 4 5 7 5 1 5 9 / +3 4 6 9 1 1 2 4 2 7 5 c o n ta c t@ pa n s ta m p.c o m

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2012

_founder daniel berenguer


_c o m pa n y tenrehte technologies, inc. w w w.t e n r e h t e .c o m

_address 11 shingle mill road r o c h e s t e r , n y 1 4 6 0 9, u s a +1 585 4 66 4 882 i n f o @t e n r e h t e .c o m

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2009

_founder jennifer indovina


picowatt® The PICOwatt® Smart Plug is an intelligent power adapter that gives you remote control over the energy your devices consume. PICOwatt® is our award-winning, patent-pending, wireless smart plug designed to save you money by monitoring and reducing energy waste produced by any electric device. PICOwatt® is designed to be very easy to use. It takes just a few minutes to install, without the need for tools or any additional software. ­PICOwatt® is also designed to work out of the box with any device you would plug into a wall outlet, bringing

energy efficiency and the energy conservation capabilities of the smart grid to you today, with or without a smart grid utility connection.

plugsurfing versal payment system to allow users to roam between providers and countries, supplying the missing link to the freedom and mobility that EV always intended to achieve.

_c o m pa n y plugsurfing gmbh w w w. p lu g s u r f i n g .c o m

PlugSurfing is the best solution to finding electric car charging stations & barrier-free payment for EV charging. By merging multiple data ­ sources, including real-time APIs direct from charging point providers, as well as static crowdsourced data from the charging point community, the ­PlugSurfing apps and website display the world’s largest database of charging points. With a database unrivaled in terms of both quality and quantity, PlugSurfing is the answer to concerns about range and wider EV adoption. The Berlin-based startup now has its sights set on integrating a uni-

_address reinickendorfer str asse 17 133 47 berlin, germany +4 9 3 0 9 6 6 0 2 76 3 s u p p o r t@ p lu g s u r f i n g .c o m

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2012

_founders a d a m w o o lway j a c o b va n zo n n e v e l d


_c o m pa n y rockethome gmbh w w w. r o c k e t h o m e . d e

_address pohligstr asse 3 5 0 9 6 9 c o lo g n e , g e r m a n y +4 9 2 2 1 8 8 8 9 5 5 0 info@ro ck e

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2010

_founder yüksel sirmasac


rockethome ROCKETHOME has developed one of the most advanced technologies for smart home ecosystems in Europe. ROCKETHOME offers managed smart energy and smart home solutions that help service providers get behind the utilities and move beyond the meter into the customers’ home, as a part of their smart grid strategy. The intuitive web application enables consumers to monitor and control devices online or via a mobile phone for efficient energy consumption, more comfort

and increased security in a connected home. Mass-market “plug&play” solutions make it easy for customers to install, connect and control devices. ROCKET­H OME mobilizes five key areas of application on a single platform: home monitoring and security, energy monitoring, home control, multimedia and senior care.

skybus technology can reduce costs and improve quality in existing bus networks, expand public transport coverage profitably to new areas, and deliver premium microbus services for commuters, night owls, the elderly, and other groups.

_c o m pa n y sk ybus, s.l. w w w. s k y b u s . e s

Skybus is a new type of urban transport where passengers are taken directly from point A to point B by means of smart vehicles. The vehicles are shared by other passengers going in similar ­directions. It’s flexible, convenient and low-cost – a real alternative to a private car. Skybus means less traffic, less emissions and less energy consumption. It’s efficient and sustainable – a new transport solution to improve the environment and our quality of life. Offered as a software service (SaaS) to cities and transport operators, Skybus’ unique optimization

_address centro de empresas, cei montengacedo s / n 282 2 3 pozuelo de al arcón, spain +3 4 914 524 824 info@sk

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2009

_founder j u a n - lu i s s a m p e d r o


_c o m pa n y wat t i o c o r p, s . l .u. w w w.wat t i o.c o m

_address s a n s e b a s t i á n t e c h n o lo g y pa r k 20009 donostia, san sebastián g i p u z ko a , s pa i n +3 4 9 4 3 3 0 9 5 8 8 i n f o @ wat t i o.c o m

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2010

_founder pat x i e c h e v e s t e


smart home 360° Turn your home into a smart home in 5 minutes! These days, we don’t communicate with our homes, there are no conversations. Wattio and its technology make it possible for you to change the relationship you have with your home. The results: you will be able to manage your home in a more efficient way, saving both energy and money! We are about to launch a technological solution for converting normal homes into smart homes. It consists of a complete platform for users to con-

trol their smart homes comfortably and ­efficiently. Wattio wants to make domotics truly democratic. A solution for all of us! Our engineering team handles all technological developments, as well as the integration of all parts of the system: hardware, firmware and software.

social energy behavioral networks and social networking principles. Intelen creates sustainable social communities of aware people who save energy and optimize the performance of buildings by following real-time demand / response behavioural scenarios.

_c o m pa n y intelen w w w. i n t e l e n .c o m

Intelen is a growing cleantech IT start-up and innovator in smart building energy analytics. Intelen’s fully-integrated platform provides real-time insight into energy use and offers robust mechanisms to drive ongoing energy efficiency by using gaming concepts, mobile apps and behavioral incentives. Its proprietary cloud-based software solution and sophisticated patent-pending algorithms provide real-time insight into key drivers of building energy consumption, and leveraging mobile gaming

_address l a s k a r at o u s t r e e t 1 2 g r 1 1 1 4 1 at h e n s , g r e e c e +3 0 2 1 0 7 5 2 2 9 0 0 bsp@bsp

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2011

_founders va s s i l i s n i ko lo p o u lo s ko s ta s s ta i ko s


_c o m pa n y prosol invest deutschl and gmbh w w w. s o n n e n b at t e r i e . d e

_address am riedbach 1 8 74 9 9 w i l d p o l d s r i e d, g e r m a n y +4 9 8 3 0 4 9 2 9 3 3 4 0 0 i n f o @ s o n n e n b at t e r i e . d e

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2010

_founders chr is toph os ter m a nn tors ten s tiefenhofer


solar battery PROSOL Invest, founded in 2010, is a market l足 eader for innovative and intelligent lithium storage systems. The Solar Battery is a smart, highly efficient and modern storage system for residential use. Its main purpose is to enable the user of a PV 足installation to consume a maximum of his self-produced solar power whenever it is really needed in the house. Thus, solar power can be used at any

time, even at night. The intelligent solar battery can be directly controlled and switched by electricity consumers (e.g. electric appliances) or can be integrated in a smart home system from a third supplier.

solarbrush every month. One or more robots can be placed on-site to clean solar panels. They have been designed to meet both the needs of customers and service personnel.

_c o m pa n y sol arbrush w w w. s o l a r b r u s h .d e

SOLARBRUSH is a robot used to clean solar power plants. The cleaning of solar generators is impor­ tant since they lose efficiency due to deposits such as sand or dust. SOLABRUSH “walks” across solar modules with a high inclination of at least 30 degrees. The robot is wireless as it carries a rechargeable and replaceable battery. The development of SOLARBRUSH started in 1998. Since then, the robots have been optimized for the cleaning of solar generators in dry regions. Huge layers of sand on the modules lower the output in many regions – according to some studies, by 35%

_address p otsda mer s tr a s se 6 3 10785 berlin, germany +4 9 1 6 0 9 7 9 6 9 0 1 6 c o n ta c t@ s o l a r b r u s h . d e

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2013

_founder ridha a zaiz


_c o m pa n y solarkiosk gmbh w w w. s o l a r k i o s k . e u

_address märkisches ufer 34 1 0 1 7 9 b e r l i n, g e r m a n y +4 9 ( 3 0) 9 1 5 5 3 1 5 5 w elcome@sol a r k

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2011

_founders l ars krückeberg wolfr am putz andreas spiess thomas willemeit


solarkiosk 1.5 billion people worldwide live without electricity. 600 million of these people live in Africa. Solarkiosk addresses the needs of these off-grid communities by providing energy and connectivity. Once installed, the Solarkiosk becomes a compact, affordable and stable shop offering energy, products, tools, and services. The Solarkiosk substitutes extremely expensive unclean energy with clean solar power and gives access to products and information for future growth of rural com-

munities. The Solarkiosk is a solar-powered, auto­ nomous business hub; it is the spark that will trigger technological drive and create modern businesses in previously untapped markets. The holistic technology uses the produced energy much like a “mini smart grid.”

Sonnenserver is an intelligent energy management system that optimizes the energy consumption of IT environments and enables efficient integration of renewable energy sources. Emission-free operation of client / server networks can be achieved by using alternative energy. The aim is to control the energy consumption of the devices that are actually using system capacity. The system can be installed in existing networks. An energy management controller records the energy consumption of individual hardware components.

Energy savings can be achieved by optimizing the load distribution and the shutdown of unused hardware. Up to 90% of energy can be saved per workstation. Cost savings in energy consumption and contributions to green IT can be achieved in one system.

_c o m pa n y s t. a . r . - s y s t e m s g m b h w w w. s o n n e n s e r v e r .c o m


_address 9103 diex 175 9 0 2 0 k l a g e n f u r t, l a k e s i d e b 0 1 , a u s t r i a +4 3 6 6 4 7 3 5 4 3 5 4 0 i n f o @ s o n n e n s e r v e r .c o m

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2011

_founder fr anz stebe


_c o m pa n y spindrift energy w w w. s p i n d r i f t e n e r g y.c o m

_address 3 4 4 0 co r p us c h r i s t i s t r e e t s i m i va l l e y,c a 9 3 0 6 3 , u s a +1 805 587 47 31 m o f fat b r i a n @ g m a i l .c o m

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2009

_founder b r i a n m o f fat


spindrift energy Prior attempts to extract clean and renewable ­power from the ocean’s waves have met with setbacks and disappointments, with ocean energy devices breaking or being lost in rough seas. The key to obtaining low-cost power from the sea is durability and low maintenance. Spindrift Energy is developing a patent-pending hydrokinetic device with only 3 moving parts. Its simplicity and cost-­ efficiency will result in a capital cost of $500 / kW and a power-generation cost of $0.02 / kWh.

­ pindrift devices can operate in water of any depth S and can be scaled to meet any level of demand. Farms of our wave energy devices will be able to supply most of the world’s electrical power at a cost lower than that associated with coal-fired electrical plants.

Renewable energy projects struggle with the rigid, complex and inflexible banking system. ­ People want to see their money working effectively and ethically. Society needs a sustainable future. Sunnycrowd solves these problems. We are crowdfunding for renewable energy, using the power of the social web to push the clean ­e nergy revolution forward. Choose a project, invest an amount of money for its development, and earn a lot in ­interest! Our equity model will also allow you to directly own a share of your chosen project. You can follow your project and see how well it is

doing. Projects are vetted for quality by the Sunnycrowd team. People can grow their money transparently and see the impact they’re having while doing good for the world. And project developers have access to an easy and efficient alternative for financing.

_c o m pa n y s u n n yc r o w d w w w. s u n n yc r o w d.c o m


_address heimelstr asse 20 b 66131 sa arbrücken, germany +4 9 6 8 9 3 8 0 3 7 1 3 i n f o @ s u n n yc r o w d. d e

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2012

_founders c y r u s a lt s c h u c k s t e fa n k a s t e r k a


_c o m pa n y s u s ta i n a b l e r e f e r e n c e w w w.sus ta i n a b l e r e f e r e n c

_address 181 fremont st s a n f r a n c i s c o, c a 9 4 1 0 5 , u s a +1 831 296 0692 i n f o @ s u s ta i n a b l e r e f e r e n c e .c o m

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2009

_founder a n dy b ä c k e r


sure! Cities need sustainability and sustainability needs to incorporate cities. So we created SURE! to help cities become more sustainable. We will change the city economy by helping citizens, companies and city halls to create a more sustainable society

and a green economy. Cities put a lot of money into sustainable programs or certifications that are boring and old-fashioned. SURE! is a 365 / 24 program constantly measuring cities’ sustainability.

tado° its control features, tado° takes individual building characteristics and weather forecasting data into account. Overall, tado° works like a personal heating assistant, taking care that it is always comfortably warm at home when needed.

_c o m pa n y ta d o ° g m b h w w w.ta d o.c o m

tado° is a Munich-based tech startup, founded by Christian Deilmann, Johannes Schwarz and ­Valentin Sawadski in 2011. tado° is the first intelligent, smartphone-based heating control system that automatically adjusts to people’s behavior. Residents install the tado° app on their mobile phones to detect when the last person has left the house, no user action required. A signal is then sent to the heating system to turn down the temperature. To further enhance

_address ko c h e l s e e s t r . 8 - 1 0 81371 munich, germany +4 9 8 9 4 1 6 1 5 6 6 4 0 c o n ta c t@ta d o.c o m

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2011

_founders christian deilmann va l e n t i n s awa d s k i j o h a n n e s s c h wa r z


_c o m pa n y thegreenage w w w.t h eg r e e n a g e .c o.u k

_address 1 2 1 t r i n i t y roa d lo n d o n, s w 1 7 7s q, u n i t e d k i n g d o m +4 4 7 8 3 4 9 8 2 74 3 j a m e s . a l c o c k @t h eg r e e n a g e .c o.u k

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2012

_founders ja me s a lco ck nicholas miles


thegreenage TheGreenAge is quickly becoming the hub of choice for all energy efficiency and renewable technology needs. It brings together easy-to-understand information and first-rate suppliers in a friendly community to help our users save money on their energy bills, find information on renewable solutions, and reduce their carbon footprint. We offer domestic users impartial and interactive appraisals of energy saving schemes in the UK, to bring value to the consumer and the supply chain underpinning these processes.

We also offer a carbon offsetting shop where our users can shop as usual at no extra cost, and, in doing so, we support carbon reduction programs on their behalf.

Nature provides infinite ambient energy that can be collected with special harvesting systems. Such systems include solar panels, windmills, thermal energy stations and others. Smooth and efficient operation of such systems can only be achieved by connecting to a proper energy storage device. This can be done efficiently through ultracapacitors – energy storage devices with extremely high power capacities and fast charge / discharge profiles.

YUNASKO develops ultracapacitors which have outstanding characteristics, outperforming existing commercial analog components almost three times over in terms of specific power (kW / kg). It makes the harvesting system more competitive, increasing its efficiency and service life.

_c o m pa n y y u n a s ko lt d. w w w.y u n a s ko.c o m


_address s u i t e 4 0 4 , 3 2 4 - 3 2 6 r eg e n t s t r e e t lo n d o n w 1 b 3 h h , u n i t e d k i n g d o m +4 4 2 0 8 1 2 3 2 6 8 4 i n f o @y u n a s ko.c o m

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2010

_founders dr. yuriy maletin sergii podmogilnyi d r . n ata l i a s t r y z h a ko va


_c o m pa n y e-volo gmbh w w w.e- v o lo.c o m

_address östliche rheinbrückenstr. 50 76 1 8 7 k a r l s r u h e , g e r m a n y +4 9 7 2 1 3 8 4 8 9 6 0 7 i n f o @ e- v o lo.c o m

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2011

_founders thomas ruf thomas senkel stephan wolf a l e x a n d e r zo s e l


volocopter The founders of e-volo are the inventors of the ­Volocopter. Through the use of its many propellers, the volocopter can take off and land vertically like a helicopter. The world’s first successful manned flight in a vertical take-off and landing aircraft powered ­ solely by electricity made global aviation history in ­O ctober 2011. e-volo is working to build the VC200, the first ­Volocopter in the world to carry two people. The innovative concept convinced the main aviation authority to such an extent that it has com-

missioned a trial program for the creation of a new category of aviation in Germany. Consequently, people with a private pilot’s license will be able to fly e-volo’s Volocopter in the near future.

Helioz is a social enterprise engaged in the development, research and sale of affordable and efficient tools for low-income households, humanitarian organizations, emergency aid organizations and companies around the globe. Helioz R&D focuses on finding innovative solutions to society’s most pressing social problems. Helioz has developed an inexpensive and easyto-use device called WADI, which was especially adapted for the Base of the Pyramid. This patented device is made of bio-degradable plastic, is completely energy self-sufficient due to its solar

panel, and is guaranteed to be maintenance-free for at least five years! What’s more, each piece costs less than 10 dollars. Wadi is easy to use: Screw WADI onto your plastic bottle like a screw cap and place it in the sun. As soon as a smiley face appears, the water is disinfected and ready to drink.

_c o m pa n y helioz gmbh w w w. h e l i o z .o r g


_address ruedigergasse 10 105 0 vienna, aus tria + 43 1 585 00 04 0 o f f i c e @ h e l i o z .o r g

_y e a r o f l au n c h 2010

_founders christian mĂźller martin wesian



anto­n ella battaglini renewables-grid initiative Since 2001, Antonella Battaglini, Executive Director with the Renewables-Grid Initiative has devoted herself to the area of renewable energy, power grids and climate change. She introduced her intelligent electricity network concept called SuperSmarta Grid to the public in 2007. It is an holistic approach to electricity to overcome ideological choices and to deliver a highly efficient system for a largely renewable power sector in Europe and across the world. “I am glad that CODE_n has set the focus on e nergy transition this year. It’s an issue that ­ concerns us all. The future of humanity will be shaped by the way we generate and consume ­e nergy.”


­j ulian von ­b lücher

ulrich dietz

ecosummit Julian von Blücher is the CSO of, an international Smart Green Business Network and Conference for startups, investors and corporates, which fosters and accelerates cleantech innovation from company foundation to mass market. Blücher’s fields of activity range from sustainability research to energy efficiency consulting. As a climate ambassador in 2007, he did ice-thickness measurements at the North Pole and ran a federal climate campaign. He launched an innovative social change facebook app and his most recent project is a hardware cleantech startup in Munich in prototyping stage: “We need more initiatives to promote smart solutions for the energy transition. Thankfully CODE_n is doing this!”

gft technologies A true entrepreneur, Ulrich Dietz set up his first company at the age of just 19. After completing a degree in mechanical engineering and product engineering, he co-founded GFT in 1987 and ­remains at its helm today. GFT Technologies AG is now a leading international IT service provider. Ulrich Dietz is active in a number of committees to support startups and to promote the internationalization of Germany as an IT location. As well as creating the CODE_n innovation initiative, he is also the author of the book “The new New” and was named German Entrepreneur Of The Year 2011.


murat ­ günak mia electric ­Murat Günak, was Head of the design studios of Peugeot, Daimler and Volkswagen, where he was leading the Volkswagen Group Design until the end of 2006. In 2007 he left the car industry because he believed in his vision of a pollution-free, silent electro mobility, and because he wanted to make his contribution for a better world. Since 2011 his product, the 100% electric “mia”, is in production and on sale all over Europe through its own branded mia electric company and has found over 1,000 customers. Murat Günak believes that change to the better is driven by human creativity and the desire to explore the boundaries of imagination. “The first stroke of an idea is to start with the right mindset. Giving fresh-minded entrepreneurs the platform to present their visions and achievements and to be seen and heard is a great initiative by Ulrich Dietz. It’s a great honour to be part of the jury and of the CODE_n mindset.”

carsten knop frankfurter allgemeine zeitung Carsten Knop is a senior business editor of the German daily “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” (FAZ), based in the Frankfurt headquarters and in charge of the companies section of his paper. He contributes editorials and feature stories. In previous assignments with FAZ, Carsten Knop was based in San Francisco (2001 – 2003), New York City (1999 – 2001) and Düsseldorf (1996 – 1999). He was born in Dortmund, and educated at the University of Münster, Germany. Degree in Economics in 1993, he joined FAZ in that same year. “CODE_n was the most interesting CeBIT innovation in 2012. This year, the topic energy change promises new power / tension / excitement.”


jens-uwe sauer

elizabeth varley

seedmatch Jens-Uwe Sauer is the founder and CEO of Seedmatch, the first and leading online crowdfunding platform for startups in Germany. He first started working as a consultant, helping founders shape and execute their business ideas. Due to the lack of equity money even for excellent business ideas in Germany, he founded Seedmatch as a new way to fund startups: Anyone can invest, starting from 250€. “CODE_n is a great chance for startups to raise visibility for their business ideas. We are very happy to offer the three winning German startups the chance for crowdfunding on Seedmatch.”

techhub TechHub brings together the global technology startup community, with spaces in London, Riga, Manchester and Bucharest and further cities in the US, Europe and Asia to be announced in 2013. “I have a real interest in seeing longer-term research and hardware-based projects, coming together with the commercial strategies and speed-to-market of internet-focused entrepreneurs. I hope we will be seeing some exciting products and companies at CODE_n.”


vincent tavenne under construction. a place for new ideas. The basic idea behind the presentation of CODE_n13 is an ephemeral, nomadic architecture. To create the stands, the walls are made from suspended protective construction netting; above and adjacent to this, there are ­l arger pieces constructed of scaffolding and gauze. They look like city landmarks. To provide meeting points, there are open spaces and large, colorful rooms. The lines of view and the perspectives of the “city” change constantly. And to afford visitors with a bird’s eye view of the hall, they can climb the viewing tower. In total, it is a light, open structure to be filled with the ingenuity of the participants. This is a place of transparency and communication. The construction site feeling reflects the aspect of something that is unfinished and tentative – a place where novelty can be created.

profile _1961 Born in Montbéliard, France _1983 - 1985 Studied under Ulrich Rückriem at the Art Academy in Dusseldorf, Germany _to date Lives and works in Berlin, Germany selected solo exhibitions _2012 “Etroit, plat, mince (far, deep, wide)”, Hammelehle and Ahrens Gallery, Cologne, Germany _2011 “Déplie-toi! Development and Illusion”, City Gallery of Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany _2010 “Polarise-toi”, Saarland Museum, Saarbrucken, Germany _2009 “moi toi et ton toi”, Art:Concept, Paris, France awards received _2008 Work fellowship from the Kunstfonds Foundation (Stiftung Kunstfonds) _1999 Villa Romana Award, Florence _1998 Piepenbrock Award for sculpture

As a strategic technology partner based in Stuttgart, Germany, the GFT Group helps companies optimise their business processes by providing intelligent IT systems and highly skilled specialists. GFT is one of the world’s leading IT solution suppliers for the finance sector. Under the motto ‘inspiring IT’, the company enables financial institutes to quickly and securely utilise modern technologies. GFT combines established technological experience with comprehensive industry expertise, in order to develop, implement and maintain customized IT solutions. With its subsidiary emagine, GFT offers companies in various growth industries agile solutions for completing their technology projects ­ promptly and efficiently, combining an extensive understanding of business with profound technical

know-how. To this end, emagine can draw on its international network of IT and engineering specialists. For 25 years, GFT has stood for technological expertise, innovative strength and outstanding quality. Founded in 1987 by its current CEO, Ulrich Dietz, GFT achieved group wide revenues of € 272 million in 2011. The GFT Group is ­represented in seven countries by its 22 local facilities. A ­global team of over 1,300 employees and 1,300 ­e xternal consultants implements complex IT projects across various countries.

_c o m pa n y g f t t e c h n o lo g i e s a g w w w.g f t.c o m

gft technologies

_address filderhaup ts tr. 1 42 7 0 5 9 9 s t u t t g a r t, g e r m a n y

_c o d e _ n c o n ta c t p e r s o n a ndr e a w lcek +4 9 7 1 1 6 2 0 4 2 - 4 4 0 a n d r e a .w l c e k @ g f t.c o m


_c o m pa n y deutsche messe ag w w w. m e s s e .d e

_address m e s s eg e l ä n d e 30521 hanover, germany

_c o d e _ n c o n ta c t p e r s o n m a r t i n a lü b o n +4 9 5 1 1 8 9 3 3 1 2 0 m a r t i n a . lu e b o n @ m e s s e . d e


deutsche messe Deutsche Messe is one of the world’s largest and most active trade fair companies. Based in H anover, Germany, Deutsche Messe employs a ­ staff of more than 930 and maintains a network of 66 sales partners, subsidiaries and branches that

covers more than 100 countries. Deutsche Messe annually produces more than 100 trade fairs and conferences worldwide that host 35,000 exhibiting companies, 3.5 million visitors, and 15,000 journalists from 100 countries.

The global Ernst & Young organization is a ­l eader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. With its deep expertise in different industries such as technology, media & entertainment or telecommunications, it supports its clients with individual services which are tailored to their specific needs. Ernst & Young’s growth markets network advises some of the world’s most dynamic and fast-growing public and private companies. The network leaders know what it takes to fast-track a business from inspiration, to growing enterprise, to market leader – after all, this is part of Ernst & Young’s self-image to make a difference by helping its people, its clients and its wider communities to achieve their potential. Worldwide, 167,000 people are united by our shared values and an unwavering com-

mitment to quality. The combined global revenues were USD 24,4 billion for the financial year ­e nded 30 June 2012, compared with USD 22,9 billion in 2011. The global Ernst & Young organization refers to all member firms of Ernst & Young Global ­Limited (EYG). Each EYG member firm is a separate l­egal entity and has no liability for another such entity’s acts or omissions. Ernst & Young Global ­Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.

_c o m pa n y e r n s t & yo u n g g m b h W i r t s c h a f t s p r ü f u n g s g e s e l ls c h a f t w w w. d e . e y.c o m

ernst & young

_address arnulfstr asse 59 806 36 munich, germany

_c o d e _ n c o n ta c t p e r s o n gerhard müller +4 9 8 9 1 4 3 3 1 1 3 1 0 8 g e r h a r d. m u e l l e r @ d e . e y.c o m



event partners

media partners

community partners




acknowledgments Following the extraordinary success enjoyed by CODE_n in 2012, we knew we had to continue this work and move the project forward. Having learned from last year’s experiences, we’ve made some changes and introduced a variety of new ideas. The only thing that remains unchanged from last year: the enthusiasm and spirit shared by the entire CODE_n team throughout all phases of the project. I would like to thank everyone for their contributions – thank you for believing in the success and potential of CODE_n, for continually bringing new ideas to the project, for working with such determination to move it forward, for constantly thinking about new concepts. Let me start by thanking my fellow board members, Jean-François Bodin, Marika Lulay and Dr. Jochen Ruetz, who supported the vision of a global innovation initiative from the very begin-

ning. Thanks also to Andrea Wlcek, who has assumed personal responsibility for CODE_n and works tirelessly to see it succeed. On behalf of GFT, a sincere thanks goes out to our strategic partners, who have believed in CODE_n since its inception: thank you for your financial support and staff contributions, without which the project wouldn’t be nearly as successful. Thanks also for your constructive contributions and creative and inspiring insights. And many thanks to the team representatives: Frank Pörschmann from Deutsche Messe and Gerhard Müller from Ernst & Young. This year’s artist, Vincent Tavenne, created a uniquely inspiring backdrop for the project in Hall 16. Thank you for this successful interpretation of the pioneering spirit that fuels CODE_n. Of course, what would a competition be without contestants? A heartfelt thank you goes out to


all startup founders and young entrepreneurs, who surprised, inspired and enchanted us with their multifaceted ideas regarding the transition to clean energy. It is your courage and creative spirit that make CODE_n such a value hot spot of innovation. It was genuinely difficult to select just two winners. Our jury members certainly had their work cut out for them in pinpointing the most promising applicants from the many young companies that applied. That’s why a very special thank you goes to Antonella Battaglini, Julian von Blücher, Murat Günak, Carsten Knop, Jens-Uwe Sauer and Elisabeth Varley. My last, yet very big thank you is directed at the CODE_n team back at base, our dedicated GFT employees. Without your commitment, your enthusiasm and all your hard work, CODE_n simply wouldn’t be possible. Thanks so much to Janina

Benz, Francisco Blas Reyes, Johannes Braig, Sven Brandes, Deniz Cokezen, Maria Dietz, Dr. Oliver Ehret, Dionysis Eliakopoulos, Katrin Frech, Lena Gaede, Manfred Gaus, Manfred Gmeiner, Moritz Gräter, Nina Haas, Michael Hackenjos, Stefanie Hahn, J­akob Hebart, Simone Hedler, Michael Hehn, ­Johanna Hellmich, Carina ­H ummel, ­Felix Jansen, André Krüger, Danielle Lopes, ­ Fanny M arschner, Linus Mast, Edina Mezildžic, Elke ­ M öbius, ­ ­ Paulo Oliveira, Birgit Rebholz, Miguel Reiser, Karl ­ R ieder, Renata Schartner, Rebecca Schlosser, Dr. A ­ lexandra Schröter, Dr. Manfred Schumann, Clara Taché, Helen Thomas and Lisa Zoller. Ulrich Dietz

imprint published by GFT Innovations GmbH FilderhauptstraĂ&#x;e 142 70599 Stuttgart, Germany concept GFT Innovations GmbH graphic design VERY, Frankfurt am Main

printing Druckerei Imbescheidt, Frankfurt am Main visualization Bernd Borchardt, Photographer, Berlin image credits All images from our finalists, partners and jury: copyright at each finalist, partner or jury

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