Buyer Guide - Julie Hodges

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A higher st andard of service & expert ise for Seatt le East side home buyers

With 21years of experience as a real estate Advisor, Julie also serves as the Designated Broker for both the Seattle and Mercer Island shops, the first shops to open in Washington state For Julie, real estate is not about transactionsit?sabout people She believesstrongly that an investment in real estate is an investment in your future.

Bringing years of customer service experience with her, she began her real estate career with Windermere Real Estate in 1999 Sixteen years later opened her own brokerage After three successful years there, she was asked to join Engel & Völkers Always looking for ways to enhance her clients experience, she was intrigued by their collaborative spirit, innovative marketing, and global reach. Partnering with Engel & Völkers has afforded her the opportunity to give her clientsafirst classexperience with acompetitive edge

Julie is passionate about what she does. Whether you are buying or selling, it?s her aim to help protect your financial security and hopes for the future by helping you to make well educated, informed decisions about your real estate investments Having grown up in Kenmore, Julie had the best of both worlds with Seattle and the Eastside being equally accessible She has lived in many different parts of the city, which has given her a greater understanding of the individual neighborhoods that make up this beautiful region In her personal time, she enjoys exploring the Pacific Northwest and checking out new restaurants with her husband of 29 years, and spending time with their four adult children

Julie Hodges

RealEstateAdvisor (425)220-0617

julie hodges@evrealestatecom

Successfully Sold

12822 171st Ave SE - Snohomish, WA 98290

Serenity & tranquility surround this gorgeous Pacific Ridge home Green space across street providesenhanced views Main floor featuresgreat room concept Office/bedroom w/adjacent bath Living space w/cozy gas fireplace easily accommodates large sectional

Well-appointed kitchen, showcases SS appliances, quartz countertops, gas range, oversized island & walk-in pantry Separate dining area Upstairs you?ll find five more spaciousbedrooms Useoneasafamilyroom/gameroom?Fullbathwithdoublevanity

442 7th Ave S, Kirkland, WA 98033

Adopt the city lifestyle while embracing the captivating lake and mountain views from the home, covered deck & engaging roof deck Relish the joyful environment of relaxed living and divine entertaining The main floor enjoysviewsfrom Chef's kitchen, living, dining and gathering rooms Kitchen holds Miele and Liebherr appliances all encased in custom cabinets, stone counters, & designer touches Primary suite boasts high ceiling and sumptuousbath featuring luxurioustub,travertineshower,heated floor and walk-in closet

Lower level with the 4th bedroom, bonusroom, 2nd kitchen, flex room, and shop perfect for extended living Private oasis just a few blocks from beaches & downtown amenities Great schools&easycommutes

13822 123rd Place NE#39-5 - Lake Stevens, WA 98258

Popular Medina plan on acre homesite Culinary kitchen with large island, Kitchenaid appliances including refer, and walk-in pantry This two story plus daylight basement hasit all!Mainfloor featuresformalentry,denwithdoubledoorsandpowder room,openconcept kitchen, dining and gathering room with large, covered deck off dining Upstairs find 4 bedrooms and two baths Owner's bath has large shower, freestanding tub and oversized walk-in closet Basement features large game room with slider out to the patio, and additionalbedroomandbath Expansiveopenrailwithblackmodernhorizontaldetails


What My ClientsSay

"Julie did an amazing job for us! She took over when our initial real estate agent/my uncle passed away and she made the whole transition flawless and as easy as possible We are so grateful we were matched up with her! She even surprised us with an amazing goody basket of champagne and fun treats when we closed on the house She still stayed in touch with us months after the closing to assist with questions we had about the home We had her sell our old house and she made that whole process a breeze as well We can't recommend her enough! :)"


"Julie was such an incredible help to my husband and I in the search for and purchase of our first home She explained the buying process to us, showed us many, many homes and navigated negotiations with us In the end she got us into a home we love We are very grateful for Julie and highly recommend her! "


"Had a fantastic experience with Julie We connected through Zillow and she took me to see many places over time until I found the right one I never felt pressured to buy She advised me about the area and explained the home buying process to me (new home owner) She was responsive throughout the whole process (never left me hanging or waiting) And she was always available when I had questions "


"Julie was a true professional We had a very rapid purchase process, with at least two other offers being presented along with our offer, for a home that had only been on the market for a few days She was clearly experienced in this kind of high-pressure transaction, and savvy enough to guide us to make the winning offer We could not be more pleased with our new home, and with the process We would definitely recommend Julie to anyone who is looking for a home in the Seattle WA area "


The Engel & Völkers Buying Experience

rom starter homes to dream homes, at Engel & Völkers we provide unparalleled and personalized buying experiences for every client Webelieve that buying ahomeisone of the most important decisions you will make, and it?s an honor and our passion to be part of this journey with you As trusted advisors, we make it our responsibility to understand your home buying goals ? from your overall vision and budget, to neighborhood amenities and architectural details ? and help you discover the right space to call your own To us, luxury is about the richness of life that beginsandendsinthemost important spaceweknow? home

The Power of Invest ing in Ownership

Therearebothfinancialandemotionalbenefitstoowningahome After all,ahomeisthecenter of your world


Whenyouownahome,youareinvesting your moneyinto your future Homeequityhastheabilityto increaseeachtime you make your monthly mortgage payments, as well as when you make smart home improvements In a strong economy, home values can increase each year The greater your equity, the more you can capitalize on your home?s valueover time


Seek professional advice from your tax consultants about your financing options (if you are financing) to tailor your investment commitment toyour specific needs.


Owning a property allows you to surround yourself with an aesthetic that reflects your personality and brings you joy Thepossibilitiescanbeendlesswhenit comestoturningyour homeintoyour dreamspace


A home should be a place of comfort and happiness With homeownership comes a sense of security in an investment andaspacewherememoriesaremade

Part ner wit h an Engel & Völkers advisor

Engel & Völkers is known throughout the world for the unmistakable service experience our advisors provide their clients Our advisors offer more than a typical real estate agent, representing an elevated level or service, expertise, andperformance

Engel & Völkers attracts real estate professionals who are well respected within their communities, as well as those who have a deep understanding of client service We know the people, the places and the nuances of each cul-de- sac, community and country we represent As trusted advisors, we guide you through your home journey with in depth neighborhood expertise, distinguished care ? and a bit of fun

The Value of t he Buyer's Agent

Hiring a buyer's agent can offer several advantages to individuals looking to purchase a property Here is a list of reasonswhyhiringabuyer'sagent canbebeneficialtoyou

Market Knowledge

Buyer's agents are familiar with local real estate markets and can provide valuable insights into current trends, property values,andneighborhooddynamics

Negotiation Skills

Experienced buyer's agents are skilled negotiators who can help yousecurethebest possibledeal Theycannegotiateon your behalf toget afair priceandfavorableterms

Access to Listings

Buyer's agents have access to multiple listing services (MLS) and can help you find properties that match your criteria moreefficientlythanif youweresearchingonyour own

Save Time and Effort

By outsourcing the property search to a buyer's agent, you can save significant time and effort. They can narrow down options based on your preferences, schedule showings, and handlepaperwork

Objective Advice

Buyer's agents work for you and have your best interests in mind They can provide objective advice, helping you make informed decisions without being influenced by the seller or their agent.

Legal and Contractual Expertise

Real estate transactions involve complex legal documents A buyer'sagent canguideyouthroughthepaperwork,ensuring that all thenecessarydocumentsareproperlycompleted and submitted

Professional Network

Buyer's agents often have a network of professionals, including inspectors, mortgage brokers, and real estate attorneys This can be valuable in streamlining the buying processandconnectingyouwithtrustedserviceproviders

Understanding of the Buying Process

If you're a first-time homebuyer or unfamiliar with the buying process, a buyer's agent can educate you on the steps involvedandprovideguidanceat everystage

Property Evaluation

Buyer's agents can assess properties based on your specific needs,preferences,and budget Theycan point out potential issues and help you make an informed decision about the property'svalue

Streamlined Communication

Acting as a buffer between you and the seller's agent, a buyer's agent can facilitate communication, ensuring that your interests are protected and that negotiations remain professional

Risk Management

A buyer's agent can help you identify potential risks associated with aproperty and adviseyou on howto mitigate them This includes issues related to the property condition, legalaspects,andpotentialresalechallenges

The Buyer Broker Agreement

As an experienced and dedicated Real Estate Advisor, I am committed to guiding my clients and being their strongest advocatethrougheverystepof thehomesearchandbuying process By entering into an Exclusive Buyer?s Agreement, I am formalizing my dedicated support, ensuring that all expectations are clearly communicated beforehand, ensuring a seamless, successful, and enjoyable home-buyingprocessfromstart tofinish

This formal agreement allows me the opportunity to:

- Communicate,define,andset clear expectationsfor what myclient islookingfor,howIwillbest support them,and what theycanexpect fromme

- Thoroughlysearch,collect,andpresent myclient withall of theavailableinventorywithinmynetworkandbeyond

- Streamlineandexpeditetheoffer procedure

- Leverageyour interest andbuyingpower innegotiations

- Commit mytime,expertise,resources,support staff,and experiencetofindyoutheperfect propertythat best matchesyour needs

What to know about Sellers Compensation vs Buyers Compensation:

Sellers complete a Listing Agreement that covers, among other things, the negotiated compensation to be paid to the Listing Agent This may also include the seller's consent to offer compensation to the Buyer's Broker Sellers should be made aware that even if they do not offer compensation to theBuyer'sBroker,thebuyer mayincorporateintheir offer to purchase arequest that the Seller pay compensation to their broker

Breaking it Down: TheBuying Process

The reasons for buying a home are personal, so the first thing to consider is what you want to achieve in purchasingahome.

Buying a home is filled with both strategic thinking and emotions With ever-changing market conditions and other variables, various factors may affect the path you takeinfindingthepropertythat?sright for you

Asyour consultant,an Engel & Völkersadvisor helpsyou understand the market landscape and determine, based on your goals, if now is in fact the right time to buy and thenidentifyingthecorrect approach

Asfar asthepropertyitself,it?swiseto invest thetimeto outline the key factors and features relating to your search,including(seenext page):

So, you'reready to buy ahome. Here's your next 111t o-dos:

AccordingtoRealtor com®

Get Informed - Do Your Research

1 Researchtherealestateindustryandlegalservicesto understandwhat'savailabletoyou,includingtheentire process andnecessityfor legalrepresentation

2 Achieveproficiencyinfederalandstatefair housinglawsthat protect your rights Youwant tobesurethat you'renot being deniedtheopportunitytomakeanoffer onahomeor secure financingbasedonyour race,religion,nationalorigin,sex, disability,and/or familystatus

3 Researchlocalandnationaldownpayment assistance resources Theseprogramsconhelpmakeyour homepurchase moreaffordable

4 Checkyour eligibilityfor downpayment assistanceprograms

5. lf you'reaVeteran,researchhomeservicesandloan programsavailabletoyou

6 If you'reaVeteran,determinewhether youqualifyfor a zero-downVAhomeloan Makingadownpayment isasignificant hurdlefor moneyhomebuyers Programslikethesecanopenthe door tohomeownership,for thesewhoknowabout themand qualify

7 Learn about local home prices, inventory levels, and market demand in your desired area. If you are in a hotter market, high demand for homes may affect your buying process and offer strategy

8 Ensurethat allpersonalandfinancialinformationremains confidentialtomitigateriskof identitytheft.Researchthesteps that youcantaketoprotect your identitywhenbuyingahome

9 Throughout theprocess,knowtherisksof postinghome searchdetailsonsociaImediatoavoidbeingtargetedfor fraud

10 Dosomeresearchonwhat homefeaturesarecurrently popular tohelpidentifyyour preferencesandhowthismay affect thevalueof thehome

Set Homeownership Goals and Budget

11 Obtainacopyof your credit report,includingyour credit score,toassesswhereyoustand,andensureyouhavetimeto disputeerrorsandimproveyour score Thebetter your credit score,themorelikelyyouaretobeapprovedfor amortgageand receiveabetter rate

12 Consider all your homeownership wants and non-negotiable needs You may need acertain number of bedrooms based on the size of your family, or afirst-floor bedroom and bathroom if you plan to age in place

13 Set your budget andbemindfulof thecompletecost of

homeownership.Consider thepurchasecost of thehomeand anyongoinglivingandmaintenanceexpenses Thoseongoing expensesmayincludebut arenot limitedtorealestatetaxes, heating,AC,water,yardandappliancemaintenance,repairs, homeownersassociationfees,andcommutingcosts

14 Assessyour financialabilitytopurchaseahome Thetypical ruleof thumbisthat your totalmonthlyhousingpayment (mortgage,taxes,insurance,etc )shouldn't bemorethan30% of your grossmonthlyhouseholdincome,but individual situationsmayvary

15 Assessyour desiredmarket'scompatibilitywithyour budget basedoncurrent incomeandother considerations

16.Professionallyadvocatefor yourself throughout theentire process Todothat,youshouldpromoteanddefendyour interestswhilekeepingemotionsinchecktoensureyouget your desiredoutcome

St art Your Home Search

17. Establishandadheretoaschedulefor househunting, mortgageapproval,andclosingtomeet your desiredtimeline If youmissanymilestonedeadlines,youcouldbeat riskof losing your downpayment or losingthehomefor purchase

18.Learnhowlocalmarketscouldaffect your buyingandowning process Fewer homesfor sale,futuredevelopment plans, schoolratings,accesstotransportation,andcommunity amenitiesareallelementsthat mayaffect demandinagiven market

19 Scout listingsandonlinemarketplacesfor suitable properties

20 Set up real-time alertson home search marketplaces to get notifications when matching homes hit the market, and for open housesand price reductions

21 Comparepropertiestoyour wantsandneedslist toensure theyalignwithwhat you'relookingfor

22 Tapyour personalnetworktouncover additionalproperties of interest that arenot yet publiclylistedandmaybecome availablefor salesoon

23 Contact homeownersindesiredareastoseeif theyare consideringselling

24 Gather informationabout anyhomesthat might befor sale but arenot activelybeingmarketed

25 Virtuallypreviewpropertiesthat you'reinterestedin

26 Select homesfor viewingthat alignwithyour specific needs

27 Schedulemultiplein-personhomeviewingsbycontacting eachhome'slistingagent Scheduleseparateappointmentsat timesthat suit thelistingagent but maynot alwayssuit you

28 Periodicallyreevaluateyour needsandrefocusyour propertysearch,asnecessary

29 Exploreallavailableresourcestolearnmoreabout

prospectiveneighborhoods.Besuretospeaktolocalexperts whounderstandtheneighborhoodandwillgiveyouhonest feedback

30 Tour theamenities,schools,andpointsof interest,andtest commutetimesinyour chosensearcharea

31. Cross-referencelocalcrimeregistriesfor theneighborhoods youaresearching

32 Educateyourself onwhat tolookfor inpropertydisclosures of homelistingswhileyousearchtomakeinformeddecisions Requiredpropertydisclosuresvarybystateandmayinclude,but arenot limitedtorightsof way,upcomingspecialassessments, whether thohomeisinafloodzone,post termitedamage,and thepresenceof leadpoint.

33 Staycurrent withthelistingmonthsof market inventory As withdaysonthemarket,thisindicateshowcompetitiveagiven market isandshouldinformyour offer

34 Consider measuresof homevaluebeyondpriceper square foot.Theseincludeneighborhood,proximitytoworkand communityamenities,andcommunitydevelopment plans Be suretoconsult withalocalexpert toget themost comprehensiveinformation

35 Researchmunicipalservicesandother relevant neighborhoodinformation

36 Beinformedabout potentialneighborhoodnegativessuch asnoiselevels,venues,or operationsthat couldimpact your propertyvalue

37 Checkapplicablezoningandbuildingrestrictionsif youplan torent out your homeor addaunit togenerateshort-termor monthlyrentalincome

38 Understandpublic propertyandtaxinformationfor potential homes It'simportant tobeinformedabout thepossibilityof futuretaxincreasesandpropertyassessments,whichwillaffect thepropertytaxesyouowefromyear toyear

39 Gather andconsider important dataonutilityavailabilityand costs For example,you'llwant toconfirmif thehomehasgood high-speedinternet access

40. Research any environmental factors and risks that could affect your home, such as flooding, wildfire, heat, air quality, and noise Some of these factors will effect the cost of ownership For example, if the home you purchase is in aflood zone, you will need to obtain flood insurance

41 Narrowdownyour tophomechoicesfor acloser lookbefore consideringmakinganyoffer

Prepare Financing

42 Analyzeyour financestodeterminethetotaldownpayment andclosingcostsyoucanafford.

43 Gather andassessqualitylender resources Askfriendsand familyfor recommendations

44 Consider at least threemortgagelendersduringthepre-

approvalprocess.Mortgagerates,terms,andeligibilitymayvary fromlender tolender

45 Familiarize yourself with the mortgage pre-approval process Pre-approval meansthat alender has verified your income, credit background, and other factors and has provided aconditional commitment for an approved mortgage amount With pre-approval, your offer will be considered for more seriously

46 Prepareandcollect personalfinancialinformationlikepay stubs,credit cardstatements,andother existingloans/debt,and sharethat informationwiththelendersyou'reconsidering

47 Collect andcomparemultiplefinancingoptions Beyond traditionalmortgages,lookintolesser-knownalternativeoptions likeseller financingor rent-to-ownprograms

48 Explorevariousfinancingoptionstofindthebest fit for your needs Manypeopleuseaconventional,fixed-rate30-year mortgage,but mortgageswithother terms(e.g.,15-and10-year fixedrate,adjustablerate,andassumable)might alsobeoptions

49 Coordinatewithyour lender todiscussdiscount points, whichyoucanpaytolower theinterest rateonyour loan

50 Analyzeloanestimates Loanduration,sizeof your down payment,fees,andother loantermscanaffect your overall mortgagecosts

51 Obtainapre-approvalletter fromyour lender,whichismore comprehensivethanpre-qualification Pre-approvalisawritten commitment fromalender that stipulatestheamount theywill lendyoufor ahomepurchase

52 Carefullyreviewthepre-approvalletter fromyour lender to understanditscontentsandasknecessaryquestions

Making Your Offer

53 Reviewstatisticstoseewhat percentageof thelist price sellersinyour areaarecurrentlyreceiving Thiswillhelpyou decidewhether tooffer theaskingprice,or adjust your offer belowor abovetheaskingprice,tomakeyour bidmore competitive

54 Consider thecurrent,localaveragedaysonthemarket to gaugepropertypricingandmarket competitiveness Fewer days onmarket indicatesgreater demand,whichmeansyoumay needtoraiseyour offer or offer additionalincentivestomake your offer morecompetitive

55 Payfor aprofessionalcomparativemarket analysis(CMA) beforemakinganoffer toensureit'scompetitive ACMAisa report that detailsrecent homesales,localmarket activity,and salespricestohelpyoucraft asuccessfuloffer

56 Researchindependent homevaluationinformationfrom onlineresourceslikeRealtor comtoassessanoffer pricethat considersthesaleof similar homesinthearea It'simportant to makeanoffer that'sinlinewithlocalmarket conditions You don't want tooverpayfor ahome,or makeanoffer that'ssolowit won't evenbeconsidered,soit'sgoodtotalktoanindependent Source:Realtor com®

adviser whohaslocalmarket knowledge.

57. Consider hiringarealestatelawyer for legalrepresentation asyoubuildyour offer andfor legalduediligenceasyoureview contractualdocumentation

58 Reviewasamplesalescontract topreparetomakeanoffer Thisdocument outlineseveryfacet of thetransaction,but it may not includeeverythingyouwant inthetransactionor fromthe seller,sodon't assumeeverythingisthere

59 Understand common contract contingencies and the importance of including protective clauses in your offer. These may include but are not limited to your ability to secure financing that coversthe appraised home value, inspections (home, radon, lead, etc.), closing date, date of possession, and owner lease-back terms

60 Learnabout anypurchasingincentivesthat youmight be eligiblefor Homesellersmayoffer concessionslikeapre-paid homeowner warranty,closingcosts,or allowancefor home improvements/repairsasindicatedbyahomeinspection You willneedtonegotiatetheseasyour ownrepresentative

61 Ensureyour offer willstandout asthemost attractiveinthe current market Bereadytocompete-manyhomestodayare receivingmultipleoffersandbiddingwarsarecommon

62 Craft anoffer that iswellpositionedtobeaccepted,and submit it totheseller'sagent Anoffer typicallyincludeshow muchyouarewillingtopayfor thehome,howmuchearnest moneyyoucanprovide,whenyouwant tocloseonthehome, andthedeadlinefor theseller torespond

Negot iat ions and Offer Accept


63 Identifyandprioritizeyour maingoalsfor contract negotiations

64 Familiarizeyourself withnegotiationbest practices Be mindfulof howyour bodylanguageandfacialexpressionscan influenceasuccessfulnegotiation

65 Develop anegotiating strategy to secure the best terms In addition to price, consider terms such as repairs, closing costs, or the timeline for closing

66 Negotiatethebest pricewiththeseller'sagent Theseller's agent willbenegotiatingonthehomeowner'sbehalf Youwillbe negotiatingwithaprofessionalwholikelyhasextensive experienceinthisarea,andyoumaybeat adisadvantage

67 Bepreparedfor multiple-offer situations Don't get discouraged,andhaveyour negotiationstrategiesready

68 Consider usingoffer strategieslikeonescalationclause, whichraisesthepriceyou'reofferingbyacertainamount over thepricethat another buyer isoffering;offeringflexibilityon move-in/possessiondate;or waivingvariouscontingencies

69 Exploreoptionalcontingencies,andunderstandtheir advantagesanddisadvantages If youagreetowaivethe inspectioncontingency,for example,youareacceptingtherisk of purchasingahomethat mayhavemyriaddefectsor require

additionalfundstorepair or bringuptocode

70. Beawarethat allknownmaterialdefectsshouldalwaysbe disclosedtoyou Knowwhat questionstoask,andensureyou receiveandcomprehendallrequireddisclosureformsbystate andfederallaws Thoseformsvarybystate

71. Agreetofinaltermswiththeseller,andsignthecontract.In somestatesonattorneymayberequired,

72 Verifythefinaloffer issignedbyallparties

73 Prepareyour lender for listingagent calls Theagent representingthehomeseller willcontact your lender toconfirm pre-approvalandarrangeother settlement details Thesedetails willlikelyfavor thehomeseller,sincethat agent isrepresenting their interests,soyoumaywant toparticipateinthosecallsto negotiateonyour behalf

Facilit at e Closing

74 Coordinatecommunicationseffectivelyamongallparties, includingyour lender,theseller'sagent,theclosingattorney,and anyadditionalthirdparties

75 Seekadditionalguidancefor transactionsinvolvingshort sales,foreclosures,or bank-ownedproperties.These transactionsofteninvolveadditionaltitle,ownership,and financingconsiderations,andtheymaybeas-is -meaning,the propertiesmaybedamagedor requirecostsfor repairsthat the buyer isacceptingasaconditionof purchase

76 Estimatethegrossout-of-pocket cost of completingthe transaction Thismayinclude,but isnot limitedto,closingcosts, atitlesearch,financingpoints(to"'paydown"themortgage interest rate),andtransfer taxes

77 Acquaint yourself withfloodinsurance If thehomeyou purchaseisinaFEMA-identifiedfloodzone,youmust obtain floodinsuranceasaconditionof ownership Youmayalso consider addingfloodinsurancetoyour regular homeinsurance policy,becausemost regular policiesdonot cover damagefrom flooding.

78 Learn about title insurance, and consult aqualified insurance broker Title insurance covers any pre-existing title problems that you may discover after you've purchased the home (e g tax liens, unpaid/outstanding mortgages, previous ownership claims)

79 Fullyinvestigateyour optionsfor ahomeinspector,title company,appraiser,andother services Forgoingahome inspectionisnot advisedastheseprofessionalinspectorswill provideacomprehensiveassessment of ahome'scurrent conditionandrisks

80 Createalist of requiredandoptionalhomeinspections, includingenvironmental,roofing,andmold Thiswillhelpyou determinewhat inspectioncontingenciestoincludeinyour purchaseoffer

81 Ensurethat necessarypropertysurveysareordered A propertysurveywillhelpyouunderstandwhereyour property

beginsandends,anddetermineanypotentialissues-suchas easementsor encroachments-beforeyoutakeownershipof the property

82 Discussanyconcernsarisingfromthehomeinspection Use anynegativefindingsfromyour homeinspectionreport as leveragefor repairsor credits

83 Track and meet all contract deadlines Depending on the terms of your offer, these may include deadlines for inspections, final financing/loan, down payment and earnest money deposits into escrow, title searches, and settlement date

84 Order theappraisal Confirmwhether your lender willaccept anindependent appraiser or requireonappraisalmanagement companytoconduct theappraisal

85 Questiontheappraisalreport if it affectsyour financing Checkfor errorslikesquarefootage,inadequatehome comparisons,or incorrect descriptionsof thehomeor neighborhood

86 Order thetitlesearch Acleanpropertytitlemeansthebuyer andlender agreetherearenoclaimsonthepropertythat could becomeanissueafter ownershipistransferred

87 Regularlycontact your lender toensuretheloanprocessis ontracktomeet theclosingrequirements

88 Ensureanynecessaryfunds,likeearnest moneyor down payments,arereceivedbythestateddeadlinestoavoidanyrisk of theseller terminatingyour contract

89 Ensureallpartieshaveallformsandinformationneededto closethesale Missingor latepaperworkcancausedelays

90 Checkaddendumsandalterationsfor agreed-uponterms

91. Takenoteof thelocationanddetailsof your closingmeeting.

92 Confirmandcommunicatetheclosingdateandtimetothe seller'sagent,notinganychanges

93 Scheduleandconduct afinalpropertywalk-through Create acomprehensivechecklist of your concernsregardingthehome andthenconfirmthat anyagreed-uponrepairswereaddressed or fixedbytheseller

94 Confirmtheclear-to-closestatus,indicatingalldocuments andconditionstoapproveyour loanhavebeenmet withyour lender.

95 Reviewyour closingstatement It explainsthetermsof the mortgage,theprojectedmonthlypayments,andhowmuchyour feesandclosingcostswillbe

96 Double-checkalltaxes,dues,andprorationsrelatedtoyour purchase

97 Request thefinalclosingfiguresfromtheclosingagent This isthetotalamount of moneythat youwillhavetobringtothe closingtable

98 Reviewyour titleinsurancecommitment carefullytoensure allinformationisaccurate

99. Be aware of wire fraud risks, and verbally verify all wiring instructions with the seller's agent before transferring funds Get the detailed instructions from your closing company, and be leery of any messages you receive that request changesto the original instructions

100 Providereceipt of escrowdeposit totheseller's agent/broker toverifythisfinancialstephasbeencompleted

101 Gather allrequiredformsanddocumentsfor closing Typically,you'llneedaphotoIDandacashier'sor certifiedcheck (or receipt of awiretransfer)

102 Performanyremainingclosingactivitiestocompletethe transaction

103 Reviewallclosingdocumentswiththeclosingagent or attorney Bepreparedtosignatonof paperwork

104 Distributefinaldocumentstoallinvolvedpartiesfor their records You'llwant tokeepthisimportant paperworksafe

105 Verifyreceipt of allkeys,accesscodes,garagedoor openers,andmanualsfor allequipment andappliances

Post-Closing Act ivit ies

106 Prior tomoving,consider rekeyingyour locksandchanging accesscodesasanextraprecautiontosafeguardyour home fromanyonewhomayhavehadaccessprior toyour ownership

107 Remember totransfer allutilitiesandservicestoyour new residencesoyoudonot incur costsonyour former residence Thisensureseverythingisupandrunninginpreparationfor your move-indate

108 Turnyour homeinspectionreport intoamaintenanceto-do list

109 Fileclaimswithyour homeowner'swarrantycompanyas needed Ahomewarrantyisapolicythat coversthecost of major repairsor appliances

110. Stayengagedandproactivelyfollowuponanypending itemsor concernspost-closing Keeparunningchecklist handy toensureyoustayontopof anypotentialwarranties,including their expirationdates

111.Arrangefor themove-indayinyour newhomebycontacting movers Buyyourself abottleof champagne

Congratulations, you're a new homeowner now

Or do 1t hing... Find abuyer'sagent

*Actualservicesor to-doswilldependontheneedsof thebuyer andthe transaction-not all111thingswillneedtobedoneineverytransaction

Source:Realtor com®

Packing Tips

1 Separateyour valuablesandimportant documents,andkeepthemwithyouduring themove

2 Preparea?Start-upKit?of itemsandbox thoseuptotakewithyouaswell Thiswayif your belongingsarrivelate,or youare delayedinunpacking,youwillhavewhat you needimmediatelyonhand

3 Labelboxesbyitemsandroomtomake unpackinganeasier process

Moving Checklist


Before you begin packing up boxes, take inventory of your furniture and other belongings to decide what to keep and what to purge If items are not worth the effort of packing, moving and unpacking, consider donating,sellingor discardingthem


A smooth and successful move isonly possible with a plan Select a moving day to work toward Identifyandengageamoving company as soon as possible ? Engel & Völkers is happy tomakealocalrecommendation


Purchase your moving supplies including boxes, moving labels, bubble wrap etc Begin packing items that won? t be needed between now and your move date including things like decorations, photos and off season clothing Then, schedule time to pack remaining items based on room or category to make it easytounpack


Make sure to not only update your address with friends, family and service providers, but also any mailing clubs, subscriptions and utility companies for both ending services and activating them at your newaddress


This is the day when your moving strategy pays off and your focus can be on saying goodbyes and enjoying the exciting elements of your new home Once you get into your new home one of the first things you should do is to have new locks installed andextrasetsof keysmade


Aslong asyou have everything in order, the closing process should be simple and straightforward

Closing day typically happens four to six weeksafter thepurchaseandsalescontract is executed and includes the buyer and seller, along with their respective agents, a representative from the title company, closingagent,or attorney,andlender

The closing process is where the buyer and seller execute and sign all remaining legal documents and pay closing costs and escrowitems Be sure to bring two formsof identification, certified funds for any remaining costs, and any additional documentsrequestedbythelender

Once all paperwork is executed you will receivethekeystoyour newhomeand then allthat?sleft todoiscelebrate!

The Buying Process




Createyour newhomewishlist

Onceapprovedyouwillbeready tomakeanoffer


Letter of pre-approval providedbylender


Offer isaccepted


Goodfaithdeposit isdue



Reviewof alldisclosures andmandatoryreports


Removalof contingencies

Verificationof propertycondition


Closeof Escrow

Live Your Luxury

At Engel&Völkers,webelieveinclientsfor life.Not only during, but well after the purchase of ahome, our advisors connect you with experts to help you continue making the most of the walls and community that surround you Luxury found in the little moments that when combined create the essence ? and the intangible qualities ? that makeahouse,?home?

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