This Offering Memorandum contains select information pertaining to the business and affairs of 18630 BEAVER VALLEY ROAD - LEAVENWORTH, WA 98826. This Memorandum was prepared based on information supplied by Seller and Broker It contains selected information about the Property and the real estate market, but does not contain all the information necessarytoevaluatetheacquisitionof theProperty Thefinancialprojectionscontainedherein(or inanyother ConfidentialInformation)arefor generalreferenceonly Theprojectionsare based on assumptions relating to the general economy and local competition, among other factors. Accordingly, actual results may vary materially from such projections. Various documentshavebeensummarizedhereintofacilitateyour review;thesesummariesarenot intendedtobeacomprehensivestatement of thetermsor legalanalysisof suchdocuments
Theinformation contained in thisOffering Memorandum isconfidential and furnished solely for thepurpose of areviewby aprospectivepurchaser of the Property.It isnot to beused for any other purposeor made availableto any other person without thewritten consent of Seller or Engel & VölkersMercer Island Thematerial isbased in part upon information supplied by the Seller and in part upon financial information obtained from sourcesit deemsreliable. Seller, nor their officers, employees, or agentsmakesany representation or warranty, expressor implied, as to the accuracy or completeness or this Offering Memorandum or any of its contents and no legal liability is assumed or shall be implied with respect thereto. While the information contained in theMemorandum and any other Confidential Information isbelieved to bereliable,neither Broker nor Seller guaranteesitsaccuracy or completeness Dueto the foregoing and sincethe Property will besold on an ?AsIs, WhereIs?basis,aprospectivepurchaser must makeitsown independent investigations,projections,and conclusionsregarding the acquisition of the Property without reliance on this Memorandum or any other Confidential Information Although additional Confidential Information which may include engineering, environmental or other reportsmay beprovided to qualified partiesasmarketing proceeds,prospectivepurchasersshould seek advicefrom their own attorneys,accountants, engineers, environmentalandother experts.
By acknowledging your receipt of thisOffering Memorandum from Engel & Völkers Mercer Island, you agree:
1 TheOfferingMemorandumanditscontentsareconfidential;
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Offering Memorandum or its contents in any fashion or manner detrimental to the interest of the Seller, and Engel & Völkers Mercer Island expressly reserve the right, at their sole discretion, to reject any and all expressions of interest or offers to purchase the Property and to terminate discussions with any person or entity reviewing this Offering Memorandum or making an offer to purchasetheProperty unlessand until awritten agreement for the purchaseand saleof the Property hasbeen fully executed and delivered A prospectivepurchaser?s soleandexclusiverightswithrespect tothisexpresslyprovidedinanexecutedPurchaseAgreement andshallbesubject tothetermsthereof.Innoevent shallaprospectivepurchaser have any other claimsagainst Seller or Engel & Völkers Mercer Island or any of their affiliates or any of their respective officers, Directors, shareholders, owners, employees, or agents for any damages,liability,or causesof actionrelating to thissolicitationprocessor themarketing or saleof theProperty ThisOffering Memorandum shall not bedeemed to represent thestateof affairs of the Property or constitute an indication that there has been no change in the state of affairsof the Property since the date this Offering Memorandum. Engel & Völkers Mercer Island has a policy of proactive broker cooperation with the investment brokerage community If applicable, a cooperating broker fee of the sales price shall be paid at closing to cooperatingbroker that procuresandrepresentsthebuyer that acquiresthisproperty
If applicable, cooperation does not include brokers that represent themselves as Principals or broker?s whose member of his immediate family is participating in the purchase of the property Nobroker willberecognizedonaprospect that haspreviouslycontactedor beencontactedbytheSeller or theSeller?srepresentatives
Introducing a remarkable investment opportunity featuring a meticulously maintained lodging and self-storage business, strategically located in the picturesque town of Plain, nestled within the celebrated Leavenworth area of ChelanCounty.Thisuniqueproperty,sprawlingacross4.31acresof thisRuralCommercialzoned parcel,combinestwo thriving businesses, offering substantial income potential and multiple avenues for growth and expansion An additional 4.6 acresof landearmarked for futuredevelopment isincluded inthesale,providingauniqueopportunityto expand theproperty?sofferings, such asadding morestorage units,building newresidential or commercial spaces,or developingrecreationalfacilitiestofurther enhancetheappealandprofitabilityof thisalreadythrivingbusiness.
- Main Lodge Building: Constructed in 2010, this elegant lodge boasts 17 well-appointed units, a welcoming check-in office, and dedicated staff areas, ensuringaseamlessguest experience.
- Victorian Farmhouse: Lovingly restored in 2010, this charming farmhouse sleeps 14 guests and includes multiple rooms, a fully equipped kitchen, and spacious living areas,perfect for groupgatheringsandfamilyretreats
- The Station: Featuring 4 cozy units designed for nightly lodging, providing a quaint andcomfortablestayfor visitors.
- Total Lodging Area: An expansive 16,928 sq. ft. dedicated to providing exceptional hospitality.
- FiveBuildings:Encompassing 96 units,thesestructureswerebuilt between1996 and 2010, offering a total of 26,571sq ft of storage space The units are equipped with Arctic insulation, maintaining full occupancy and ensuring the safety and security of storeditemsyear-round.
Offering Price 2023 Gross Income
$5,400,000 $584,599
PropertyName:Beaver Valley Lodge
Address: 18630 Beaver Valley Rd Leavenworth, WA 98826
TaxIDNumbers: 261713720010 & 261713720011
LandSize: 4.61Acres
Submarket: Business Opportunity
ParkingSpaces: 48
Expansion Opportunities: Thepropertyoffers amplespacetoaddmorestorageunits, capitalizingontheexistinghighdemandand increasingrevenuestreams.
Conversion Potential: Transformthenightly lodgingunitsintolong-termapartmentsor condominiums,significantlyboosting profitabilitywhilereducingmanagement costs Thisconversionalignswiththegrowing trendof flexiblehousingsolutionsandmeets theneedsof adiverseclientele.
Versatile Frontage Building: Previously utilizedasacommercialkitchen,thisbuilding presentsanexcitingopportunityfor conversionintoawinery-tastingroom,craft brewery,or other lucrativecommercial ventures,enhancingtheproperty'sappealand attractingawider audiencecomplimenting thealreadyrobust localcommunity.
Comprehensive Infrastructure: Supportedby areliableGroupAwellwater system,septic, andstormsystems,thepropertyis well-equippedtohandleoperationalneeds, ensuringlushlandscapesandefficient water management.
Amenities: Thesiteincludesavisuallystriking barnadornedwithanAmericanflag,a charminggazebo,andserenefountains, addingtotheproperty'saesthetic appealand providingattractivefeaturesfor guestsand visitors.
Location: Inaregionrenownedfor its year-roundoutdoor recreationalactivities andvibrant localevents,thispropertyis ideallypositionedjust 30 minutesfrom StevensPass,45 minutesfromWenatchee, andatwo-hour drivefromSeattle.Itsprime location,diverseincomestreams,and significant growthpotentialmakethis propertyanunmissableinvestment opportunity
The self-storage industry has become a highly attractive investment opportunity, driven by robust demand, economic resilience, minimal operating costs,and promising returnson investment When integrated with a lodging component, the potential for revenue enhancement and profitability is even greater This essay delves into why investing in self-storage, particularly with a lodging element, is a strategic and prudent decision
Self-storagefacilitiestypically incur lower operating costscompared to other real estate investments. They require minimal staffing, often further reduced by automation and self-service technologies Unlike traditional rental properties, self-storage units do not involve tenants in the conventional sense, leading to fewer maintenance and management issues. The maintenance costs are generally lower since storage units experiencelesswear andtear,andutilityexpensesareminimal.
Theself-storagesector hasexperienced substantial growth,particularly in the United States, fueled by factors such as population growth, urbanization, and an increase in consumer goods Both residential and commercial sectors contribute to the demand. Individuals often need storagefor lifeeventssuchasmoving,downsizing,or decluttering,while businesses require space for inventory, equipment, and records This ongoing demand ensures a robust and expanding market for self-storagefacilities.
A notable advantage of the self-storage industry is its resilience during economic downturns. Unlike many sectors, self-storage often sees stable or increased demand during recessions, as individuals downsize or relocate,thusrequiring temporary storagesolutions.Businessesalso seek cost-effective storage options during economic challenges. The consistent cashflowfrommonthlyrentalsprovidesfinancial securityfor investors,underscoringthesector?sstability
The self-storage business offers significant scalability. Investors can start with a small facility and expand by adding more units or acquiring additional properties as demand grows This flexibility supports ongoing growth and adaptation to market needs Moreover, self-storage units can be easily reconfigured, such as adding climate-controlledunits,toattract abroader customer base.
Self-storage facilities often yield high returnson investment due to high demand, steady rental income, and relatively low operating costs Profit margins in this industry are typically more attractive compared to other real estate investments. Well-located and managed facilities can achieve occupancy rates of 85-90%, translating to significant revenueandprofit.
Self-storage businesses can diversify revenue streams through ancillary services, including selling moving supplies,offering truck rentals,and providing insuranceoptions These additional services enhance customer convenience and contribute to increased profitability.
Adding a lodging component to a self-storage business creates a synergistic relationship that significantly boosts occupancy and revenue. Tourists and business travelers staying in the lodging facilities may require temporary storage for their belongings. This dual service can attract a broader customer base, including vacationersandbusinesstravelerswhoneedsecurestorageoptionsduringtheir stay
Lodging facilities often experience peak seasons during holidays, festivals, and local events, which also drive demand for storage. Guests may need extraspace for belongings, sports equipment, or business materials By offering both lodging and storage, businesses can capitalize on these peak periods, ensuring higher occupancyratesfor bothservices.
A combined self-storageand lodging facility can leverage cross-marketing strategiesto attract customers Promotional packagesoffering discountson storage for lodging guests can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. Additionally, marketing efforts can be streamlined to target both storage and lodging customers, reducingoverallmarketingcostswhilemaximizingreach.
Providing both storage and lodging services under one roof significantly enhances the customer experience. Guests appreciate the convenience of having secure storageoptionsreadilyavailable,reducing thehassleof finding separatefacilities Thisadded conveniencecanlead tohigher customer satisfaction,repeat business, andpositiveword-of-mouthreferrals.
Investing in the self-storage industry presents a compelling opportunity due to high demand, economic resilience, and low operating costs When combined with a lodging component, the potential for increased revenue and profitability is further amplified. This strategic partnership leverages increased occupancy, seasonal demand, cross-marketing opportunities,and enhanced customer experience.Assuch, theself-storagebusiness, particularly when integrated with lodging facilities, standsout asaprudent andstrategic investment choiceintoday?srealestatemarket
Leavenworth, Washington, is a small village nestled in the Cascade Mountains, renowned for its Bavarian-themed architectureandatmosphere.Leavenworth'suniquecharm, picturesque setting make it a popular destination for tourists looking for a European experience without leaving the United States. Leavenworth's combination of natural beauty, outdoor activities, and Bavarian charm makes it a beloved destinationfor many looking to escapethecity and enjoyauniqueexperience.
Located about 120 miles east of Seattle, Leavenworth is a popular weekend getaway destination for residents of the Seattlemetropolitan area Thescenic driveto Leavenworth offersbreathtakingviewsof theCascadeMountains
- Architecture and Atmosphere: Leavenworth is famous for its Bavarian-style buildings and village ambiance, inspired by the villages in the Bavarian Alps of Germany This theme is evident in the architecture,signage,andoveralltownaesthetic
- Festivals and Events: The town hosts numerous festivals throughout the year, such as Oktoberfest, the Christmas Lighting Festival, and the Autumn Leaf Festival. These events celebrate the town's Bavarianrootsanddrawmanyvisitors.
Visitor Statistics: Between 2021and 2024, Leavenworth has seen approximately 2 million visitors each year. The town's uniquecharmandfestiveeventsattract touristsfromallover.
Visitors to Leavenworth, Washington, primarily come from nearbycitiessuchasSeattle,Spokane,and Portland.Thetown is particularly popular among those seeking a quick getaway filledwithoutdoor adventuresandBavariancharm.
- Regional Tourists:Themajorityof visitorsarefromthe Pacific Northwest, including Seattle, Spokane, and Portland.ManyalsotravelfromVancouver,BC.
- Demographics: Families, couples, and groups of friendsmakeup thebulk of visitors.Thetown'sfestive atmosphere, scenic beauty, and outdoor activities appealtoawiderangeof agesandinterests
- Weekend Getaways:Most visitorsspend aweekend in Leavenworth, arriving on Friday evening and leaving on Sunday afternoon. This allows them to fully experiencethetown'sattractionsandactivities.
- Extended Stays: Some visitors opt for longer stays, especially during festival times or peak holiday seasons, to fully immerse themselves in the festive atmosphere and enjoy the various events and activities
Plain, Washingt on, benefit s from it s proximit y t o Leavenwort h in several ways:
- IncreasedVisitor Traffic:TouristsvisitingLeavenworthoftenextend their tripstoexplorenearbyareas,includingPlain Thisresultsin increasedfoot traffic andspendinginlocalbusinessessuchas restaurants,shops,andlodgingfacilitiesinPlain.
- Spillover Effect:EventsandfestivalsinLeavenworthattract large crowds,someof whomseekaccommodationinPlainwhen Leavenworth'shotelsarefullybooked.Thisoverflowbenefitslodging providersinPlainandsurroundingareas
- RecreationalActivities:Plainoffersvariousoutdoor activitiessuchas hiking,fishing,andriver rafting,whichcomplement thetourist activitiesinLeavenworth BusinessesinPlaincancapitalizeonthe influxof touristsbyofferingguidedtours,equipment rentals,and other services.
- Agritourism:FarmsandranchesinPlaincanattract visitors interestedinagritourism,providingexperienceslikefarmstays, horsebackriding,andfarm-to-tabledining Theseactivitiesare appealingtotouristslookingfor uniqueandruralexperiencesclose toLeavenworth ??
- ImprovedInfrastructure:Increasedtourismandeconomic activitycan leadtobetter infrastructuredevelopment inPlain,suchasimproved roads,enhancedpublic services,andbetter connectivity,makingthe areamoreattractivetobothresidentsandvisitors.
- CommunityEvents:Plainhostscommunityeventsthat attract visitors fromLeavenworth,fosteringasenseof communityandincreasinglocal engagement Theseeventsalsogenerateadditionalrevenuefor local businessesandcreateavibrant localculture.
- PropertyValueIncrease:Thepopularityof Leavenworthasatourist destinationcanpositivelyimpact therealestatemarket inPlain, increasingpropertyvaluesandattractingnewresidentswhoaredrawn tothearea'sscenic beautyandrecreationalopportunities.
InvestinginPlain,Washington,isaprudent decisionduetothetown?s advantageouslocationnear Leavenworth,resultinginincreasedtourism, abundant economicopportunities,improvedinfrastructure,andvibrant communityevents Thesefactorscollectivelycontributetothetown?songoing growthanddevelopment,makingit anattractiveinvestment destination.
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