
Part ner Wit h Us
Empower your employees on their homebuying journey with our *EmployeeBenefit Program This program makeshomeownership moreaccessibleby offering employees a valuable credit equal to 0.5% of their loan amount. This credit can be used for interest rate buydowns or covering closing costs, reducingthefinancialstressof buyingahome.
By implementing *EmployeeBenefit, companies not only support their employees' homeownership goals but also demonstrate a strong commitment to their financial well-being Enhance your benefits package and position yourself as an employer of choice by offering*EmployeeBenefit toyour team
Join the league of forward-thinking companies that prioritize employees' dreams of homeownership Let's make those dreams a reality with *EmployeeBenefit.
Benefit s t o Employees

- Valuablecredit equalto0 5%of theloanamount
- Usecredit for interest ratebuydownsor coveringclosingcosts
- Reducedfinancialburdenof homeownership - Freehomewarranty - Freehomeinspection
- Employee(s)must currentlybeemployedbyapartnering companythroughclosedate
- Employee(s)must fullycompletealoanapplicationwith designatedlender andbeaborrower ontheloan
- Transactionmaybefor ahomepurchaseor closed-end refinance

- Theloanmust closeandfundwithdesignatedfor the *EmployeeBenefit offer toapply
- Transactionmust beafirst lienin-housemortgage
- Employee(s)must workwithanadvisor/agent affiliated withThompsonMeloyGroup

Meet Kara
"As a homeowner, I understand the deep emotional connection and pride that comes with owning a home It'smore than just aplace to live? it's where memories are made, dreams are nurtured, and a sanctuary is created. That's why when it comes to selling your home,Iamdedicatedtoproviding aseamlessandrewarding experience,withyour needsandaspirationsat theforefront
With an understanding of the local market and years of practice in real estate, I am committed to showcasing the true value of your home Through strategic marketing techniquesandexpert negotiationskills,Iwork tirelesslytoattract qualifiedbuyerswho areamatchfor your property.
Beyond thetransaction,Iam hereto offer ongoing support and your trusted real estate advisor Whether you need assistance with relocation, have questions about the local market, or require recommendations for home improvement professionals, I am committedtobeingavaluableresourcefor youevenafter thesale"

(509)393-9327-kara.meloy@evrealestate.com karameloycom

Meet Krist en
With over 8 years of dedicated experience in the real estate industry, I have gained extensive knowledge across all facets of the field, from specializing in selling new construction,to advising investors,to guiding buyerson purchasing their first home,to helping clients transition from home one to the next. My commitment goes beyond closing deals; it extends to empowering clients with the knowledge they need to make informeddecisionsduringthesesignificant milestones.
Inadditionto myclient-centric approach,Iam activelyinvolved inthegrowthof myreal estate community Working to help other agents expand their businesses, I share my expertise and insights by offering guidance in navigating transactions, building effectiveteams,andcultivating theskillsnecessaryfor providing exceptionalserviceto our clients This commitment emphasizes my belief in continuous improvement and elevatingthestandardsof excellencewithintherealestateindustry
When I am not working, I find joy in spending quality time with my husband and three beautiful girls I love to spend time outdoors, walking my dog, camping, gardening, and channelingmycreativitybyworkingonart piecesor redesigningroomsinmyhouse.

(425)314-7688 -kristen.thompson@evrealestate.com kristenthompson evrealestatecom

2690 76thAveSE,Mercer Island,WA98040 kara meloy@evrealestatecom - kristen thompson@evrealestatecom Kara:+1(509)393-9327 - Kristen:+1(425)314-7688