Listing Presentation - 2540 Queen Esther Drive

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Present ing 2540 Queen Est er Dr



Andy Levine

Originally from Boston, Andrew Levine has made Utah his permanent residence for the last 24 years As an avid skier, mountain biker,golfer and lover of theoutdoors,there was no question Park City was the perfect fit Prior to joining Engel & VölkersPark City, Andrew formed Levine Development, which designed and managed the construction of over 20 high-end custom homes in the Park City area ranging in size from 5000 to 17,000 square feet You can view his gallery and see some of the award-winning homes at Levinedevelopment com

In addition to his real estate experience Andrew is a two-time grant recipient from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and traveled the world making the Emmy Nominated documentary film, The Day My God Died, which aired on PBS He collaborated during this production with Witness, a human rights media organization founded by musician/activist Peter Gabriel and The Reebok Foundation Andrew appeared and presented clips from the film on the Oprah Winfrey show Dedicated to

human rights issue Andrew sat on the board of both, The High Road For Human Rights and The Daywalka Foundation The main character from hisfilm,AnuradhaKoiralawasrecognized with the2010 CNN Hero of the Year award Tolearnmoreabout Andrew?sfilmandnon?profit work goto: thedaymygoddied comor youtubetowatchthefilm

Andrew is passionate about projects from beginning to end Whether directing a film or developing a home -it?s paying attention to the fine details that gives him the understanding to achieve what his clients are lookingfor

?My strongest qualitiesasahigh-level real estate professional aretenacity, honesty, and devotion to theneedsof my clients.?

What Andy Levine's client s say

My husband and I have worked with Andyover thecourseof several yearson multiple real estate transactions Andy has years of knowledge regarding building development from land purchase, building construction and home sales perspectives We have worked with Andy in all of these phases Andy is always extremely professional, prepared, highly knowledgeable of the area and market and always concerned for our best interests He performs his business with integrity, honesty and fairness Andy is also very personable and friendly making the process enjoyable! We will continue to work with Andy on our future real estate ventures and would happily recommend him to others!


Andy has been a fantastic advocate for me and my family He knows the market verywell,isveryattentiveandalwayshas agreat dealof empathy Hehasprovided uswithgreat adviceandisverythorough in his research. Most importantly, Andy has been a trusted advisor that always identifies pros & cons to the situation I wouldhighlyrecommendAndy


I have worked with Andy for over a year It started with just getting information and advice He was very helpful in explaining the market and discussing timing for selling or buying I currently have a property listed for sale with him and the process has been very easy and well managed. He was honest concerning the pricing of the property whichIreallyappreciate Thepropertyis currentlylistedwithAndy.

Andy is my go to guy for market information in the Promontory communityand ParkCity generally Heis accessible, very responsive and extremelyknowledgeable Inaddition,he has a great personal style and is easy and fun to work with That is why we listed our property with him and expect totransact efficiently


When you visit a property with Andy Levine it is not a ?showing?, it is an experience When was the last time one can claim to have visited aproperty with an award winning director of documentary films who has designed and built manyhomesinthePromontory area? He later became a builder/developer himself becoming awareof thecomplexitiesof thebuilding trades and environmental issues His knowledge of the financial options applicable to real estate transactions is exceptional Finally, Andy and his wife are long term residents of the Park City area and are raising their family currently in Promontory. He may even becomeyour neighbor!IlooktoAndyfor advicebecauseof hisunmatchedvariety anddepthof skills.

I have really enjoyed working with Andy Heisprofessional,funny and easy to get along with He also knows about listings beforethey hit which hasbeen helpful in finding a house I plan on working with himagain -

Andy is very energetic, competent, and wellversedinthelocalmarket Heisvery well connected to the communities, local businesses and has a great pulse and aptitudefor thereal estatemarkets Heisveryresponsiveandhisfollow-up is verycomprehensive


Andy has proven himself as a reliable, honest and smart professional I have worked with him since 2008 in buying and selling lots and homes He is detail-oriented, straightforward and consistently does his homework He has helped educate me in the local market and has never steered me wrong We need moreprofessionalslikeAndyinthe industry

?Andy hasproven himself asareliable, honest and smart professional. I haveworked with him since 2008 in buying and selling lotsand homes.?

Home Seller & Buyer



Andy's Market ing Team

Engel&VölkersGestalt Group


Meet Paul Benson

Paul Benson,co-founder and CEOof Engel & VölkersGestalt Group,operatesmorethan 50 officesacross Utah, California, Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, and Idaho He represents the most exclusive real estate and works with some of the most well known clients in the world. With his extensive reach in global marketing and local market expertise, he has built the ultimate cross-marketing platform to showcase exceptional homestotheclientsthat willappreciatethemthemost.

Paul hasbeen regularly ranked the #1agent in Utah for salesvolume for thepast 10+ yearswith over 1,200 transactions and $2 billion in closed sales For the past two years, he has been ranked the #1 agent world-wide among the entire Engel & Völkers Network. Through these accomplishments, Paul has built relationshipswithhundredsof top agentsaround theworld,whichhascreated aninvaluablenetworkfor his clients.

After growing up in Vermont Paul hascalled Park City home since 2004 and enjoys every season He isan outdoor enthusiast who loves to cycle, mountain bike, fly fish, ski, and sail You may also find him eating at the best restaurantsand enjoying anew amazing bottle of wine Paul hasfour kidsand lives with hiswife in theyear-roundPromontoryClub


- #1Advisor E&VWorld-Wide3X

- Over 1200 transactions

- Over $2Billioninclosedvolume

- UtahRecordSale2018 -$28M

- UtahRecordSale2019 -$34M

- UtahRecordSale2022-$39M

Meet Madelyn Levesque

MARKETING DIRECTOR | Before joining theGestalt Group,Madelyn wasinstrumental at Compass,where she led a team of strategists and played a pivotal role in supporting over a thousand premier agents in Californiaand Hawaii Her dedication to enhancing market share, fostering agent brand development, and amplifyingbrandvisibilityisexemplary.

Originally from the wine region of Calistoga, Madelyn obtained an MBA with a focus on Marketing Strategiesat SonomaStateUniversity.A celebrated collegiateathlete,her achievementsincludereceiving the All-American title twice, while leading her volleyball team to glittering victories, including a regional NCAAchampionship

As Madelyn steps into the role of Marketing Director with the Gestalt Group, she is ready to blend her strategic geniuswithher down-to-earthcharm Her focusisonbuilding connections,learning fromindustry leaders, and contributing her unique perspective to the marketing department Madelyn is the kind of leader youcan't helpbut want tofollow? talented,genuine,andwithaheart asbigasher ambitions.

Meet Tim Braun

REGIONAL MARKETING MANAGER | Tim brings over two decades of expertise in printing and prepress, having collaborated with renowned advertising agencies in Chicago and iconic brands like Pottery Barn, Williams Sonoma, Patagonia, Anthropology, and Design Within Reach (DWR) His journey into real estate began through his keen eye for photography, capturing properties for real estate agents, property management companies, custom builders, and even catering to prestigious clients like the Huntsman FamilyinUtah Hiseyefor detailhelpscreatethemarketingmaterialsneededtosellluxuryproperties

Tim grew up in the mid-west, spending his formative years in the suburbs of Chicago competing in gymnasticsasapommel horsespecialist inhighschooland earning adegreeinGraphic Artsand aminor in Management fromWesternIllinoisUniversity.

Outside of his professional endeavors, Tim keeps himself busy with a variety of creative pursuits He channels his passion for craftsmanship into building custom guitars and furniture, woodworking, welding, and leatherwork. His artistic passion extends to landscape photography, where he loves to capture the beauty of natural environments Whether he's behind the lens or the workbench, Tim's dedication to his craft shinesthroughineveryproject heundertakes

Tailored market ing

Storytelling through visual media

Whether onlineor inprint,your homehasonlyonechancetomake a great first impression on a potential buyer Because it can take only a few moments for an opportunity to be won or lost, it becomes all the more critical that the presentation of your propertyisprofessionallyandartisticallystyled

We work with professional photographers and videographers who arethebest intheir fieldsand produceworkthat capturesboththe details and the essence of a property?s greatest features and assets On our websites, brochures, print advertising, and videos, exceptional presentation is not only an essential requirement of the Engel & Völkers brand, it also greatly increases the chance of connectingyour hometotheright buyer


With a full understanding of your home?s position in the market andapricingstrategytomeet your goalswithinanacceptabletime frame, our marketing team will develop and execute a custom strategytopromoteyour hometothetarget audiences whichmay include direct mail, digital and print advertising, social media, as well as high-end showcase exposés that will appear in targeted shopsthroughout our globalnetwork


- Professional,high-quality,creativemarketing

Public relations---






Our relationships with the world?s leading print publications, local magazines, and newspapers ensure maximum exposure for the homes we represent Engel & Völkers maintains strategic partnerships that provide our properties heightened exposure in local, national, and international print publications such as The Wall Street Journal,Architectural Digest,MansionGlobal,Modern Luxury,andTown&Country

Our brand?s own luxury lifestyle publication, GG, is designed to promoteselect Engel &Völkerspropertiestoan exclusivenetwork of valued clients through Engel & Völkers? global shops and subscriptions

Exceptional exposure Notablelistings

Engel & Völkers is proud of its multifaceted public relations strategyreachinglocal,national,andinternationalmediaoutletsto garner editorialexposurefor thepropertieswerepresent

Homeswith compelling storiesand notablefeaturesare shared by our Americas headquarters team with key reporters, editors, and producers from some of the most highly regarded news outlets Through these efforts we identify the best angle to bring your listing into trending, news, design, or lifestyle stories as part of a larger conversationledbyanesteemedthirdpartyresource.

Editorial Engel & Völkers property features have appeared in outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, Architectural Digest, Homes & Land, Inman, and in major metropolitan media throughout theAmericas,Europe,andAsia

Proposed market ing plan for your propert y

To provide consistent and effective exposure, the following individual marketing measures are being executed on a monthly basis We strategically select the individual marketing measures to work off of eachother andcreatesynergyandmomentumfor powerfulexposure


Toprealtor openhouse

Monthly email marketing piece to 8,000 top brokers in key out-of-statemarkets

Exclusivefeaturewithin REALM?sdigital platform with adatabase of over 240,000 high-net-worth clients from over 350 top brokersworldwide

ExclusivefeatureonthePrivateOfficePortal,providing exposure toEngel&Völkers?topadvisors(300+)

Internal feature on our Gestalt Group listing platform, with exclusiveaccessto 1,400+ Engel & Völkersadvisorsin top feeder marketsfor coastalOrangeCounty


MonthlyNewsletter featuretoour entiredatabase


Weeklyfeatureand paid promotionacrosssocial media,including Instagram,YouTube,LinkedIn,andFacebook

Feature on Engel & Völkers Americas corporate account (53 5k followers)

Featureon Paul Benson?saccount (913k followers)and all Gestalt Groupshopaccounts

Geofencing web banner ads locally within 15 miles of your home, targetingbuyerswhoarelookingat high-endrealestateonline

Targeted YouTube ads in key markets: California, Texas, Arizona, Florida,NY,andlocally.



Acultureof collaboration

Privat e Office ? alegacy of distinction and global expertise

Except ional service. Except ional propert ies.

PrivateOfficeisagroupof highlyvetted advisorswhosecollaboration creates global connection, industry expertise, and expands their ability to reach the most qualified buyers. We provide access to premium real estate, including opportunities that are not marketed publicly Our clients benefit from our relationship building and connectiontothiselitegroupof themost prolific agentsintheworld

St rat egic Privat e Office Market ing Part ners

Ken Dara

ATopProducingAdvisor inCalifornia?sNorthBay Market,Kenisafoundingmember of RealmGlobal Network,anorganizationdedicatedtoperformersin thetophalf percent inrealestate Heisamember of REVNetworksince2018,andtheTopAgent Network, whichhe?sworkedwithsince2015

Michelle Pender

San Francisco, California

Jim Bruske

Marin County, California Scottsdale, Arizona

Anativeof SanFrancisco,therearefewpeopleaswell connectedandaccomplishedasMichelle.Asatrue listingadvisor,sherepresentsandmasterfullymarkets propertiesinsomeof themost affluent andeclectic neighborhoodsintheSanFranciscomarket Michelle?s commitment toexcellence,marketingexpertise,and negotiatingprowesshasbuilt aclientelethat refersher servicesoften.

SpecializinginsellingluxuryhomesinScottsdale, ParadiseValley,Arcadia,andPhoenixfor thepast 20 years,Jimworkswithbuyersallover thestateof Arizonaandbeyond Hisbackgroundasaformer professionalNationalLeaguebaseballplayer has affordedhimanetworkof clientsandprofessional contactsthat helphisclientsbuyandsellthebest of Arizonarealestate

Jean Merckelbach

Lake Tahoe, Nevada

Withover 40 yearsinrealestateandrecognitionbythe WSJ asoneof thetopproducingagentsinLakeTahoe, topinNevadaand46thinthenation,Jeanisaleader amongleadersintherealestateindustry Her unparallelednetworkof high-net-worthclientsgives her andEngel&Völkersanadvantageinfinding individualsfor almost anyopportunity

Erik & Summer Berg

Aspen, Colorado

ErikandSummer havesoldanastounding$100 million inrealestatein2020 andhaveconsistentlyaveraged over $50 millionover thepast fewyears In2020 Erik wasrecognizedasoneof thetop200 Advisorsinthe nationbytheRealTrendsThousandlist

New York City, New York

TheMercedesBerkTeamranksasthenumber one producingteaminNorthAmericaat Engel&Völkersin 2015,2016,2017,2018 and2020 Theteamwas responsiblefor the3rdlargest saleinNewYorkCityin 2016,whichwasthe10thlargest residentialsaleever recordedinthecity

Seattle, Washington

Sincein2015,Samandhispartner havesoldover $250MinSeattlearearealestate,andtheyareoneof theregion?shighest sellingteams Representingboth buyersandsellers,theyspecializeinhighendluxury properties

Vancouver, British Columbia

Scott,aPrivateOfficeAdvisor andLicensedPartner alongwithhisbusinesspartner JimLeBlanc havebeen part of over $500MinrealestatesalesinVictoriasince 2007 Scott isa10 consecutiveyear GoldMLSAward winner Thisisthetop10%of allRealtorsintheGreater Victoriaarea

Sam Chapin
Noel & Mercedes Scott Piercey


Gest alt Group Advant ages

With Engel & Völkersand the Gestalt Group, you have a dedicated team working to achieve your real estate goals on both a local and global scale Working with Engel & Völkersmeansyoureceive thepersonal service of an expert advisor with specialized knowledgeof local market activity and trends This individual is not only a market leader, but is supported by an exclusive global network of systems and professionals dedicated to providing themost exceptional homebuying and selling experiencepossible

The power of the Engel & Völkers network is shown through its collaboration in executing and delivering marketing campaigns, public relations exposure, social media engagement, content creation, and global outreach With the local market expertise found in our neighborhood shops, the support you receive is amplified through our Americas headquarters in ManhattanandglobalheadquartersinGermany.

Gestalt Group Locations:

California: SantaBarbara, SantaYnez,Channel Islands,Camarillo,WestlakeVillage,Calabasas, BeverlyHills,Burbank,SanMarino,LaCañada, Glendale,Encino,Pasadena,SantaClarita, ManhattanBeach,RedondoBeach,LongBeach, Newport Beach, LagunaBeach,SanFrancisco (2), Sausalito,Danville,MillValley,SanAnselmo, SantaRosa,Healdsburg,Napa,St Helena, Sonoma,Mendocino,Truckee

Arizona: Scottsdale,ScottsdaleWaterfront

Utah: ParkCity,Salt LakeCity,Holladay, Kamas,St George

Nevada: S LakeTahoe,InclineVillage,Reno

Colorado: Aspen,Snowmass,Carbondale, RoaringFork,Willits

Idaho: SunValley, McCall

Washington: SeattleDowntown,Mercer Island

Engel & Völkers Gest alt Group

Not able sales

594 South Mapleton Drive, LosAngeles

$119,000,000 RepresentedtheBuyer

253 WhitePineCanyon Road, Park City

$42,000,000 RepresentedtheSeller &Buyer

33740 Pacific Coast Highway, Malibu

$38,450,000 RepresentedtheSeller

550 & 560 SierraSunset Lane, Zephyr Cove

$38,000,000 RepresentedtheBuyer

4343 E Weber Canyon Rd, Oakley

$34,500,000 RepresentedtheSeller

855 Chatfield Road, Aspen

$25,414,625 RepresentedtheSeller

869 LakeshoreBoulevard, InclineVillage

$25,000,000 RepresentedtheSeller

9828 N Summit View, Park City

$23,750,000 RepresentedtheBuyer

81Danielson Drive, Aspen


Confidential Ranch, Saint Helena

$23,700,000 RepresentedtheBuyer

2212Land'sEnd Road, Glenbrook

$19,750,000 RepresentedtheSeller

7 ParcelsDeer Hollow Drive, Heber City

$19,580,000 RepresentedtheBuyer

275 Long Ranch Road, Saint Helena

$18,500,000 RepresentedtheBuyer


20724 North 112th Street, Scottsdale

$15,500,000 RepresentedtheBuyer

REALM membersequate to one half of one percent of all licensed real estate associates worldwide Each member is individually selected by a world-class real estate executive team based on ethical standards, sales history, current inventory and other relevant requirements Access to this exclusive network ensures your propertyreceivesthehighest levelof serviceandexposureto theproper channelsaroundtheglobe

$28.9 Million

Averagenet worthof prospects intheWealth-Xdatabase


Clientsrepresentedbythe membersof theREALMnetwork

$6.5 Billion

Amount of listingsrepresented byREALMprofessionals.

28 Members

are#1intheir marketplace

St rat


wealt h part nerships

As a member of REALM we have access to a global network of the absolute best real estate professionals in the business

REALM has partnered with the leading members of wealth management, advisory and reporting in order to provide us with the most up to date and accurate data on HNWI and UHNWI available

As members we have access to the latest wealth reports, as well as exclusive access to wealth managers who oversee the largest family offices and assets of wealthiest individuals in the world

REALM also provides us with access to dossiers which provide necessary answers for accurate wealth mapping such as: Who are HNWI / UHNWI working with? What markets do they live in? What philanthropic activities are they involved in? What securities are they invested in? How do they communicate?

You're in good company


ENGEL & VÖLKERS A global net work wit h local market expert s

For over 45 years now, we have been specialised in the brokerage of exclusive residential property and commercial real estate, as well as yachtsinthepremium segment Asaleading serviceplatform for real estate agents, we currently operate in more than 1,000 markets spanning over 30 countries on five continents Consulting, sales and leasing are the core competencies of the more than 16,500 people who work worldwideunder theEngel &Völkersbrand and support you withtheir market expertise

+ 45 Successfulontheglobalreal

Workunder thebrand aroundtheworld PEOPLE + 1,100 Providelocalmarket expertisefromexperts LOCATIONS

+ 795 represent thebrand outsideof theAmericas SHOPS + 30

Ensureour presence acrossfivecontinents COUNTRIES + $19.72B IntheAmericas alonein2023 CLOSES SALES

24 hoursat Engel & Völkers

Engaging fans, sellersand buyers

The Engel & Völkers network uses social media to connect with advisors, consumers, and influencers across the globe The content, news, and listings we share are designed to engage and inform followers, ensuring that our premier properties remain a topic of conversation

Engel & Völkers offers the exclusive EDGE (Extensive Domestic & Global Exposure) platform designed to maximize online exposure of your property to qualified buyers worldwide via a suite of highly trustedandstrategic onlineandmobilemarketingpartners


Webring together the aspirationsof discerning individualsaround theworld ? beit in aprivateor abusiness context ?with total passion.


890 MainSt Suite5101,ParkCity,UT84060 andrewlevinerealestatecom-andylevine@evrealestatecom +1(435)901-8190 -DRELicense# 08339386-SA00

©2024 Engel&Völkers Allrightsreserved Eachbrokerageisindependentlyownedandoperated Allinformation providedisdeemedreliablebut isnot guaranteedandshouldbeindependentlyverified If your propertyiscurrently representedbyarealestatebroker thisisnot anattempt tosolicit your listing Engel&Völkersanditsindependent LicensePartnersareEqualOpportunityEmployersandfullysupport theprinciplesof theFair Housing Act


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