NorCal Family Office Mastermind Group

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Aaron Gordon

CEO, Aaron Gordon Construction, Inc

(415)596-9567 - Aaron@agcst com

Brian Gart ner

Principal, Winged Keel Group

(908)578-1941 - BGartner@wingedkeel com

Christ opher West

Founder & CEO, Bespoke Private Service

(914)497-9096 - Chris@bespokeprivateservicecom

Gigi Ort a

Managing Director & Wealth Advisor, JPMorgan

(415)315-3924 -

Joe DiNapoli

Co-Founder, Study Architects

(908)380-9494 - Joe@study-arch com

Just in Kunz

Founding Partner, Inlection Capital Management

(415)730-2797 - Justin@inflectioncm com

Ken Dara

Private Office Advisor, Engel Völkers

(415)425-3626 - Ken Dara@evrealestatecom

Lacey Garrison St rom

Executive Vice President & Private Clients Service, Heffernan Insurance Brokers

(415)830-2475 - LaceyG@Heffinscom

Leigh Rowan

Founder, Savanti Travel (831)325-3996 - Leigh@savantitravel com

Marsha Dungog

International Tax & Estates Lawyer, Withers Bergman LLP

(415)361-3410 -

Mead Quin

Principal & Founder, Mead Quin

(510)381-2581 - Mead@meadquin com

Nick Sarro

Regional Principal, Peak Projects

(650)450-6739 - Nick@peakprojectscom

Rob Fisher

Founder & CEO, BIGSWIM Consulting Group (650)619-6186 - Rob@bigswim net

Robert Landsness

Global Real Estate Advisor, Engel Völkers - Family Office Solutions (415)713-4314 - Robert Landsness@evrealestatecom

Ryan Mart in

Vice President of Private Strategic Group, Crisis24 (707)303-6415 - RyanMartin@crisis24 com

Safia Kryger-Nelson

Director, Philanthropic Planning, Marin Community Foundation (415)464-2515 -

Sangeet a Lam

Family Office Partner, Frank, Rimerman + Co. (650)845-8209 - SLam@frankrimerman com

Krist ina Hill

Managing Partner & HRConsultant, Syndicate HRGroup (916)769-5807 - KHill@syndicatehrgroup com

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