Gabriel Luis Gaviola Portfolio 2021

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EDUCATION +Masters of Architecture McEwen School of Architecture Sudbury, On +Architectural Studies McEwen School of Architecture Sudbury, On RELEVANT EXPERIENCE +Summer Co-op Abroad -Worked at CC Gaviola Construction in Cebu, Philippines. -Generated initial floor plans, sections and elevations to present to clients. Also presented initial renderings to clients as well. -Estimate material cost for housing projects. -Looked over construction site and communicated with foremen. +Northern Light Room Competition -Participated in the competition as an Independent Study -Researched the context and historical relevance of the site located in Norway. -Created drawings and posters to propose a design for the site.





EXTRACURRICULAR +McEwen School of Architecture Nuit Blanche Graphic Design Team Member - Proposed logo for graphic use -Design graphics for the event


+McEwen School of Architecture Nuit Blanche - Built an installation for the event. - Used lumber to create a glowing structure that welcomes visitors to the school.


+Laurentian University Research Week Trophy Proposal -Team of four designed a trophy for research week -Proposed design was chosen and produced


TECHNICAL PROFICIENCY Adobe Photoshop 2D Adobe Illustrator Adobe Indesign Autodesk AutoCAD

Rhinoceros Autodesk Revit Google SketchUp Grasshopper V-Ray


Microsoft Office Laser Cutting Physical Modelling Hand Drafting Basic Woodworking Silkscreening



Object Design
















Misc 1.






+rhinoceros +revit +grasshopper +illustrator//photoshop//lightroom +v-ray

//in partnership with Kevin Dew //sudbury, ontario The initiative of our project is to provide an inexpensive pod design to the city of Sudbury as a transitional housing option to take people off the street who are entering the housing assistance program and are stuck on the waiting list. With the lack of space and resources, there are about 54% of homeless people that live in emergency, domestic violence, or transitional shelters. There needs to be more effort in creating these transitional and emergency shelters for individuals who are seeking assistance. The narrative to our concept is around the idea of community, gathering and safety. In our years of living in the city, we see the homeless population bonding with one another and providing each other company as they’re often being neglected by society and passerbys. A central hub would be a pivotal point on the site, and would provide certain resources such as a connection to water, scheduled food donations, and safe disposal for any used needles. The idea of being around others would be in response to the ability to seek assistance during an emergency, being a worsening health issue or overdose symptoms. The pods wouldn’t have a physical connection to the hub, rather a conceptual one where we imagine the residents in these pods would find pleasure and necessity in having a communal space amongst themselves.




These sleeping pods have a limited size of 30 sq ft. The structure had toi provide a place to sleep, keep warm, and have space to keep their belongings.

grasshopper workflow

The whole structure is created from one curve.. Everything is parametric and can be changed with values of length and scale.

Starting from the original curve, I was able to extrude the structure and build it off the surfaces.

The positioning of the window and door can also be changed . This also allows the structure and walls to generate a holefor it to work

Both the window and door can be manipulated in how wide or thin it is. This will even allow the structural and walls to generate a hole for it to work.

Changing the original curve of the project allows the whole structure to be changed. The walls, structural columns, floor, windows and walls are connected to the original curve in some form



3d section

floor plan



+rhinoceros +v-ray +illustrator//photoshop//lightroom +lasercutting //in partnership with Bohdana Innes //sudbury, ontario

The Downtown Residential Project is located in the Downtown of Sudbury. This proposition is meant to support and create diversity in the Downtown Community. In creating this housing project, we are introducing a new demographic of families while also supporting the commercial setting of businessmen and young adults. It creates a sense of centralization that enables more activity and lively atmosphere needed in the downtown. The project also attempts to support the reinvention of Sudbury as a mining city to a more sustainable place through adding green spaces correlates to the many social spaces in our project. It tries to interact the surrounding spaces through these social spaces, while also balancing the idea of privacy meant for a more family friendly atmosphere.


simplified analysis






In Sudbury’s attempt in creating a new greener identity, we decided to use landscaping as a social spaces and circulation. Greenwalls are indications of elevators that go up to the gym/rental space floor, connecting to the courtyard that spills through the downtown core.

city axo

private public circulation


floor plans


Like the greenery of the outdoor space, lighting is used to indicate public spaces during the night time. Spot lighting is used to highlight greenwalls, being the elevators and staircases, while recessed lighting is used to indicate the landscaping and seating.




The courtyard area is meant to provide this sort of gathering space to create an active street level. In creating the form of the building, we wanted to create this balance of public and privacy for residents, while also being a more enclosed space that allows a more family friendly atmosphere, in juxtapose to the surroundings. This atmosphere also needed natural daylighting for the courtyard and its apartments.


site plan


through a playful courtyard, it enables a sense of accessibility, while also activating the street elevel render


+revit//rhinoceros +v-ray +illustrator//photoshop//lightroom +lasercutting //an individual effort //sudbury, ontario

The Art Museum Project is located in the Downtown of Sudbury. There is a dominant street art culture often uses purgatorial spaces such as alleyways and parking lots as their canvas. These refer to the many projects of ‘Up Here’ and their art/music festivals and their curation of artists and musicians they invite. These large-scale murals create interest in areas that are generally forgotten. The art museum proposed is meant to highlight these forgotten spaces through creating focus in these areas. The use of murals through these purgatorial areas allow attraction and and focus, reducing liminal spaces and forgotten areas.


site analysis




parking lots

floor plans

perspective section

ground floor

2nd floor and temporary art gallery

3rd floor and permanent gallery

roof walkway

exploded axo

circulation through murals

The concept of the structure is to expand on the downtown’s street art. My proposed design is to blend these works to a more classic standard of canvas art. The temporal nature of graffiti art and murals are built upon through blank walls around the structure that can be used by the public or comissioned.

steel i-beams

This then becomes a gradient and blend between Sudbury’s local works to a more classic type of art such as the Group of Seven’s.

concrete walls for murals

The play of permanent and temporary is meant to be part of what can be considered art and its relation to how parking lots and alleyways are used in the city.

curtain wall


Detailed Section Curtain Wall

view of 2nd floor walkway this corridor allows thermal massing through south facing windows while also protecting art from murals

section lasercut model



+rhinoceros +v-ray +illustrator//photoshop//lightroom +lasercutting //an individual effort //sudbury, ontario

This project is located inside in an intimate community inside Copper Cliff. This proposition is meant to draw local tourism while also affirming the culture dominant in the area. The project uses an abandoned building to become a useful element that showcases the local culture and a tool for gathering. The creation of a local market and diner is meant to be a medium for the community to show and invite locals around the area. Locals area able to use this to sell and interact with people outside the community and share their stories.





lasercut model

axo floor plan for extension

this extensions is meant to extend to local tourism, hosting a market meant to showcase local goods. this can also be used as an open space for rent.

Trombe Wall // Triple Pane Window Detail Section Due to the openness of the window, a trombe wall was used to utilize thermal heating from the concrete floor and wall. The trombe wall creates a stack effect enabling passive heating.

axo floor plan for abandoned structure

in programming the main space, it was important to maintain the community’s culture. This could be used as an extension to the strong italian community that has weekly dinners and gatherings

view of extension in creating an extension, we are able to maximize and create more space by utilizing the structure and create this sense of connection of the community and local tourists


+revit//rhinoceros +v-ray +illustrator//photoshop//lightroom +lasercutting //an individual effort //sudbury, ontario

This project is located inside in an intimate community inside Copper Cliff. This proposition is meant to draw local tourism while also affirming the culture dominant in the area. The project uses an abandoned building to become a useful element that showcases the local culture and a tool for gathering. The creation of a local market and diner is meant to be a medium for the community to show and invite locals around the area. Locals area able to use this to sell and interact with people outside the community and share their stories.



pavilion 2 pavilion 1

pavilion 1 plan this is pavilion is used more as a gathering and community space. it will be used for rental and indoor space when events are held.

pavilion 1 model

pavilion 2 plan this pavilion is a connection to the trails. it is a rental shop suited for the trails for snowshoeing during the winter and walking during the warmer months.

pavilion 2 model


+rhinoceros +revit +v-ray +illustrator//photoshop//lightroom +3D Printing //an individual effort //sudbury-mississauga, ontario

The project tries to deal with the transitional period between being a student and adulthood. There is a large gap between student housing and rental sectors that allow a stable transition post graduating. Due to the lack of experience: social, cultural and economic capital, the housing systems generates a roadblock for young people. What I want is to design for this movement and transition. One of the most important milestones of a young person is graduating and transition to adulthood. I think that one of the most overlooked moments of this occasion is moving out and going to look for opportunities to progress their future. This project is presented in a DIY/Magazine format that collects all research and iterations done for this project.


prototyping and early ideas

“A found object is a natural or man-made object, or fragment of an object that is found (or sometimes bought) by an artist and kept because of some intrinsic interest the artist sees in it.”


In an example of Marcel Duchamp’s Fountain and the “ready-made” objects of art, the connotation of any regular object can be altered. Through irony, he creates this critique of what art really is and started this anti-art/dada movement.

Objects all have meaning or multiple meanings inside of them. It is defined by an objects context and what it is used for. Objects might have both juxtaposing elements around it. In the found objects movement, the meaning of objects could be questioned and played with. By changing the context, setting, and adding or subtracting things, an object could transform into something else metaphorically or physically.

Now to us young adults, we often seem to find expressing ourselves through individuality and originality. In our expression through our clothes and hobbies, we often find ourselves in this juxtaposition of consumerism and anti-capitalist moral. Thrifting has had many meanings throughout my lifetime. When I was very young, I usually thought that thrifting was for people who do not have enough money. In that sense, it was these objects and things that people had no use for and this led to the idea that these had no value whatsoever. This in my mind was for people that needed the help and I thought about it as kind of a social welfare program. When I got older, thrifting became more of a treasure hunt. The term one mans trash is another one’s treasure comes to mind. It became more about the game of finding things of relative and subjective value. It became more of an extreme retail sale than finding things I wanted. It then transformed into a more complex hobby of finding things I didn’t expect to see or thought I wouldn’t have needed. These objects and items that other people thought were val-

The production of these prototypes comes from the research and interests of the young adult demographic. It studies the idea of reappropriation of found objects in the context of students and their habits of spending money. This comes from fashion trends such as military wear and thrifting. This comes from experiences of my colleagues and myself, living in student residences, furnishing our space and living the typical lifestyle of a vagabond. The use of found objects and adhocism translates to the idea of using a duffle bag meant for transitioning in different spaces as an object of furniture quality and permanence. This uses objects easily found in a hardware store and used without modifying and cutting them, allowing them to be returned when it is not needed anymore. It enables the nomadic lifestyle of a young adult through recycling and repurposing objects, while enabling this sense of familiarity and permanence in the user’s space. There is an emphasis on the lack of experience of the user and enables an accessible project for anyone. Pushing the project further, the project pursues this appropriation and adhocism in a larger scale, inhabiting an abandoned space. It studies the viability of living in an abandoned building in a student in comparison to other options such as vans and tiny homes. the project questions this projected lifestyle and the bare minimum efforts of the user. It questions the justifiability of this “home� and the difference between extreme cases of emergency response shelters.


photos of objecct




+autocad +prototyping +hand tools +physical modelling //in kober’s group//design build //sudbury, ontario

The Winter Pavilions introduced and gave us experience to design build projects that the McEwen School of Architecture specializes in. In this case, these pavilions provide a landmark and a point of interest for visitors who come and skate in Ramsey Lake during the winter. These provided spaces to rest and sit down, allowing a centralized focus of the lake and in turn create a program that allowed vendors to sell warm beverages and provide interest for people to visit.




+rhinoceros +woodshop +hand tools

//with alexander scali//with help from kostya and lila //sudbury, ontario

The ljรณma creates a glow that invites people to gather around. The emulation of a fire juxtaposes the natural aspect of the uniform man-made structure. This glow betrays itself by its lack of warmth. This contrast becomes the idea of the bright lamps and the dark night of Nuit Blanche.


process pattern

process and build


+rhinoceros +photoshop//illustrator//lightroom +indesign

//an individual effort //neo-tokyo, japan

The Akira project was the reimagination of the cult classic movie and manga created by Katsuhiro Otomo. The muse of the project created a dystopian and overpopulated Tokyo, creating land and space in the Tokyo Bay. This paralleled the ideas of architect Kenzo Tange and the floating city. It came from a brutalist industrial time that is superimposed by Otomo in his manga and movie.


floor plans

renders and atmos


+rhinoceros +photoshop//illustrator//lightroom +photograpy

//commission //mississauga, ontario

album covers made for: soundcloud spotify unreleased future projects mini posters for personal use nuit blanche logo and poster iterations for 2021 other projects




summer unreleased

album covers



g g a v i o l a @ l a u r e n t i a n . c a ( 6 4 7 ) - 2 2 5 - 6 3 9 6 M











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