Ziyi Guo-Portfolio

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Portfolio | A journey of “urban” exploration

Ziyi Guo

Wuhan, Hubei, China

ziyiguo6@163.com | ziyiguo@hust.edu.cn


Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Bachelor of Architecture, Minor in Urban Design. 2018-2023 (expected)

GPA: 3.91/4.0 (Major GPA: 4.00/4.0) Freshman Scholarship (03. 2019), Merit Scholarship (03. 2019 & 03. 2020), Technology Innovation Scholarship (10. 2021 & 03. 2022)

University of Oxford

Summer School, Future Cities and Public Policy. 2021.7-2021.9

NC State University

Certificate, Developing Cultural Competence Program. 2021.9-2021.10


Gerber Architekten

Architectural Intern. 2022.7-2022.10

engage in Shenzhen Longgang District Yunhe International School Renovation Project National Artificial Intelligence Industrial Park (Guangzhou) Design Competition Shanghai University (Jiading) Design and Renovation Project South University of Science and Technology Renovation Project

Tongji-MIT City Science Lab @Shanghai

Research Assistant, 2021.10-present

NICE 2035 Project: completed literature review, categorization, and case study

SoCity Project: cooperated with SoCity team in launching a DAO aiming to promote urban prosocial behaviors with decentralized incentive policy

Community Stake Project: explore possibilities for urban residents’ joint decision making in urban planning Hostess and Organizer of 2022 MIT City Science Summit “ SoCity Community DAO: A New Prosocial Urban Development Process” workshop. 2022.10

Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Research Assistant, Xu Studio, 2019.10-2021.10

Team Leader, National Training Program of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Undergraduate, 2020.1-2021.5


Sunners Social Development and Innova�on Center

Director of the Research Center. 2020.9-2022.9

Organized various workshops and theme days for the "Sunners - Rural Charity" summer camp

Collaborated with One Take Architect in designing the architecture workshop on the theme of joint architecture exploration and creation with children in rural areas of China

Planed and scheduled community courses with local and the Beijing Planning Institute in various Wuhan communities incl. Self-awareness, Cognitive Mapping of Community Environment, and Community Service

Endless Me - Aesthe�c Exhibi�on for Rural Children (Wuhan)

Co-Curator, 2021.3

Responsible for scene setup of the architecture workshop’s interactive installation “Hi Ladder”


Young Architect Compe��on(YAC) - Leisure Harbor

Finalist, Team Leader of 2.

“New Zhengdong Cup” Historical Building Research Compe��on

2nd Price, Team Leader of 3.

01 Farmland Above the Metro

Coupled Food and Transportation System Design

talks about #Food Sufficiency, #Public Transportation, #TOD, #Metro Network

02 We, The Village and The City

Self-organized Way to Renovate Urban Village in China.

talks about #DAO, #Pro-social Behaviors, #Incentive Policies, #Self-organized Cities

03 Vertical Community

Vertical Urbanism responding to Mountainous City

talks about #Weblebrity City, #Moutainous City, #Tourist Attractions

04 Post-industrial Paradise

Adaptive Reuse of City’s Industrial Heritage

talks about #Industrial Heritage, #Steel Plant, #Deconstruction of Meaning

| Ziyi
| Contents

01 Farmland Above the Metro

Coupled Food and Transportation System Design

Location: Shanghai, China

Time: 2022.6-2022.10

Individual Work

As arable land continuesly shrink due to urban area's expansion, we are facing the problem of food shortage, food insecurity and higher food prices. This project propose a new way of establishing future food systems within the city to ensure food sufficiency. In the proposal, embed food system in city's metro network to cultivate, transport and deliver food to people's door.

Arable Landloss in Shanghai

As city continuesly expand, arable land are exploited and occupied for city’s development. The rapid urbanization could lead to economic growth, though it could also cause losing of arable land, food shortage and insecurity.

Arable Landloss in the Middle-Lower Yangtze Plains



total arable land: 837.17 (10k ha) total arable land: 746.08 (10k ha) total arable land: 639.17 (10k ha) 2000 2000 built-up area 2010 built-up area 2020 built-up area cropland forest 2010 2020
landloss: 91.09
by: 10.9%
(10k ha) Decreased
106.91 (10k ha) Decreased

Longer Transport Distance Result in Fragile Food Supply Chain

1.6yuan / 500g

Cropland-Anhui Province

2000 Local crop base 2010 Local crop


500g 1.8yuan / 500g 1.1yuan / 500g

Longer Transport Distance Result in Higher Food Prices

0.8yuan / 500g

farmer intermediators

There are more that 10 intermediator links between farmers and consumers in a typical food circulation system

intermediate cost farmers’ revenue 70% 25%

overall cost selling price consumer
yuan / 500g 12.0yuan / 500g
2000 City boundary 2010 City boundary 2020 City boundary
1.7yuan / 500g
yuan / 500g
yuan / 500g
major agricultural land migrant outwards as urban area continuously expand itself.
2020 Local
Retail Cropland
In 2022 Shanghai Lockdown, roads are blocked by government and all transportation are paused, food logistic stopped. People strive to access to food while most of them struggle their lives in hunger because of lacking of food.
crop base
Agent Wholesalers 1490km
560km +$ +$ +$ +$ +$ +$ +$ +$ +$ +$
Croplandthe Nei Monggol Autonomous Region Cropland-Gansu Province
Arable Landloss Lead to Longer Transport Distance


Metro Network could be utilized to Establish Future Food System





173 111 51 19 14 2 82 40km/h 40km/h 1.2 34 143 80km/h 800m 400m Town Residential Shanghai’s Metro System and Its Surrounding Lands Use Other built Metro station Metro station service scale Metro line
most of central districts Connect all suburban districts Covering 14 of overall 16 municipal district 20 lines 508 stations 831km operating range (the longest in the world)
covered districts Metro connected districts Metro not covered districts
High Coverage Chongming District Jinshan District Energy Consumption Carbon Emission Subway has the lowest energy consumption Subway has the lowest carbon emission g (standard coral burning)/per person*km carbon emission per passenger kilometer
Environment Friendly Subway has the highest speed Subway
could carry the most
Vehicle Carrying Coefficient
core 15min community life circle central circle residential business governance healthcare amusement mall restaurant sports market&store school amenity
Time-saving and Efficient Velocity
City developes as taking
station as the circle
TOD development

Embed Future Food System on City’s Metro Network

Subway Line Network

Subway lines form an intense network which connects city’s transportation hubs, major industrial zones and croplands. All of these could be used to form a food system based on subway lines.

Hongqiao Airport Shanghai Railway Station

Shanghai South Railway Station

Transportation Hubs

Food Center

We could use the subway station as a food center, which could cultivate, store, process food.It could serve a community food provider at a r=3000m scale.

Songjiang Pudong International Airport

Fengxian Baoshan



Yangshan Harbor

Croplands Industrial Zones

Subway Station 120m life circle

Subway Station

Every individual have daily food needs so population density could reflect the city’s demand for food density.

Food Circulation Network

Subway train could carry food from one station to another, which makes it a perfect transportation tool for food to communicate between food centers

1-50 people/km²

51-100 people/km²

101-2500 people/km²

>2500 people/km²

Population Density

CentralArea PudongNewDistrict NanhuiDistrict MinhangDistrict QingpuDistrict JiadingDistrict BaoshanDistrict
People could choose to shop here directly or have the drones deliver the food they ordered on the app to their doors.
City Cropland Industrial Zone Transportation Hub

Food Systems Design


Cultivate & Harvest—metro station

Cultivate & Harvest—cropland

Gathering & Distribution



People have more requirements for vegatables’ fresh level, so vegatables are mostly planted above each metro stations to feed r=3km life circle residents


Poultry production & butcher Meat dealing & selling

Meat gathering & distribution

Meat/egg/milk product process


Metro stations in suburban areas can be used to produce and burcher poultry and process raw meat roughly.

Pack and transport raw meat to metro stations in central areas

Pack and transport meat production to metro stations in central areas

Imported Food

Imported transportation hubs

Dealing & Packing

Gathering & Distributing

Refrigeratories are close to industrial land so extra electric power could be used


Food Center

Rice Gathering

Food Center

Food Center

Food Center

Rice Gathering

Rice Gathering

Food Center

Food Center

Food Center

Rice Gathering

Food Center

Food Center

Rice Package

Rice Rough Machining Rice Finishing

Rice seeds storage

Rice cultivate


Imported Food arrive at airport

After concentrated processing and packing, imported food are distributed to 7 refrigeratory and then be transported to each metro station/food center on demand

70% 10% 20% 10% 30% 10% 10% 30% 5% 40% 20% 15% 10% 5% 10% 5% Temporary Storage Vegetables & FruitsCul�va�on Input Food Storage Output Food Storage Home Delivery Supermarket Cultivate Process Storage Temporary Storage Vegetables & Fruits Cul�va�on Aquaculture Refrigerated storage Input Food Storage Output Food Storage Premade Food Process Home Delivery Supermarket Densely populated residen�al areas Type B- Xinzhuang Sta�on Type A- Changshu Road Sta�on Type C- Fengxian New Town Sta�on Medium populated Industrial Zones Sparsely populated Industrial Zones Cultivation A Processing A Storage Storage Storage Cultivation A Cultivation A Aquaculture Poultry Process B Process D Process E Process C Cultivation B Cultivation B Cultivation C Temporary Storage Poultry Farming Poultry Process Input Food Storage Output Food Storage Grain Crops Cul�va�on Home Delivery Supermarket Vegetables & Fruits Cul�va�on Food Centers Classification & Design Food Centers Design Food Centers Urban Context Food Centers Production function distribution Food Centers Classification Accoring to city’s population density distribution, metro stations are classified into three categories

Food Centers

Detailed Spatial Design

Output Food Storage

Output grain crops

Input Food Storage

Home Delivery

Food Logis�c System of Food Center

Food Storage

Poultry Farming

Grain Crops


Output feeds for poultry animals

Output meat, eggs and milk

Output fer�lizer for vegetables cul�va�on

Load output food

Loading & Unloading

A�ach extra several metro coaches

behind original coaches to carry food

Output vegetables

Vegetable Cultivation Home Delivery

boxes. Coaches are connected with a set

of logis�c system to transfer food from

Unload input food

and towards food center.

Use unmanned aerial vehicles

as the delivery tool for the center-to-home delivery.

Food Produc�on System of Food Center

Loading & Unloading Open Food Market Vegetables Cultivation Center Temporary Food Storage Input Food Storage Food Distribution Center

02 We, The Village and The City.

Self-organized way to Renovate Urban Village

Location: Wuhan, Hubei, China

Time: 2022.1-2022.5

Individual Work

Urban villages in China is a tricky urban issue because its aggregation of low-income and unemployed people, its complex land-ownership disputes and its shabby environment. Meanwhile, demolition of urban villages and relocation of the people inside has led to even worse social impact. This project seek to use DAO, a blockchain based new orginization way to improve social and physical environment of urban villages in a self-orginized way, with fully respect to their own creativity and lifestyle.

Urban Village’s Distribution in Wuhan

Wuhan’s urban village area is 25% of the whole city’s construction land area, covering about 195km²area.

Urban Village refers to countryside areas which are still resides in urban areas. As urbanization accelerates, many original villages disappear and turned into urban area, the remaining villages are surrounded by high-rise buildings.

Urban Village’s Distribution in inner cycle of Wuhan

There are 162 urban villages in Wuhan, and 56 of them located in central Wuhan (within the third circulation line)

34% outside 66% inside outer ring

urban villages located in central Wuhan covered most of area of urban villages, account to 66% of the total land area.

Rapid Urbanization

From 1990 to 2013, Wuhan’ s urban edge continuesly expand itself to new extent. In 20th century, this access accelerates extremely.

3.8% up 10.9% up


Urban extent of Wuhan: 30,347 hectares


Urban extent of Wuhan: 44,273 hectares


Urban extent of Wuhan: 183,723 hectares

Many “motorcycle taxi” drivers live here and wait for their guest at road junctions. Young white-colar workers working nearby live here for inexpensive rent. People like to eat by the road. Many buidlings here are of poor condition and the government want to tear them down for new development. Hiding in the narrow alleies, there are plenty of long-established famous restaurant with the most authentic local taste.

How Does Urban Village Generate How Does Urban Villagers Change as Urban Village Generate

A village are surrounded by vast farming land, people who live here are farmers living by harvesting land.

As the city began to grow, it engulg in the village. Roads envelops the village and occupy farming land to new use.

As the city began to grow, it engulg in the village. Roads envelops the village and occupy farming land to new use.

Cities continues its growing process, more and more people are attracted to urban areas. Urban villagers would add new constructions to existing buildings to provide more houses and earn more money.

The process would repeat itself and urban villages became more and more in cities.

farmers farmers without land

new-comers from rural area

People in rural areas are attracted to rising urban areas to seek for jobs and ways to earning money.

new-comers become more and more become informal new citizens

urban villages

engulfed by


Due to their rather low education level, they can only find low-paying jobs with poor wages.

cannot afford formal commercial housing

not enough affordable housing provided by governments

rent apartment in shabby neighborhood

shops works schools

located in central part of the city convenient to transport to shops, works and schools.

Original urban villagers would seize the opportunity and rent their houses to new-comers to make a forture

1978 1990 2000 2010 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 12 10 8 6 4 2 The Urbanization Rate of China The Urbanization Population of China China’s GDP Commercial housing sales (100M) (%)
1978: 17.9% 1990 26.4% 2000: 36.2% 1949-1978: 10.6% Population Urbanization Rate: 2010: 50.27% 2020: 63.89% Area of Built District Core Urban Area New Urban Area Village Core Urban Area Urban Area expands Villages
1 2 3 4 5
Why Urban Village appear-Urban Expansion
areas, villages became

The site locate in the “two rivers and four banks urban core area” in Wuhan, the most geo-centrial area in the city.

While the land value of this area fits no well with its location and its significant city role.

The first area to open the trading port to commercial trade and led the transformation towards modern city in Wuhan.

Site Dilemma

The site locates in the most prosperous and most central area of the city

Wuhan Inner Cycle

Site Problems


The drawbacks that pull this area from corresponding land value and its futher development

Apartment for rent

In the adlet patched around in the village, there are plenty of ads advertising about industries which are illegal or not under legal supervision.


Low-end Business

In a typical urban village, the business and industried here are low-end. It’s mostly run by a family and the scale is small shops.

Hardware Store


Renting ads are everywhere around urban village, it’s assuemed that this is because there are plenty of outlanders who are in nead of temporary residence.

Recruiment ads

Poor Living Standard

Recruiment ads says they are hiring people at the salary of a low level in Wuhan. Also, the prices of groceries and meals are also low. We assueme that people live here lead a poor life.

Electronic Accessories Shops

Vice Restaurants

Barber & Beauty Shops


Loan Illegal financial motion STD clinic
Ungerground Industry
collection ads Price of groceries
Wuhan Housing Price Map

Site Problems

New-Citizens’ Problem:

The problems and dilemmas new citizens encountered during them trying to fit in the city can be summerised as the “new-citizens’ problem”, mainly about the housing problem and the employment problem

Housing problem

Lacking of money, their optimal choice is to live in urban village where has a lower living outcome

Commodity Housing

Commercial residential buildings’ prices are rising dramatically due to citis’ development. The prices are way too high compared to what the new-comers could afford.

children playing

They have gradually formed a well-operated social system,While due to its nature as an acquaintances society and out-comers’world, it’s difficult for them to connect well to outer communities and the whole city.

Urban village

Low-income groups


Urban villages are new-comers’ first resting place in a city, and home to low-income groups

Policy-related House

Supply of policy-related house decreases one year by one while new-comers continuely rush into cities. The needs cannot be met and most of new-comers don’t have access to policy-related houses.

Extra space to store groceries!

One more room to rent!

More space for my kitchen!


Employment problem

Drug Dealers


New-comers lack the education background and specific skills job market needed, they can only find job in informal market or start a small business themselves, which has rather low income.

Bedroom for my employees!
Lunch by road Shopping from road-side market Shopping from road-side market
Family dinner together by
Every one change the neighborhood as they like and everyone wants to optimiz their own benefit and gain more favor. Therefore the public area are squeezed dramatically and environment are terrible.

Current underground industry, especially prostitution are under no supervision and has no security, which is harmful to both prostitutes and urban villagers.


Provide more well-designed housing for low-income people in urban villages to satisfy their needs to live with dignity.

Community forming

Form a community with urban village to meet their needs to be connected to this place and their neighborhood.


Provide formal job opportunities with decent income and legal securities so that villagers could feed themselves with their own hands with insurance.

Instead of tiring down existing buildings of urban villages, we could construct new ones from above

Work as the new residential area’s entrance floor and new-residents’ public activity space.


Form a community with urban village to meet their needs to be connected to this place and their neighborhood.

Construct new

from the original top floor on to provide extra residential space

As people start to live above, they need more public activity space besides top floor, they would explore down and gradually transform current shabby village building to their new space, which benefits formation of a community.

Small business adds more diversity and glamore to the city and would attract more and more citizens to come here and prompt communication between urban villages and the “outside world”

Transform current village building into new public space for community activities

Provide more shops and tents for villagers to start their own business.

Public supervision from above make underground industries such as prostitution under supervision therefore more transparent.

Construction Execution Prosocial Behaviors Promoted by system and mechanism designed by government and designers Solve current problems Form a well-operated communty temporary goal Develop awareness of self-organization incentive Incoroperate a DAO Decentralized Autonomous Orginization Self-Govern Community ultimate goal STEP 2 STEP 1 STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 3 Housing problem Employment problem using Decentralized Incentive Policy Core Problem Appeared Problem
Problem Solution ——Using Self-orginzed System
Urban Villagers Participants Decentralized Incentive Policy Reward System Are Initiate Support Manupulate Determine Incentive Government Set up goals Support
Self-organize System Mechanism
Concept Strategy
job position
top floor to public space
is City Transfer
1 2 3 4
Perspective of Government
Living environment Social Appearance Illegal Industry
Villagers Spot Problems Villagers Brainstorm Solutions Step 1 Step 2 Discuss and Negotiate Launch the project together Step 3 Step 4
Demolition Gentrification
Perspective of Citizens Villagers form a self-orginization system to tackle this issue.
Spatial Design Strategy

How Decentralized Incentive Policy Solve New Citizens’ Problems

Government support

provide Residential Cube

for new-comers to live in

provide Public Cube for new-comers to engage in public activities and form neighborhood

Anyone could report their dream spot to locate public cubes and add their ideas to it

provide Business Cube for new-comers to start their own business and earn their livings with their own hands


New Citizens make effort to get support

have living places have public places first arrival at cities

in need of living places

in need of public activity places


in need of ways of making a living

Trade with TOKEN

have ways of making a living

Exchange for Coupons

Get a discount in merchandise Get free birthday present Get free parking opportunities

get rewarded with TOKEN

Condition: take a part in transforming the original roof into public space


help with urban village renovation

get rewarded with TOKEN

Condition: take a part in transforming the original top 2-3 floors into public space.

New-comers choose their Residential Cube and assemble it in the scaffold

New-comers choose their Public Cube and exploy them on the chosen spot of the top 2-3 floors of the original building.

New-comers choose their Business Cube and exploy them on the chosen spot of the ground floor of the original building.

Renovate the roof

Transform it into neighborhood gathering space and residential area’s entry level

Construct living areas from the roof on Construct scaffold above of the original building, new-comers could assemble their residential cubes within the scaffolds

Renovate the upper floors

Renovate the original building with poor condition from the roof to the bottom, resonating with the residents’ need to expand their public activity space. The new-comers are encouraged to transform the upper floors of the building into their public activity space for communities to flourish together.

Renovate the ground floor

The ground floor have accessiblity toward the street and the city. It can be renovated for shops and restaurants run by the new-comers to provide them with financial income.

Engage In Propose Vote

Tokenomics System Design

Governance Token

Join Urban Village community

Retrofit Current Building

Governance Token

Utility Token

Governance Token


Assemble Residential Cubes

Governance Token

Utility Token

Renovate the roof

Governance Token

Utility Token

Construct Scaffoldings

Renovate the roof

Retrofit for public space

Utility Token

Governance Token Governance Token

Proposal Refinement Volunteer


Joint decision making process

By contributing to community and engaging in governance affairs, members could acquire Utility Token and Governance Token respectively.

Utility Token

Redeem for Business Cube

Get Shopping Discounts

Get Local Coupons

Consensus reached

Construct scaffoldings

Facade Renovation

Governance Token



Assemble residential cubes

Redeem token for business cube


40% 40%

Incentive Rewards

People with more Governance Token have more voting weight.

With interest rate =5%/yr people holding longer and more Governance Token have more in the future.

Propose & Vote for potential renovation plan

Construct business cube

Community Garden 1 36m² 3 Childern’s Playground 4 Handmade Room 1 Library and Reading Room 4 Bou�que 1 Restaurant 2 Grocery Store 3 Video Room 3 1 2 3 4 24m² 1 Bedrooms 1 Kitchen 1 Restroom 1 Living room 1 Bedrooms 1 Kitchen 1 Restroom 1 Living room 2 Leisure Bench 2 Winding Park 3 Mee�ngs andDiscussing Room 2 Retrofit for Public Space 24m² 2 Bedrooms 1 Kitchen 1 Restroom 1 Construct Business Cube Residen�al Scaffolding Prototype of Cubes Roof Renova�on

03 Vertical Community

Vertical Urbansim responding to Mountainous City

Location: Chongqing, China

Time: 2021.6-2021.12

Individual Work

In Chongqing, all infrastructure and architectural elements are organized in a brand new way owing to its mountainous terrain. The city is forced to look up for more horizontal layers to live and develop. In my proposal, vertical community is formed to connect people and activities segmented by steep hills. The vertical community could also provide more available horizontal space suitable for public activities.


Unique Mountainous Terrain

Chongqing City’s History according to its Mountainous Terrain

Jia Ling River Yangtze River Wu River Chengdu Guiyang Wuhan Chongqing Chongqing elevation: 259m The hengduan mountains The Sichuan Basin Chengdu elevation:500m Parallel Ridges The Daba Mountains The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze river plain Chongqing The pre-Qin period The Song Dynasty The Ming Dynasty The Qing Dynasty The outbreak of the WWⅡ The end of the WWⅡ 1937 1945 1949
BC 221 1270 1368 1912
The People's Republic of China was founded Utilize the natural dangerous terrain to prevent their enemies from breaking into the city. The rivers intersect in Chongqing, making it an important hub for waterborne transportation The steep mountains benefit fights against enemies and the rivers enables armies and supplies transported to the city Chongqing has became a hot spot for tourists because of its unique cityscape Strategic Post Commercial Hub Capital of the War Modern Megacity

02 Media Recording

Visitors of the city are stunned by the unique scenes so they record the city through photos and videos and send them to others.

Chongqing’s Unique Cityscape and How it Became a Netflix City via Self-media

Liziba subway station

Liziba is a station on Line 2 of Chongqing Rail Transit. It combines residential building and subway station, so it appears like the subway train drives from the building and attracts a lot of people to take photos here.

Hongyadong stilted house complex

It was one of the oldest gates in Chongqing in the pastand now perserved as a traditional stilted building.

Chaotianmen Raffles Liberation Monument

People's Liberation Monument was built to commemorate the victory over the Japanese in WWII and is viewed as Chongqing’s landmarks now.

The Raffles Chongqing sits at the tip of the peninsula where the Yangtze and Jialing Rivers meet. One of the city’s landmarks.

The regular media such as televation and films choose Chongqing as their scenic locations and introduced this city to the public.

01 Dislocation of Urban Elements

The self-made media arise and everyone can make their own channels

Self-made media connect physical city with social networks and helps to boost city’s tourist industry.


03 Internet Distribution

Because of Chongqing’s unique mountainous terrain and its fitting construction, the blogs are extremely attrative and hot.

The number of tourists to Chongqing is 542,300,000 in 2017

The number rised to 792,300,000 in 2017, rised by 46%

The total retail sales of goods sold in 2018 rised by 8.7% compared to the last year.

Sales of commodity retailing rised by 8.1%

Food service income rised by 11.6%

The Eling Park

Eling Park is also known as “courteous park” and is home to special plant species as well as a newly built tower

No.2 Printing Factory

It used to be a printing factory and now it is transformed into a culture and creativity district thus attract many young visitors.

Huangguan Escalator

Chongqing’s Highest and the most steep escalator.

Yangtze River cableway

Cable cars stretching across the Yangtze River

Jiangbei District

Yuzhong District

Search Volume of Tourist Attractions Tourist

Nanan District

1 2 3
road for
for cars road for walkers road for cars road for cars road for walkers ordinary city’s road Chongqing’s road
ordinary of ways of orginazing urban elements is redefined in the city.
road for dwellers road for dwellers
cars road
Popular tourist
in Main City
Area, Chongqing

Analysis of Site Issues

Liziba subway station suddenly became extremely popular because of its unique scenerio that a subway train drives through a building

Attract People to Come

Videos and blogs about Liziba Station got more and more attention, people are attracted to the spot to take a glimpse at this famous place.

The visitors here are amazed by the unpredicable scene, some of them upload their photos taken here onto the self-media. It also attracts more people to Chongqing and Liziba.

Impediment to Residents

straight-lined distance: 1100m

The narrowest and steepest part of the island

straight-lined distance: 316m walking distance: 1900m, 43min

Liziba subway station

They find out that although it’s very short distance to the other destination, they need to walk for a long distance mountain roads due to its steep mountainous terrain.

To save time and energy, some visitors would take a shortcut through the residential buildings They route constantly interve with dwellers’ daily route and it’s difficult to garantee the community’s serein atmosphere.

Affects Residents' Lives

To get a better view of the scence of Liziba Station, tourists flood into residential buildings to take pictures, which affect residents’ daily lives.

Searching for Next Travel Destination Commuting

When they finish taking various photos in liziba and continue their exploring around the city, they began to search for nearby attractions such as No.2 printing factory and Eling park.

Impediment to Tourists

straight-lined distance: 299m walking distance: 1500m, 33min

From Liziba Sation to No.2 Printing Factory two top tourist attractions in Chongqing, the only way is to walk through the Eling mountain for 1500m, taking about 33min, though the straight-lined distance is 299m The height difference between Liziba Station and No.2 Pringting Factory is 270m, which means the commuting route is mostly strenuous mountain road.

straight-lined distance: 299m walking distance: 1500m, 33min

The Eling Park
Become Popular on Internet
Secondary Propagation
the Inconvenience
a Shortcut by Crossing Residential Buildings
No.2 Printing Factory The Eling park Liziba subway station No.2 Printing Factory 270m Residential Community 0m Liziba Station No.2 Printing Factory Eling Park
80m 120m 140m 180m 180m 180m

Concept Strategy and Form Generation

01.Current Situation

Culture and Creativity District

Site of former No.2 printing factory shops&workshops&food and beverage

residential buildings &local communitys

Residential District

Residential buildings &local communitys

Function Assignment


Liziba Tourist District

Instagram-worthy location

residential buildings &local communitys

To the nearest subway station 1.5km, 18min by walking.

To the nearest bus station 1.4km, 18min by walking.



Sitting at the top of Eling mountain, it’s hard to access by all kinds of transportation.

03.Proposed Strategy

01. Line the buildings of similar functions and same height to increase communication opportunities.

Testbed 2 did not connect well with local communities which provide the prototype of real life in Chongqing city.

Lack of abundant space for public activities and community gatherings.

Lack of green space and leisure space.

02. Extrude the line into walls to expand extra spaces for tourists and residents.

The only activity is taking photos, which took less than 30min.

Lack of multiple attraction forms for vistors to stay longer time and exprience the site deeper.

Two top attractions are merely 300m away, while the visitors need to walk about 30min to transport. 3

Visitors trying to get a better view of Liziba would intrude in residents’ appartment buildings ,which caused residents’ inconvenience and discontent.

[TESTBED 2] Lectures and Exhibition

[TESTBED 2] cultural and creative products workshops

A-wall dig deeper in Liziba Station’s cultural phenomenon and create a series of experiencing service to extend tourists’ time in this area.

B-wall provide more space for residents to communicate with each other and conduct various activities.

C-wall provide more leisure and activity spave for residents and more experiencing space for tourists. Allow tourists to get to know about local communities.



Barter Market


Community Garden


[TESTBED 2] cultural and creative products gifts shops

[TESTBED 2] Food and Beverage

[TESTBED 2] VR Exprience House

03. Plug in the vertical tranportation system


Music Festival & Movie Night Communities

Home-made Food Store



Chess and Cards Room

Family Garden [Communities]

Community Library

For tourists For residents

04. Distinguish between visitor areas and residential areas

[Liziba Station]

VR Exprience House

[Liziba Station]

Food and Beverage

[Liziba Station]

cultural and creative products gifts shops

[Liziba Station]

cultural and creative products workshops

Liziba Station

05. Connect three walls through horizontal transportation systems between vertical systems

No.2 printing factory
2 A A B B C C
Residential district Liziba Station
Liziba Bookstore Restaurant Cultural Lecture Hall Creativity Workshop Gym

Routes of Tourists and Residents


Another tourist attraction,mainly focus on providing a cool and unique community for young artist and social enthusiastic people to engage in producing their own thoughts and show it.

Graffiti district

Provide an opportunity for youngsters to show their unique thoughts and proposals through painting. Also this can become another tourist attraction.


NO.2 Wall-Residential

The old building space cannot satisfy residents’ need so the space is enlarged by constructing the no.1 wall and on the roof the residents can hold community events such as large-scale bargin market and music festival,etc.

In the no.2 wall, set a number of scenes in order to use space to demonstrate the city’s unique mountainous terrain and the derivitive charactors. It mainly focus on the everyday life of common Chongqing people and how they act in the city.

Eling Zheng Road

The extra space is spared for familied living here to participate in a variety of community activities such as workshops to recognize the neiborhood or to just paint a picture of the whole family. It can benefit the family relationships.

The subway station and subway line seperate the visitors and residents so that their route can be divided and wouldn’t bother each other.

Chongqing Subway Line 2

Besides the industry of culture and creativity product, The no.1 wall also need to develop other various commerce to form a market and satisfy the visitors and customers’ need.

Jialing New Road

Guihua Yuan Road

In the walkway between the no.1 wall and the no.2 wall, sets a visual tech walkway showing the charactors of Chongqing City, so that the web celebraties could take pictures here and attract more and more people to come.

Developing the industry of producing the derivative products of Liziba Railway station and advertise it so that the visitors would notice about the cultrue and creaticity product and the product thus helps to prosper the Liziba station.

Hundreds of visitors rush to Liziba station to take a photo or selfie of the wonder scene of the subway train drives through the building.


Bingjiang Road

Wall-Liziba Station

Prototypes of Public Space For tourists For residents

Cultural Creativity Workshop

Workshops in Walls for tourists provide a space for tourists to engage in crafting and making one’s own cultural creativity products. It allows tourists to dig in local culture deeply and utilize their creativity to express their own understanding of the particular space or scenerio.

Food&Beverage for Tourists

Restaurants and cafes provide a space for tourists to enjoy local foods and drinks. It’s a unique experience espetially when one enjoy Chongqing’s food in a mountainous environment.

Gift Shops

Local cultural and creativity products are displayed for shopping in Gift shops. Tourists could select their favourite products here.

Children’s Area

Children’s area provide children with a space to read, play and have extra-curriculum activities. This space would hold lectures and reading sharing festivals from time to time, offerring children an opportunity to explore the knowledge world. Also, it contributes to bonding families when their children playing together.

Family Garden

Family garden provide a space for family members to set a sigular space to plant their plants. During planting, families can show their family culture through their plants. Also, these plants can improve the community environment.

Music Festival&Movie Night

The roof would be a natural open space for community music festivals and movie nights. Residents could gather at the roof to enjoy a leisure night with their neighbors.

Spatial distribution Spatial distribution

04 Post-industrial Paradise

Adaptive Reuse of City’s Industrial Heritage

Location: Wuhan, China

Time: 2021.3-2021.6

Individual Work

Hanyang Ironwork used to be the most productive steel plant in this country, while after entering into 21st century, the factory was shut down and the site is abandoned. This project proposed a brand new plan to reinvent the factory into a paradise, an amusement park. The previous architectural elements and infrastructures’s meanings are reconstructed and are assigned with new meanings of modern perspective.

Regional Historical Analysis



Factories Industrial Process before Shutting Down

In need of large amount of iron and steel to construct railroads. The government choose Wuhan to build a ironwork.

Factory Historical Analysis

Raw material shipping in

Factory Reuse Proposal

Steelmaking furnace

WWⅡ Factories are exploded, equipments are kept.

3.New Interpretation

- Amusement Paradise

The abandoned factory have structures and space perfectly fit for amusement use. 1953 Rebuilt the factory 1985 Manufactoring

2. Meaningless Structures

After steelmaking ceased, the factory nolonger undertake any production functions, it became an assemble of meaningless structures.

1.Original Use-steelmaking function

The former petroleum pipeline could be used for parkour and climbing, etc.

2 3 5 4 1
1913- Xinhai Revolution Hanyang’s city functions besides industrial manufacturing are replaced by Hankow. In the period Hanyang continuesly decline and fall. 1957- Yangtze River Bridge Built The bridge connect Hanyang and Wuchang, which allows Hanyang’s railway and thus iron industry to expand eastward. 2000- Zhuankou New Industrial Zone Wuhan and Hanyang’s manufacturing industry migrant towards suburban areas and established new industrial zones for industrial production. Zhiyin Bridge was Built Connect Hanyang and Hankow, allowing Hanyang’s industry expand westward and northward
Major Industrial Zone Major Industrial Factory Urban Functional Area HanKow HanKow Yangtze
Zhiyin Bridge Wuluo Road JingzhangRailway Longyang Avenue Hanyang
1891 Start constructing 1893-1896 Operating Trial & Error 1908
- Late Qing Dynasty Foreign Affairs Movement requires Wuhan to build the Hubei Arsenal and Hanyang Ironworks. It forms the first industrial zone in Wuhan City. River Bridge
Asian’s Largest Iron and steel conglomerates
Petroleum Pipeline
Site Railway A D E B C Iron Ores Threaded steel Blast furnace- Ironmaking Converter Steelmaking Iron Iron Ores Steel Billets Output ProcessedSteels Steel Rolling Storage
Stopped The factory is abandoned


1.original structure

2.Insert Boxes

Translate 4 iconic structure ourside of factory as 4 scene can be combined into extreme sports and amusement activities inside factory. Insert the boxes according to the structures’ location and assign different activities to each box.

3.Boxes connection & Urban Invation Connect 4 boxes with 2 layer of paths. The architecture has no facade or walls, so everyone can casually walk into the building through 5 entrance from both sides.

Roller Skating Rink

Rock Climbing

Giant Slider Wooden Stakes Park

Sand-pit Park Information Desk Food & Beverage

Buffet Restaurant

13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 10 10 13 13 15 13 14 14 13 14 15 0 10 20 30 m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Bike
Street Dance Pumping
Architecture Build-up Airpark 8 9 10 11 12
Basketball Courts Bowl Skateboard
Street Skateboard Field
Track Ground Floor Plan

Hostess and Organizer of 2022 MIT City Science Summit

“ SoCity Community DAO: A New Prosocial Urban Development Process” workshop

The summit is hosted by members from MIT Media Lab city science group and City Science Lab @Shanghai. In the summit, we presented a new way to conduct urban development and urban planning through decentralized process initiated by citizens. Through well-designed workshops, participants could engage in simulated real scenerio of urban development by playing different roles as stakeholders and negotiate with each other to reach the final consensus.

Designer of Architecture Camp in "Sunners - Rural Charity" summer camp

Designer of community courses

cooperated with Sunners Social Development and Innovation Center, Beijing Municiple institute of City Planning & Design, One Take Architect.

Architecture Camp - “R Tower”

Co-curator of “Endless Me” - Aesthetic Exhibition for Rural Children (Wuhan) cooperated with Sunners Social Development and Innovation Center

We worked with Aesthetic Action Network for Rural Children to hold an exhibition of children’s works in our summer camp and community couses. The main exhibited works are “R Tower” from Architecture Camp and “Self-Portrait” from Fine Art Camp.

We worked with kids from Wuhan city to recognized and recreate our communities together through a series of community courses and workshops.

Community Courses “Cognitive Mapping”

We worked with kids from rural area to build “architecture” together in a four day’s workshop. In the workshop, kids learn, design, construct and collaborate. Constructing an architecture by one’s own hands is a way to create an indeterminate participatory open ended situation and recognize material world. Thus the architecture built is a lively scene instead of pile of material things.

Architecture Camp - “Hi Ladder”

Ancient Architecture Practice

Mapping of Puqi Town Thermal Power Plant and Adaptive Reuse Strategy Study

“New Zhengdong Cup” Historical Building Research Competition, 2nd Price, Team leader of 3.

3D-scanner generate point-cloud models of factory’s interior space

UAV tilt photography generate factory’s exterior and surrounding spaces


With the help of different technological tools and traditional surveying and mapping methods, we finished fine technical drawing and 3D modeling of the main factory and surrounding area. Conducting interview about the factory’s production process and the workers’ daily lives. Based on the collected information, we proposed a series of adaptive reuse proposals for the area’s future reservation or development process.

photography generated model

Summit @ MIT main venue point-cloud model
point-cloud model
Summit @MIT main venue
Simulation sandbox
Organizor team Discussion boards tilt

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