Extinction Seed #0

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We got what we cam e for.

NO O O O! Fuck. Is it possible for m e to die in one

We’ve been watchin g

of your dreams?

their Antarctic base for a lon g tim e now. Bu t som ethin g’s chan ged. They’re on the move.

Those sons’a bitches found som ethin g.

We should alert our

Beneath the ice crust!

best agents in the field. To monitor, track and head them off.

MIS S M UR P H Y… any suggestions?

Roger, M R. S O D D EN B E R G .

It’s the sam e one

At your orders.

I keep havin g -- the one with the freakin’ monster chewin g my face off.

All these thin gs have a m eanin g. I think it symbolizes your need to get lai d.

Hear that, C O L O N E L N E WS T E D ? Do I know how to pick my staff or do I? My assistant will see you to your chopper. Meet you tomorrow at the T E S T FI E L D.

CA RO L, can you hear You okay?

m e?!

C on gratulations.

What the

You got half a page of

hell di d you

T H E TIM E S filled with

say to her…?


ink on shantytowns


and shacks.


M is ery s el l s, GAYA . A n d we o ffer on e- sto p s ho p pin g: s ee i t ton igh t a n d pay to p dol lar to feel c om pa s s ion ate a b o u t i t from the c om fo r t o f yo u r l i vin g ro om .

I’m flattered, Mr…. Right, was it? Bu t

Miss M O R R IGA N ? May I request the rare privilege of a mom ent in your presen ce?

My nam e is S EB A S TIA N WR IG H T. I represent a con cern very interested in seein g your sublim e talents

You must have m e

P H O TO G R A P H Y ’s a strictly

confused with som eone

personal passion. I don’t

else. I don’t know what

shoot for commission…

you’re talkin g abou t and

only for m e. Sorry

I really must be goin g.

I can’t help you.

applied to the B E R L I N S TAT E M U S E UM S .

I implore you, listen to…

…m e ? There must be a misunderstandin g, Miss Morrigan. I wasn’t referrin g to your photographic prowess. My clients wish to avail themselves of your O T H E R TA L EN T.

C YN T H IA , you cool?

A m ost inopportune complication.

you do rem ember the press conferen ce is abou t to start?!

S ure, Prof Steinberg is an old fart b u t… jeez, I don’t know where you found the gu ts

Anyway, I’m not really much for

to tell him to his face!

crowds. I thought maybe we could go


do som e…studyin g back at my dorm.

I’m b usy for

The roommate’s ou t ’til tonight…

the r e s t o f my l i fe !

Move it and lose it, creep!

Uh- okay… you go do that then…

Frankly, m e.

You must be takin g etiquette lessons. You chased him off withou t

Can’t shake

one referen ce to his mother and

the feelin g I’m

the football team.

bein g watched.

You’re restorin g my

Again?! Does Merv

faith in you, Miss Morrigan.

the Perv need m e to kick

This is exactly the kind of

the other cheek?

TA L EN T I was told abou t.

And now that we can forgo

A pig with a

the tiresom e cocktail chatter:

callin g….

on the table behind m e you will find a b usiness card. With an offer and a telephone number.

Still b ummin’? What’s goin’ down?

…card ?!

You’re strun g ou t and spacin’, Not him.

that’s all. C’m ere… just ’cuz

Som eone else is

The Man’s everywhere doesn’t

followin g m e…

m ean you can’t just be…

“…paranoi d…”

Okay, guess I’m not the only one good at… gettin g lost…


An empty

You’re tellin g m e I took


the redeye all the way ou t here

Agent Dickinson. P ha s e i n .

to get a firsthand look at…

It’s my pri de and pleasure to introduce you to our experim ental Stro n g s u i t prototype. Asi de from the little light- bendin g show you just di dn’t see, this sheath will shelter our boys… …from jun gle heat and Siberian cold. It’s water-tight. It provi des chemical nourishm ent for days. It’s b ullet- proof. I hope our friendly exercise

And m o s t ou tstandin g…

helps assure you that the governm ent money diverted to S EC TIO N S 4 doesn’t just… G O U P I N SM O K E .

Are you c om p l e te ly crazy? YO U K I L L E D H IM !

I don’t believe it.

Agent Dickinson, hold up.


Are the

C offee.

DA NI E L ! Another

subjects still


in ran ge?

ticklin g.

You need

hot sleepover with


the news feed ?

What strategies do we have for…

Thanks, and here are your mornin g wire services. Don’t worry, FR A N K , I di dn’t sleep a minu te. Wanted the piece against those K A R MA P H A R MA C E U TIC A L S bastards to

Printed ou t fresh durin g my 4:27AM b reak.

be online by this mornin g.


”…ticklin g?”

Then say it!

say it!

See that?

The tru th

Another new

shall set

com et sightin g

ye free!

in N e w M e xi c o.

You know us

Hmp. They

antiques have

don’t match.

trouble talkin g

The com et’s

to stuff b uilt

nam es…

So prominent he di dn’t exist at 4:27 this mornin g.

sin ce 1970. Whuh? You’re right. Here, in your printou ts… it’s spelled

Si dney, lay

Yeah, Dan.

off or I’ll piss my pants!

“E . L . E . N . I . N . ”, like an acronym.

They got it

The website just calls it

on this screen

“E L ENI N . ” No periods. Tim e to

thin g, too. And

call Opus Dei, old-tim er?

you only have to stack up one.

They’re on


the move!

after T H E

Som ethin’ stinks. C over

GI R L .

for m e, I’ll be back asap.

They’ve also added a new paragraph. “The com et, as tradition dictates, has been nam ed after its discoverer, prominent professor Leoni d Elenin.”

Be ready to intercept.



Then say It’ll never hold

it just to hear

up. I’d say anythin g

yourself curse: “N O

after ten minu tes


of ticklin g.

FO L L O W I N G M E ! ”

LONDON. JULY 12, 1963. LOCAL TIME 6:37 PM.

Hello ? I’d like to book a trip to Berlin…


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