I think… I think so.
Not con vin cin g. Third question : am
When a cop is killed,
I a wanted man?
in vestigations start in a hot minu te, with or withou t an order from the C ommissioner… b u t they don’t know who they’re lookin’ for, I swear it!
Police on the warpath lookin g for
Funny, you
a cop- killer b u t not
givin g a fuck abou t all the innocent victims that keep pilin g up. Are their lives worth less?
What’s funny?
Far as I know the sick fuck torturin g and killin g those
You read
wom en could b e
Marco ?
C om e on, Marco! We both know the tru th… and the tru th is that you care more abou t coverin g up than findin g ou t.
Might as well be written by the Mayor -- “Venice is the safest town in the world! Pour in, tourists, and com e with your money! It’s Carnival Tim e!”
Bu t sin ce at Carnival Tim e any joke is permitted, I’ll go alon g with yours. ’Cause you see, Marco…
I’m used to workin g alone. Keep
fulla shit.
ignorin g those deaths, I’m fine with it.
You don’t have the first i dea abou t who or what these perverts are. I’m the only one who can hunt them, capisce? Get between m e and them and yo u ’r e dead m eat.
maybe so, b u t the next cop on a slab could be
Marco Visentin !
th e i r work. Which m eans
Open up! Police!
a lot less quick and painless death…
Marco! What di d he do ?
The window! Get ’im !
So…do you love m e?
S ure thin g, sweets. And you?
The answer is “Yes, I love
“Yes, I
love you!”
M-my god…
What’s up, babe?
“Female calf in a canal: Di d the shark strike again?”
Please, don’t Where the fuck you think you’re
kill m e! I’ll do anythin g…
goin g?
Anythin g…
Well, you always get your m en…
Let’s go!
Christ. Now all the cops know my face… even in this condition.
It was m e.
Yesterday mornin g I went to the police. You sai d you slit a
cop’s throat…
His partner saw you… I thought he could be in dan ger.
I’m sorry, Gab riel ! Yes, now they all know your face b u t I di dn’t tell them where you live. Your hi deou t is safe.
What gam e are you playin g, little girl? You don’t believe in fairies, then you save my life from one of them, then you have m e arrested, then you set m e free… you’re just a little bit conflicted, do ya think?
Yeah -- I’m confused! Whadda yo u think? Maybe goin g around huntin g demons or whatever the hell they are is a day’s work for you… b u t not m e!
One last tim e tim e, Roxanne…
…With you. It’s tim e for a new hunt to begin. are you with m e or against m e?