I just don’t get it… the staun ch hero that so nobly saved you in
I feel
the Lib rary at Milos…
in a place like this…
What makes you think Vereniki told the tru th?
Eleni… we just have to go in to be sure…
I could have sworn he was older…
Woops, Who. The
wron g tent.
hell. Are
Carry on !
yo u ?!
Soon after…
Way to save the day, man. Thanks a lot.
You were doin’ great, I only would have gotten in the way.
Chillax, will you? It seems we lost them… now what do we do ?
We just have to get to
the pier, take over that
ship and save our asses goin g eastbound.
Well, not countin g your un canny ability to attract attackers, yes.
“That’s it.”
Luckily, dawn is right on schedule!
Let’s hope those
I’m countin g the minu tes
skyhounds made som e nice
’til the sailors get back,
bank off those slu ts! Next
and we sail to Meteora…
tim e, I won’t wait around at an chor like a moron !
som ethin g?
A series of flashes. Too small and too close to be ships… b u t I couldn’t tell ya what they do be!
That’s my problem, sirs.
And I am yours. Raise the an chor, steer clear of those lights and nobody gets hurt.
Curse you!
L ook!
…it’s Auraki!
Hold on, Eleni!
…b u t suit yourself, and get Auraki!
movin g, darlin’.
It’s a miracle! I’d call it a magic trick…
Quit callin g m e
Those introductions
that and say som ethin g
can wait too. For now all
useful. What are these
you need to know is…
…or run like hell !
…kill them…
Thanks. I’ll pick…
Hell !