One #1

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There is a swor d, in the sec ret hear t o f Marad hed. . . A swor d that saw the Battl e o f the A r ha, tu rn ed ba c k the mad am bition o f Thrast. . .

A weapon that was ultimately wielded by the gods, at the wil l o f their own c hildren. . .

The last, lon ely pil lar o f an an cient, fragil e balan ce. . .

Ra hon A l rat C itadel, D ron kwist's Capital C ity. . .

It's don e, High Priestess Hagjadi. . . the herald gave his c onsent.

Di d you have an y doubt in that regar d, Darfje? They are suc h a predictabl e lo t. . .

Old Galanos himsel f ag reed to help us wipe ou t the Adros girl for a laughabl e share o f ou r fu tu re for tun e.

The k ey to a man's hear t is g reed, my youn g dis cipl e. . .

. . .an d s om e have very loose loc ks.

D hooreth La k e's shores, Derinon K in gdom . A few days a fter Valab's edict. . .

You're fin ished, Faras. . . this tim e you won't es cape us.

This is you r biggest m ista k e, Davian. . .

You don't deceive us, harlo t! I ' ve seen with my own eyes what you di d to the Ad honad fam ily. . .

How can you bel ieve you r m isera bl e kin g's l ies?

. . .an d now you'l l pay for it.

A l l is goin g wel l, High Priestess Hagjadi. . . Faras go t a c ross Derinon's b or ders b u t her tim e is runn in g ou t. . .

Very good, Darfje. . . on ce we' ve dis posed

Faras ' own trust in him

o f that damn ed

Do you thin k the n ew

woman, the in vasion

Adron's interferen ce

wil l begin.

c ould pose an y

wil l be her down fal l.

pro bl em, my lad y?

G ramros always played a k ey rol e in the Adron c ountero ffensives. . .

A fter al l, the Adros are no thin g b u t simpl e, heathen Men dorim . . .

Don't worry.

The m en we sent to the Caradon's gorges are read y to s prin g. . .

Here we are, Faras. . . that old ruin ed ou tpost is just what we n eed for the n ight.

A re you su re it's sa fe to stop now, G ramros? It's possibl e we' ve been fol lowed. . .

C om e on. . . no on e would ventu re in the Caradon withou t an experien ced g ui de, you know that ful l wel l. These c hasms are no l ess than a labyrinth. . .

An yway, no on e can stay ou t in this storm .

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