One #2

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“Rean Merin en clave. Prou d an d lush a b ode o f the REDHARIN.”

who the--?!

D rop you r weapons an d ba c k away -on e warn in g!

Wel l, wel l. . . n o w you're I 'm no t here for

holdin g my interest! A

smal ltalk -- I 'm

dir ty s on o f

here to free her,

Red har s o

an d m e.

far from his n est?

Real ly! An d how do you propose to do that,

That can

jun ior berserk er, with

c han ge. . .

m e stil l al ive?

“B u t do you real ly thin k a man in my position would ventu re into suc h a pla ce un prepared ? A fter al l, this is Adros lan d. . .

Adm ira bl e swagger, I 'l l give you that. . . I 'm su re Faras wil l fin d them very m ovin g last wor ds. . .

“O f c ou rse their pol itical n etwork anticipated m e b u t I l ik e to k eep the n um bers on my si de. . .

You're ab ou t to suffer a c han ge in plans, s on. . . prepare for a romantic death with you r belove-- eh?

Watc h ou t, Masd hin !

The Caradon wastes. . .

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