One #3

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Rahon A l rat C itadel -- where a high noon day sun throws stretc hin g shadows to shrou d far- rea c hin g plans…

A re you su re, Ga jnar ? For us, Olagon has run ou t o f sec on d c han ces.

B el ieve m e, High Priestess Hagjadi. A fter wipin g ou t Capta in Targhan, Faras an d her m en have been join ed by a youn g daughter o f Ren har…

I was there. I have seen her with my own eyes.

Do you see the

We don’t know, Darfje.

Erara’s han d in this, My Lad y?

N o t yet. Rahr’s sentin els

Fou r ra ces… al l s o different!

have their own mystic logic,

What c ould possibly pul l

fol lowin g a c rystal- cl ear

them together ?

vision o f the fu tu re.

“At the star t o f al l thin gs was Maar. The tim el ess pla ce where everythin g first took shape. An d the Eternal Presen ce that was Rahr, The On e an d Only, was its suffusin g s pirit.

“ With a wil l to wi den its C reation, It entrusted the task o f gen eratin g l ife to the Esha an d the A r ha, two cel estial hosts. So they l eft the Maar…

“A las, the two powerful houses’ c harges gave rise to clashes an d quarrels, whic h in tu rn bir thed a dark Gen esis a ffl icted by war…

“The L or d’s L or ds had beg un to fool ishly c reate to feed their fruitl ess antagon ism, dis regar din g The On e an d Only’s prima cy.

“Seein g the c haos plag uin g this New World, Rahr reasser ted its presen ce an d forced the Esha an d A r ha to in ha bit the Ear th an d ma k e am en ds for their in iquities.

“Ea c h on e o f them was given a human shape an d a cl ear c omman dm ent. The a im was to lay the g roun d for what we now know as Marad hed…

“Red har, God dess o f Life an d Death, b rought for th the thoughtful Red harin…

“D rawn to the vast s pa ces, Eg rith gave shape to a prou d an d stron g ra ce. An d theirs were the m ounta ins…

“Men dor gave his attention to the C entral Territories, ma kin g them pros perous an d ric h in runn in g waters an d teem in g with human ity.

“Ren har c on ceived the beau ty o f the wildern ess, givin g bir th to my own l in eage.

“Final ly, Thrast, L or d o f the Internal Fire, took himsel f to the b owels o f the Ear th. There, he b red a m ost feared ra ce…

Forgive my bluntn ess,

Eg rith’s b on es!

b rave Haggar th… b u t I

If what you tel l is true

don’t thin k you can truly

I un derstan d now why

un derstan d.

the Erara m eant us to m eet…

The events g ui din g

So, what do you suggest, Om ir ?

ou r path sin k their roo ts

There must be a way to see ou r way

It’s true,

in the an cestral s oul o f

through this… I can’t bel ieve fate

Masd hin…

Marad hed. N o on e can ful ly

del ivered us suc h a serious trust

un derstan d what’s goin g

with no goal…

on… no t even I.

…b u t real knowl edge can be o bta in ed only by rejoin in g al l the m edal l ion’s fragm ents by a s pecial seal…

An d for this we n eed help.

B y these tra ils… three horses. Only des perate Ga jnar was

peopl e would dare c rossin g

right. They

this region, b rea kin g Valab’s

passed here.


N ow we have only to repor t the fastest path to ta k e them by su rprise, an d get ba c k hom e.

Ou r m essen ger wil l get to Mosath Deron before the b rea k o f dawn.

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