A Skeleton Story #3

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You there‌ not so fast!


We’re fallin g fast, big fellah… Why don’t you lighten the load, huh? What’ve we got here, for instan ce?

…okay, I hate missin g my stories too. How ’bou t…

…that sleepin g bag. Don’t wanna drop off and miss Jay and C onan, huh?

…a TV? Let’s have a TV-toss, whaddya say?

No deal? The purse, then.

You can’t take it with you…though I guess you di d…

Does your TV get a show called “Hoarders”?

Really, Sasquatch, I’m here to help.

Ya gotta get ri d of material thin gs, maaan…

How’s it han gin’, Will !

You’ll feel a hundred years youn ger, trust m e!

I promised I’d pay special attention to you.

Now, I’m gonna lighten your load by one little girl…

…unless you want m e to drop som ethin’ bigger!

It must be hard to take, Scarlett! I found the intruder…

Detective Will Musil, savin g the day!

No one will think less of you because the better man won…

zzz… zzz…


Al bert… it’s a baby girl.

S ure thin g, Tob… what you been pu ttin’ in that mug?

A three-dee, b reathin g baby girl !! Right here, in our afterlife!

You know I pass ou t when I drink, Al bert…

Okay, so this must be you dreamin g.


Hey, Burma. Let m e guess… you’re lookin g for a baby girl?


Saw her headed for the Land of Memories not more than 10 minu tes ago! mmm…


No trespassin g, punk! I sai d --

The thin gs I do to keep smokin g…

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