Ghaida Zahran
Exercise 2 ITGM 705 Interactive Design And Media Application Summer 2010 Professor David Meyers
Artist’s Statement
Interface Description: User selects the team she is rooting for, then using a built-in microphone, the interface will then gauge the team’s performance depending on how loud and how often the user is cheering.
Create “an interface for keeping statistics for a popular sport (football, basketball, baseball) during the game”
The interface will display stats, in graph form, describing how well the team is doing and showing areas where there have been spikes in performance, all measured using the user’s own input.
You have chosen...
Choose your team Team A
Team B
Team is chosen using a standard remote control
Team A
Once a team is chosen a color is assigned
Whenever the game gets intense and the viewer starts cheering, the system begins recording the volume and frequency of the cheers.
Ghaida Zahran
/ Exercise 2 / Artist’s Statement
Artist’s Statement
The system could also be used by two groups of people, by having the users sit at opposite sides, each side assigned to a team. The system would have to be sensitive to the direction the sound is coming from in order to measure the appropriate team’s performance correctly.
Choose your team Team A
Team B
Each viewer chooses their team
Ghaida Zahran
/ Exercise 2 / Artist’s Statement
As the viewers cheer the system records the
A graph showing the stats of both teams
information based on the direction of the sound
juxtaposed gives a different perspective of the
and displays the appropriate stats