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Land back and saving first nations lands
from Portfolio
Costal Urbanism - Living with Water / Land Use strategies and Landscape Design
The Urban Design project focuses on improving flood management and coastal livelihoods in Pit Meadows, a city located at the edge of the Fraser River Delta. The project aims to save the Katzie Lands from flooding by utilizing strategies that enhance habitat, food and energy production, and recreational areas. The focus of the project is on the water and the rising sea level, which is analyzed in 4 time frames (2022, 2032, 2052, 2097). The project aims to create a connection between people and water, inviting more visitors to the First Nations lands.
Urban Design Stuidio II I University of British Columbia
Supervisor : Kees Lokman
Site Location: Pitt Meadows - Canada , Vancouver
Completed : SEP 2022- DEC 2022
Applications : Sketchup , Rhino , Illustartor , Photoshop