1 minute read
Brownfields and puclic health
Land use plnnig & Urban Design
Brownfields can have an indirect impact on public health in a variety of ways due to contamination that can affect on- and off-site soil, air, and water resources. Walking on the site, wind moving contamination off the site, or drinking groundwater contaminated by the site could expose people to these hazards. This might happen prior to, during, or after renovation. Brownfield redevelopment, as done in this project, is good public health practise. It can promote public health by limiting exposure to dangerous pollutants, restoring ecological balance, lowering the effects of urban heat islands, and encouraging physical exercise and recreation.
Bachelore of Urban Design and Planning Stuidio I Shiraz University
Site Location: Iran, Shiraz
Completed : SEP 2017- Nov 2017
Applications : Sketchup , Auto Cad , GIS ,Photoshop