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Site Analysis Concept
“Ghalat “is a very beautiful village which is situated 36 km northwest of Shiraz in mountainous areas with a multitude of trees and lush gardens. The local people of this village live a semi-traditional life, working in agriculture, animal husbandry, and horticulture businesses and some are busy engaging in weaving. In this village, there are buildings that can be preserved, including the village church. In recent years, this village has become a place of tourist attraction and recreation, but unfortunately, it has lost its identity and the villagers of that area do not benefit from proper urban infrastructure.
-Providing walkable, mixed-use neighborhoods People can provide their own products without commuting to town

-The residential can sustain a range of key services

-Providing an area with its own atmosphere and sense of place facing materials
-Each traditional house has its own business such as a hotel, or cafe. Restaurants and farmland how to make trust among residents.
Houses have to use the same materils which are similar with landscape of Ghalat village