Evergreen THE
October 3, 2012 Volume XLVIII, Issue 1
Laura Arnold Mere days before a monumental surgery, a mysterious letter arrived in the mail addressed to Cycling Club president sophomore Griffin Olesky, who was 10 years old at the time and had just been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. This letter, now framed in his room, turned out to be from professional cyclist and cancer-survivor Lance Armstrong, encouraging Griffin to stay strong before his thyroidectomy. “No one in my family technically knows how Lance knew [about the cancer] and why he wrote the letter. My dad had tried very hard to get Lance to reach out, but never thought he was successful. Then the letter appeared. It was very odd, but very inspiring,” Griffin said. Diagnosed with thyroid cancer at age 10, Griffin has supported Lance Armstrong’s cancer foundation, Livestrong, ever since. “That letter was life-changing, for sure. That is the main reason I became such an adamant Livestrong supporter,” Griffin said. The simple words, “Hang in there, Buddy” were enough not only to help Griffin recover, but to inspire cont’d on page 9
A Peek at Politics:
Community welcomes Chinese students
Investigating Our Ideologies
Samantha Carp
students about the world in which we live. It is a much more connected world than ever Kids with painted faces are staring and before,” Mr. Griggs said. cheering at a bunch of boys running. The boys For the two-week visit, each Chinese wear funny cushioned suits. They sprint back student is living with a Greenhill Middle or and forth on the grass exchanging a rubber Upper School student. object, often crashing to the ground. After “The people who have the time and a particularly horrific crash, the girls enthusiasm to host will find jump up and down, jingling the bells they will get a lot more than We have a attached to the long banner clipped they could ever imagine,” Mr. responsibility to their shirts. While to you and me, Frerichs said. to educate our Homecoming may not seem like Their first few days at students about Greenhill, the students toured anything out of the ordinary, it might the world in the Lower and Middle School. be to the 10 Chinese students visiting which we live. It Greenhill from Sept. 30 to Oct. 11 from “We want them to reflect is a much more back on their days as younger Taiwan, being thrown right into one of connected students and maybe see how the most intense aspects of American world than ever we do it differently,” said high school culture. before.” Mr. Griggs. Warren Frerichs, Middle and Upper School Chinese teacher, helped For the remainder of the initiate the exchange with the Minglun visit, the students will attend High School in Taipei, Taiwan. In January, Upper School classes, shadowing different Mr. Frerichs along with Head of School, Scott Greenhill students. To ensure as much Griggs and David Braemer, former Head of interaction as possible, Mr. Frerichs tried to Upper School, started meeting regularly to arrange for the Chinese students to shadow flesh out the details. different Upper School students who are not “We have a responsibility to educate our their host families. cont’d on page 10 Content Editor
A pie chart of student political affiliation (above) based upon a random survey of 88 students. For more information and charts based on the political alignment of surveyed students and faculty, turn to page 12.
In this issue...
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Photo by Gab by Das
Features Editor
News Amory Lovins
Special Report Deep Ellum
Arts Heaps of Hope
Sports Spiking It Up
Celebrated ecologist and author Amory Lovins gives his TED talk at Greenhill. News Editor Rachel Diebner and staff writer Madison Goodrich report. page 4
Design Editor Gabby Das and Senior Editor Rebecca Kim explore the large outdoor market in Deep Ellum. page 14
Sophomore Hope Rovner will participate in the Texas State Fair Cooking Competition this Saturday. Assistant Features Editor Sofia Shirley reports. page 15
Greenhill Varsity Boys Volleyball sets its sights on an SPC championship for the third year in a row. Staff writer Varun Gupta reports. page 20
Serving Greenhill since 1966
4141 Spring Valley Road, Addison, TX 75001