AIESEC Thyna - April Newsletter

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We are not the leaders of the future, we are the future of leadership... Year 1997 witnesses the establishment of AIESEC Thyna in Tunisia, located exactly in the high school of commerce in Sfax. AIESEC Thyna was born a multi-cultural, active, open minded and visional organisation And the rapid development of AIESEC Thyna has been well recognised by AIESEC International. ! " # ! % .8- .870& 6 ,* *<4*6 .*2(* ;- .(- 1 & )* .832* 3+ 8- * 1 378 .1 436 8&28 ! .2 8- * 6 *,.32 ! .2 " 92.7.& .76 *& 00= - & 44= 83 83 36 ,& 2.>* 28*6 2& 8.32& 0 6 *7.)*28 **8.2, ! .2 " 92.7.& - & 7& 2 .1 436 8&286 30* .2 8- * (39286 = *(3231 .( 0.+*

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The External Relations team is AIESEC's interface between students, companies and the public. Which means we're responsible for the stakeholder's perception of AIESEC. In general our work consists of 2 areas: = >Marketing Marketing focuses on public relations at university . At the beginning of each semester we attract new members who are interested in exchange and leadership. = >Selling To establish new partnerships with companies, we approach them to sell our different products and promote other types of collaboration e.g. workshops, presentations.


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This department deals with everything concerning our members. Starting with advertising to attract new members, we collect the necessary data to have a useful overview of them. This overview allows us to help all AIESECers to gain an idea of the opportunities existing in AIESEC and how to proceed to achieve their next personal goals.

A common tool to define your personal goals is the ‘Personal Development Talk’ which we’re also responsible for.To provide you with the wanted or needed knowledge we’ll RUJ DQL]H RU DQQRXQFH Z RUNVKRS V Z KLFK VRP HW LP HV W DNH S O DFH DW S UHW W \ FRRO FRQIHUHQFHV

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The team of Incoming Exchange and Sales (also known as ICX), is responsible for the connection between the organizations which take AIESEC interns and AIESEC as an organization. Therefore, the ICX team takes care of delivery, quality management and reselling activities of the Incoming Exchange as well as developing strategies to ensure growth in quality and quantity in the exchanges. ICX is great for students who are interested in interacting directly with foreign students coming to do internships in Sweden. You will for example be responsible for organizing and driving events together with them, helping them to get around Gothenburg, and integrate with the local student body and culture.


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* 1000 Smiles For Tunisia 1000smiles for TUNISIA during the months of February, March and April, the team has six events that were working with the Ministry of Social Affairs and other associations. => This Project has been encloses in the hotel Thyna .

* Embauche A Sfax & Le Portail d'Embauche , It is a day that the general idea is to approach large companies and recruiting young graduates to facilitate the integration of these at work and their recruitment through direct contact with them. is a national project that was held on 19 and 20 April 2013 in the Palace of Congress, our partners are: ALTEA PACKAGING. PACKAGING

* SUMMER CAMP : We Launched The Applications and was Selected MR Mehdi Belhadji as OCP and The team is in the planning phase and initiation of contacts, the number of estimated EP is 50


* HEAL THE WORLD : We Launched The Applications and was Selected MR Sami Boukhdir as OCP and The team is in the planning phase and initiation of contacts, the number of estimated EP is 50 .

* Learn For Life: The project started on 04/02/2013 with 180 Students divided to 21 groups . we got 12 EP 2 GIP .

The Outgoing Exchange team (OGX) is responsible for recruiting students for AIESEC internships. This means administer applications, conduct interviews with applicants and coach applicants into finding a suitable internship. This is very important for AIESEC, firstly because the internships are our core product, but also because these internships give us income to be able to build a sustainable organization.

Chiheb Boussetta

The OGX team works in close collaboration with the communication team, since the internships must be promoted. This includes attending promotion events, come up with promotion campaigns and hold info meetings.


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The main responsibility of the Communications team is to create a strong, brand aligned exposure and image for AIESEC amongst our stakeholder groups, manage the global brand in Stockholm as well as external and internal communication issues. The team is also responsible for ensuring that AIESEC is profiled in local/ national media. Furthermore, the communications team is overall responsible for managing online presence of AIESEC


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