Volume Two Number One
GHPAANNUAL MEETING JANUARY 29, 1986 6:00 P.M. at the
KIRBY MANSION 2000 Smith at Gray Courtesy of Thomas C. Thompson Investments, Inc.
THE PILLOT BUILDING The future ofthe Pillot Building, for the first time in a decade, looks bright, indeed. County judge jon Lindsey and Commissioners Court, at last yielding to pressure from the Greater Houston Preservation Alliance and the Texas Antiquities Committee, agreed to permit the preservation of the Pillot Building by the private sector, if developers could be identified who might be interested. An ad hoc committee was then formed in the Spring of 1985 to determine the type of County lease agreement and to identify interested developers. It was comprised of Ron Dear and Perry Simmons from the County judge's Office, County Engineer Dick Doss, Mary McKeliearfrom the County Attorney's office, Barry Moore and Minnette Boesel from the GHPA, and joe Opperman from the Texas Historical Commission.
january 1986
A draft lease and advertisement for bid was prepared and sent to Com missioners Cou rt for approval in the early summer. The final draft proposed a "footprint" ground lease with easement access on the west side, for a fifty year term. On August 13, 1985, two bidding developers were present: Bill Neuhaus, AlA, representing john Hannah, and Dick Knight, President of City Partnership Ltd. Mr. Knight was the successful bidder and had incorporated into his team Barry Moore Architects, Inc. The lease was signed on September 18, 1985 and within 60 days aschematic presentation was made, on November 14, to Dan Elswick of the Texas Historical Commission, in accordance with the terms of the lease. Pending approval by the Antiquities Committee, by way of Dan Elswick of the Texas Historical Commission, the team will proceed with contract drawings. The proposal consists of three floors, no basement, with existing wood structure replaced with fire protected steel, and an authentic restoration of the east, north, and west walls. The central stair will be replaced in steel and the vault will be preserved. A new service core wili cover the south wall, comprised of elevator, fire stairs, toilet rooms, mechanical and electrical rooms. The developers are pursuing leases in the "hospitality" industry, with a restaurant on half of the first floor and a private club on the remaining two and one-halffloors envisioned. They anticipate executing leases early in 1986 and public announcements will be made at that time.