If the prognosticators are correct, Houston has begun a slow but inexorable economic recovery_ Will Houstonians immediately jmnp on another economic juggernaut? Or will they approach renewed prosperity bearing in mind lessons of the recent past? Despite such losses as the Shamrock, the past few years have produced a renewal of faith in Houston. We have seen significant steps taken toward preservation of Buffalo Bayou and an acceleration of efforts of several groups to humanize downtown. Seizing an opportunity, entrepreneurs have restored The Warwick. And in a revival of large-scale street plantings, Trees for Houston has reclaimed a bit of lost wisdom from earlier Houston city planners and struck a blow for the long-term perspective. The return of prosperity will inevitably bring new challenges to the Preservation Alliance, in the forms of both threats and opportunities. Most notably, the fate of Freedmen's Town and Allen Parkway Village now hangs in the balance. I hope that in the 1990s we can face such challenges with the recognition that what we have deserves protection, a recognition that has seemingly broken the taboo which for years silenced the zoning debate. Zoning v.on't be a panacea, but it is a process that can serve the agenda of GHPA better than any other tool at our disposal, except perhaps education. So, in this year of challenge, I urge the entire membership to consider taking an active role in preservation. We have fourteen standing committees. ,They do the real v.orit of preservation in Houston. Please volunteer. Charles D. Maynard, Jr. President
The 1990 Annual Meeting was held on Thursday, 25 January, on West 19th Avenue in Houston Heights. The location for the meeting was specially chosen to celebrate the second anniversary of the Heights Main Street Project. Approximately ISO Alliance members and guests received a full measure of Heights hospitality from 19th Avenue merchants, who opened their shops to early evening strollers. Registration and a reception were held at Carter & Cooley Company Deli, Council member Eleanor Tinsley presents 1990 followed by dinner at the Ashland Good Brick Award to Franklin Denson for The House. The culminating event of Texas Umited. (Photo by Gaorga O. Jackson, Jr.) the eveningwas the annualmeeting, held at the Heights Theater through the generosity of owners Sharon and Gus Kopriva. Following the presentation of distinguished guests and the election of new officers and board members, an address was delivered by Roberta Brandes Gratz and the 1990 Good Brick Awards were distributed. Barrie Scardino, GHPA president, 1988-1989, acknowledged the contributions of members and volunteers during the preceding year. She introduced Margie C. Elliott, who in August became the alliance's first executive director; presented a special resolution of commendation to Mike Davis, GHPA secretary, who has moved to Dallas; and paid tribute to the memory of Patrick C. Burris, GHPA treasurer, who died 25 January. Mrs. Scardino then passed the presidential gavel to Charles D. Maynard, Jr., who praised Mrs. Scardino for her accomplishments during the past two years. Good Brick Awards were announced by Mr. Maynard and Mrs. Scardino. Recipients are the Houston Heights Association for its leadership in historic preservation in Houston through a wide range of activities in the Heights (Charles Thorpe and Randle Pace accepting); Franklin M. Denson, president of Excursion Trains, Inc., for restoration of passenger train service between Houston and Galveston; the Trustees of Hermann Hospital for restoration of the exterior and interior public spaces of the 1925 Hermann Hospital Cullen Pavilion building (Elizabeth Calderon accepting); Wyndham Hotels and Resorts, Inc. for rehabilitation of The Warwick (Larry Brown and Paul Schultz accepting); the Honorable Debra Danburg, State Representative, District 137, for championing historic preservation and neighborhood revitalization; and Javier Luna, for rehabilitation of his family's 1911 cottage on Lubbock Street in the Sixth Ward Historic District. The Honorable Eleanor Tmsley, City Council Member at Large, and John T. Hannah presented the Good Bricks to award recipients. (continued on page 4)