Potter's Papers: June 2014

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JUNE 2014

POTTER’S PAPERS Garland High School Division 2C Key Club

Volume 1 Issue 2

Caring—Our Way of Life.. Leadership, Character Building,.. Caring, and Inclusiveness..

QUOTE OF THE MONTH “When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed .” -Maya Angelou


President’s Corner


Leadership Skills


Hi Key Clubbers!

Movie Night


This has certainly been an eventful month; as the new board continues to slowly transition into our new positions, we’ve been creating more fundraisers, organizing more volunteer events, and settling new policies and rules.

Meet the Board


Upcoming Events


New Changes


T-O District Staff


Goodbye Seniors


In addition, our new theme for the 2014-2015 year was released: Harry Potter, AKA the Magic of Service! I’m so excited to see how the club will change as a result of the new atmosphere involving houses, points, and more to be revealed in the beginning of the school year. Many of the articles within this newsletter were created by board members, whom I’m incredibly grateful for! Remember that any club member can submit articles for points. As the school year comes to an end, I would like to give my thanks to every Key Clubber who I’ve met and who has touched my life in the slightest. This organization has taught me a lot about caring and leadership, and , without a doubt, it has shaped me as a person tremendously. The seniors will be sorely missed; we wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors, and we hope that you’ll come back to visit us after you graduate! I hope that everyone has a great summer, and see you guys next year! Yours in service, Linh Nguyen



COVER PHOTO: Theodora Winter QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS?: Co n tac t me by e ma il in g lin h n gu yen3412@gmail.com or message me at https:// www.facebook.com/linh.nguyen.3241 for a more timely response.

For more information about the 2014 Key Club International Convention, visit the official website: http://www.keyclub.org/events/convention.aspx


PRESIDENT Hello fellow Key Clubbers of Garland High School! I would just like to say this first month of being president has been awesome thanks to you all! Last year, for The ELIMINATE Project we were able to raise $235 in just one week and this year we raised almost $400! (YAAAAAAS!) I’m so happy because I LOVE The ELIMINATE Project, so thank you for all who participated and raised money! In one year, we have managed to raise $1,400 for The ELIMINATE Project far surpassing our goal of $1,000! Isn’t that exciting?!?!?!?! That’s definitely music to my ears! SENIORS! You will be missed greatly! Thank you for teaching us such valuable lessons on what it means to serve and lead. It was an honor working with some of you on the board as well and you will be missed dearly! Please feel free to visit when youmissed have time. You know where we’ll be on Wednesdays after school! We also organized our first movie night and it was so much fun! Not only did we get $150 for the club, we also made adorable door hangers for part one of our gift bags for Children’s Miracle Network. They look great and thanks to everyone who helped out. I can’t wait to see what else we do for CMN this year! For this upcoming summer, I am working on more fundraisers so we can get started on planning fun events at the beginning of the year. I really want us to get started away as quickly as possible and that cannot happen unless we have the funds to put on socials and other fun events! If you can, please participate in events this summer that involve a mixture of fundraising and serving. Also, if anyone has any interest in participating in any long-term projects this summer you can e-mail me and I’ll try and set you up with some people in our community! I cannot stress to you how crucial it is to stay updated with what is going on this summer! The board posts everything on Facebook so please check that out. I also send out reminders on Remind101 so you can get updates straight to your phone. If neither of those work do not hesitate to e-mail me! I will do whatever it takes to help you stay updated! It is important that all of our members are involved in order to make this club the best it can truly be. You guys ultimately decide that! The board and I will be working very hard this summer to ensure that you all have a great time this year! I hope you all will be as excited as I am about Key Club and service by the end of this year. Some things to keep in mind for this summer:  Stay updated  Participate in fundraisers  Go to summer events & socials  Keep serving in the summer Love you guys,



T’S CORNER Hello all! As the school year is coming to an end I can say that I am definitely ready to wallow around in a homework free summer while binge watching T.V. shows with my favorite ice cream. However, I can only eat so much until I fall into a food coma and become bored from the lack of activity, volunteer and otherwise. In order to prevent having a mundane summer (and because we are all kind, kind people) man I urge all members to volunteer over the summer. With the constant 100 degree weather it is important to remember that not all individuals have the comfort of air-conditioning or even food during these summer months. Honestly though, volunteering is quite fun. Need I mention all of the freebie opportunities that I have had over this past year? When Key Club volunteered to work concessions at the Cotton Bowl we basically got free passes into the Texas State Fair. On Thanksgiving I worked the Trot Shop at Turkey Trot and the lady in charge started handing out freebies (headbands, shirts, plushies, etc.) to the volunteers. The most memorable freebies are, however, the smiles. At the Trot Shop we were also instructed by the head coordinator to give out free t-shirts to those who were short a couple of dollars. The man and his young son gave all of the volunteers quite a happy grin after receiving his shirt. Volunteering, it seems, brings out the best in people. I believe that one of the most important aspects of volunteer work is the quality of empathy in which we are able to see people as people instead of someone that needs to be pitied or looked down upon. Surely, all of us will one day find ourselves in a position similar to theirs and we would appreciate the help of volunteers such as ourselves. Signing off, Ashley Tsao




LEADERSHIP SKILLS AND KEY CLUB Khalil Gibran once said, “I slept and I dreamed that life is all joy. I woke and I saw that life is all service. I served and I saw that service is joy.” As for me, Key Club developed my leadership qualities in the area of service. A leader should be able to give service to the community in order to benefit others around him or her. Throughout the year, the various events that Key Club participated in showed me the joy that comes with helping others. Knowing that the effort being put into something is benefiting others around you provides a sense of achievement that cannot be attained without putting in time. From the very first thank you I received at Turkey Trot, I realized that while my motive was just to knock out the hours I had due at the end of the month, I was also providing help to the people who needed volunteers to handle crowds and registration. This experience opened my eyes to the idea that all leaders must be servants. Once this realization was brought upon me, I decided that I wanted to participate in more volunteering opportunities with my school’s Key Club. This strengthened my leadership potential as a whole.


Key Club’s foundations of leadership and service helped my leadership skills through service opportunities and continue to promote positive ideas of leadership in others. In other events I have participated in, I have seen the smiles and happiness that I can bring to others through what I do and this continues to inspire me to be a leader and help in my community. The motivation Key Club has provided to serve as a leader is very beneficial to me as an individual and continues to help me realize the difference I make as one person. The individual can accomplish so much through realizing that service can contribute to making a better leader in serving the community. All in all, being a servant has been the best leadership skill that I have developed through Key Club. Without this skill, I wouldn't be the person that I am today, and I would have a much different mindset about the world and my responsibility as a privileged citizen. Because I am grateful for what I have, I truly believe that the service that I contribute to the world now leads to a path of greatness and leadership in the future. –Josh Mathew

Seduction Seduction 101 101

1. Make it clear that you show interest in them, but don’t make it blatantly obvious or else you will scare them away. You do not want that to happen ever. 2. Become the Alpha male. Remember that you must be tough to get. Don’t give them all your time and energy yet. Instead, spend all that time and energy pretending to work out at the gym by taking selfies while you flex as hard as you can. Take pictures of protein shakes and brag on Facebook that you ate 100 grams of protein every day. This will give off the image that you have better things to do than to talk to her, and she will instantly want you. Probably. 3. If they show no interest in you, move on immediately or else you will get hurt later on. You might try to show how strong your muscles are in front of them and end up getting beaten up by a bunch of guys who have been lifting ever since you were born. Getting beat up is not a fun thing and it does not help your image at all unless she is a sadist. That is bad, too. 4. The most crucial thing you need is confidence. You are never wrong. You are always right even if you know you are wrong. Only weak men admit they made mistakes. This might result in you having a hard time getting a girl, but remember this: at least you lift.

5. If she ever gets mad at you for any reason, the best solution to resolve it is to tell her you will make it up to her. Proceed to tell her that you’ll buy her food. Everyone loves food and if she does not like food then I think you should not be with her in the first place. Take her to McDonalds and buy her the McChicken off the dollar menu. It will show her you are conservative with money, meaning you must be rich. Girls like guys who are rich. If you are feeling really ballsy, take as many ketchup packets/napkins as you can as well. That gets all the ladies. (; 6. Never explain your actions towards her. If you two start becoming a thing, drop her immediately and don’t speak to her. Girls like guys who are mysterious; they like the chase. Never ever pick up the phone because that shows you gave in. 7. Disclaimer: This is the most important tip that I can give you. In fact, you didn’t even need to read the other ones so just toss them in the trash. Join Key Club. Become active in your community. Run for an officer position in your school’s club. Even better, run for a district position and do your job with excellence. Participate in your club’s events. You’ll meet your significant other eventually. Girls dig key clubbers. –Hogan Nguyen


After hours of preparation, students started showing up to the cafeteria and to get started on the door hangers we decorated for Children’s Miracle Network. As a new board of officers, we felt it was important to do something with the club before the year ended so we could solidify our new positions and I’d say we succeeded! Putting on this event also taught us important lessons on how to plan events for this future. After attending DCON and the PCM, we found out some great ideas about how to fundraise and combine them with service projects as well, so we held a movie night. For a fundraiser, we provided dinner and a movie and charged people tickets for $7 and $10 at the door. We figured this would be an incentive for people to who normally wait to buy there tickets, that way we can have a head count of who all is coming and bring enough food. Officers can each bring food in order to maximize profits. For a service project, we decorated door hangers for Children’s Miracle Network! If you go to Michael’s, maybe even Target or Walmart you can buy them there. Before the movie started, we brought supplies and asked everyone to decorate one. It’s really great to see how hard some people work to try and make something for children great! We provided scissors, ribbons, markers stencils and foam door hangers to decorate. Most of the supplies we used were extras from our scrapbook so this event is a great idea for after DCON when a club might need extra funds and also still want to do a fundraiser!

THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND  Don’t underestimate the costs! The foam door hangers were about $9.50 for a pack of 9 so it might cut out of your profits more than you intend.  Not everyone will enjoy the movie you pick, but you can ask the members to vote on what they want and see which one is the most popular.  Take this opportunity as a marketing tool for new members! Many people who weren’t in Key Club enjoyed it and wanted to join! PLANNING  Ask your school if you can reserve the cafeteria and make sure there are not too many other things going on that day  Ask your librarian to reserve a projector. You will have to have your advisor or an adult to make sure the projector is taken care of and locked up properly.  Have someone be in charge of getting all of the supplies. One thing we tried to do is get people to bring scissors and label theirs so we don’t lose them.  Try to make as much food as you can. We have people make fried rice, desserts and bring sodas. We also bought pizza so there was enough variety  Make tickets and start advertising! Advertising is key to attracting nonmembers!  Bring music and speakers so guests can enjoy themselves while they decorate door hangers.

This is only the first step in our project to make awesome goodie bags for Children’s Miracle Network, but it was a great event that taught us a lot about what we can accomplish as a board this year and the members that came gave us great reviews! An event like this only motivates you to have even work harder for this upcoming year. -Theodora Winter


I remember, as a freshman, the first club I joined was Key Club. I was introduced to it by a lot of upper classmen, advertising it to me saying how this club was a wonderful, engaging club where you help out your community. I decided to give it a try and join it. Ever since from my first event, which was the Turkey Trot, I immensely fell in love with key club. I was so amazed on a group of people engaging to help out on such a huge event to make it all work out. From helping pass out water and oranges to the runners, to helping at different stations, either at the bouncy houses or helping sell t-shirts or souvenirs, I was worked out at the end. But mostly I saw that volunteering, not only at this event, but so many other events I have been to, I saw that it helped me grow and transform myself into a more involved person who helps out the community, and a more interactive person. Throughout, so far my two years of key club, it has been an amazing experience. As a member in this club, I’ve learned to be more interactive with people from many types of backgrounds, which gave me a chance to develop my communication and social skills. I’ve become more open to many new things and am always excited to sign up for a new event to go to. This club taught me the importance of helping others, of going out there in the world and spreading the word to get involved. No matter how small or big the job I would get, I would always get this sensation inside of me, a feeling of accomplishment. And since last year, I have seen that I’ve been involved into other clubs and organizations, wanting to take the lead as a leader and guiding others to come join us too. Key Club has opened my eyes into a path of helping others, putting this vision of where our community, as one whole can become a greater one if everyone just pitches in. I love being part of such an energetic club where one can get along with each other and compromise. Through key club, you can find yourself always making friends, helping others, and taking the lead in projects. You never feel left out because everyone is so caring and energetic. You feel like it’s a second family where a group of people goes out together to make a difference in the world. And ever since I have been part of such an enthusiastic club, I know I will never stop volunteering and helping out the community.

-Jackie Sandoval



RAQUEL PALMA TREASURER raquelpalma2015@gmail.com


THEO W PRESID theoforawinter


HOGAN NGUYEN HISTORIAN hoganth3@yahoo.com

JACKIIE SA WEBMA strawberry4772



WINTER DENT r@gmail.com

TIFFANY YANG SECRETARY OF MINUTES tiffany.r.yang@gmail.com


ANDOVAL ASTER 2@gmail.com

JOSH MATHEW SERGEANT-AT-ARMS mrjoshmathew@gmail.com

LINH NGUYEN BULLETIN EDITOR linhnguyen3412@gmail.com








new changes in our club

Hi everyone! Thank you to those who voted me as your Secretary of Hours. J I am excited to serve on the 2014-2015 board and see what next year has in store for us as a club. A change that I will be enforcing this year is PROBATION. Every two months, you are required to serve thirteen hours. If you do not complete the thirteen hours bi-monthly, then you will receive a strike. This means you are on probation. Theo, our president, and I will be keeping an eye on you and make sure you are a qualified Key Club member. On the third strike your membership will be suspended and you will no longer be part of GHS’s Key Club. However, there will be plenty of events next school year so I have confidence in you all to get your hours in! On every general meeting date, I will update the hours sheet and you will be able to check on yout check on your activities to avoid receiving a strike. Another thing I want to encourage next year is DCON. I have attended District Convention twice now and both weekends include some of my favorite memories. I hope we will have more attendees next year because it gives everyone a chance to bond, meet new people, and be reminded of the importance of serving our community. Fundraising is also on top of my list of priorities as a board member. This school year, we were able to raise one thousand dollars for the ELIMINATE Project. As a united club, I hope we are able to achieve this goal again to help mothers and their babies from maternal and neonatal tetanus. Kiwanis plans to raise $110 million by 2015 so this is the year we must participate in to ensure the Kiwanis family is able to reach their goal!! ………………………………………—Jessie Doan































As you move on to the next big p you never forget the time that y School Key Clubber. We’re so pro done, and we wish you the best of



part of your life, we hope that you spent as a Garland High oud of you for all that you’ve f luck in your future endeavors!



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