January 5th, 2018 “Now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been.” Welcome back Lancers! We are almost half way through the 20172018 school year. We hope that with the new year and new semester, Lancers will continue to show dedication and purpose. We are looking forward to everything that 2018 will bring!
Mr. Braydon Eden had the wonderful opportunity to sing the national anthem at the Slcc Stars game on Friday, December 29th. Mr. Eden is the very talented LIA (Latinos in Action) Teacher. What a great way to represent Granger High School!
At our first home region basketball game against Hunter High on Tuesday the 9th, BRIO will be selling a pasta and salad plate at the concessions stand for only $5! The food will be excellent. Support the boys and girls basketball team by having a great meal at the basketball game!
Citizenship Make-Up Seniors, Citizenship make-up occurs at Granger every day. In order to walk at Graduation, students must have a minimum 2.0 CPA to graduate. Citizenship is earned based on your attendance to classes. If you are below a 2.0 in CPA, you must complete hours to improve your CPA. Visit our website to find out more information at: citizenship-make-up-information/ Saturday School Our next Saturday School will be January 20th, from 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. Students need to bring homework or something to work on, and no electronic devices are allowed. GHS Food Pantry Here at Granger we are lucky enough to have a food pantry. It is available to students who may not have any food at home. If you or someone you know is in need of food, please go to the counseling center. Yearbooks! Buy a 2017-18 yearbook for $45 at -- be sure to select Granger High in West Valley City, UT. Social Media Club We are starting a new Social Media club. We will be creating and posting the activities and events happening at Granger, so if you are an expert or just wanting to learn, come join the Social Media Club! We will have a short meeting on January 10th. Come see Mr. Pike in Room G-202 at 2:15 P.M. for more information.
Here is how Lancers can redeem their Lancer Pride G Cards! Check out all the different things students can recieve for showing Lancer Pride!
PARENT INVOLVEMENT Parents and Community Members, We have implemented a new system to help our students know and practice our monthly Lancer Pride Expectations. We have many resources available for our teachers and students to accomplish this. With a combination of monthly infographics and episodes of The Harbor by Jostens Renaissance we hope that our students will know and practice each monthly expectation. These expectations will help them to be college and career ready! If you’d like to know more about The Harbor by Jostens Renaissance, please visit their website: If you’d like to see the most recent video that students watched on Monday, December 18th, you can watch it using this link!
Jan. 8th
Jan. 9th
Jan. 10th Jan. 11th
Jan. 12th
Mens Freshman Basketball vs Hunter @ 5:15pm5:45pm
Swim @ Hillcrest @ 3:00pm3:30pm Mens and Womens Basketball vs. Hunter @ 3:30pm 4:00pm Community Council Mtg @ 3:30pm5:00pm
Wrestling vs Cyprus @ 6:00pm6:30pm
Wrestling @ Kearns @ 4:00 pm4:30 pm Swim vs Cottonwood @ 3:00pm3:30pm
END OF TERM! NO SCHOOL! Mens and Womens Basketball @ Kearns @ 3:30pm 4:00pm
Jan. 15th
Jan. 16th Jan. 17th Jan. 18th
Jan. 19th
Swim vs Ben Lomand @ 3:00pm3:30pm Lady Basketball vs Hillcrest @ 3:30pm
Wrestling Excalibur Duals @ Northridge @ 6:00pm6:30 pm Drama w/ Utah Theatre Association: Layton
Wrestling @ Hillcrest @ 4:00pm4:30pm
Drill Region: Kearns Wrestling vs Hunter @ 6:00pm6:30 pm Drama w/ Utah Theatre Association: Layton Swim vs Cyprus @ 3:00pm3:30 pm
Would you like to see our daily announcements? You can view every episode of GTV @ or on our youtube channel @ You can also stay up to date on the more detailed things going on here at Granger by seeing all our newspaper stories online! You can find them @ Remember that you can also stay connected with Granger High School by following us on all social media platforms, and checking our website where we often post announcements, videos, and other important/cool items!
Lancer Pride |Thoughtful|Empowered|Connected| Granger High School 3580 S 3600 W West Valley City, UT 84119 (385) 646-5320