Augusta University Strategic Communications and Marketing Exercise FY20

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FY20 Strategic Communications and Marketing Exercise Define Targets

Consumer Insight


Measure Results

Prepared by: Division of Communications and Marketing

FY20 Unit Goals The contents of this book are laid out according to our unit goals below.

reputation and 1 Enhance brand recognition of Augusta University

Earned media focused on market differentiation like research, health sciences and cyber.


Student recruitment and retention in defined markets Execution of comprehensive advertising campaign mirroring enrollment areas of focus to accomplish 16x30.


Web platform enhancements to meet demand Migration and relaunch of intranet. Web governance structure operationalized.

processes and 4 Improve policies to maximize

efficiencies as core unit Focus on institutional data literacy. Representation of core unit services. Training opportunities and resource offerings.

This book outlines communications and marketing highlights from the previous year and lays out plans for the future fiscal year. The growth Augusta University has seen over the past year is truly remarkable, and we want to do our part to keep the momentum going. This year we are challenged to continue to boost applications from key markets for 20202021 academic year and deliver high quality qualified applicants. Communications and marketing plans are completed with input from the unit’s workgroup composed of unit leadership and DCM. Every member is a brand champion, so varied perspectives and voices are involved in developing the overarching plans. We focus on understanding what is most important and influential to our target audiences and defining who they are. Different audiences require different messaging and different tactics. Understanding and segmenting audiences enables us to maximize the effectiveness of our efforts toward reaching those people who can best help us meet our goals. All efforts outlined align with the Beyond Boundaries Strategic Plan and division goals. Our efforts are measured continually to ensure we are meeting our goals at All results are for FY19: July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019.

Student Recruitment Message Map OPPORTUNITY

Students have abundant access to leadership roles, internships, hands-on experiences, etc. Professors are genuinely invested in student success and focused on their matriculation Early access to world-class resources and classrooms (health sciences campus, health system, new CSM, Georgia Cyber Center, new GCC Research Building, etc.)

Students who want success and who want to make a difference can find the opportunities to do so and the support to make it happen.


A diverse and broad selection of courses (Cyber Sciences, BS to MD/ DMD, connection to health sciences, etc.) Our diverse student body prepares coeds for the real world by exposing them to a wide array of cultures A broad range of inter-disciplinary degrees and interprofessional programs give students the opportunity to find their calling and gain real-world experience in problem solving


Faculty and staff care about their students and are driven by their success. World-class & nationally recognized programs. Most students are taught by PhD level professors, not only graduate assistants.

Augusta University offers an education that will challenge students.

Our broad range of unique programs and multicultural student body provides an academically and culturally rewarding experience.

Positioning Statement: Our students have a unique advantage, created by Augusta University’s diversity in thought, culture and collaboration, to create their own path and shape their own future. PARTNER IN STUDENT SUCCESS

Programs that aid in post-graduate hiring, notably in the health professions and cyber security Early access to world class resources and classrooms (health sciences campus, health system, new CSM, Georgia Cyber Center, new GCC Research Building, etc.) Faculty-to-student ratio aids in higher student success; professors do not allow students to fall through the cracks.

Augusta University values student success and is invested in making it happen.


Affordability gives Augusta University a competitive edge against other Georgia schools. Early access to world class resources and classrooms (health sciences campus, health system, new CSM, Georgia Cyber Center, new GCC Research Building, etc.) Though less expensive than many comparable schools, AU can provide more individual attention due to smaller size and fewer students

A high-quality education at a very competitive price.


PIONEERS • Undergraduate • Seek Opportunity and mentorship • Curious • Value diversity • Innovators TRAILBLAZERS • Graduate level • Accomplished • Strong work ethic • Goal-oriented • Motivated PARENTS OF PIONEERS • Seeking bright future for students • Involved • Opinionated • Concerned

Augusta University is not for someone who wants to disappear into a giant student body or attend college for only the social life. It’s for students looking for diversity in programs and people, high value tuition, leadership opportunities and mentorship, and access to world-class resources and classrooms.

Consumer Insights to Inform Strategy: Preferred method of receiving information about universities 43%





May 2019

Prospective students prefer to receive information about colleges through social media, the internet, mailings and TV. We use this insight to develop our advertising campaigns and employ a heavy digital presence along with utilizing new TV technologies, such as connected TV, to reach audiences. We want to reach potential students at the right place and right time when they are looking for a college or university. Augusta University partners with National Research Corporation to conduct bi-annual online surveys of the CSRA and target counties in the Atlanta area. The objective of the survey is to measure familiarity with Augusta University among target audiences, understand the impact of advertising for Augusta University and to determine the method in which prospective students want to be reached with our message. Study Methodology: 140 recipients completed the survey in May 2019 with a standard error range Âą 8.3% at 95% confidence level. Participants self-identify as prospective students of Augusta University.

Reputation and Brand Recognition: 1Enhance JagWire and JagWire Weekly Jagwire Top Stories

JagWire: The source for news and stories from Augusta University and AU Health

1. Augusta University named safest college campus in Georgia 2. Spit it out: 4 things saliva reveals about your health 3. Drug used for PTSD may worsen nightmares, not reduce suicidal thoughts 4. Drinking baking soda could be an inexpensive, safe way to combat autoimmune disease 5. Pro-biotic use is a link between brain fogginess, severe bloating

2:21 Average Time on Page

695,028 Pageviews

442,684 Sessions

JagWire Weekly: Weekly email to AU employees, staff and students

50 emails sent 42% Average Open Rate Industry Average: 21.80%

3% Average Click Rate Industry Average: 2.48%

227,941 New Users

Recognition: 1Enhance Reputation and Brand Student Stories Student Recruitment Stories

4,649 Pageviews

New JagNation Site: A site for students

3:27 Average Time on Page

JagNation Top Stories 1. 2 peas in a pod. 5 tips for living with a roommate 2. 6 tips for picking the right college 3. Should I get a do anything degree 4. 5 cyber degrees to launch your career

2:55 Average Time on Page

77,927 Pageviews

5. 7 health care degrees guaranteed to make you stand out

Reputation and Brand Recognition: 1 Enhance Expert Spotlights

Top 5 Experts by Media Inquiries

ExpertFile ExpertFile is used to market the university’s experts and their areas of expertise. Spotlights are articles created by the ExpertFile team that feature one or more of our experts and ties their expertise to newsworthy topics going on in the media. Expertfile distributes the spotlights to their social media channels as well as through their partner, the Associated Press.

26 Expert Spotlights

87 Experts

Top 5 Experts by Profile Views

and Brand Recognition: 1 Enhance Reputation Social Media Highlights

Content highlighting students and value performs best with Augusta University’s audiences.

20,277,689 Impressions

1,250,809 Impressions

568,975 Impressions

329,141 Engagements

28,445 Engagements

9,262 Engagements

303,186 Message Clicks

895 Profile Clicks

2,208 Link Clicks

Top Performing Post

Top Performing Post

Top Performing Post

Augusta University branded merchandise and alumni throwback stories perform best with Augusta University Alumni audiences. 314,809 Impressions

153,366 Impressions

120,360 Impressions

18,089 Engagements

5,949 Engagements

1,752 Engagements

11,207 Message Clicks

81 Profile Clicks

271 Link Clicks

Top Performing Post

Top Performing Post

Top Performing Post

Recruitment and Retention: 2 Student FY19 Results FY19 Campaign Overview Objective: Complement admissions efforts in key markets for the 2018-2019 academic year and help drive qualified undergraduate applicant leads.

Over 56 million impressions

7,291 Apply Click Conversions

Strategy: Reach potential students and their parents driving qualified applications through consolidated media within top performing channels. Platforms: Print, Radio, Broadcast TV, Outdoor, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Remarketing, Paid Search and Digital Display

Over 211,000 native ad clicks

380,783 Total Clicks

TV resulted in over 1 million attributable web sessions

Digital Display resulted in over 2,000 apply click conversions Search drove nearly 4,000 apply click conversions

Social media drove more than 14,000 post engagements and over 1,000 apply clicks

Conversions by Market: Driving applications in key areas Campaign “Apply Click� by Area

Admissions Applications by Area


Student Recruitment and Retention: Be Boundless FY20 Campaign

Full Media Mix Funnel

Recruitment and Retention: 2 Student Schools and Colleges Earned Media Coverage: Number of Mentions FY19

Advertising Support

Medical College of Georgia .................. 2,899 Pamplin .................................................... 407 Cyber and Computer Sciences ................. 316 College of Nursing ................................... 191 Dental College of Georgia........................ 151 Hull ........................................................... 110 College of Education ................................. 76 College of Science and Mathematics ........ 45 Allied Health .............................................. 19

Website Enhancements Special Projects Special Projects, such as IGive and the President’s Gala, increase in engagement year over year and support employee engagement, retention and student scholarships.

FY20 Recommendations • Use templates for new undergraduate and faculty recruitment materials • Promote the school or college through spotlight student stories to incorporate into our Be Boundless digital advertising efforts • Continue to recognize expert faculty on Jagwire • Up our content game: contribute to the Jagnation student site with information on new exciting programs, student initiatives and student stories site

3 Web Platform Enhancements to Meet Demand:

Relaunch of Intranet and Web Governance Framework New Intranet Site

Migrating intranet data to the OUCampus platform, the same content management system used for the university’s external webpages, will ultimately provide more stability, flexibility and better long-term support with development options. Throughout this process, employees have had the opportunity to provide feedback and point out areas where the new platform might be inconvenient or inefficient.

Project Timeline

February 1st, 2019: Demo period begins

October 1st, 2019 PAWS closing process begins.

April1st, 2019: Soft launch

December 31st, 2019 PAWS decommission.

July 1st, 2019: Midpoint review

2020 Implementation complete.

Web Governance Early this year a web governance framework was drafted by the Provost’s office in an effort to help Web Services make some of the important decisions that have impacts across all of the University’s units. This framework consists of an Executive Committee and four sub-committees that address key areas in our web infrastructure. Web Services has been working closely with each of these committees (Homepage Advisory Committee, College and Unit Advisory Committee, Intranet Advisory Committee, and Operations Advisory Committee) to answer questions that can help Augusta University plan for the next several years of success.

Processes and Policies: 4 Improve DCM Experts

DCM Awards and Recognition FY19:

TELLY AWARDS • Silver: CHOG Advancing the Power of Kids, Physics Students Take On Electric & Circuits, and May Is For Miracles • Bronze - Be Boundless: Create Your Own Path, Be Boundless Opportunity Awaits, and CHOG Power of Kids social campaign ASTER AWARDS • Gold - AU Care Center “Welcome” Campaign, “Power of Kids” :15 Social Videos & “Power of Kids” • Silver - “Welcome” :30 TV, “Power of Kids” Reagan + Tres and “Power of Kids” Outdoor • Bronze - “Power of Kids” :30 TV • Judge’s Choice - “Power of Kids” Campaign 2018 CASE DISTRICT III AWARDS COMPETITION • Award of Excellence - Augusta University Digital Magazines • Special Merit - #AUGEclipse Media Relations Campaign, A. Augusta University’s Alumni Magazine & CHOG 20th Anniversary Microsite

DCM hosted training opportunities and resource offerings for Augusta University faculty and staff during FY19 including:

Media Training 112 registered attendees

HEALTHCARE ADVERTISING AWARDS • Best of Show - “Power of Kids” :15 social videos GEORGIA HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION TARGET AWARDS • Gold - Integrated Campaign “Power of Kids” and Children’s 20th Anniversary Microsite • Silver - Child Life Specialist Social Media Highlight AMERICAN ADVERTISING AWARDS • Silver - Augusta University Holiday Card, Erica Be Boundless, and Augusta University Acceptance Packet • Bronze - AU Social Media Ambassador Box and Children’s 20 Microsite

Web Training 168 people trained 36 courses held

2018 COLLEGIATE ADVERTISING AWARDS • Judge’s Choice for Total Advertising Campaign (Be Boundless) 2018 EDUCATION DIGITAL MARKETING AWARDS • Gold – Blog Sites: JagNation Student Life Blog Site & Social Media Hub: Augusta University Social Media Hub • Silver – Total Marketing Program: Augusta University Cyber Digital Campaign • Bronze – Social Media: Social Media Content

Storytelling Workshop 35 registered attendees

National Speaking Engagements:

• “Consumer Insights Drive Brand Strategy” NRC Health Symposium • “Create Successful Content Marketing Strategies Using Real Time Analytics” Healthgrades Healthshare Symposium • “JagNation Case Study: How to Use Analytics to Inform Content” CASE Annual Conference on Marketing and Branding • “Nurturing a Happy Workplace” HCIC Healthcare Internet Conference

Instagram Workshop 63 registered attendees

For the latest DCM activities and results, visit

4 Improve Processes and Policies: Beyond Boundaries Key Performance Indicators

Core Unit Services



Total Fall Enrollment 1 Year Retention Rate

6 Year Graduation Rate


Publications, Presentations, Exhibitions, Etc.

Sponsored Awards


$ Degrees Awarded


student engagement employee engagement diversity

NIH Medical School Rankings

philanthropy tuition revenue


instructional cost per FTE student administrative proportion of total budget


Patient Experience/ Satisfaction

Health Care Transitions of Access Care Health System Operating Margin

Economic Impact

Professional Engagement # of Cyber-Related Collaborations

theGA latest 1120 15th Street | For Augusta, 30912DCM activities and results, visit

FY20 Strategic Communications and Marketing Exercise Define Targets

Consumer Insight


Measure Results

Prepared by: Division of Communications and Marketing Prepared by: Division of Communications and Marketing

FY20 Unit Goals The contents of this book are laid out according to our unit goals below.

reputation and 1 Enhance brand recognition of Augusta University

Earned media focused on market differentiation like research, health sciences and cyber.


Patient recruitment and retention in defined markets Execution of comprehensive advertising campaign with a focus on branding and site advertising to support new clinic expansion.


Web platform enhancements to meet demand Migration and relaunch of intranet. Migration and relaunch of health system website.

processes and 4 Improve policies to maximize

efficiencies as core unit Focus on institutional data literacy. Representation of core unit services. Training opportunities and resource offerings.

This book outlines communications and marketing highlights from the previous year and lays out plans for the future fiscal year. This year we are challenged to breakthrough the clutter and solve existing market confusion as it relates to our brand as well as increase awareness of new Care Centers and sites. Communications and marketing plans are completed with input from the unit’s workgroup often composed of unit leaders and DCM. Every member is a brand champion, so varied perspectives and voices are involved in developing the overarching plans. We focus on understanding what is most important and influential to our target audiences and defining who they are. Different audiences require different messaging and different tactics. Understanding and segmenting audiences enables us to maximize the effectiveness of our efforts toward reaching those people who can best help us meet our goals. All efforts outlined align with the Beyond Boundaries Strategic Plan and division goals. Our efforts are measured continually to ensure we are meeting our goals at All results are for FY19: July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019.

Consumer Insights to Inform Strategy

A key differentiator is defined as the business attribute(s) and/or unique value that clearly separates it from the competition in a particular marketplace. As shown in the chart below, we need to continue to keep our preference in pediatric services while increasing our key differentiators of widest range of services, latest technology and equipment, and cancer treatment preference. The responses are from quarterly NRC Health survey conducted April-June 2019 in the Augusta market n=128 and standard error range ± 8.7% at the 95% confidence level.

The Brand Dashboard displays a high-level summary of brand performance. The dashboard shows six main KPIs: Awareness, Recall, Image, Preference, NPS, and Loyalty Index. The dashboard is used to monitor brand loyalty and uncover trends happening in the market.

July-Sept ‘17

Oct-Dec ‘17

Jan-March ‘18

Apr-June 2018

Jul-Sept ‘18

Oct-Dec ‘18

Jan-March ‘19

Apr-June ‘19

1Enhance Reputation and Brand Recognition:

JagWire and The Weekly Checkup Jagwire Top Stories

JagWire: The source for news and stories from Augusta University and AU Health.

1. Augusta University named safest college campus in Georgia 2. Spit it out: 4 things saliva reveals about your health 3. Drug used for PTSD may worsen nightmares, not reduce suicidal thoughts 4. Drinking baking soda could be an inexpensive, safe way to combat autoimmune disease 5. Probiotic use is a link between brain fogginess, severe bloating

2:21 Average Time on Page

695,028 Pageviews

The Weekly Checkup: Weekly email to Augusta University Health employees

227,941 New Users

442,684 Sessions

Earned Media Mentions Coverage: Number of Mentions FY19 2,881

Earned media mentions for our branded entities is key to enhance reputation and recognition.

42% Average Open Rate Industry Average: 21.80%

1,349 1,191

3% Average Click Rate Industry Average: 2.48%


Augusta University Health

Georgia Cancer Center

AU Health

Children’s Hospital of Georgia

Reputation and Brand Recognition: 1 Enhance Blogs and Patient Stories CHOG Blog Top Stories

1. I found cigarettes in my child’s room! What do I do now? 2. More than just a cough: Whooping cough or Croup?

63,779 Pageviews

3. Identifying the three P’s: Poison oak, poison ivy, and poison sumac 4. Everything you need to know about ear infections (but didn’t know to ask)

2:33 Average Time on Page

5. Do french fries count as vegetables?

Your Health Today Top Stories 1. What the Health? Am I burping too much? 78,743 Pageviews

2. The Keto Diet: Eat fat. Burn fat. Lose weight? 3. Fact: Your cellphone is dirtier than a toilet seat 4. What you need to know about intermittent fasting

2:44 Average Time on Page

5. How to ward off winter weight gain strategies to avoid unwanted pounds

Patient Stories Top Stories 1. Hannah: Living with high blood pressure 2. Bearett: Hope is not lost 3. Sean: attitude and faith

18,580 Pageviews

4. Mary Bennet: That’s my tough mark 5. Meg and Sydnie: A story of a mother and daughter 2:09 Average Time on Page

and Brand Recognition: 1Enhance Reputation Social Media Highlights Patient stories and behind the scenes look at providers perform best with Augusta University Health audiences. 4,646,125 Impressions

103,406 Impressions

432,271 Impressions

72,232 Engagements

2,608 Engagements

2,697 Engagements

57,489 Message Clicks

37 Profile Clicks

844 Link Clicks

Top Performing Post

Top Performing Post

Top Performing Post

Staff interactions and patient stories perform best with Children’s Hospital of Georgia audiences. 9,826,655 Impressions

367,149 Impressions

290,765 Impressions

705,143 Engagements

15,288 Engagements

1,732 Engagements

663,726 Message Clicks

246 Profile Clicks

334 Link Clicks

Top Performing Post

Top Performing Post

Top Performing Post

Recruitment and Retention: 2 Patient Targeted Brand and Image Campaign Goals • Increase brand recognition in market • Capitalize on “MCG” related search activity • Educate market around services offered • Increase form completions, calls and downstream system wide encounter volume Strategy This campaign is focused on using digital marketing strategies and tactics to increase new patient volume and retain patients searching for care options in market. While promoting brand awareness, we will effectively drive phone calls and appointment requests to ensure tracking on this brand specific initiative. FY20 Recommendations: • Digital: Native Connected TV Paid Search Display Social YouTube • Direct Mail • Email • Outdoor • Print • Radio • TV/Cable

Over 1,000 new patients from direct mail, email and digital saw an 18% increase in pageviews compared to FY18

16,313,745 Impressions

Over 29,000 native ad clicks with 0.29 CTR

$34:1 ROI

Over 6,100 online appointment requests for clinical services

$5.6 Million Contribution Margin

Top keywords include: Augusta University Hospital, Augusta Health, Augusta University Georgia

Retention: 2 Patient Recruitment andCare Centers

Goals • Create awareness around the new care center locations • Build primary care patient rosters • Drive downstream utilization within the system

Strategy Introduce Augusta University Care Centers, AU’s most recent ambulatory offerings, throughout the Augusta region offering primary and multi-specialty care. Connect consumers and patients to the nearest Care Center to make an appointment. FY20 Recommendations: • Digital: Connected TV Paid Search Pandora Social • Direct Mail • Email • Outdoor • Print • Radio • TV/Cable

5,978,780 Impressions

98 New Patients

$54,500 Contribution Margin

Direct Mail


Patient Recruitment and Retention:

2 Children’s Hospital of Georgia and Georgia Cancer Center Children’s Hospital of Georgia Goals • Incremental encounters for Children’s Hospital of Georgia • Downstream encounters for specialty service lines • Registrations for the CHOG blog and utilization amongst New Mothers

Over 1.3 Million 606 New Patients Impressions

$1.6 Million Contribution Margin

Strategy The Pediatric campaign features an omni-channel strategy to drive incremental encounter volume for the Children’s Hospital of Georgia. The campaign also includes an eNewsletter campaign sent to New Moms to acquire new patients. FY20 Recommendations: • Digital: Native, Paid Search, Social • Direct Mail and Email • Outdoor • Print • Radio

Georgia Cancer Center Direct Mail & Email

Goals • Promote risk assessments • Increase screening volume • Drive downstream oncology services • Create overall awareness around cancer services offered at the center Strategy The oncology campaign features an omni-channel strategy to promote completions of the oncology HRAs and to drive incremental screening volume and downstream oncology encounters and procedures with both patients and non-patients.

4,164,019 Impressions

77 New Patients

$1.3 Million Contribution Margin

FY20 Recommendations: • Digital: Paid Search, Social • Direct Mail and Email • Outdoor • Print • Radio • TV/Cable

Retention: 2 Patient Recruitment andDirect Mail

New Movers Campaign: Targets people that are new to the area

380 New Patients

$1.3 million Contribution Margin

Primary Care Acquisition: Targets those that do not have a PCP

552 New Patients

$18:1 ROI

CRM Campaigns

8,626,909 Impressions

174 New Patients

FY20 Recommendations • Consumer Targeting: Digital Search, Email, Health Risk Assessments (HRA) • Healthgrades Premium • Continue content creation: patient storytelling, provider contributions, • Outreach: focus on updating existing team sheets and highlight new physicians • Expertfile • Earned media opportunities

Platform Enhancements to Meet Demand: 3Web Online Reputation FY19 Overview is an online database of doctors, dentists and hospitals where potential patients can search and request an appointment with a provider. Searches: Number of times our physicians appeared in a patient search.

Calls: Number of calls from physician profiles. Transfers: Number of transfers to make an appointment. New Patient ROI: ROI attributed to new patients not seen in system in previous two years.

Online Reputation Score

Online reputation is measured on a scale of 0-1,000. Best in class for healthcare is 880.

Web Platform Enhancements to Meet Demand: 3 Relaunch of Intranet and Health System Website New Intranet Site

Migrating intranet data to the OUCampus platform, the same content management system used for the university’s external webpages, will ultimately provide more stability, flexibility and better long-term support with development options. Throughout this process, employees have had the opportunity to provide feedback and point out areas where the new platform might be inconvenient or inefficient. New Consumer Site

The new site for Augusta University Health will create a more effective web presence focused on the patient experience and reinforce our commitment to quality care and access. The site will promote connectivity amongst patients and physicians, streamline content with a clean structure and strategy, and leverage intuitive design to support user engagement, education and conversion. Site to be launched FY20.

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