Portfolio - Giacomo Bergonzoni

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giacomo bergonzoni www.bergonzoni.org


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MANIFATTURA BVLGARI (BIM-Revit,Navisworks,Dynamo) PINACOTECA CENTO (HBIM-Revit,Dynamo) DISCOUNT (BIM-Archicad,BIMcloud) VILLA TORINO (BIM-Revit) BONFIGLIOLI EVO (BIM-Revit,Dynamo,BIMTrack) MASDAR CONDO (BIM-Revit,Insight360) MISSAGLIA (BIM-Revit,Dynamo) THE STUDENT HOTEL (BIM-Revit | Laser Scanning) CIMS RESEARCH (HBIM-Revit | Laser Scanning) VILLA MANERBIO (BIM-Revit) WS PARAMETRICO COSTRUTTIVO (Computational Design) BIOSPHERA 2.0 (Computational Design) VILLA SAVOSA (BIM-Revit) REGIONAL WINERY (Modeling-Rhino+Grasshopper) CHIESA SAN DISMA (BIM-Revit)


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STRETCHING THE SKY (Computational Design) RECYCLE HARBOR (Computational Design) EXAGON (Computational Design) InBO (Computational Design) TREEHOUSES IN PARADISE (Computational Design) FLOWING SPACES (Computational Design) ECOTONES (Computational Design) (TRANS)FORMATIONS (Computational Design) MVA (Modeling-3ds Max) CHURCH FLOWER OF MADAGASCAR (Modeling) WORKSHOP SAIENERGIA (BIM-Revit) LIVING & WORKING ALONG THE CENTER (BIM-Revit) CASA DI LUCA (Modeling-3ds Max) CORE HOUSE (BIM-Revit)

Best project finalist project archilovers 2017 AEC Excellence Awards 2016 This new jewellery factory was the first project in which Open Project used BIM as a method for integrated design, and was a strongly positive experience that forced us to measure ourselves against the most innovative technologies. It enabled us to raise our sights and to set objectives that look to the future of the construction sector. We also reused BIM in later projects, again with positive outcomes. By modifying the size of each

project and its programme of functions, in every case BIM proved to be the approach that delivered the best performance. Moreover, we are able to re-use much of our earlier work setting our own standards, which further increased the return on our investment.

Manifattura BVLGARI See also the animation: https://youtu.be/yOM63UnKyeI

September 2014 - March 2015 Valenza (AL), Italy




W i n n e r BIM&Digital Award Italia 2018 The case study is the “Guercino” Art Gallery of Cento (FE). Open Project srl has dealt with the executive design relating to the restoration and seismic improvement of the building, seriously damaged by the seismic events of May 2012. The adoption of generative grammars for the realization of the elements “vault” considerably reduced the time for the realization of the components and to automatically extract any type of

geometric information. Once the generative grammar was created, it was possible to obtain elements that differed even by a few centimeters without requiring a particular ability in the use of the software by the end user. Regarding the identification of interventions on masonry, there was a drastic reduction in the time necessary for the graphing and the computation of the interventions.


January-March 2018 Cento (FE), Italy





In 2017 Open Project was selected as local architect for design and supervision of several discount stores in Emilia Romagna. The BIM Manager used BIMcloud palform for Graphisoft Archicad to coordinate the projects between Italy and Austria. The As-Built was delivered at LOD 400 with architectural, structural and MEP IFC model according


to the BIM Execution Plan writed with the client.

January 2017 - January 2019 Emilia Romagna, Italy



April-May 2015 Torino, Italy


Client: Bonfiglioli S.p.a. Typology: Headquarters and factory Site: Calderara di Reno (BO), Italy Area: 50.000 sqm



January 2017 - January 2019 Emilia Romagna, Italy





January 2016 - March 2016 Masdar City, UAE













spring equinox 20 March

summer solstice 21 June

autumn equinox 22 September

winter solstice 21 December


L’estetica delle facciate è stata gestita grazie all’utilizzo di strumenti di visual scripting: i pannelli della facciata continua in Autodesk Revit sono stati randomizzati in maniera controllata con un algoritmo di Dynamo. In questo modo si è potuto scegliere la randomizzazione più gradevole che comunque rispettasse il limite massimo del 25% della facciata chiusa per considerarsi un autosilo aperto. Contemporanea-


mente, con lo strumento Light Analysis for Revit, si è attuato anche uno studio solare per definire gli orientamenti dei frangisole più performanti. See also the tutorial: https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/revit-products/learn-explore/caas/screencast/Main/ Details/437f96b5-932f-4062-869b-3855b73a4d61.html June 2017 - October 2017 Milano, Italy



Client: The Student Hotel Typology: Building refurbishment with change of use and enlargement Area: 23.000 sqm


The Student Hotel

March 2016 - May 2017 Bologna, Italy





Carleton Immersive Media Studio (CIMS) is a Carleton University research centre dedicated to the advanced study of innovative, hybrid forms of representation that can both reveal the invisible measures of architecture and animate the visible world of construction. We are committed to exploring and developing innovative symbiotic relationships between the digital and fabricated 2D and 3D modes of representation.

My work at CIMS is presently focused on the CDMICA Project which consists of building on a record of collaborative research in the fields of heritage conservation, and documentation and digital archiving. Specifically, he is involved in the recording of Canadian built heritage and translating it into a 3D model using Building Information Modelling (BIM).


April-September 2012 Ottawa, ON, Canada



Pilot project for the use of a BIM workflow for the design of a detached villa in cross laminated timber with high energy efficiency. Were created custom parametric families like windows, doors, beams and joists to get to a 3D model that reflects the building actually constructed. I joined the Work Management during the construction phases.

Modeling with Revit 2014 Rendering with Revit 2014


February 2014 Brescia, Italy for Armalab s.r.l.


The workshop was a design experience integrated from concept to construction, through the use of parametric software and optimization processes as a function of environmental benchmarks. We focused on the definition of casing - made up ​​ of facade panels wooden slats - optimizing surfaces and porosity according to the instructions of LEED credits on radiation and daylight. The methodology PED (Parametric Environment Design) is applied here in a concrete and operational.

Form Finding with Rhinoceros 5 & Grasshopper (Kangaroo, Ladybug, Honeybee, Radiance) Solar Analysis with Ladybug 3D Modeling with Allplan Rendering with 3ds Max Design 2014 & Vray Editing with Photoshop & Illustrator & InDesign


June 2014 Feltre (BL), Italy at Master Processi Costruttivi Sostenibili (Università IUAV di Venezia) with Federica Fortunato Ivan Cincotta Emanuele Calabrò Graziella Scavo Silvia Merlo Tommaso Miti










After the succesfull experience of BIOSPHERA that was presented at MADEexpo 2012 in Milan, ZEPHIR - PASSIVHAUS ITALIA with Armalab s.r.l. decide to repeat it and bring to perfection the design for a prototype of a micro-passivhaus that can be easly transported with a truck. The mission is sensibilise the italian customers and the monitoring the energetic performances and the quality of air and life inside a passivhaus in extremly cold and hot clima.

Modeling with Rhinoceros 5.0 & Grasshopper | Solar Analysis with Ecotect 2010 Rendering with 3ds Max Design 2014 & Vray | Editing with Photoshop Passivhaus certification with PHPP 8


See also the animation: https://vimeo.com/130743444

April 2014 Trento, Italy for ZEPHIR- PASSIVHAUS ITALIA and Armalab s.r.l.


Version 01

Version 02

Version 03

Version 04


Design of a villa for three families. The location is a little space inside an hairpin bend that is used for build the maximum surface possible. The openings are heading south to watch the Lake Lugano and sized according to the passivhaus standard.

Modeling with Revit 2014 Rendering with 3ds Max Design 2014 & Vray Editing with Photoshop


December 2013 Lugano, Switzerland for Armalab s.r.l.


Abbiamo ripensato l’Enoteca Regionale dell’Emilia Romagna in una chiave culturale. Il percorso al suo interno come una visita ad una biblioteca o un museo. Abbiamo inserito una cortina di espositori luminosi in acciaio corten sospesa che guida il percorso lungo le gallerie. Le pareti diventano il luogo su cui si proiettano librerie multimediali, la visita può essere arricchita di approfondimenti fatti tramite QR-code con smartphone o tablet.

Modeling with Rhinoceros 5.0 Rendering with 3ds Max Design 2014 & Vray Editing with Photoshop


October 2013 Rocca di Dozza (Imola), Italy for ALBA progetti


This project by 2045 architetti and Luca Ladinetti architetto is a new church for the little parish “Le Mura San Carlo� of San Lazzaro di Savena, Bologna. The concept is to start from the archetype of church and add the idea of welcoming to all brothers and sisters. The four surfaces of the church are like doors ajar for the faithfull that wants to enter. There is a long cut that divides the church in two different parts, this is a reference to the veil of the temple that is torn in two when

Jesus dies and welcomes St. Dismas, the good thief, in the kingdom of heaven. I did the 3D model with Autodesk Revit and rendering with Autodesk 3ds Max, this model was helpful to make some important decision like the use of natural light and the position of openings. Finally the study of the solar light was fundamental to understand how much thin do the cut and where put the altar.


October 2012 - April 2013 San Lazzaro di Savena (BO), Italy



Thesis design of a catholic church at Ottawa. In the lot where the church of Saint Charles (135 Barrette Street, Ottawa, Canada) on Beechwood Avenue I have designed the new church with the adjoining parish buildings. Through a careful analysis of the site I have identified special historical, landscape and social-cultural features of the former church and in the new project I enhanced the strengths of the previous building and I have integrated it with a contemporary architecture. The

sacred architecture has been developed with reference to the archetype of the tent that is, from the beginning of Christian salvation history, the temple in which God reveals himself and in which it is present among men: “And the Word became flesh and pitched his tent among us“ (John 1,14).

stretching the Sky See also the animation: https://vimeo.com/64026178

March 2013 Bologna, Italy




Shipbuilding industry has been hardly struck by crisis: while great arsenals are in distress, medium and small ones ceased to work time ago. Which future to imagine for such areas? This is the challenge YAC proposes designers. The competition “Smart Harbor” invites to redesign an old dismissed harbor area in a play-area that can take advantage of the particular situation between the sea and the city. The aim is to offer tourists and citizens a modern and appealing wellness

and entertainment centre. ReCycle Harbor is an answer of this question: why convert an area while the same function could be a source of job? The simple transformation from a shipbuilding to shipbreaking can be the solution. The harbor can be a new recycle neighbourhood with linear park, restaurants, laboratories, workshops all feeded by a sustainable cycle, using the “cradle to cradle” philosophy.

ReCycle Harbor

finalist project

Young Architects Competitions

June 2013 Pesaro, Italy


The competition “CONTANIMA - Outside the Box_Low and High Technologies for the Emergencies� is focused on identifying design ideas for resolving various problems in emergency situations. The Box is a small temporary structure capable of offering various services: a small space for work, a centre of organisation and meetings for governments or other bodies dealing with and managing an emergency.


A fundamental role in the elaboration of the design proposal must be entrusted to technology, whether low- or high-tech. The challenge launched by the Competition is also that of uniting two unavoidable aspects of contemporary design: sustainability and parametric design. See also the animation: https://vimeo.com/39394082 finalist project CONTANIMA

January 2012 Bologna, Italy


Project for the examination of the course of “Architecture and architectural composition 3�, Faculty of Engineering / Architecture, University of Bologna. The complex is located in traffic roundabout Grazia Verenin of Bologna. It consists of a covered square with an information point for tourists, a restaurant, a viewing tower, a bike rental, a picnic area, a pedestrian and cycle bridge.


Modeling with Rhinoceros 4.0 & Grasshopper Rendering with 3ds Max Design 2012 & Mental Ray Editing with Photoshop, Lightroom, After Effects CS5 See also the animation: http://vimeo.com/26760320 July 2011 Bologna, Italy







International competition for design a treehouse for a tropical island resort. The competition is simple: To design the perfect structure in the perfect place where everything you need is acessible. a challenge to reveal a remarkable abilty to form images and ideas of things never directly experienced in day-to-day life. Here also is a celebration of the creative process. Very few of the typical restrictions will hamper the schemes and dreams of the architects,Artists and designers, allowing for an unusual level of freedom: the structure has to be stabilized in coconut palm trees

well above ground, few if any walls are required. no heat or cooling mechanisms are necessary, and there are no building codes to adhere to. These high tec low cost treehouse structures will allow the world a glimpse into an architectural future that is deeply respectful of the environment, a current trend that will one day truly become the standard in building design. Modeling with Rhinoceros 4.0 & Grasshopper. Rendering with 3ds Max Design 2012 & Mental Ray.


finalist project Young Italian Architects

August 2011 Bologna, Italy with Five Core




Workshop for students at the University of Bologna held by prof. Alessio Erioli (http://www.co-de-it.com/). Project for a playground inside Bologna’s Public Library. With the use of Processing I simulated the movement of a swarm within a physical environment consisting of cubes, nets and wires. A ball moves in the room by removing the objects it encoun-

ters. Once created the necessary paths for the use of the playground, the system was frozen and exported to Rhinoceros for final editing and animation. See also the animation: http://vimeo.com/24716487


May 2011 Bologna, Italy


Workshop for students at the University of Bologna held by prof. Alessio Erioli (http://www.co-de-it.com/). Project for a noise barrier for the Highway near Bologna.


Study of the surrounding ecosystems for a responsive design. Drawings fully parameterized with Rhino & Grasshopper. April 2011 . Bologna, Italy


Workshop for students at the University of Bologna held by prof. Alessio Erioli (http://www.co-de-it.com/). Experiments to acquire manual skills with 3ds Max Design 2011 used in a parametric way.

Project for a Folly fully parametric in a public park in Bologna.


March 2011 Bologna, Italy



3D modeling, rendering and light analysis for the exam of Modellazione Virtuale per l’Architettura/ Virtual Modeling for Architecture. See also the animation: http://vimeo.com/19546488

January 2011 Bologna, Italy


In summer ‘10 with the collaboration of Architect Alessandro Gatti, the non-profit association Masc of Mantua and the vincentian missionary Father Eugenio Schenato, I went to Mahasoa, a small village near Ihosy, in south-center of Madagascar. While I was there I tried to get close to the reality of that land and to understand their construction techniques. I finally developed an urban masterplan that includes the mission school, an hospital, convents and gardens. My main task

was to finalize the village church designed by Father Eugenio, and in particular I was involved in fundraising, executive design project, delimitation of the construction site and rendering. See also the animation: http://vimeo.com/14762798

August 2010 Mahasoa, Madagascar with Masc ONLUS, Matteo Cominetti



In 2009 the University of Bologna selected its top students for a 5 days workshop at Saienergia in collaboration with the magazine “Ottagono”. The theme of the workshop was “The future of the built environment”, with a particular eye at the ’80 popular residential towers in Bologna’s sub-

urbs. After a careful analysis and lots of interviews with residents, we proposed an aesthetic and energetic improvement through the use of renewable energy, increasing thermal insulation, solar greenhouses and forced ventilation.


October 2009 Bologna, Italy


TIn cooperation with the City of Formigine (MO), the issue concerned the definition of a new centrality, public space for Casinalbo (fraction of Formigine). The targets: the relationship with the existing fabric, the design for bands (Via Giardini, rail and residence); hypothesis of enhancement of green home built with commercial activities; converting the ex-former “sausage Maletti� into the Museum of salami. The Five Core agree to develop urban design from the initial idea to create a central role not static but in motion! To achieve this the focus of the project is the creation of a joint home shopping street that runs through the project area, from which you can then access the residential area, public park enhanced by the presence of a library, and the new square in front of Maletti former sausage factory, in continuity with the existing central courtyard of the church. Another target

was the dominant design for the identification of bands enriched a small stream that follows the route of an ancient river now partially buried. From masterplan was then passed to the specific study of two buildings facing the street, investigating the architectural quality and functional mix of residence, commercial and public services. Particular attention was paid to the passive design strategies for saving energy (solar radiation and summer shade). See also the animation: http://vimeo.com/17285325

June 2009 Bologna, Italy with Five Core





Architect Mario Bioni Zuzi (UXA), Supervisor at the Laboratory of Architecture and Architectural Composition I, decided to entrust us with the rendering of a project he was working on. It is the design solution for a dwelling in Modena’s countryside.


June 2008 Modena’s countryside, Italy with Five Core


First project for Five Core group. We were asked to design a building in a residential context, given the different design parameters (structural mesh, maximum height, housing requirements, minimum distances, etc.). Five Core opted for a reinterpretation of the rationalist style in a modern way. The building is characterized by a clear distinction between the street front (more chaotic, like the city itself) and the back facade facing the garden (simpler and linear to create a more familiar and relaxing environment). The House is divided into 5 luxury apartments (of which 3 are double height), a terrace/

solarium on the roof, hall, underground parking and shops on the ground floor. Different solutions were studied for the internal distribution and furnishing. Materials are plastered masonry (white) and reinforced concrete walls. See also the animation: http://vimeo.com/15133459


June 2008 Bologna, Italy with Five Core







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