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Weekly Bulletins… Just for Kids!
A weekly bulletin for the children in your assembly, school, or religious education program…
• provides liturgical catechesis for the whole community.
• introduces Catholic traditions and practices to younger members of the assembly.
• encourages prayer and scripture study in the home, the domestic church.
• invites children and adults into the richness of Catholic liturgical life.
Catholic Corner® Children’s Bulletins (in English)
• 4 pages per issue
• 8-1/2 x 11 inch size
• Every Sunday includes a craft, activity or introduction to a Catholic song, custom, prayer or tradition, two Lectionary-based Scripture activities, and a coloring page.

• Save the time and inconvenience of extra printing and photocopying
• Quality full-color bulletins delivered to your church or school.
(Must be ordered in multiples of 25)
Full Year
• Receive 53 different issues per year
Somos Católicos: Los Boletines para Niños (in Spanish)
• 2 pages per issue
• 8 ½ x 11 inch size
• Incorporates a wide range of people’s experiences, particularly those of Hispanic cultures
• Save money by printing and copying the bulletins you need each week.
• No waiting for bulletins to arrive by mail, no shipping costs
School/Program Year
• Subscriptions can be tailored to your school or religious education program schedules.